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Molecular Ecology (2008) 17, 1238–1247 Recombination and genetic differentiation among natural populations of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake from southwestern China
J I A N P I N G X U ,*†‡ TA O S H A ,† YA N - C H U N L I ,* Z H I - W E I Z H A O † and Z H U L . YA N G **Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, Yunnan 650204, China, †Laboratory for the Conservation and Utilization of Biological Resources, Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan 650091, China, ‡Center for Environmental Genomics, Department of Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1Abstract Effective conservation and utilization strategies for natural biological resources require a clear understanding of the natural populations of the target organisms. Tricholoma matsutake is an ectomycorrhizal mushroom that forms symbiotic associations with plants and plays an important ecological role in natural forest ecosystems in many parts of the world. It is also an economically very important gourmet mushroom. Because no artificial cultivation is available, natural populations of this species are under increasing threats, primarily from habitat disturbance and destruction. Despite its economical and ecological importance, little is known about its genetics and population biology. Here, using 14 polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism markers, we analysed 154 strains from 17 geographical locations in southwestern China, a region where over 25% of the global T. matsutake harvest comes from. Our results revealed abundant genetic variation within individual populations. The analyses of gene and genotype frequencies within populations indicated that most loci did not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in most populations and that alleles among loci were in linkage equilibrium in the majority of the local populations. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual reproduction and recombination play an important role in natural populations of this species. Our analyses indicated low but significant genetic differentiation among the geographical populations, with a significant positive correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. We discuss the implications of our results to the ecology and resource management of this species. Keywords: biodiversity, conservation, fungi, matsutake mushroom, PCR-RFLP, SNP
Received 2 September 2007; revision received 3 November 2007; accepted 2 December 2007
around the roots help plants obtaining essential phosphate
and minerals from the soil. The mycorrhizae not only help
Fungi play pivotal roles in human and animal health,
plants grow but also contribute to plants’ disease resistance
agriculture, biotechnology, and forestry. They are essential
and drought tolerance (Brundrett 2004). Based on their
components of all natural terrestrial ecosystems. In forest
structural associations, mycorrhizae are divided into two
ecosystems, fungi are commonly found as decomposers on
groups, endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. Almost
forest floors, as commensal endophytes or pathogens on
all tree species form ectomycorrhizal associations with
plant stems, roots, leaves or fruits, and in or on plant roots
fungi that belong to divisions Zygomycota, Ascomycota,
as symbionts. The symbiotic association between fungi and
or Basidiomycota (Brundrett 2004). Among species in
plant roots is called mycorrhizae. The fungal mycelia
Basidiomycota that form ectomycorrhizal associationswith plant roots, many produce mushrooms that are collected
Correspondence: Jianping Xu, Fax: 1-905-522-6066;
as sources of exotic and highly prized food for humans
Journal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
P O P U L AT I O N S T R U C T U R E O F T. M AT S U TA K E 1239 Tricholoma matsutake is an ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete
differentiation among geographical populations, individual
that produces economically important edible mushrooms
populations may need to be managed and conserved
commonly known as ‘matsutake’. It is predominantly
separately. At present, evidence for sexual reproduction in
associated with pine forests in the Northern Hemisphere
a local population of T. matsutake has been reported in Japan
but has been found to be associated with oaks and other tree
(Lian et al. 2006). However, the prevalence of sexual
species in southwestern China (Nakayama & Nakanishi
reproduction in other populations of T. matsutake is unknown.
