Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated systemic lupus erythematosus: a double-blind randomized clinical trial
JG Juárez-Rojas, AX Medina-Urrutia, E Jorge-Galarza, NA Caracas-Portilla, R Posadas-Sánchez, GC Cardoso-Saldaña,
MV Goycochea-Robles, LH Silveira, L Lino-Pérez, J Mas-Oliva, O Pérez-Méndez and C Posadas-Romero
2012 21: 27 originally published online 12 October 2011
The online version of this article can be found at:
can be found at: Lupus Additional services and information for
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with
uncomplicated systemic lupus erythematosus: a double-blind
JG Jua´rez-Rojas1,2, AX Medina-Urrutia1, E Jorge-Galarza1, NA Caracas-Portilla1, R Posadas-Sa´nchez1,
GC Cardoso-Saldan˜a1, MV Goycochea-Robles3, LH Silveira4, L Lino-Pe´rez5, J Mas-Oliva6, O Pe´rez-Me´ndez7 and
1Endocrinology Department, National Institute of Cardiology ‘‘Ignacio Cha´vez’’, Mexico; 2Doctorate Program of Biomedical Sciences from the
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico; 3Clinical Epidemiology Research Unit, Number 1 Regional Hospital from the Mexican
Institute of the Social Security, Carlos McGregor Sa´nchez Navarro, Mexico; 4Rheumatology Department, National Institute of Cardiology
‘‘Ignacio Cha´vez’’, Mexico; 5Rheumatology Department, Mexican General Hospital, Mexico; 6Cellular Physiology Institute, National
Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico; and 7Molecular Biology Department, National Institute of Cardiology ‘‘Ignacio Cha´vez’’, Mexico
Objective: We studied the effect of pioglitazone on insulin levels, inflammation markers, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) composition and subclasses distribution, in young women withuncomplicated systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods: This double-blind trial included 30 premenopausal women (30 Æ8 years old) withSLE, who were randomized to pioglitazone (30 mg/day) or placebo treatment for 3 months. Plasma and HDL lipids were determined by colorimetric enzymatic assays, insulin by radio-immunometric assay, inflammation by immunonephelometry and HDL size and subclassesdistribution by a native 4–30% polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. Results: Compared with placebo, pioglitazone significantly increased HDL-cholesterol plasmalevels (14.2%), reduced fasting insulin plasma levels (23.6%) and the homeostasis modelassessment-insulin resistance (31.7%). C-reactive protein (70.9%) and serum amyloid A(34.9%) were also significantly reduced with the pioglitazone use, whereas the HDL particlesize was increased (8.80 nm vs. 8.95 nm; p ¼ 0.044) by changes in the distribution of HDL2b,HDL3b, and HDL3c subclasses. The change in HDL size correlated with a rise in free andcholesterol–ester content in the HDL particles. Conclusion: Pioglitazone significantly enhanced insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, andmodified HDL characteristics, suggesting a potential beneficial effect of this drug in patientswith SLE with a risk to develop cardiovascular disease. Trial registration: This trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov Protocol Registration System,with the number NCT01322308.
