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Severyn Pejsachowicz Collection
Tapes of Jewish Radio Hour 6th June 1976 –1996
1. Gabman Records songs. 2. Roshe Hillel songs 3. Yael Kay. Yiddish and Hebrew songs. 4. Hassidic Song Festival. June 26, 1978. 5. Rivka Ben Yehuda (English-Hebrew) 17/6/79. 6. Devarim. Druze. 7. Mahylda Engelman. 8. Mahylda Engelman. 9. Dora Hary recitations-Yiddish. 10. Pope John Paul visit to Auschwitz. 11. Katz- Part 1. 12. Kishon in English. Peace Day. 29/11/78. 13. Prof. Many M. D.A. 14. Moshe Pianko. 15. Purim . 1979? 16. Recitations-Warsaw Ghetto. 17. Genesis 1(Yiddish) 18. Hazonot (Yiddish). 19. 23 Yiddish
24 Parashat Noah(Yiddish). 25. David Geller, American Jewish Committee (circular reels)
1. 6/6/76. First Jewish Radio Hour 2. No 3. 3. No 4.
4. 11/7/76 No5 5. No 7. Hertzl/Bialik 6. 24/7/76/ 7. No 12.
8. 8/876 9. 15/8/76 10. 11 /8/76 11. 29/8 76. 12.
13. 5/9/76. 14. 12.9/76. 15. 19/9/76. Rosh Hashanah.
19 7/11/76 20. 14/1176 21. 21.11.76 22. 28/11/76.
23. 5/12/76. 24.12/12/776. 25. 18/12/76. 26. 26/6/76.
1. 2/1/77. 2. 9/1/77. 3. 91/177. 4. 16-17/1/77. 5. 23/1.77. 6. 30/1/77.
7. 6/2/77. 8. 13/2/77. Israeli Soccer Maccabi Team in Sydney. 9. 27-28/2/77. Purim.
10. 6/3/77. 11. 13-14/3/77. 12. 20/3/77. 13. 20 -21/3/77. 14. 27-28/3/77.
15. 3-4/4/77. 16. 10-11/4/77. Ghetto. 17. 10/4/77. Ghetto Programme. 18. 17-18/4/77. 19. 24-25.4.77.
1-2/5/77. 21. 8/5.77. 22. 9/5/77. 23. 15/5/77. Jerusalem. 24. 16/5/77. 25. 22/5/77. 26. 29-30/5/77.
27. 5/6/6/77. 28. 12-13/6/77. 29. 19/6/77. 30. 26-27.6/77.
31. 3/7/77. 32. 10/7/77. 33. 17-18.7/77. 34. 24-25/7/77. 35. 24-25/7/77.
37. 7/8/77. 38. 14/8/77. 39. 21/8/77. 40. 28/8/77. 41. 29/8/77.
42. 4/9/77. 43. 5/9/77. 44, 11/9/77. 45. 12/9/77. 46. 18/9/77. 46b. 19/19/77. 47. 25/9/77. 48. 26/9/77.
49. 3/10/77. 50. 3/10/77. 51. 9/10/77. 52. 10/10/77. 53. 13/10/77. 54. 16/10/77. 55. 17/10.77. 56. 21.10/77. 57.23/10/77. 58. 24/10/77. 59. 30/10/77. 60. 30/10/77.
61. 6/11/77. 62. 7/11/77. 63. 7/11/77. 64. 13/11/77. 65. 14/11/77. 66. 20/11/77. 67. 21/11/77. 68. 27/11/77. 69. 28/11/77.
70. 4/12/77. 71. 4/12/77. 72. 11/12/77. 73. 12/12/77. 74. 18/12.77. 75. 19/12.77.
1. 29/1/78. 2.- 4. Side B. Songs of Peace.
5. 5-6/2/78. Side A. Yiddish. English news summary. News in Hebrew. Israeli jazz. Side b. Yiddish. English news summary. Hebrew songs. John Athernan. 6. 19/2/78. Side A. Yiddish. Side B. English news. Finish. Christian Moshav-Yad Hashmona 7. 20/2/78. Repeat of 6. Hebrew songs. 8. 26/2/78. A. Opening of new B’nai B’rith one million dollar complex in Yurong Street, Sydney. Side B. Hebrew . Israeli painter Rahel Timor.
10. 5/3/78. 11. 6/3/78. 13. 13/3/78. 14. 19/3/78. 15. 20/3/78. Purim. 16. 20/3/78. Purim.
17. 9/4.78. 18. 10/4/78. 19. 16/4/78. 20. 17/4/78. 21. 23.4.78. Ghetto. 22. 24/4/78. 23. 30/4/78. 24. 30/4/78. Ghetto.
25. 7-8/5/78. 30th Anniversary. English. 26. 7/5/78. 30 years of Israel. 27. 7/5/78. 30 years of Israel. 28. 7/5/78. 30 years of Israel. 29. 7/5/78. 30 years of Israel.
30. 8/5/78 30 years of Israel. 31. 8/5/78. 30 years of Israel. 32. 14-15/5/78. 33. 15/5/78. 34. 21/5/78. 35. 22/5/78. 36. 28/5/78. 37. 29/5/78.