2004). Though morphologically indistinguishable, the
Furthermore, very little is known about the relationships
difference in their associated dominant host tree species
between geographical populations, either in Japan or
has been used as an ecological parameter to separate the
elsewhere. Only one study has examined the relationship
matsutake mushrooms from southwestern China into
between genetic distance and geographical distances in
two closely related species, T. matsutake and TricholomaT. matsutake (Chapela & Garbelotto 2004). In this study, seven
quercicola (Zang 1990) (synonym T. zangii Z.M. Cao et al.
strains of T. matsutake, three from China and one each
(2003), corresponding to forest habitats dominated by
from Korea, Japan, France, and Morocco, were examined.
pines and alpine oaks, respectively. Closely related species
A significant positive correlation was found between their
that produce fruiting bodies similar to T. matsutake exist in
genetic dissimilarity based on genotypes identified using
many parts of North Africa, North America, Central America,
amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and their
South America, as well as Europe and Asia (Redhead 1997).
geographical distances. A similar correlation was found in
These are all collectively traded under the name matsutake.
two species closely related to T. matsutake, Tricholoma caligatum
Among the global markets, Japan is by far the most
and Tricholoma magnivelare, using five and six strains from
important in terms of consumption. However, in the past
diverse geographical locations, respectively (Chapela &
century, because of deforestation and infestation by the
pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), the host
Since the 1980s, molecular markers have become
plant populations of T. matsutake, Pinus densiflora, declined
increasingly important tools for studying a variety of
rapidly in Japan (Gill et al. 2000; Wang & Hall 2004). As a
biological properties and processes such as recombination
result, the annual harvest of T. matsutake in Japan has been
and population structuring (Xu 2006a). Among the many
much lower than it used to be in the early 20th century. In
types of markers that have been developed, single nucleotide
Europe, significant declines in ectomycorrhizal mushrooms,
polymorphisms (SNPs) are among the fastest developing
including species in the genus Tricholoma such as T. matsutake,
category in biomedical and biological research. Though
have also been observed in many natural forest ecosystems
with its own caveats such as ascertainment bias (Morin et al.
(e.g. Arnolds 1991). Because artificial cultivation has not been
2004), SNPs are the most frequently observed differences
developed for any of the matsutake mushrooms, including
between DNA sequences obtained from different individuals
T. matsutake, to satisfy its domestic demand, Japan imports
or between alleles from within the same individual in diploid
about 3000 tons of matsutake annually, mostly from Pacific
or higher ploidy organisms. In addition, SNPs have several
North America, Korea and China. The commercial demands
properties such as a relatively low mutation rate and the
from Japan have subsequently placed serious pressure on
ease of scoring and sharing data that make them highly
natural populations of this species elsewhere, especially in
desirable for a variety of biological analyses (Brumfield et al.
southwestern China where up to a third of the Japanese
2003; Xu 2006a). Recently, we reported the identification of
imports come from. Indeed, the regions around Kunming,
178 SNPs for T. matsutake (Xu et al. 2007). Some of these
the provincial capital of Yunnan Province in southwestern
SNPs were further distinguished using simple polymerase
China, once produced significant amounts of the matsutake
chain reaction (PCR) followed by digestions using specific
mushroom over two decades ago but are now producing
restriction enzymes to generate restriction fragment length
very little or none. As a result, understanding and conserving
polymorphisms (RFLP). Here, using 14 PCR–RFLP markers
the natural populations of this mushroom have attracted
developed previously based on the analysis of two strains,
significant attention in recent years from both government
we genotyped 154 strains from 17 geographical regions
agencies and nongovernment conservation organizations.
from southwestern China. Our results indicate that sexual
Effective conservation and management strategies for any
reproduction and recombination are prevalent in these
natural biological resources require a clear understanding
populations and that there is limited but significant genetic
of how the organisms reproduce in nature and how popu-
differentiation among these geographical populations.
lations from different regions are related. For example, if
However, we identified little genetic difference between
sexual reproduction and recombination are common and
samples obtained from the two different forest ecosystems,
important in a natural population, maintaining a set of
one dominated by pines and the other by alpine oaks and
mature mushrooms and their associated sexual spores
shrubs. The implications of these results in the taxonomy,
will be important for its subsequent reproduction and
conservation and sustainable utilization of T. matsutake
survival in nature. In addition, if there is significant genetic
2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1240 J . - P. X U E T A L . Table 1 Populations of Tricholoma matsutake
China and their physical geographicalinformation
While the detailed spatial maps of the fruiting bodies at
Materials and methods
the sampled geographical areas were not recorded, we havenoted that none of the mushrooms we collected were
clustered within 2 m of each other and that within each
The isolates used in this study were collected in Yunnan and
sampled population, the mushrooms were typically dis-
Sichuan Provinces in southwestern China. A total of 154
tributed from about 15 m of each other to as far as about
mushrooms were collected from 17 geographical locations.
