Bulletin supplement psychology

Counseling children, 8th Ed. ( 158.3 HEN c) Gay children, straight parents: a plan for family healing ( 261.83576 COH g) Raising drug-free children: membesarkan anak bebas narkoba ( 362.291 COL r) Researching children's experience: methods and approaches ( 300.72 RES r) Separation anxiety in children and adolescents: an individualized approach to assess-ment and teratment ( 618.928522 EIS s) Supplement
Stop arguing with your kids: how to win the battle of wills by making your children feel heard ( 646.78 NIC s) PATHFINDER
The Cult of personality testing: how personality tests are leading us to miseducate our children, mismanage our companies, and misunderstand ourselves ( 155.28 PAU c) The Irreducible needs of children: what every child must have to grow, learn, and flour-ish ( 155.4 BRA i) Understanding peer influence in children and adolescents ( 303.327083 UND u) Understanding the divorce cycle: the children of divorce in their own marriages INTRODUCTION
Psychology has some concentration as follows: Walking on eggshells: navigating the delicate relationship between adult children and their parents ( 306.874 ISA w) Young children and trauma: intervention and treatment ( 618.928521 YOU y) COUNSELING
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Grief counseling and grief therapy: a handbook for the mental health practitioner, 3rd SEARCH TERMS and CALL NUMBERS
A corresponding Call Number is given for every search term. Below is a selective list Christian counseling: a comprehensive guide, 3rd Ed. ( 253.5 COL c) of subject headings that can be found in our on-line catalogue that will help you to locate the Christian counseling: an introduction ( 253.5 MAL c) Counseling adolescents and children: developing your clinical style ( 155.5 PLE c) Counseling American minorities ( 362.204256089 ATK c) Counseling diverse populations ( 158.3 ATK c) Counseling theories: essential concepts and applications ( 158.3 GLA c) I have a plan: a pastor's guide to counseling troubled marriages ( 253.5 RAS i) ANGER & ANXIETY
Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology (2008/2009 A Mind apart: understanding children with autism and asperger syndrome Introduction to pastoral counseling ( 253.5 TOW i) Assessment of children: behavioral, social, and clinical foundations, 5th Ed. Overcoming unintentional racism in counseling and therapy: a practitioner's guide to intentional intervention ( 361.06089 RID o) Assessment of children: behavioral, social, and clinical foundations, 5th Ed. Pastoral care and counseling: redefining the paradigms ( 253 PAS p) Spiritual formation, counseling, and psychotherapy ( 253.52 SPI s) Attachment theory in clinical work with children: bridging the gap between research Substance abuse counseling, 4th Ed. ( 362.29 LEW s) The Elements of counseling, 6th Ed. ( 158.3 MEI e) Chained to the desk: a guidebook for workaholics, their partners and children, and the The Heart of female same-sex atrraction: a comprehensive counseling resource clinicians who treat them, 2nd Ed. ( 155.232 ROB c) Children and disasters: a practical guide to healing and recovery ( 618.928521 CHI c) The New guide to crisis and trauma counseling ( 253.5 WRI n) Children's explanations: a psycholinguistic study ( 155.413 DON c) The Quick-reference guide to biblical counseling: personal and emotional issues Cognitive therapy with children and adolescents: a casebook for clinical practice The Quick-reference guide to counseling teenagers ( 259.23 CLI q) PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER
The Quick-reference guide to marriage and family counseling ( 253.5 CLI q) The Quick-reference guide to sexuality and relationship counseling ( 253.5 CLI q) ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) ( 616.8589 SAP a) Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, 7th Ed. ( 158.3 COR t) ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (gangguan pemusatan perhatian dan hiperaktivitas) ( 618.928589 PAT a) Your career in psychology: clinical and counseling psychology ( 150.23 KUT y) Anxiety and its disorders: the nature and treatment of anxienty and panic ( 616.8522 ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Applied industrial/organizational psychology ( 158.7 AAM a) Before prozac: the troubled history of mood disorders in psychiatry ( 616.8527061 Industrial and organizational psychology: research and practice, 4th Ed. ( 158.7 SPE i) Introduction to industrial/organizational psychology, 5th Ed. ( 158.7 RIG i) Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents: nature, assessment, and treatment Psychology and work today: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychol- Bipolar disorder in childhood and early adolescence ( 618.92895 BIP b) Psychology applied to work: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychol- Bipolar disorder: a guide for patients and families ( 616.895 MON b) Casebook in child behavior disorders ( 616.89 KEA c) Understanding occupational and organizational psychology ( 158.7 MIL u) Child anxiety disorders: a family-based treatment manual for practitioners Work in the 21st century: an introduction to industrial and organizational psychology Child neuropsychology: assessment and interventions for neurodevelopmental disor- Your career in psychology: industrial-organizational psychology ( 150.23 KUT y) Cognitive therapy of personality disorders ( 616.858 COG c) PERSONALITY
Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder ( 616.89142 BAS c) Cognitive therapy of personality disorders ( 616.858 COG c) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR: text revision, 4th Discovering your personality type: the essential introduction to the enneagram (revised Disorders of childhood: development and psychopathology ( 618.9289 PAR d) Integrative assessment of adult personality ( 155.28 BEU i) Fit to die: men and eating disorders ( 615.854 PET f) Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders ( 616.858 BEN i) Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders ( 616.89 Lack of character: personality and moral behavior ( 170 DOR l) MMPI-2: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (Revised edition) If your adolescent has an eating disorder: an essential resource for parents ( 616.8526 Paradigms of personality assessment ( 155.28 WIG p) Living well with depression and bipolar disorder ( 616.895 MCM l) Personality in adulthood: a five-factor theory perspective ( 155.6 MCC p) Psychological treatment of bipolar disorder ( 616.895 PSY p) Personality plus for parents=Kepribadian plus untuk orang tua ( 155.2 LIT p) Talking to eating disorders: simple ways to support someone with anorexia, bulimia, Personality psychology: domains of knowledge about human nature, 2nd Ed. ( 155.2 binge eating, or body image issues ( 362.25 HEA t) The Anxious brain: the neurobiological basis of anxiety disorders and how to effec- Personality: contemporary theory and research ( 155.2 DER p) The Bipolar child: the definitive and reassuring guide to childhood"s most misunder- Personality: theory and research ( 155.2 PER p) Psychodiagnostics and personality assessment: a handbook ( 155.28 OGD p) The Obsessive-compulsive trap: real help for a real disorder ( 616.85227 CRA o) Social and personality development ( 155.25 SHA s) Treating attachment disorders: from theory to thetapy ( 618.9289 BRI t) The Cult of personality testing: how personality tests are leading us to miseducate our Treating bipolar disorder: a clinician's guide to interpersonal and social rhythm therapy children, mismanage our companies, and misunderstand ourselves ( 155.28 PAU c) The Psychology of ultimate concerns: motivation and spirituality in personality SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Hubungan antara The Big Five Personality dan kepuasan kerja pada karyawan Call Annual edition: social psychology 05/06 ( 302.05 SOC s) Center PT. Vads Indonesia (SK 121-07 NUR h) Exploring social psychology, 3rd - 5th Ed. ( 302 MYE e) Hubungan antara tingkat inteligensi dengan tingkat kreativitas pada siswa kelas aksel- erasi di SMUN 78 Jakarta (SK 121-07 ANG h) Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan transaksional dengan kepuasan kerja karyawan di Shiny Social psychology: experimental and critical approaches ( 302 ROG s) Study Center dan Psiko Medika Holistika Center (SK 121-07 GEO p) The Social psychology of health: essays and readings ( 616.89 SOC s) Pengaruh persepsi gaya kepemimpinan transaksional terhadap kepuasan kerja kary- Understanding critical social psychology ( 302 TUF u) awan divisi promosi penjualan PT. X di Bandung, Jawa Barat (SK 121-07 BUD p) Secondary Level satu dan empat di Raffles International Christian School (SK 121-07 APA dictionary of psychology (R 150.3 AME a) APA: the easy way: a quick and simplified guide to the APA writing style (R Abnormal psychology: a student activity CD-ROM (CD 616.89 COM a) e-Learning UPH: FP-Psikologi (CD 371.334 ELE e) Character strengths and virtues: a handbook and classification (R 155.232 PET c) Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Human physiology from cells to systems, 5th Ed. Dictionary of existential psychotherapy and counselling (R 616.8914 VAN d) Kamus istilah konseling dan terapi (R 158.3 MAP k) Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Psychology (CD 150 RAT i) Peran psikologi menuju Indonesia maju: kumpulan abstrak temu ilmiah nasional dan Instructor's resource CD-ROM: Social psychology, 9th Ed. (CD 302 MYE i) kongres IX Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (Himpsi), Surabaya, 15-17 Januari 2004 (R Relaksasi progresif: panduan dan instruksi latihan (CD 616.8916 SOE r) Temu ilmiah Ikatan Psikologi Sosial Social Change, Palm Brach Hotel, Kuta Bali, 22 Psychologists' desk reference (R 616.89 PSY p) Efek tayangan perilaku agresi dalam Video Game bertema kekerasan pada pembentu- kan konsep diri remaja laki-laki usia 15-18 tahun (SK 121-07 MUT e) Hubungan antara dukungan sosial dengan Self-Esteem pada model di Jakarta (SK 121 Some of The Library collection of journal on psychology are: Hubungan antara kompetensi interpersonal dengan penerimaan dalam School Peer Group pada remaja di Jakarta (SK 121-07 GIA h) Hubungan antara konformitas dengan adiksi rokok pada remaja perempuan usia 15-19 Hubungan antara konsep diri dengan intensi perilaku menyontek pada pelajar di Hubungan antara orientasi religius dan perilaku altruistik pada petugas pemadam ke- You may access these journals on the periodicals room 2nd floor. For fur- Hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial orangtua dengan motivasi berprestasi pada ther information, contact our periodical staff at the ext. 1371. mahasiswa perantau di Jakarta (SK 121-07 MAH h) Hubungan antara Self Concept dengan sikap terhadap situs jejaring sosial siswa SMA X di Tangerang (SK 121-07 AST h) Hubungan antara Self-Discrepancy dengan tingkat kebahagiaan pada remaja di univer-sitas X (SK 121-07 GRA h) Hubungan antara Self-Efficacy dan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik pada pengerjaan tugas mahasiswa (SK 121-07 ARI h) Hubungan antara Self-Esteem dan Self-Control pada remaja kelas 1 di SMA X, Tan- DIGITAL DATABASE (Online Database)
Recommended links to free-access journals for Psychology:
The related e-database on psychology are: ● DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Ebrary (E-Book)
func=findJournals&uiLanguage=en&hybrid=&query=psychology) Hundreds of psychology books are available. ● GARUDA (Referensi Ilmiah Indonesia : Psikologi
EBSCO (E-Journal)
(http://garuda.dikti.go.id/jurnal/proses?q=psikologi&tmp=) Applied Psychology : An International Review ● Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD) : Psikologi
( h t t p : / / j u r n a l . p d i i . l i p i . g o . i d / i n d e x . p h p / S e a r c h . h t m l ? ● Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Personality & Social Psychology Review Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (http://www.ndltd.org/serviceproviders/scirus-etd-search) • JSTOR (E-Journal)