Key words: atherosclerosis; inflammation; insulin resistance; lipoproteins; systemic lupuserythematosus
one of the most frequent causes of morbidity andmortality in young women.1 The etiology and path-
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoim-
ogenesis of atherosclerosis in SLE are only partially
mune inflammatory disease in which accelerated
explained by traditional risk factors.1,2 Several
atherosclerosis and its sequelae are recognized as
studies have reported non-traditional markers ofincreased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovasculardisease in patients with SLE, as higher prevalence
Correspondence to: Posadas-Romero Carlos, Juan Badiano 1, Seccion
inflammation,5 abnormal high-density lipoprotein
Received 20 June 2011; accepted 4 August 2011
! The Author(s), 2011. Reprints and permissions: http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLE
composition,6,7 as well as higher proportions of
Insulin insensitivity is known to be associated
with accelerated atherosclerosis and appears to bea risk marker for both myocardial infarction and
This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind,
stroke.10–13 The impact of insulin resistance may
placebo-controlled, parallel group study conducted
involve proinflammatory disturbances due to dys-
in Mexico City. Eligible participants were preme-
functional insulin signaling in different tissues; in
nopausal women with SLE older than 18 years,
addition to the higher prevalence of insulin resis-
attending the outpatient Rheumatology Clinic at
tance in SLE patients, it is well known that auto-
three Mexico City community tertiary care hospi-
immune and chronic inflammatory disorders are
tals; the National Institute of Cardiology ‘‘Ignacio
associated with the development of accelerated car-
Cha´vez’’, the number 1 Regional Hospital from the
Mexican Institute of the Social Security and the
HDLs vary in composition, size, charge, and bio-
Mexican General Hospital. All fulfilled the 1982
logical activities. It has been reported that some of
American College of Rheumatology criteria for
these lipoprotein characteristics may be more
the classification of SLE,27 and to avoid the effect
important than the HDL plasma concentrations
of other cardiovascular risk factors, we excluded
patients with clinical evidence of menopause, dia-
(CHD).15 Abnormal distribution of HDL sub-
betes, thyroid dysfunction, neurological, renal or
classes, characterized by low large HDL levels
liver disease, personal history of high blood pres-
and high small HDL plasma levels, has been
sure, CHD, cerebrovascular events, chronic or
reported in patients with SLE,6,7 and in other insu-
acute infections, malignancy, and use of drugs or
lin resistance states.16,17 Moreover, it has been
alcohol abuse. At the time of the study, none of the
reported that in SLE patients, HDL particles are
patients was smoking, pregnant, breast-feeding, or
enriched in triglycerides and depleted of choles-
taking hormonal or lipid-regulation drugs. None of
terol-esters.6 These abnormalities may result in
them was positive to anticardiolipin antibodies,
lupus anticoagulant or antibeta-2-glycoprotein-1.
anti-inflammatory effect19 and lower capacity to
Subjects were included in the study after they
promote cholesterol efflux,20 which is the first step
signed the informed consent form for participation
(Figure 1). The protocol was approved by the
Pioglitazone is an insulin-sensitizing compound
Institutional Ethics Committee of each hospital
of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) type. TZD activates
nuclear receptors called peroxisome proliferator-
activated receptors (PPAR), which regulate the
The study took place at the National Institute of
transcription of genes with key roles in the metab-
Cardiology ‘‘Ignacio Cha´vez’’ from March 2007 to
olism of carbohydrates and lipids as well as inflam-
April 2010, where information about current and
mation.21–23 The qualitative effects of pioglitazone
cumulative drug therapy or any disease was
on HDL may also be important, because it has
obtained through a questionnaire and physical
been shown to increase the mean HDL size and
examination applied to all participants. SLE dis-
reduce the core triglyceride content relative to cho-
ease activity was assessed using the Mexican mod-
lesterol-esters in HDLs from subjects with and
ification of the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Disease Activity Index (MEX-SLEDAI).28 Based
Although it has been previously shown that pio-
on the MEX-SLEDAI, at time of the evaluation
glitazone reduces several cardiovascular risk factors
patients were considered to have active disease
and renal inflammation in a lupus-prone murine
when the score was higher than 5. Height (m),
model,14 there are no studies that have examined
weight (kg) and blood pressure were measured,
the effect of this drug on insulin plasma levels,
and body mass index calculated by dividing
inflammation markers and HDL composition
together with the distribution of their subclasses
in patients with SLE. Therefore, the objective ofthis work was to study the effect of treatment
The eligibility screening (visit 1) occurred 4 weeks
with pioglitazone upon these parameters in non-
before randomization. During this visit, qualified
diabetic patients with SLE in clinical remission
personnel provided dietary counseling on the
American Heart Association weight-maintaining
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLEJG Jua´rez-Rojas et al.
Flow chart for the selection and enrollment of patients.