2 km from each other. The sampling distance was not
One location was in Baiyu County in western Sichuan
subjectively imposed but was rather due to the rarity of
Province that borders Tibet. The remaining 16 populations
fruiting of this species at any given time and the difficulty
were from various regions in Yunnan Province, from Luliang
in finding the mushrooms in their native habitats. Indeed,
in the east to Deqin in the northwest. The sample size and
within each of our sampled areas, all matsutake mushrooms
geographical coordinates for each population are presented
we identified during our foray were collected. Because of
in Table 1. The altitudes for all 17 populations are also given
their habit of producing fruiting bodies buried in the soil or
in Table 1. Our sampled regions spanned an area about
the litter layer, matsutake mushrooms are difficult to find.
950 km from south to north and 650 km from east to west
As a result, it took us 6 years (2000–2006) of persistent effort
with an altitude span of almost 2000 m, from 1540 m above
to assemble this collection of 154 mushrooms from the 17
sea level in Longling to 3400 m in Deqin. All population
geographical regions. In several regions (Longling, Luliang,
samples were collected from mixed forests consisting of
Luquan, and Yongping), aside from some initial successes,
pines, alpine oak, and a variety of shrubs. The sampled
we failed to obtain any additional mushrooms despite
forests in northwestern Yunnan (Deqin, Weixi, Shangri-La,
repeated field trips. As reported by the local residents, these
and Lijiang) and Baiyu (Sichuan) were dominated by alpine
areas now produce very little or no matsutake mushrooms.
oaks and shrubs. In contrast, those in other sampled regions
While only two and three isolates were obtained from
in Yunnan (Lanping, Longling, Yongping, Jianchua, Lincang,
Longling and Luliang, they were the only ones we were
Nanhua, Lufeng, Chuxiong, Luquan, Yimen, Luliang, and
able to obtain and were thus included here for analyses
Ailaoshan) were dominated by pine trees. The sampled area
contributes over 25% of the Tricholoma matsutake mushroomsharvested globally each year. Isolates of T. matsutake were
identified based on their macro- and micromorphologicalcharacteristics and confirmed based on their sequences at
For each of the 154 strains, about 0.01 g tissues from the cap
the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal
of the dried mushroom were ground into a fine powder using
a blue tip in a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube. The remaining
Journal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
P O P U L AT I O N S T R U C T U R E O F T. M AT S U TA K E 1241
steps essentially followed those for extracting DNA from
at 37 °C or according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
live yeasts or from dried mushroom specimens (Xu et al.
PCR products and restriction digests were electrophoresed
1994, 2000), with slight modifications. The modifications
in 1.2% agarose in 1× TAE, stained with ethidium bromide,
were in the last steps. Briefly, after the DNA was washed
viewed by ultraviolet transillumination, and scored as
with 70% ethanol and air-dried, they were re-suspended in
codominant markers (Xu et al. 1999).
