Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
M i t o x a n t r o n e , E t o p o s i d e , a n d C y c l o s p o r i n e T h e r a p y i n P e d i a t r i c P a t i e n t s W i t h R e c u r r e n t o r R e f r a c t o r y A c u t e M y e l o i d L e u k e m i a
By Gary V. Dahl, Norman J. Lacayo, Nathalie Brophy, Kyriaki Dunussi-Joannopoulos, Howard J. Weinstein, Myron Chang,
Purpose: To determine the remission rate and toxic- remission, and 9% of patients (n ؍ 6) died of infection. ity of mitoxantrone, etoposide, and cyclosporine (MEC) Exposure to CSA levels of greater than 2,400 ng/mL therapy, multidrug resistance-1 (MDR1) status, and was achieved in 95% of patients (n ؍ 56 of 59). Toxic- steady-state cyclosporine (CSA) levels in children with ities included infection, cardiotoxicity, myelosuppres- relapsed and/or refractory acute myeloid leukemia. sion, stomatitis, and reversible increases in serum cre- Patients and Methods: MEC therapy consisted of mi- atinine and bilirubin. In most who had relapsed while toxantrone 6 mg/m2/d for 5 days, etoposide 60 mg/ receiving therapy or whose induction therapy had m2/d for 5 days, and CSA 10 mg/kg for 2 hours followed failed, response was not significantly different for by 30 mg/kg/d as a continuous infusion for 98 hours. MDR1-positive and MDR1-negative patients. Because of pharmacokinetic interactions, drug doses Conclusion: Serum levels of CSA capable of revers- were decreased to 60% of those found to be effective ing multidrug resistance are achievable in children with without coadministration of CSA. MDR1 expression was acceptable toxicity. The CR rate of 35% achieved in this evaluated by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain re- study is comparable to previously reported results us- action, flow cytometry, and the ability of CSA at 2.5 ing standard doses of mitoxantrone and etoposide. The
mol/L to increase intracellular accumulation of 3H- use of CSA may have improved the response rate for daunomycin in blasts from bone marrow specimens. the MDR1-positive patients so that it was not different Results: The remission rate was 35% (n ؍ 23 of 66). from that for the MDR1-negative patients. Overall, 35% of patients (n ؍ 23) achieved complete J Clin Oncol 18:1867-1875. 2000 by American remission (CR), 12% of patients (n ؍ 8) achieved partial Society of Clinical Oncology.
WITH CURRENT chemotherapy regimens, approxi- toxantrone, respectively), the vinca alkaloids (vincristine
mately 75% to 85% of newly diagnosed children
and vinblastine), and the epipodophyllotoxins (etoposide
with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) will achieve complete
remission (CR).1 Further consolidation/maintenance che-
Several noncytotoxic drugs, such as verapamil and phe-
motherapy results in 5-year event-free survival (EFS) of
nothiazines, have been shown to modulate MDR, at least in
35% to 60%.2-6 The major reason for treatment failure is
part by competitive inhibition of P-gp–mediated drug ef-
leukemic relapse, which is most likely to occur within the
flux.11 Verapamil and phenothiazines modulate MDR and
first 2 years after diagnosis. Only 30% to 50% of patients
P-gp at drug concentrations that produce unacceptable
who relapse will achieve a second remission with chemo-
clinical toxicities (heart block and depression of the CNS).
therapy, and these remissions are not durable. The likeli-
Cyclosporine (CSA) has also been shown to be a potent
hood of achieving a second remission is directly propor-
inhibitor of P-gp drug efflux in vitro. CSA concentrations of
tional to the length of the first remission.7 The lack ofresponse to chemotherapy suggests the development ofacquired drug resistance. From the Divisions of Pediatric Oncology, Medical Oncology, and
Drug resistance may be present at the time of diagnosis or
Clinical Pharmacology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo
it may arise by somatic mutations during tumor growth. Alto, and Children’s Cancer Group, Arcadia, CA, and Pediatric
Numerous reports implicate the increased expression of the
multidrug resistance-1 (MDR1)– encoded P-glycoprotein
Submitted August 4, 1999; accepted January 5, 2000. Supported by the Career Development Award from the American
(P-gp) multidrug transporter as one cause of both intrinsic
Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria, VA, and by grants no. R01
and acquired drug resistance.8-10 P-gp is a transmembrane
CA 52168 and M01 RR 00070 from the National Institutes of Health,
ATP-dependent efflux pump that has broad substrate spec-
Bethesda, MD (to General Clinical Research Center, Stanford Univer-
ificity. Increased amounts of P-gp confer multidrug resis-
tance (MDR) in cells by reducing intracellular accumulation
Address reprint requests to Gary V. Dahl, MD, Department ofPediatrics, Division of Hematology, Oncology, 300 Pasteur Dr, Room
of a variety of cytotoxic drugs. Several key drugs used in the
G313, Stanford, CA 94305-5208; email Gary.Dahl@leland.stanford.edu.