Step 1 and selected patients instructed to follow this
Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetate plasma was prepared
diet. At visit 2, selected patients were randomly
by centrifugation at 4C at 2500 rpm for 20 min
assigned into two study arms; they had been
and used for glucose, lipids, and lipoprotein mea-
informed, as part of the consent, that they would
surements, or stored frozen at À70C until their anal-
be receiving either a fixed dose of pioglitazone
ysis. Aprotinin (100 KIU/ml) and benzamidine
(30 mg) or placebo for 12 weeks once daily in the
(1 mM) were used as protease inhibitors. Plasma glu-
morning. Clinic visits occurred every 4 weeks from
cose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL-cho-
visit 3 to visit 5. At all visits, patients were received in
lesterol were measured using standardized enzymatic
the morning after fasting for at least 10 h. All patients
procedures in a Hitachi 902 analyzer (Hitachi LTD,
use a reliable contraceptive method throughout the
Tokyo, Japan) and were considered within a normal
entire study. Pioglitazone and placebo were dis-
range when their values were < 100 mg/dl, < 200 mg/
pensed as pills similar in form and appearance.
They were pre-packed in bottles and consecutively
Accuracy and precision in our laboratory are under
numbered. Each patient was assigned a treatment
periodic surveillance by the Centers for Disease
number and received the pills in the corresponding
Control and Prevention Service (Atlanta, GA,
pre-packed bottle. An independent pharmacist dis-
USA). Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
pensed the corresponding bottle according to a com-
was estimated by using the Friedewald formula as
puter-generated randomization number list, and
modified by De Long et al.30 Total high sensitive
participants, care providers and researchers were
C-reactive protein (hsCRP), serum amyloid A
blinded at treatment assignment. Compliance was
(SAA), apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100) and apo-
assessed every clinic visit by tablet counting.
lipoprotein AI (apo AI) levels, were determined byimmunonephelometry on a BN Pro Spec nephelom-eter (Dade Behring Marburg GmbH, Germany)
according to the manufacturer’s method. Inter-
At visit 2 and visit 5, venous blood samples were
assay coefficients of variation were less than 3%.
Plasma insulin concentrations were determined by
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLE
SD/(m0 – m1)]2 ¼ [(1.65 þ 0.84) 0.25 / (8.4 – 8.6)]2.25
Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, California,
Ten patients were needed in each group to have
USA). Insulin resistance was estimated with the use
80% power at the 5% significance level. We
of the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resis-
recruited and randomize 15 patients in each treat-
tance (HOMA-IR).31 The normal values for insulin
respectively, according to the 75th percentile from a
sample of healthy women, previously described.6
All analyses were carried out using statistical soft-ware SPSS 13.0 for WINDOWS (SPSS inc.,
Chicago IL, USA). Results are expressed as
HDL separated from plasma by ultracentrifugation
mean Æ standard deviation (SD) for normally dis-
at a density of 1.21 g/ml was loaded into a native
tributed variables or median (interquartile range)
4–30% polyacrylamide gradient gel. After poly-
for those with non-normal distribution. There
acrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis, gels were
were no outlier values in our study sample.
stained for proteins with Coomassie brilliant blue
R-250, scanned and digitalized in a GS-670 Bio-
Student’s-t-test or Mann–Whitney U for indepen-
Rad densitometer, using the software Molecular
dent groups, and within-group differences were
AnalystTM. Migration distance intervals of each
analyzed by Student’s t-test or Wilcoxon for
gel was calculated by computing a standard curve
paired samples. Spearman correlation coefficients
of the protein-stainable high molecular weight stan-
dards (thyroglobulin, 17 nm; ferritin, 12.2 nm; cat-
between all variables studied and the HDL size.
alase, 10.4 nm; lactate dehydrogenase, 8.2 nm; and
All results with p < 0.05 were considered statisti-
albumin, 7.1 nm) as a function of their relative
migration distance.32,33 The relative proportion ofeach HDL subclass was estimated with the follow-ing size intervals: HDL
7.76–8.17 nm; HDL3a 8.17–8.77 nm; HDL2a 8.77–9.71 nm; and HDL2b 9.71–12.93 nm. The coefficient
All 30 randomized patients followed and finished
of variation for each subclass was less than 10%.