100 μL of Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer. The DNA was then cleanedusing the commercial GeneClean III kit BIO101 (Qbiogene)
following the supplier’s instructions. The final DNA wassuspended in 50 μL TE buffer and stored at –20 °C. By
Our genetic analyses were performed for both within
this method, 0.01 g of dried mushroom tissues yielded
individual populations as well as among populations. In
addition, the genetic distances among populations werecompared to physical distances among geographical regionsas well as their altitudinal differences to examine the potential
relationships between genetic distances and geographical
Before the genotyping experiment using the restriction
parameters. The specific analyses conducted here are
site polymorphic markers based on single nucleotide
polymorphisms identified earlier in Xu et al. (2007), wesequenced a random set of strains at their nuclear ITS of the
Analysis of genetic variation within populations. For the analysis
ribosomal RNA gene cluster using conserved primers ITS1
of the within-population genetic variation, we calculated
and ITS4 following a protocol described previously (Wang
the genotype diversity and analysed the associations of
et al. 2007). The ITS sequencing was carried out both to
alleles within the same locus as well as between loci for each
confirm their species identification and to reveal potential
of the 17 populations. Here, genotype diversity refers to the
sequence variation among isolates at this genomic region,
probability that any two individuals drawn randomly from
especially strains from different forest types and geographical
the population will have a different multilocus genotype
regions. In total, 34 isolates were analysed, with two isolates
from each of the 17 geographical populations.
To examine whether there is evidence for recombination
The genotypes of the isolates were obtained based on
in individual geographical populations, we used two
protocols described in Xu et al. (1999, 2007). A total of 14
population genetic measures, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
PCR–RFLP markers located on seven random DNA
(HWE) test and the index of association. These two measures
fragments were screened for the entire 154 isolates. The 14
assessed the association of alleles within or between loci.
PCR–RFLP markers used here were three more than the
The rationale for the inferences of recombination in these
original 11 presented in the Xu et al. (2007). The three
tests is that in a population with significant sexual repro-
additional markers were PCR fragment TmRC14 digested
duction and recombination, we should observe random
by the restriction enzyme HindIII, and PCR fragment
associations between alleles at the same locus or between
TmRC18 digested by restriction enzymes HinfI and BanII,
loci. This is because genes from different individuals are
respectively. Information about obtaining both fragments
mixed every time sexual reproduction occurs, generating
was described in Xu et al. (2007). These PCR–RFLP markers
random associations between alleles at the same locus and
were recently identified based on SNPs discovered through
between different loci (Xu 2006b). In diploid organisms with
the analyses of a shotgun genomic library and the sequence
codominant genotype data, the HWE test has been used to
comparisons among four alleles at 20 different loci in two
examine the associations of alleles within each locus.
mushrooms. For the genotyping, the DNA fragments that
Specifically, loci with genotype frequencies not significantly
contained SNPs detectable by restriction enzyme digests
different from those expected under the assumption of
were first amplified by PCR. Each PCR contained about
random mating are determined to be in HWE. The pre-
10 ng of DNA, 0.5 U Taq DNA polymerase, 1 μm each
dominance of loci in HWE indicates that recombination
primer, and 200 μm of each of the four deoxyribonucleotide
plays a significant role in the assayed population (Xu 2006b).
triphosphates in a total volume of 15 μL. The following PCR
The test for HWE was performed using the computer
conditions were used for all amplifications: 4 min at 95 °C,
program genalex version 6 (Peakall & Smouse 2006) for
followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at 50 °C, 45 s at
each of the 14 loci in 15 of the 17 populations where sample
72 °C, and finally 7 min at 72 °C. After confirmation of the
sizes are sufficiently large. The exceptions were Luliang and
PCR products by agarose gel electrophoresis, the fragments
were digested using the specific restriction enzyme. Typical
In the second test, we calculated the standard, most
restriction enzyme reactions consisted of 7-μL PCR product,
commonly used multilocus linkage disequilibrium called
1 U restriction enzyme, 1.5 μL 10× reaction buffer, and H O
the index of association I using the computer program
to a total volume of 15 μL. Reactions were incubated 2–3 h
multilocus (Agapow & Burt 2001). In this test, the observed
2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1242 J . - P. X U E T A L . Table 2 Patterns of genetic variation within geographical populations of Tricholoma matsutake
*Statistically different from the null hypothesis of random association at P < 0.05; † not analysed because of small sample size.