therapy of AML are transported by P-gp. These include
2000 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
anthracyclines and anthracenediones (daunorubicin and mi-
Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 18, No 9 (May), 2000: pp 1867-1875
1,000 to 2,000 ng/mL, which reverse P-gp in vitro, are
Table 1. Patient Characteristics
readily achievable with short-term intravenous administra-
tion in adults patients with acceptable toxicities.12
Several studies in patients with AML have shown that
P-gp overexpression is relatively frequent, especially in
refractory and relapsed leukemia.8-10 In several adult AML
studies, CR rates were significantly lower in AML patients
with overexpression of MDR1/P-gp, but the overall prog-
nostic significance of P-gp expression on outcome remains
controversial. Interpretation of the clinical data has been
hampered by lack of well-defined criteria for detecting a
level of P-gp expression considered positive and inadequate
standardization of drug efflux assays.13 Two recent reports
of phase II trials using cyclosporines as MDR modulators in
adult AML patients have shown improved remission rates in
We present the results of the largest pediatric study of an
MDR reversal agent, and the first in childhood AML. The
goals of this phase II study were (a) to determine the
remission rate and toxicity of mitoxantrone, etoposide, and
CSA (MEC) in children with refractory or relapsed AML,(b) to document steady-state CSA levels of greater than2,400 ng/mL, (c) to determine MDR1 mRNA and P-gpexpression in leukemic blasts, and (d) to perform functional
The diagnosis of AML was made on bone marrow smears routinely
stained and evaluated according to the revised French-American-
A phase III AML study—Pediatric Oncology Group
British (FAB) criteria.17 All patients had normal cardiac, renal, liver,and pulmonary function, and all but two had received less than 500
(POG) 9421—with etoposide and mitoxantrone with/with-
mg/m2 of prior daunorubicin therapy. The median prior daunorubicin
out CSA during the consolidation phase has just been
dose was 265 mg/m2 (range, 72 to 500 mg/m2), and four patients had
received additional cardiotoxic therapy (amsacrine in three and idaru-bicin in one). This study was approved by the institutional review
boards of each participating POG institution, and the patient and/orparent or guardian was required to sign an approved consent form.
Between April 1992 and June 1994, a total of 68 pediatric patients
with AML were entered onto the MEC protocol, a POG phase II
multicenter trial (POG 9222). These children had received unsucessful
The National Cancer Institute criteria for CR and partial remission
induction therapy with initial therapy or had relapsed during therapy or
(PR) were used. A CR was defined as the presence of a morphologi-
after one or more CRs. Forty-nine of the 66 assessable patients were
cally normal bone marrow, a granulocyte count of at least 1,500/L,
initially treated on or as per POG 8821.16 In this study, patients
and a platelet count of 100,000/L. A PR was defined as 5.1% to
received induction therapy with daunorubicin, cytarabine (Ara-C), and
25.0% of bone marrow blast cells with recovering counts and no
thioguanine, followed by a second induction with high-dose Ara-C
circulating blasts. Relapse was defined as more than 25% blasts.17
(total anthracyclines, 135 mg/m2). Patients who entered remission wereeligible for randomization. After randomization, an additional course of
etoposide and azacytidine with intrathecal Ara-C was given, followedby either intensive chemotherapy (cumulative anthracyclines, 360
Echocardiography or planar radionuclide ventriculography (multi-
mg/m2), autologous transplantation, or allogeneic transplantation. Eight
gated angiogram scan) was required of all patients before the start of
patients were treated according to POG pilot study 9194 (three cycles
the study and before each course of therapy. If the shortening fraction
with daunorubicin, high-dose Ara-C, and thioguanine; etoposide and
was greater than 27% or ejection fraction was greater than 50%,therapy could be initiated. If clinical heart failure developed or the
high-dose Ara-C; and high-dose Ara-C and daunorubicin [cumulative
shortening fraction dropped below 25%, the second cycle of therapy
anthracyclines, 225 mg/m2]). The remaining patients were treated on
was held until cardiac function improved.