all study. The baseline clinical characteristics were
The average HDL particle size represents the over-
similar in both groups (Table 1). For all studied
all distribution of the HDL subclasses,32,33 and was
women, the median SLE duration was 5.0 years
calculated as the average size of each HDL subclass
(interquartile range: 2.0–10.0) and disease activity
interval (nm), multiplied by its relative area under
was 2.5 (1.2–4.7). Use of prednisone (46.7%) and
the densitometric scan. Coefficient of variation for
antimalarials (83.3%) was similar in the two
this determination was less than 1%.
groups. Three patients (20%) in the placebogroup and five (33%) in the pioglitazone group
were taking more than 10 mg/day of prednisone,
Total protein, total cholesterol, free cholesterol,
and two patients (13%) in each group were taking
phospholipids, and triglycerides content of isolated
more than 200 mg/day of antimalarials. Patients of
HDL were determined in a Hitachi 902 analyzer,
every group were clinically and biochemically inac-
using commercially available enzymatic assays.
tive and no changes in SLE activity, pharmacologytreatment, and blood pressure levels were observed
Cholesteryl-esters were calculated by multiplying
during the study. No changes in the median of body
the difference between total and free cholesterol
mass index (24.9 vs. 24.8; p ¼ NS), hemoglobin
by 1.67.34 Apolipoprotein content (apo A-I, apo
A-IV, apo-E and apo-Cs) was evaluated semi-quan-
(39.1% vs. 38.4%; p ¼ NS), aspartate aminotrans-
titatively by SDS–polyacrylamide gradient gel
ferase (21.3 U/l vs. 21.7 U/l; p ¼ NS) and alanine
aminotransferase (16.1 U/l vs. 17.3 U/l; p ¼ NS)were
Similar results were observed in the placebo
Sample size calculation was employed to detect
group (data not shown). According to pill count,
changes in HDL size using pioglitazone monother-
all patients completed the study with an overall
apy.25 We anticipated an increase in HDL size at 12
compliance of 94% (95% in placebo vs. 93% in
weeks from baseline, and calculated as [(Za þ Zb)
pioglitazone group; p ¼ NS). Adverse effects were
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLEJG Jua´rez-Rojas et al.
Baseline demographic and clinical parameters
Mean Æ S.D. or median (interquartile range). a ¼ Student t-test for mean or Mann–Whitney U for median. SLE, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; MEX–SLEDAI, Mexican Modification of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index.
reported in three patients in the placebo group
(headache, chest tightness, paresthesia, dizziness,
observed that only free cholesterol increased signif-
nausea and joint pain) and in two patients in the
icantly after pioglitazone treatment compared with
pioglitazone group (headache and insomnia). All
the placebo group (þ6.82% vs. À4.87%; p ¼ 0.043).
these adverse effects disappeared after the 4th
increase in the pioglitazone treatment compared
Lipids, glucose, and insulin parameters are
with the placebo group (þ5.03% vs. À1.68%;
shown in Table 2. Pioglitazone increased HDL-
p ¼ 0.09). The content of phospholipid and triglyc-
cholesterol levels (14.2%; p ¼ 0.029) after 12
erides, as well as the apolipoprotein content of
weeks of treatment. No changes were observed in
HDL, was not different at the beginning and at
the placebo group. Total and LDL cholesterol, tri-
glycerides, apolipoproteins AI and B-100, as well as
Spearman correlation analyses between anthro-
glucose levels were similar between both groups at
pometric measurements, systolic and diastolic
baseline and after treatment. Fasting insulin levels
blood pressure, activity and duration of SLE,
and HOMA-IR were not statistically different
lipid variables, insulin, HOMA-IR, CRP, SAA as
between groups at baseline; however, both param-
well as composition and size of HDL, showed that
increases of free cholesterol in HDL particles
p ¼ 0.006 and 31.7%; p ¼ 0.008, respectively), but
concentration (r ¼ 0.522; p ¼ 0.003), cholesterol-
decreased 70.9% vs. 0.3% in the pioglitazone and
esters in HDL particles (r ¼ 0.443; p ¼ 0.023), and
placebo groups, respectively (p ¼ 0.013), whereas
apo AI (r ¼ 0.411; p ¼ 0.027), correlated with the
SAA decreased 34.9% in the pioglitazone and
increased 25.5% in the placebo group (p ¼ 0.029).