data were compared against the null hypothesis that alleles
Tests for genetic isolation by geographical distance or altitudinal
(or genotypes) from different loci were randomly associating
differences. The Mantel test was used to examine whether
with each other. If no or little sexual reproduction occurred,
there was evidence for genetic isolation by geographical
there would be significant association between alleles at
distance or by altitudes among our populations of T.
different loci due to clonal reproduction. In contrast, random
matsutake. Because detailed sporocarp–sporocarp distances
associations between alleles at different loci suggest recom-
were not collected for most of the isolates within each
bination (Xu 2006b). The formulae and inferences of statistical
geographical area, the potential genetic isolation by geo-
significance for this test can be found on the multilocus
graphical distance within individual populations could
program homepage (Agapow & Burt 2001).
not be assessed. Instead, our analyses focused on therelationships between populations. To this end, we conducted
Analyses of genetic variation between populations. The genetic
two separate Mantel tests. In the first Mantel test, the
differences between samples were quantified using the
pairwise Nei’s population genetic distances were calculated
phi-statistic through the analysis of molecular variance
based on gene frequency differences between populations
(amova). Phi-statistics is a modified version of Wright’s F
and were then compared to geographical distances between
that refers to the relative contributions of between-population
sampled populations. Our second Mantel test compared
separation to the overall genetic variation in the whole
Nei’s genetic distances with altitudinal differences between
sample. The greater the F values are, the greater the
populations. Both Mantel tests were conducted using the
differences between populations. The relative contributions
program genalex (Peakall & Smouse 2006).
of within-population genetic variation phiPT, between localpopulations within regions phiPR, and between regions
phiRT were calculated using the computer program genalex(Peakall & Smouse 2006). Here, the dominant host tree
Our ITS sequence results identified that all 34 sequenced
species were used to define two regional-level populations,
isolates had ITS sequences identical to each other and to the
one dominated by alpine oaks and shrubs and the other by
GenBank ITS sequence of the typical Tricholoma matsutake
pines. Within the regional population dominated by oaks
isolates from Japan, Korea, and China. In contrast, their ITS
and shrubs are five populations from Baiyu, Deqin, Weixi,
sequences were distinctly different from those in other
Shangri-La, and Lijiang. The other regional group includes
matsutake mushrooms such as Tricholoma bakamatsutake
and Tricholoma magnivelare. Unfortunately, no sequence
Journal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
P O P U L AT I O N S T R U C T U R E O F T. M AT S U TA K E 1243
information, including ITS sequence, is available in GenBankfor strains of Tricholoma zangii, including the type specimen,for comparison. Despite the absence of such information,the ITS results we obtained here are consistent with thehypothesis that the mushrooms analysed here belonged toone species, T. matsutake, and not its allied species. Inaddition, we saw no difference in ITS sequences betweenthose isolated from pine-dominated forests and those fromalpine oak-dominated forests. The GenBank Accessionnumbers for the 34 ITS sequences are EU294269–EU294302. Because the ITS sequences for the 34 T. matsutake isolatesfrom the same or different regions in southwestern Chinawere all identical, we did not conduct any furtherpopulation genetic analysis of the ITS sequence data. Below,we present the analyses of the genotype information basedon SNP markers. Fig. 1 Permutation analysis showing the relationship between the number of assayed loci and genotype diversity in the total population of Tricholoma matsutake from southwestern China. The Genetic variation within geographical populationsX-axis shows the number of randomly analysed loci and the Y-axisshows the genotype diversity. Each data point shows the mean and
Our analyses identified abundant genetic variations within
standard deviation of genotype diversity from 100 permutations.
