Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Name: ______________________________ Date of visit: _____/_____/_____ Age: ______ Height: ______ New Patient History Please note: All information is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of ensuring you the best treatment possible. Please answer all areas. Why have you come to the office today?
Who referred you to our practice? Self Friend Physician (List name) ___________________ Who is your usual Ob/Gyn? __________________________ Location: _________________________________ Past Medical History ( if you have or have ever had)
Other medical problems(list):__________________________________________ Please expand on any problems you identified above:________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Surgeries/Operations (any procedure, including D&C’s) Type/Reason Date Location Physician Other Illnesses/ Current Medications Allergies/Reactions (Include any hormones, vitamins, herbs, over Hospitalizations the counter and nonprescription medications) (list any drug or food allergy) Type/Reason Year happens to you: Gynecologic History
First day of last menstrual period: / / Do you have regular monthly periods? Yes No Do you feel period coming before it starts? Yes No Have you ever had an abnormal Pap test? Yes No Which of the following do you experience before a period: Breast tenderness Mood changes Special food cravings Usual number of days from start of
Have you ever had a procedure on your cervix due to an abnormal
pap test? (LEEP / Cryo / Cone) Yes No Year:
Any recent changes? Yes No Pain? Yes No When was your last Pap test? Describe:
What was the Pap result? Normal Abnormal
Year of last: ________ Result: Normal Abnormal
Do you have problems with pelvic pain? Yes No
Present method of birth control: (circle) None
Do you have pain with intercourse? Yes No
Sexual partner(s) is/are: Men Women Both
Female Sterilization (Tubal Ligation) Male
Have you ever had any of the following infections? (circle) Weight at age 20: _________ Current Weight: _________
Have you ever used Birth Control Pills? Yes No
Age when started birth control: ____ Age when last stopped: ____
Number of times: ______ Year(s): _____________
Hirsutism (excessive hair growth) & Acne
Do you feel that you have problems with excessive hair growth? Yes No If yes, circle all areas of concern:
Face Chest/Breasts Back Stomach Arms Legs Thighs
Age that hair growth became noticeably worse? _______ Does this continue to worsen? Yes No
Prior Treatments: Waxing / Shaving / Plucking / Creams / Laser / Spironolactone (Aldactone) Treated how often? _____________________
Do you have problems with excessive acne? Yes No At what age did acne problems begin?
Obstetrical History Immunizations Type Date Obstetrical History: Please list all pregnancies in order Outcome (Yes/No) Delivery: Length of time Required fertility Complications Live born Miscarriage Abortion Vag / C-section To conceive Treatment? partner? Social History: Currently Use:
Status: Married / Single Partner / No Partner
Have you ever smoked >100 cigarettes? Yes No
Length of time with current partner (years): ______
Family History (Parents, Grandparents, Siblings, Aunts/Uncles) List affected relative(s) and age at onset
List miscarriages for both your family’s side and your partner’s
Fertility History (May STOP here if not being seen for fertility reasons) Note: In order to help us more efficiently treat you, please obtain copies of your past fertility treatments, operative reports, IVF cycle, ultrasound reports, labs, and hard copies (films or on disk) of any
How long have you been actively trying to conceive? ___ yrs ___ mo. Do you use lubricants? Yes No Type: _______
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) (Xray test of your tubes) that you have had done. It is important that we review
the HSG films that were previously done. Please bring these records to your appointment with you.
Number of times of intercourse per week? ______
How long have you been off any birth control? _____ yrs ____ mo.
Frequency of intercourse near ovulation: _________
Prior Fertility Evaluation/Labs/Treatment
Were they able to detect if your tubes were open? Yes No Do you consistently ovulate?
Checked by: Temperature / Urine Ovulation Testing / Ultrasound / Blood Prior fertility treatments: Please list dates, dosage, number of cycles:
Ovulation Induction with injectable fertility medications
(Menopur, Bravelle, Repronex, Gonal-F, Follistim)
Male Partner History
Medical problems: Take routine medications or supplements?