various anthracycline-containing induction regimens. Relapse or induc-tion failure was documented by bone marrow aspirate and biopsy in all
patients. The characteristics of this patient population are listed inTable 1. In 68% of the assessable patients, either induction therapy
MEC therapy consisted of mitoxantrone 6 mg/m2/d for 5 days and
failed or the patient relapsed while on therapy; the remainder had first
etoposide 60 mg/m2/d for 5 days in combination with CSA 10 mg/kg
remission duration of less than 1 year.
for 2 hours followed by 30 mg/kg/d continuous infusion for 98 hours
(total of 100 hours). The CSA dose was adjusted at hours 14, 26, 38, 50,
75%; eight samples showed 100% positive blasts). Similar results were
and 74 in an attempt to maintain a steady-state serum CSA level above
obtained when D values were calculated, with most samples falling in
2.5 mol/L (range, 3,000 to 5,000 ng/mL).
the low expression range (D values Ͼ 0.1 and Ͻ 0.2).20 Because the
A bone marrow aspirate and biopsy samples were obtained 10 to 14
number of positive leukemia samples was relatively low (a total of 14
days from the start of the 5-day MEC course. If the aspirate had more
patient samples), samples were not broken down into subgroups of
than 25% blasts, patients were removed from study regardless of the
cellularity. If patients had fewer than 25% blasts and cellularity of less
RT-PCR analysis of MDR1 expression.
than 25%, they were immediately given a second 5-day MEC course.
was determined in bone marrow samples by RT-PCR using MDR1 and
If fewer than 5% blasts were noted and the biopsy was hypocellular
beta-2-microglobulin specific oligonucleotide primers as described by
(5% to 20%), a second course was delayed until the counts recovered.
Noonan et al.24 Total RNA (100 ng) was used to make cDNA followed
Patients who recovered with greater than 25% blasts before the second
by amplification in a 4800 Thermocyler (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, CT)
course were removed from the study. If there was residual leukemia
set for a 30-second denaturation at 94°C, 1 minute of primer annealing
after two courses, the patient was taken off the study. Patients who
at 55°C, and 2 minutes of extension/synthesis at 72°C. Primers used for
achieved a CR with one or two courses could receive two or one
amplification of MDR1 RNA were from nucleotides 2596 to 2615 for
subsequent course(s), respectively, for consolidation. No more than
the sense direction and nucleotides 2733 to 2752 for the antisense
three courses of MEC were given to any patient.
direction, yielding a 167-nucleotide product. Primers used for ampli-fication of 2-microglobulin were from nucleotides 1544 to 1563 for
the sense and from nucleotides 2253 to 2263 for the antisense direction. This combination yielded a 120-nucleotide product. PCR products were
Flow cytometric analysis of MDR1 expression.
electrophoretically separated in a 3% agarose gel and the specific PCR
was determined by both flow cytometric analysis and reverse transcrip-
amplicons were excised after ethidium bromide staining. The amount
tase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Analysis of MDR1 P-gp cell
of radioactivity incorporated into each amplicon was then determined
surface expression was performed on a FACSCAN flow cytometer
by liquid scintillation counting. Analyses were done after 25 and 35
using Lysis II software (Becton Dickinson, Thousand Oaks, CA) and
cycles of amplification. A sample was considered positive for MDR
the 4E3 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) directed to an external epitope of
expression if a band was visibly present after ethidium bromide
P-gp.18,19 Similar results were obtained using MRK16, another external
staining and/or the MDR1 to 2-microglobulin ratio of incorporated
epitope anti–P-gp MoAb. Although there were subtle differences, the
radioactive counts was greater than 0.7 (based on comparison with the
results reported here are only for the 4E3 antibody because expression
drug-sensitive [P-gp–negative] CEM cell line, which had a ratio of less
of surface P-gp was observed to be similar and did not change the
than 0.7 under the RT-PCR conditions used). The range of values
number of patients who were positive.
varied from 0.8 to 1.8, with an average of 1.2 and a median of 1.1.