each of the 17 geographical populations of T. matsutake from
The maximum genotype diversity is 1 when all strains in the
southwestern China. The analysed loci showed a high
population have different multilocus genotypes. The minimum
discriminating power among individuals. Based on results
genotype diversity is 0 when all analysed strains have the same
from randomizations, any eight of the loci analysed here
multilocus genotype. Note the tapering off of genotypic diversity
were sufficient to achieve a very high discriminating power
(Fig. 1), indicating a level of saturation for identifying uniquegenotypes using the 14 SNP markers. The overall genotypicdiversity for the whole sample of 154 individuals was 0.966,
Genetic variation among geographical populations
suggesting that over 96% of the time, two randomlydrawn individuals from the total population will have
Table 3 shows the F values between pairs of geographical
genotypes different in at least one of the assayed loci. There
populations. Overall, the mean F value was about 0.10,
is, however, a range of variation in genotypic diversity among
indicating that about 10% of the gene diversity was due to
the 17 geographical populations, from a low of 0.583 in Lijiang
geographical separations between pairs of populations. The
to a high of 0.972 in both Jianchuan and Chuxiong (Table 2).
lowest F value (0.007) was found between Weixi and
The overall results from the HWE tests suggest that
Lijiang while the highest (0.232) was between Weixi and
most loci in most populations were in Hardy–Weinberg
Luliang (Table 3). The amova results suggested that all
equilibrium, a result consistent with the hypothesis that
three levels contributed significantly to the overall genetic
recombination plays an important role in the natural popu-
variation, with the regional level contributing the least
lations of this species. Interestingly, most populations
(Table 4). Specifically, the host tree species (i.e. between
have two to three loci in Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium
regions) contributed 9% of the total genetic variance. The
(Table 2). A close examination of the genotype data indicated
next level, between populations within regions, contributed
that two of the 14 polymorphic restriction sites consistently
34% of the total genetic variance, while the remaining 57%
showed excess heterozygosity in all of the populations. These
genetic variance came from within individual populations
two sites were located on the same DNA fragment, RC14
(Table 4). Permutation analyses indicated that the amova
(the raw genotype data are not shown here but see Table 2
results were consistent with significant genetic differentiations
in Xu et al. 2007 for the representative excess heterozygosity).
among the 17 analysed populations (P < 0.01 for phiRT,
Results from the index of association analyses similarly
phiPR and phiPT in the amova tests).
suggested widespread random associations among allelesat different loci in these populations. Specifically, only two
The relationship between genetic distance and geographical
of the geographical populations showed any evidence of
significant allelic associations among loci, one populationfrom Nanhua and the other from Ailaoshan. When all the
The results from the Mantel tests are shown in Fig. 2. The
154 strains were analysed together, we saw no evidence of
test showed a significant positive correlation between genetic
significant allelic associations among loci (Table 2).
distance and geographical distance among the analysed
2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1244 J . - P. X U E T A L . Fig. 2 Results from two Mantel tests between genetic differences
and geographical distances among populations. (a) A Mantel test
between Nei’s genetic distance and the two-dimensional geographicaldistances (based on longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates) amongpopulations. (b) A Mantel test between Nei’s genetic distance and
altitudinal differences between populations. In both 2a and 2b, theX-axis represents the geographical distance parameter and the Y-
axis represents Nei’s genetic distances between populations.