Has he had a semen analysis? Yes No History of hernia or testicular surgery Yes No When? Results?
Has he seen a Urologist? Yes No Exposure to chemicals/radiation/toxins? Yes No Urologist’s Name/Location:
Previously fathered a child? Yes No Trouble with erections? Yes No Age of children:
Does he currently smoke? Yes No Currently or has ever used any type of steroids? Yes No
Use marijuana or other drugs? Yes No Any illnesses/fevers in the past 3 months? Yes No
History of sexually transmitted diseases? Yes No
Planning for a baby involves some very important decisions. Among those is whether to test yourself for certain genetic traits that can potentially cause disease in your offspring. While there are many rare inherited diseases, a few occur with enough frequency in certain populations to warrant screening for them before you become pregnant. Screening for genetic diseases usually involves nothing more than a simple blood test. A “screening test” means that the test is designed to detect an abnormality in most affected individuals. In other words, a negative result does not guarantee that you are not affected. It does, however, dramatically reduce your risk. A positive result from a genetic disease screening test may prompt further diagnostic testing and is normally followed by formal counseling about your reproductive options. Positive test results have implications for you, your offspring and your extended family members. Therefore, it is very important to consider how a positive screening test result would affect you before you complete the test. The following is a list of currently-recommended genetic disease screening tests based on specific ethnic backgrounds. African American Asian
Ashkenazi Jewish (Eastern European)
Caucasian Cajun/French Canadian Hispanic Cystic
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary disease that affects mainly the lungs and digestive system, causing progressive disability, recurrent infections, and usually early death. CF does not affect intelligence or appearance. Average life expectancy is around 37 years. Approximately 1 in 25 Caucasians carry this gene defect, as well as 1 in 46 Hispanics, 1 in 65 African Americans and 1 in 90 Asians. If you are a carrier, you have a 50% chance of your child being a carrier, which would not be affected. If your partner is also a carrier, you have a 25% chance of having a child with the disease. Current testing can determine if you carry the gene(s) responsible for this disease. Detection rates (the chance of picking up an affected gene if it exists) depend upon your ethnic background and vary from 30-97%. .
Sickle Cell Anemia/Alpha-thalassemia/Beta-thalassemia
These are a group of inherited blood disorders that causing varying degrees of anemia (low blood count) or episodes of body pain. In some cases, the genetic disease can be lethal. The chance of carrying one of these genes (in a population at risk) varies from 1/10 to 1/200.
Tay-Sachs/ Canavan Disease/Familial Dysautonomia Fanconi Anemia, group C/Gaucher disease, type 1 Niemann-Pick, type A Bloom Syndrome/Mucolipidosis IV
Included in this group are disorders of the central nervous system (brain) and immune system. Many are lethal. The chance of carrying one of these genes (in a population at risk) varies from 1/13 to 1/100.
I have read the above including specific risks related to my ethnic background and DO wish to pursue
preconception genetic screening at this time.
I have read the above including specific risks related to my ethnic background and DO NOT wish to
pursue preconception genetic screening at this time.