Fresh bone marrow samples were layered over Ficoll-Hypaque
cushions and centrifuged at 600 ϫ g for 15 minutes to separate
Cytotoxic Drug Accumulation Studies
mononuclear cells, which were then washed in cold phosphate-buffered
Although the functional analysis of MDR1/P-gp has evolved over the
saline containing 2% fetal bovine serum. These cells were then used for
past several years with the discovery of a variety of dyes effluxed by
staining with 4E3, other hematopoietic markers (including CD34,
the MDR transporter, when this clinical study was begun these methods
CD13, CD15, CD33, CD14, CD2, CD19, and CD10), or isotype
had not been established.19,25-27 The determination of intracellular drug
controls. 4E3 or MRK16 was detected using secondary phycoerythrin-
accumulation was used to measure the effect of verapamil and/or CSA
conjugated goat-antimouse immunoglobulin (Fab)2 fragment (Tago,
on reversing the level of cytotoxic drug accumulation, even though, as
Burlingame, CA) at a 1/30 dilution. All other MoAbs were directly
many studies have now shown, the correlation with P-gp and the
conjugated to fluorescein (Becton Dickinson or AMAC, Inc, Miami,
reversal of drug uptake or accumulation with these inhibitors expres-
FL). 4E3 staining of gated leukemic blasts was compared with isotype
sion is not perfect, in part due to the non-MDR1 transport sys-
control as well as control cells expressing different levels of MDR1
P-gp (CEM, CEM/VBL-100, and CEM/VBL-300).18
The intracellular accumulation of cytotoxic agents was determined in
Quantitation was accomplished initially by comparing mean fluores-
the absence and presence of P-gp inhibitors verapamil and CSA, as
cence intensities or using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, referred to
previously described.18,27-30 3H-Daunomycin (specific activity, ϳ1 to 5
as D, which measures the difference between the means of two
Ci/mmol; Dupont, Wilmington, DE) and 3H-vinblastine (specific ac-
distributions.13,20-22 The ratio of the mean fluorescence intensity for
tivity, ϳ5 to 25 Ci/mmol; Amersham International, Les Uris, France)
4E3 expression compared with the value using an isotype control
were used in these studies. Isolated bone marrow mononuclear cells
antibody was then calculated. This ratio never exceeded 1.2 for the
were resuspended at 1 ϫ 106 cells/mL of RPMI medium containing
drug-sensitive (P-gp–negative) cell line, CEM. AML blasts were
10% fetal bovine serum. Aliquots of 0.25 mL were then dispensed into
therefore considered positive if they had a shift of Ն 1.3 times a mean
75-mm round-bottom plastic tubes and MDR reversal agents were
fluorescent intensity for P-gp compared with the isotype control. In
added to a final concentration of 2.5 mol/L. After a 30-minute
addition, Ն 10% of marrow mononuclear cells in the leukemic blast
incubation with gentle agitation at 37°C, tritiated cytotoxic drug was
population had to be positive for a sample to be considered positive for
added to a final concentration of 8 nmol/L in the presence of the same
P-gp expression.23 The observed ratios of the mean fluorescence
but unlabeled drug at a final concentration of 10 mol/L. After a 2-hour
intensity for 4E3 staining compared with the isotype control for all
incubation, the entire contents of each tube were overlaid on a 200-L
patient samples considered to be positive by these criteria ranged from
cushion of Dow 550 silicone oil (Dow Corning, Midland, MI) and
1.3 to 5, with a mean of 2.2 and a median value of 1.65. The values for
mineral oil (4:1) in a 1.5-mL Eppendorf tube and centrifuged at
percentage of positive cells in the leukemic blast populations from
10,000 ϫ g at 4°C for 1 minute to separate the cells from drug-
different patients ranged from 10% to 100%, with a mean of 70% and
containing medium. The medium and oil mixture was removed by
a median of 100% (values included 10%, 11%, 13%, 20%, 53%, and
aspiration, and the cellular pellets were solubilized in 1 mL of 1 M
NaOH at 60°C overnight before the amount of radioactivity accumu-
therapy; five achieved CR after the second course. CR rates
lated in the cells was determined by liquid scintillation counting.
