Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Minutes of a meeting of manuden parish council

Minutes of a Meeting of Manuden Parish Council held in the Village Hall on
Thursday 3rd. September 2009 at 8.15 pm
Present: Cllr L Atkinson (Chairman) Cllr C Forster Cllr A Holmes Cllr J Kershaw Cllr F Womack In Attendance: Mr C Bartram(Clerk) and 4 members of the public. Apologies D Cllr J Loughlin, C Cllr R Gooding, Cllr S Hannington, Cllr J Archer (Vice Chairman) The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. The Chairman read a report from Cllr Archer proposing that Alpha Signs prepare a quotation using different materials but with the same basic design for the Village Sign.
Cllr Archer had pointed out that there may be some additional costs regarding the fixing of it. The Council authorised Cllr Archer to go ahead with his discussions, with The Chairman then commented on how efficient ECC had been with the recent Essex
Highways Parish Visit and it was agreed that the Clerk should make this known to Mr
Curtis at Highways and say how pleased we are with their work. The Chairman then suggested that the Parish Website be kept as simple as possible,
this was agreed to be a good idea by the Council. The Chairman will speak with Cllr Archer to see how this might be achieved. The Clerk reported that solicitors from ECC and the Insurance companies had both contacted him regarding Village Flooding in Last 30 Years, Mrs Fiona Bengtsen had
been most helpful with the earlier records and many photocopies had been taken. He said this was regarding a claim that may be going to court in the autumn, members of the public confirmed this but the possibility that it may be settled out of court was The Clerk had also received a letter from Uttlesford proposing that arrangements for distributing sand bags should be discontinued as it had not proved a workable solution.
Uttlesford would provide advice as to how individuals could take their own measures to prevent flooding to their properties. Cllr Holmes advised that the owners of the Donkey field had confirmed that the wire
fence will be repaired.
Cllr Kershaw reported that no progress had been made regarding the trees inAnderson
The Clerk reported that enforcement officers would be checking the Chimneys at
Thomas Cottages and Tree House at Cleeve Hall.
The Clerk had circulated copies of a letter from Mr Botley regarding establishing the
Village Hall as a centre for Berden, Farnham and Manuden for the distribution for
Tamiflu in the case of a Swine Flu pandemic in the area. The Council did not support
the idea and pointed out that the Primary Health Care Trust had previously concluded
that the hall was unsuitable for the use as a doctor’s surgery. The Clerk was asked to
write to Mr Botley to thank him for his suggestions.
The Clerk was asked to contact UDC regarding the “ Yew Beauty” banner at the Yew
Tree Inn.
The Chairman reported that the rubbish around the Bottle Bank at Yew Tree Inn had
been cleared and
Cllr Forster reported that the tenant at 38a The Street would be
moving in the near future. D. Cllr Loughlin was thanked for her efforts at UDC in
making the clean up happen very quickly.
The Council decided not to take any action in supporting a circular received regarding
More Powers to Parish and Town Councils.

Applications Received:
UTT/1031/09/LB 11 The Street Manuden
Single storey side extension with 2 no. roof lights
UTT/0947/09/LB Keepers Cottage Mallows Green Road Manuden.
Installation of one dormer window to front and one to rear elevation to match existing.
No comments were made on this application.
UTT/0881/09/LB Mallows Green Farm Barn Manuden
Conversion of barns to form 1 No. residential dwelling with annex and internal
The Clerk had written asking Planning to ensure that the entrance to the property was
appropriate and did not infringe on neighbours.
UTT/1030/09/FUL 11 The Street Manuden
Single storey side extension with 2 no. roof lights
No comments were made on this application.
Applications Determined:
UTT/0789, 0786, 0785, 0783/09/OHL Maggots End, Saucemeres, Mallows Green, Old
Windmill, Manuden, Freedom Group. Decision No Objection
UTT/0711/09/FUL Manuden Primary School
The Council approved the following cheques to be paid. Ace of Spades £120.75 for grass cutting, Audit Commission £155.25 for their fees, Wilbey & Burnett £2376.19 for MC&SC, and Manuden Village Hall Committee £24.00 for hiring the Village Hall. The Clerk confirmed that he had paid his taxes on his salary and that The Chairman had written to the Audit Commission in this respect. The Clerk reported that he had received a report from the Open Gardens sub committee regarding their event for 2009. This had been a great success and raised £1379.97 compared with £772.94 and £819.85 in previous years. Mrs Harrison had divided this equally between the Village Hall and The Guides. Various items had been received and were placed on display. It was commented that leaflets had been circulating regarding the establishment of a fuel syndicate, many present seemed to use boilerjuice .com, Cllr Forster agreed to
investigate the proposal.
Mr McKee asked that a damaged clay pipe between White House Corner and 100 The
Street be reported to ECC and the Clerk was asked to do so.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 8:58 pm
Date of the next meeting 15th October.

Source: http://www.manuden.org.uk/mpc/minutes/2009/Minutes3rdSep2009.pdf

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