Current Directions in Psuchological Science : Marriages and Families: Changes, Choices Publisher : Pearson
Copyright : 2011
Call Number : 306.8 BEN m
Gale Cengage Learning (E-Journal)
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology By introducing the themes of “Changes, Choices and Constraints” when presenting the basic concepts, theory, research and statistics about marriages and families, Be- nokraitis discusses how contemporary changes in families and their structure impact the choices student’s actually have, and how society can constrain their marriages, families and relationships. Through this approach, students are better able to under- To access the database, please go to http://library.uph.ac.id. You will required to input stand what the research and statistics mean for themselves! Seeing that there was a your NIM/NIK and your patron barcode (To obtain it, please call information desk, need for a text that reflected the issues- like race and ethnicity, remarriage and stepfa- 1370/1372, or circulation desk, 1384 - 85). milies, and sexuality, that face students and their famlies, Professor Benokraitis wrote Marriage and Families as a way to show students both the choices and constraints that families face in modern society.

Source: http://library.uph.ac.id/Portals/0/BulletinSupplement/2012/Pathfinder-feb12.psy.pdf

Erfahrungsbericht #3

Beschwerde-Tagebuch ♂ 38 Jahre, 2009 Fange an zu Joggen. Stelle geringe Leistungsfähigkeit fest (schaffe nicht mal ein Programm für Ungeübte). Ziehende, sich geschwollen anfühlende Beine, geringe Leis-tungsfähigkeit beim Joggen (nach kurzer Zeit Ermüdung und Schmerzen in den Beinen, kaum Konditionsverbesserung), ge-ringe Kraft beim Krafttraining (Gewichtsreduzierung der Hanteln um 2

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Behavior Myths 1. My cat urinates on the bed because he is mad at me. Actually, animals don’t feel spite or anger. Instead, the cat may be stressed, unable to get to the litter box because of another pet, have separation anxiety, or may have just learned that the owner’s bed is clean and soft and the litter box isn’t. 2. My dog jumps on me. He must want to be the pack leader. Actually, m

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