by patient characteristics are listed in Table 1. The remission
The “fold increase” of radiolabeled drug accumulation was calcu-
rates were 62%, 15%, and 33 for patients with off-therapy
lated as follows: The ratio of the drug accumulation as described earlierwithout a reversal agent compared to with a reversal agent was
relapse, on-therapy relapse, and primary refractory AML or
calculated. Along with each patient sample, drug accumulation for the
secondary AML%, respectively. The overall remission rate
drug-sensitive cell line, CEM, and the drug-resistant derivative, CEM/
was 35% (23 of 66 patients), with a 95% confidence interval of
VBL 300, was simultaneously determined. The values for each pa-
23% to 46%. The median EFS and median survival times were
tient’s drug accumulation ratio and for CEM cells were normalized by
2.5 months and 4.5 months, respectively. Fifty-seven (86%) of
dividing by the ratio for CEM/VBL 300 cells. Last, a fold increase forthe patient sample compared with CEM cells was determined. Values
66 patients died during the first year. When patients were
reported are the average of at least three determinations. A fold increase
stratified based on either the status of MDR1 or status of prior
value of greater than 1.2 was considered positive, as this was the upper
relapse, the number within each stratum was too small to
level observed using the drug-sensitive cell line, CEM.18,30 The range
of values for patient samples greater than 1.2 varied from 1.23 to 6.59,
Marrow samples were received for determination of
MDR1 status in 59 (90%) of 66 patients. Table 2 lists the
disease status and response of patients with AML accordingto their MDR1 status as defined in the Materials and
The significance of observed differences in proportions was tested
using the 2 statistic and, when appropriate for small sample size,
Methods. Fifty-five patients were tested by flow cytometry
Fisher’s exact test. The Mantel-Haenszel test31 was used to compare
for the presence of 4E3 staining; 14 (25%) were positive
the CR rate in MDR1-negative patients with that in MDR1-positive
and 41 (75%) were negative. Of these patients, CR was
patients with adjustment for imbalance of prior relapse status. The test
achieved by four (29%) of the 4E3-positive and by 14
is based on the difference between the observed number of CR in
(34%) of 4E3-negative patients. Fifty patients were tested
MDR1-negative patients and the expected number of CRs in the samegroup under the hypothesis that the remission rate in MDR1-negative
for MDR1 status by RT-PCR. Ten (20%) were positive and
patients is the same as that in MDR1-positive patients.
40 (80%) were negative. Of these patients, CR was achieved
Kendall’s tau-b32 was used to evaluate the correlation between the
in four (40%) of the PCR-positive patients and 13 (33%) of
various measurements associated with the MDR1 status. The estimator
the PCR-negative patients. Fifty-two patients were tested
of Kendall’s tau-b is based on the fraction of concordant versus
for MDR1 reversal by CSA in vitro. Twenty (38%) exhib-
discordant pairs of observations on two variables. A value of theestimator close to Ϫ1, ϩ1, or 0 indicates strongly negative, strongly
ited reversal and 32 (62%) did not. Of these patients, CR
positive, or no correlation, respectively, between the variables.
was achieved in nine (45%) with positive reversal by CSAand in nine (28%) with negative reversal by CSA in blast
cells. In samples from 48 patients, results of all threeMDR1/P-gp detection methods outlined earlier were avail-
able. When MDR1/P-gp positivity was defined as either
Sixty-eight patients (age range, 1.4 months to 20 years)
4E3ϩ, PCRϩ, ϩCSA reversal, or any combination thereof,
were entered onto the study and 66 were assessable for
there were 27 (56%) positive and 21 (44%) negative
response and toxicity (Table 1). No patient was considered
samples. Of these patients, CR was achieved in 10 (37%) of
ineligible for entry onto the study, but two patients were
MDR1/P-gp–positive patients and in seven (33%) of MDR1/
administered nonprotocol cytotoxic therapy and therefore
were considered nonassessable. The distribution of FAB
Only five patients were positive for MDR1 expression by
subtypes was consistent with previously published experi-
all three methods, and 21 were negative for MDR1 by all
ence.33 There were two cases of treatment-related secondary
three methods. The response (CR ϩ PR) rates were 60%
AML (tAML). The “other” category includes one patient
(three of five patients) and 38% (eight of 21 patients) for
with refractory anemia with excess blasts developing after a
these two groups of patients. The difference was insignifi-
3-month remission of AML and seven AML cases not given
cant (two-sided P ϭ .62 by Fisher’s exact test).