populations (Fig. 2a; P = 0.028), with a correlation coefficientof 0.318. However, we found no correlation betweenaltitudinal differences and population genetic distances
In this study, we analysed a large number of geographicalpopulations of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholomamatsutake from southwestern China. Our results identified
significant genetic variation within and between populations. There was evidence for recombination within each of the
analysed populations. Overall, these populations showed
relatively low but significant genetic differentiation. Inaddition, the amount of differentiation varies betweenpopulations, with the level of differentiation correlated
to some extent to geographical distances separating the
populations, consistent with results from a previous study
using different samples (Chapela & Garbelotto 2004). Our
values between geographical populations of
analyses identified no correlation between genetic distance
and altitudinal differences among populations. In addition,
the habitat differences as represented by the dominant host
trees contributed about 9% to the total genetic variation, less
Pairwise 3
than a third of that between populations within habitats
(34%) and a sixth of that within individual populations
Journal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
P O P U L AT I O N S T R U C T U R E O F T. M AT S U TA K E 1245 Table 4 Summary results of the analysis of molecular variance (amova) within and among populations of Tricholoma matsutake from southwestern China
d.f., degree of freedom; SS, sum of squared observations; MS, mean of squared observations; PhiRT, proportion of the total genetic variance that are between regions; PhiPR, proportion of the total genetic variance that are among populations within a region; PhiPT, proportion of the total genetic variance that are among individuals within a population
The abundant genetic variations found in this study
It is possible that this locus was located within or adjacent
and in our recent study (Xu et al. 2007) among strains and
to the mating-type locus in T. matsutake. Indeed, in heteroth-
populations of T. matsutake from southwestern China form
allic fungi, heterozygosity at the mating type locus is required
a stark contrast to previous results obtained using either the
for fruiting body formation (Raper 1966). Unfortunately,
repetitive element MarY1 for fingerprinting (Murata et al.
little is known at present about the mating system in T.
2005) or sequence polymorphism at the ITS regions and the
matsutake, including the number of segregating loci that
intergenic spacer (IGS) region of the ribosomal RNA gene
control mating compatibility and the number of functional
cluster (Sha et al. 2007). In the study by Sha et al. (2007),
alleles at each locus. The inferred recombination from our
virtually no polymorphism was found among 56 fruiting
data and those of Lian et al. (2006) and of Xu et al. (2007) do
bodies collected from 13 counties in Yunnan when analysed
suggest, however, that T. matsutake is likely a heterothallic
using a specific PCR primer that had been shown to be
species. Other possibilities for excess heterozygosity include
highly polymorphic for strains from Japan. Our samples
(i) heterozygous advantage due to complementary gene
here included all 56 strains from the 13 locations in the
actions, and (ii) genomic rearrangements that inhibit
study by Sha et al. (2007). Though we have been unable to
recombination and maintain heterozygosity (Xu 1995).
obtain samples from Japan for comparison using our
In several of our populations, the analysed sample sizes
genotyping method, the differences in the MarY1 finger-
were very small. This was especially true for two populations,
printing patterns between the Chinese and the Japanese
Longling and Luliang, where only two and three isolates,
samples seemed to suggest that there might be significant
respectively, were obtained and analysed in this study. The
genetic differentiation between the Japanese populations of
small sample sizes and the relatively long distances between
T. matsutake and those from southwestern China.
specimens within each of the populations make our samples
Our within-population genetic analyses suggest that
of limited use to infer the sizes of genetic individuals in
sexual reproduction and recombination are widespread
natural populations of this species in southwestern China.
among the geographical populations from southwestern
A previous study in seven different sites in Japan identified
China (Table 2). This conclusion is similar to what has been
that the average size of T. matsutake genets was about 2 m in
found in one Japanese population of T. matsutake where
the longer dimension, with the largest about 11.5 m and the
Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for four
rest ranged from 0 to 5.0 m (Lian et al. 2006). Interestingly,
microsatellite loci in a local population (Lian et al. 2006).
some mushrooms located very close to each other and
However, in our study, two polymorphic nucleotide sites
thought to belong to the same ‘shiro’ (‘genet’ in Japanese)
on the same DNA fragment showed consistent excess of
were found to have different genotypes at the assayed
heterozygosity across all populations analysed here. While
microsatellite loci (Lian et al. 2006). If the genet sizes of
the detailed mechanism for this excess of heterozygosity
T. matsutake in southwestern China were similar to those in
is unknown, there may be several possibilities. One possibility
Japan, the vast majority of the strains analysed here would
might be due to ascertainment bias where the analysed
represent different genets or ‘shiros’. Therefore, we believe
locus was highly polymorphic but might not be represent-
it unlikely that the low genotype diversity observed in
ative of the rest of the genome. Ascertainment biases have
some populations such as Lijiang was due to repeated
been found in many SNP applications in a variety of species
sampling of mushrooms from unusually large genets. The
(Morin et al. 2004). In fungi, DNA fragments located within
small genet sizes identified in Japan in combination with
the mating-type locus or close to the mating-type locus
the small sample sizes in many of the populations convinced
often exhibit excess heterozygosities in natural populations.