Distribution of HDL subclasses was not different
between groups before treatment. Although the
proportion of HDL2b was the only subfractionthat showed significant increase after pioglitazonetreatment (11.9% vs. 13.3%; p ¼ 0.030), the per-
To the best of our knowledge, this prospective ran-
domized controlled trial for the first time indicates
was different in the pioglitazone versus the placebo
significant and potentially important changes in
group (Figure 2). Pioglitazone favored an increase
insulin levels, inflammation, HDL-cholesterol and
HDL composition as well as subclass distribution
p ¼ 0.044) and the mean percentage change was sig-
in uncomplicated non-diabetic SLE patients during
nificantly different than that observed in the pla-
treatment with pioglitazone (3 months; 30 mg/day).
cebo group (þ0.77% vs. À0.67%; p ¼ 0.018).
These clinical effects, in addition to extensive
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLE
Lipidic, glucometabolic and inflammation parameters before and after treatment with placebo or pioglitazone
Median (interquartile range). a ¼ Wilcoxon test. LDL, Low Density Lipoprotein; HDL, High Density Lipoprotein; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance; hsCRP, highsensitivity C reactive protein.
beyond their classical use as regulator for glycemiccontrol.
For a long time, it has been known that patients
with lupus present substantially increased morbid-ity and mortality rates associated with cardiovascu-lar disease. Traditional risk factors, or lupus itselfand treatment-related factors, only partly accountfor the increased risk of CHD in patients withSLE.1,5 Insulin resistance, defined as the reducedability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake inskeletal muscle and fat cells, is an emerging meta-bolic risk factor that may play a pivotal role inatherogenesis in lupus.35 We3 and others4 have pre-viously shown that patients with SLE presentedhigher fasting plasma insulin levels as well as
Change in high-density lipoprotein subfraction dis-
reduced insulin sensitivity related to cardiovascular
tributions in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, after12 weeks of pioglitazone (30 mg/day) or placebo treatment.
risk factors in SLE patients.35 The present studyshows that pioglitazone administration leads to asignificant decrease in insulin levels (23.6%) andHOMA-IR (31.7%). This finding correlates wellwith a study where a lupus-prone murine model
in vitro and in vivo studies assessing anti-inflamma-
showed improvement of insulin resistance and pro-
tory and anti-atherosclerotic effects of PPAR ago-
duced stable glucose levels after pioglitazone
nist, indicate that these drugs may be powerful
administration.14 Therefore, improving insulin sen-
sitivity in patients at risk due to SLE may preventthe occurrence of cardiovascular complications,
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLEJG Jua´rez-Rojas et al.
independently of glucose levels, as other investiga-
pioglitazone raised HDL-cholesterol levels by
tors have shown in patients with and without dia-
14.2%, similar to previous studies where pioglita-
$10–20%.21 It has been suggested that PPAR sig-
inflammatory disorders are associated with the
naling may play a role in stimulating expression of
development of accelerated atherosclerosis have
the gene encoding ABCA1,50 which could increase
been increasingly recognized.38 In our study, treat-
the flux of cholesterol from cells on to apo AI.51 If
ment with pioglitazone significantly decreased
PPAR were involved in regulating ABCA1 gene
hsCRP and SAA by 70.9% and 34.9%, respec-
expression, additional effects on plasma HDL-cho-
tively. Previous studies have shown that pioglita-
lesterol levels and HDL particles might be seen.
zone decreases hsCRP plasma levels.21 However,
Although it is a widely accepted notion that low
to our knowledge, this is the first study where
HDL-cholesterol levels constitute an independent
SAA plasma levels were decreased by pioglitazone
risk factor for premature atherosclerosis and
use. SAA is the major acute-phase protein in verte-
CHD, there is increasing evidence that HDL parti-
brates and is synthesized in the liver in response to
cle characteristics may be more important than
quantity for atheroprotection.15 We6 and others7
Although other non-specific inflammatory markers
have previously demonstrated that compared with
such as hsCRP also correlate with cardiovascular
control subjects, patients with SLE have triglycer-
disease, the wider dynamic range as well as the
ide enrichment and cholesterol-ester depletion of
more rapid response and easier measurement of
HDL, as well as low concentrations of large
SAA has lead to the suggestion that it may be a
HDLs and high levels of small HDL particles.