The Mantel-Haenszel test shows that after adjustment for
prior relapse status the CR rate in MDR1/P-gp–negative
patients was not higher than that in MDR1/P-gp–positive
Overall, 23 patients (35%) achieved CR, eight patients
patients when MDR1/P-gp positivity is defined as ϩ4E3,
(12%) achieved PR, and six patients (9%) died of infection
ϩRT-PCR, ϩCSA reversal, or the presence of at least one
during marrow hypoplasia. Among the complete respond-
of the above (one-sided P values were .30, .55, .86, and .39,
ers, median time to CR was 39 days (range, 14 to 62 days).
respectively). In addition, the variables of age, sex, and
Eighteen (27%) achieved CR after a single course of
FAB group were not significantly correlated with CR in
Table 2. CR Outcome Versus MDR1 Status
*Defined as Ͼ 10% positive cells. †Defined as a PCR value Ͼ 0.7 relative to 1.0 for positive control. ‡Defined as a CSA value Ͼ 1.2ϫ, which is above that of P-gp-negative cells. §A combination of antibody and PCR-positive samples, or reversible to CSA.
univariate analysis. The two-sample binomial test shows
of the hands and lips was frequently reported and resolved
that the remission rate (13 of 21 patients, 62%) in patients
with completion of the CSA infusion. All patients experi-
with off-therapy relapse was higher than the CR rate (10 of
enced profound myelosuppression, with an absolute neutro-
45 patients, 22%) in patients with on-therapy relapse or
phil count of zero and platelet counts of less than 20,000/
induction failure (one-sided P ϭ .0006).
mm3. In the responding patients, the median time togranulocyte and platelet recovery was 35 days (range, 21 to
Correlation Among 4E3 Staining, RT-PCR, and Cytotoxic
55 days) and 36 days (range, 22 to 69 days), respectively. Drug Accumulation With or Without CSA
The major toxicity was infection, with 28 episodes; among
The Kendall’s tau-b correlation coefficients among the
these, 25 patients developed documented bacterial or fungal
4E3 staining, RT-PCR, and CSA analyses were not signif-
infections. As determined using National Cancer Institute
icantly different from zero, except for the correlation
toxicity criteria, grade 4 mucositis developed in eight
coefficient (r ϭ .49) between 4E3 staining and RT-PCR
children. Significant increases in serum creatinine occurred
(P ϭ .0005) and the correlation coefficient (r ϭ .34)
in three patients; one was grade 4 in a 19-month-old boy and
between 4E3 staining and CSA modulation (P ϭ .0023).
was associated with severe mucositis, candidiasis, cardiacfailure, and early death. The other two were related to poor
state of hydration before the start of the CSA infusion, and
Whole blood or serum CSA levels were performed by
both resolved with adequate parenteral fluid administration.
clinical laboratories at each participating institution. No
Cardiotoxicity, manifested by decreased ejection fraction
standard measurement method was suggested. For the 59
or shortening fraction, was noted in 15 (23%) of the patients
patients with available data, the median serum CSA level
after induction therapy. In 12 (80%) of these patients,
after a 2- hour loading dose was 3,449 ng/mL and the mean
cardiotoxic events were transient, were due to multifactorial
was 2,820 ng/mL (range, 1,050 to 16,599 ng/mL). For the
clinical problems, and resolved without specific therapy.
5-day continuous infusion, the median level was 3,187
Three children developed congestive heart failure that
ng/mL and the mean was 3,446 ng/mL (range, 1,397 to
6,534 ng/mL). The median peak CSA level during the 5-dayinfusion was 4,911 ng/mL (range, 2,160 to 22,296 ng/mL). Although steady-state concentrations revealed significant
Table 3. Grades 3 to 4 Toxicity Among Assessable Patients
interpatient variability, prolonged exposure to levels of
greater than 2,400 ng/mL was achieved in 56 of 59 patients.