us not to do analysis using clone-corrected samples. The
2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
1246 J . - P. X U E T A L .
establishment of long-term experimental sites would be
Elevated levels of organic debris on the forest floor and
needed to allow us to critically examine the size of genetic
nitrogen levels in the soil have also been observed to
individuals and the dynamics of microscale genetic variation
contribute to decreased production of T. matsutake. Aside from
in natural populations of this species in various regions in
better management decisions based on these observations,
we believe our population genetic study can also contribute
The F values observed between geographical popu-
to improved management strategy on sustainable resource
lations of T. matsutake are similar to those reported in several
utilizations of T. matsutake in southwestern China. Specifically,
basidiomycete species (James et al. 1999; Xu et al. 2005). For
the observation that sexual recombination plays a significant
example, between regional populations of the button
role in all the study populations in southwestern China
mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, the F values were found
suggests that sexual spores are important propagules for
ranging between 0.019 and 0.076 (Xu et al. 1997). In the
the reproduction of this species in nature. As a result,
oyster mushrooms Pleurotus ferulae and P. eryngii, 19 and 6
management plans should enforce the notion that at each
regional populations from Italy showed F values of 0.45
site, a certain number of mushrooms must be allowed to
and 0.10, respectively, for these two species (Urbanelli et al.
mature and sporulate so as to allow future sexual repro-
2003). The intercontinental populations of the model
duction. At present, in order to satisfy consumer demands
basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune were significantly
in Japan, virtually all T. matsutake mushrooms are picked
differentiated when examined using isozyme markers, with
prematurely before the veils of the mushrooms are ruptured
an F value of 0.214 (James et al. 1999). In T. matsutake,
to release spores. Leaving a few mushrooms at each site to
Chapela & Garbelotto (2004) identified that among the seven
mature and sporulate, in combination with careful harvesting
strains they analysed, they found a positive correlation
techniques that disturbs little of the underground mycor-
between their pairwise genetic dissimilarity and geographical
rhizae, should help populations to sustain. In addition, the
distances. Those seven strains were far apart from each
low but significant genetic differentiations among geo-
other (up to over thousands of kilometres) and included
graphical populations observed here suggest that while
three from China (one northeastern China and two from
long-distance gene flow is present, such a gene flow might
southwestern China) and one each from France, Japan,
not be strong enough to counter local genetic differentiation
Korea, and Morocco. However, because of the small sample
between certain populations. As a result, whenever possible,
sizes (mostly only one strain from each country or geo-
each site should leave a few mushrooms to mature and
graphical area), the level of genetic differentiation among
sporulate to ensure its continued reproduction.
geographical populations could not be assessed. At present,little is known about the genetic relationships of mostectomycorrhizal fungal populations from the 100-km ranges. Acknowledgements
The statistically significant genetic differentiation between
This study was supported by grants from the National Natural
populations from forests dominated by different tree species
Science Foundation of China (No. 30525002), the Knowledge
seems to suggest that these populations are genetically
Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.
distinct from each other. However, our analyses indicated
KSCX2-YW-G-025), Genome Canada ( JX), PREA ( JX), and the
that the level of differentiation between the two forest types
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
was low, less than one-third of the genetic differences between
Canada ( JX). Members of Ailaoshan Biological Station of theChinese Academy of Sciences are acknowledged for their supports
populations from within the same forest types and less than
one-sixth of the genetic variation contributed from withinlocal individual populations (Table 4). The lack of sequencevariation at the ITS region between T. matsutake and T. zangii,
and our population genetic analyses presented here suggestthat it has to be addressed by further detailed studies whether
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2008 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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