better marker of disease,40,41 and has been shown
These abnormal HDL particles have been found
in other hyperinsulinema states, and have been
Thiazolidinediones such as rosiglitazone or trogli-
associated with coronary heart disease52 and recur-
tazone reduce SAA by about 30–50% in diabetic
rence of coronary events.12 In fact, McMahon et al.
and non-diabetic subjects;44,45 however, only one
reported that 48.2% from 276 SLE patients have
previous report46 has evaluated the effect of piogli-
proinflammatory HDLs, and that these proinflam-
tazone treatment on SAA. That study46 showed
matory HDLs contribute to a 17-fold increased
that patients with diabetes mellitus did not present
odds for the presence of atherosclerosis.9 Our
changes in SAA plasma levels in spite of an
results show that pioglitazone modified HDL par-
improvement in insulin sensitivity. Since inflamma-
ticle size and composition, and although we did not
tion is associated with diabetes mellitus, it is possi-
evaluate HDL atheroprotective functionality after
ble that the anti-inflammatory effect of pioglitazone
pioglitazone use, several studies have shown that
could be more important in patients with SLE,
small HDL particles and HDLs enriched in triglyc-
where inflammation plays a central role in the
erides or depleted of cholesterol show a diminished
development of atherosclerosis.47,48 Our results
atheroprotective function and are associated with a
show that in addition to the improvement in insulin
poor prognosis for cardiovascular disease.12,15,52
resistance, pioglitazone also reduces inflammation
Therefore, our findings suggest that pioglitazone
in a short time. It is important to highlight that
could restore the HDL atheroprotective functions
pioglitazone might reduce the risk of CHD in
patients with uncomplicated SLE, by reducing the
It is important to note that the small sample size
alterations promoted by lupus itself. Longitudinal
may explain the lack of significant differences in
and epidemiological studies are needed to investi-
plasma apo AI levels and HDL composition after
gate the effect of this drug over long-term
pioglitazone treatment. However, the 15 patients
included in the pioglitazone arm were enough to
Hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL-cholesterol
detect changes in insulin, inflammation and HDL
levels are components of insulin resistance states
particle size. The clinical implications of these find-
and of SLE dyslipidemia.5 In SLE, these lipidic
ings are that even in SLE patients without addi-
abnormalities correlate with drug therapy, disease
tional risk factors, representing approximately
activity, metabolic syndrome, and inflammatory
15% of our cohort, pioglitazone may have the
potential to prevent premature CHD. We do not
study,9 we found that HDL-cholesterol and triglyc-
have hard endpoints in our study to confirm if all
eride levels were normal in our group of patients,
these qualitative and quantitative changes are
possibly due to the fact that we selected subjects
reflected in a prognostic improvement of patients
with SLE. Longitudinal studies are necessary to
Pioglitazone improves the cardiovascular profile in patients with uncomplicated SLE
evaluate the cardiovascular effects of long-term pio-
2 Svenungsson E, Jensen-Urstad K, Heimbu¨rger M, et al. Risk fac-
tors for cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus.
glitazone use in SLE patients with and without dia-
betes mellitus and other complications.
3 Posadas-Romero C, Torres-Tamayo M, Zamora-Gonza´lez J, et al.
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En la ciudad de Concepción del Oro, municipio del mismo nombre del estado de Zacatecas, siendo las dieciséis horas del día seis de octubre de dos mil diez, se reunieron en la Sala de Cabildo de la Presidencia Municipal los CC. LIC. ROSA HUERTA BRIONES, PRESIDENTA MUNICIPAL, RICARDO ADRIAN URESTI LINARES, SINDICO MUNICIPAL, JULIO ABELARDO GONZALEZ PARDO, PROFRA. MINERVA CHAIREZ CRUZ, JOSE GUADA
IMPORTANT INFORMATION – please read Dogs Trust assumes no liability for the content of the following list. This does not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants and is only intended as a guide. Please contact your veterinary surgeon for advice or treatment immediately if you think your pet has eaten any of the following plants and is showing a bad reaction. Your pet may also hav