_________________________ Printed Name (Patient) _________________________ __________ Signature
_________________________ Printed Name (Partner)
Marin Fertility Center
1100 S. Eliseo Dr, Suite 107, Greenbrae, CA 94904
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: (______)_______-__________ Cell Phone: (______)_______-_________ Other: (______)_______-__________ Email: _______________________________________ *Any restrictions for contacting you? ( ) No ( ) Yes
If yes explain restrictions for contacting: ________________________
Driver’s License #:_________________________________________________________________ State:______________________ Birthdate: _______/_______/__________ Age: ______ Sex: ( ) Female ( ) Male SS#: ________-________-__________ Marital Status: ( ) Single ( ) Married to: _________________________________ ( )Other: ________________________________ Allergies: Foods:__________________________________________ Drugs:_____________________________________________ Patient’s Employer: ______________________________________________ Occupation: _________________________________ Work Phone:(______)_______-__________ Ext.___________ *Is it okay to call you at work? ( )Yes ( )No Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: (Not in your household) __________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________________ Home Phone: (______) _______-__________ Cell Phone: (______) _______-_________ Other: (______) _______-__________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician______________________________________________________ Phone: (______) _______-__________ Primary Health Insurance Company____________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Claims Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________________
Policy #:______________________________ Group #:___________________________ Ins. Phone: (______) _______-__________ Referral Required? ( ) No ( ) Yes
*Do you have a Co-pay? ( ) No ( ) Yes, $_______________________
Insured: Name:________________________________ DOB:______/______/________ Employer: ___________________________ Secondary Health Insurance Company__________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Claims Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________________
Policy #:______________________________ Group #:___________________________ Ins. Phone: (______) _______-__________ Referral Required? ( ) No ( ) Yes
*Do you have a Co-pay? ( ) No ( ) Yes, $_______________________
Insured: Name:________________________________ DOB:______/______/________ Employer: ___________________________ I understand that office visit charges are payable on the day of service is rendered. I authorize Napa Valley Fertility Center to bill my insurance company regardless of insurance coverage, I am responsible for all bills being paid in a timely manner. Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: ______/______/________ Marin Fertility Center
1100 S. Eliseo Dr., Suite 107, Greenbrae, CA 94904
CONSENT TO USE AND DISCLOSE HEALTH INFORMATION Persuant to the requirements that are found in the Health Insurance Portabilitiy and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA), the following is offered for your information and consent. Please be aware that it is this office’s policy to require your reading and signing of this consent form prior to the provision of treatment or any other medical services. If you have any questions, please ask for the privacy official in this office. I, ____________________________________________, do hereby consent to use and disclosure of my individual identifiable health information (IIHI) by the Marin Fertility Center for the purpose of providing treatment to me, receiving payment from responsible parties for the health care services rendered by my physician, and/or engaging in the health care operations, such as office management, credentialing case management, and quality assessment. I understand that Marin Fertility Center’sNotice of Privacy Practices describes in more detail the types of uses of disclosure of health information involved in treatment, payment of health care operations, and that I have been given an opportunity to read this document prior to signing this consent. I also understand that I may receive a paper copy of this Notice upon request. I understand that Marin Fertility Center, has the right to change its privacy practices and that I can obtain a copy of the revised Notice by writing to the physician. I understand that if I chose to not sign this consent, my physician may withhold medical services, other than emergency services. I understand that I have the right to request a restriction on my physician’s use or disclosure of any and/or all health information to any/all locations, entities or persons. I further understand that my physician is not obligated to agree to the request. However, if my physician does agree to this request, the agreement will become binding. I understand that I have the right to revoke this consent, in writing, at any time, except to the extent that my physician has relied on this consent, and that revocation will become effective on the date it has been received by the Marin Fertility Center and will apply to uses and disclosures of health information after the date of receipt. Patient Signature:_______________________________________ Date:__________________
VRÁNKOVÁ, K., KOY, CH. (eds) Dream, Imagination and Reality in Literature. South Bohemian Anglo-American Studies No. 1. České Budějovice: Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Death, Angels and Football – Blake’s Visions and Almond’s England. Abstract: With reference to Skellig by David Almond, I discuss how the secondary world is interwoven with that of the pri
AMR SEMINARS: LIST OF CASES (GROUPING OF CASES PER CONTRIBUTOR) *Legend: The number on the right of each diagnosis indicates the Seminar #. Quiz case: markedly thin colonic wall in chronic constipation: …………………………. (64). Quiz case: a soft tissue mass involving the wall of sigmoid colon: Rosai Dorfman disease (62). Massive gastric juvenile/hyperplastic p