38. 4/6/78. 38a. 5/6/78. 39. 11/6.78. 40. 18/6/78. 41. 18/6/78. 42. 19/6/78. 43. 19/6/78. 44. 26/6/78. 45. 2/7/78. 46. 3/7/78. 47. 4/7/78. 48. 10/7/78. 49. 16/7/78. 50. 17/7/78. 51. 23/7/78. Brezniak. 52. 23/7/78. Brezniak/Bialik. 53. 24/7/78. 54. 30/7/78. 55. 31/7/78.
56. 6/8/78. 57. 7/8/78. 58. 13/8/78. 59. 14/8/78. 60. 23/8/78. 61. 28/8/78.
64. 13/10/78. 65. 15/10/78. 66. 16/10/78. 67. 22/10/78.
3. 2/3/79. Sholem Aleichem. By S Kahan. 4. 28/3/79. Sevorin.
5. 2/4/79. 6. 8/4/79. Pesach Sound. 7. 22/4/79. Ghetto. 7a. cont. 8. 24/4/79. 9. 27/4/79.
10. 6/5/79. 11. 20/5/79. Jerusalem Programme. 11.b. 20/5/79. 12. 27/5/79.
19a. 2/9/79. 19b. 19/9/79. 19. 30/9/79. Yom Kippour.
20. 14/10/79. 20a. 17/10/79. 21. 24/10/79.
21. 5/11/79. 22. 7/11/79. Box 2. 1979. 24. 21/11/79. Recitation Warsaw Ghetto
26. 2/12/79 (Wed). 27. 5/12/79 (Wed). 28. 9/12/79. 29. 16/12/79. 30. 28/12/79.
31. Dr Fraser. 2. Friday Programme. 33. Friday. 34. Friday. 35. Fifth National congress on Sociology. 36. Highlights from Goldmark “Queen of Sheba.” 37. Jewish Life of yesterday. 2 Programmes. 38. Edward K .Koch in Brodacast interview in Washington. 39. General Narkiss. 40 Sunday Programme. 41. Dan Shuftman. 42. Press Conference (Jerusalem), 43, E. Pisar. 44. E. Pisar. 45. Interview. Pisar. 47. B’nai Brith. Pisar. 48. Songs (Yiddish), 49. Teaching the Holocaust. Survivor interviews. 50. Visit of Israel. Programme 2. Unmarked. Probably 1979. Box 3. Nos 51-69.
Reel Tape Box No
Box 1 Contents
2EA Radio tapes: . 1. Dr Massino Seintraub.
#23 Present Tense Sept 7th, 14.30 –full English programme .
From marker to marker $29 Jewish Viewpoint 30/11/79
. #26 Present Tense Making of a Rabbi (for release 8/24/79
. #27 Jewish viewpoint. Discussing Jewish Education for release 9/7/7,
About Sinai, the Bedouins etc. Dec 28, 1979
$22 Jewish Viewpoint for release 29/6.79
#28 Present Tense. Interview of new English language Israeli quarterly. For
#26. Present Tense. Children of Holocaust 5/10.79.
$24 Jewish Viewpoint for release 27/7/79
#9 Jewish viewpoint . for release 5/18/79. Broadcast Monday
#25 Jewish ?viewpoint for release 8/10/79 (NO). Probably not
#28 Jewish viewpoint for release 9/21/79. Broadcast 7/12/79.
Jan11, 1980. discussion on energy and its conservation.
13/3/85,. Vistas of Israel. Songs for Holocaust Day.
21/3/85Vistas of Israel. Songs for Remembrance Day.
4/5/86 Vistas of Israel. Songs for Lag B’Omer
14/5/86 Vistas of Israel. Songs for Lag B’Omer
Ulpan of the Air 6/11/84 and 26/2/86 Radio
Ulpan of the Air 25/3/86 lessons 10, 11, 12, 13
Ulpan of the Air 23/1/84 Lessons 1,2,3, ,4 and 5
Ulpan of the Air 23/1/84 Lessons 6.7,8,9
Ulpan of the Air 23/1/84 Lessons 16 and 17
Ulpan of the Air 23/1/84 Lessons 18,19,20.
Audio tapes Box 2
Tanenbaum, American Jewish Committee.Cambodia:
18/6/86 . Vistas of Israel. Israel Broadcasting Authority
Golden Peacock Program 1. Introduction-Moishe Rosenfeld, Maida,
Golden Peacok – Program 5, “Recruits” Maida, Emil Gorovets, Zalmen
Golden Peacok- Program 6-“ Love and courting songs”- Maida, Emil
Golden Peacok- Program 7. “ Wedding Songs” – Maida, David Carey,
Golden Peacok- final program” songs of America”- Maida, David Carey,
9/4/95 -Jews in Israel. Jewish folk Centre
Echa Z Rodzinnych Stron Echoes of My Homeland (Poland)
2/12/99 Encounter. The future of remembering the Holocaust
Mr Severyn Pejsachowicz interview (cont0 Tape 7
23/10/90 Rabbi Apple in the Folk Centre Presentation of paintingSholem
21/5/96 Mandelbaum dinner: Talks by Derek Anderson-Vice Chancellor
Nate Zusman, President Jewish folk Centre
Chaim Opperman’s free translation of Ajzenbud’s – 50 Yrs Jewish Folk
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Lauren Herr 1148 Jaland Ct, San Jose, CA 95120 • 408.691.0079 • EDUCATION Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA Fall 2009-Spring 2013 Major in Media Production; Minor in Multimedia Design Graduated April 2013 Activities: On-Air Graphics Designer and Operator for weekly live news television show, Newswaves32 (2012-2013), Fashion Bl
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