Table 3 lists toxicities related to the induction regimen.
Nausea and vomiting associated with headache and tingling
For the 55 patients with available data, the median total
level of MDR1 transcripts by RT-PCR or RNAse protection
bilirubin level during CSA infusion was 2.2 mg/100 mL
assays. Later, protein detection by immunoblotting and immu-
(range, 0.6 to 9.7 mg/100 mL). The mostly direct hyperbi-
nohistochemistry was introduced. More recently, functional
lirubinemia was rapidly reversible once the CSA infusion
assays have been developed. Despite these advances, it is
was discontinued and was not accompanied by any other
difficult to assess the role that P-gp plays in clinical drug
evidence of additional hepatic dysfunction. There was no
resistance due to tumor cell heterogeneity, sensitivity, and
relationship between the level of bilirubin, response rate,
specificity of methods of detection. The best approach, as
CSA level achieved, or MDR1/P-gp status.
recommended by the international workshop on MDR1 detec-
tion methods, is to use tissue-specific controls, antibody con-trols, standardized MDR1 cell lines to calibrate detection
The major objective of this protocol was to determine
methods, and two or more vendor-standardized anti–P-gp
whether the MDR1/P-gp reversal agent CSA could be safely
antibodies, and to report immunostaining data as staining
tolerated and produce significant response rates in pediatric
intensity and the percentage of positive cells.11 Although this
patients when given in high doses with an active reinduction
study was completed before these consensus recommenda-
regimen of mitoxantrone and etoposide. In this study,
tions, many of these guidelines were followed. The RT-PCR
high-dose CSA was administered continuously in a group-
data were complemented with immunostaining and drug accu-
wide setting and found to be generally safe with acceptable
mulation studies with and without modulators. Standardized
toxicity. Grades 3 to 4 cardiac toxicity, likely related to
cell lines with low expression of MDR1/P-gp were used as a
chemotherapy, occurred in three patients (4.5%), who de-
veloped congestive heart failure and required treatment with
Flow cytometric assessment of P-gp had an adequate correla-
digitalis. Although hyperbilirubinemia was common and
tion with both RT-PCR and CSA enhancement of drug accumu-
directly related to CSA administration, it quickly normal-
lation. Although adequate, the level of correlation highlights the
ized when the infusion was discontinued.
need for protein and functional assays as necessary tools in
In addition, the combination of CSA, mitoxantrone, and
evaluating the MDR1 status in clinical samples and in validating
etoposide was determined to be an active induction regimen
the analysis of MDR1 modulation trials.
for children with relapsed and refractory AML, even though
Limited data are available on the expression of MDR1/
the doses of mitoxantrone and etoposide given during
P-gp in marrow or blood samples from pediatric patients
induction were decreased to 60% of those found to be
with AML. This series includes the largest sample of
effective without coadministration of CSA. Dose modifica-
relapsed or refractory pediatric AML samples analyzed for
tions were necessary because high-dose CSA produces
MDR1/P-gp expression and function. There is one pub-
significant increases in etoposide and mitoxantrone sys-
lished report of MDR1/P-gp expression in pediatric patients
temic exposure and resultant leukopenia and mucositis. Our
with de novo AML.36 In this study, samples from 130
group has performed pharmacokinetic analysis of patientsreceiving etoposide and mitoxantrone with and without
patients were evaluated, and 30% of infants and 8% of
CSA in an ongoing phase III trial.34 CSA produced signif-
children older than 1 year expressed MDR1/P-gp at diagno-
icant increases in the area under the curve for etoposide and
sis. This study was limited to the use of the MRK-16
mitoxantrone, thus confirming the need for the dose adjust-
antibody with a fluorescein isothiocyanate– conjugated sec-
ments used in this study and in our ongoing phase III trial.
ond-step reagent. MDR1/P-gp positivity did not have an
The CR rate of 35% achieved in this study is comparable to
effect on induction failure, incidence of relapse, EFS, or
other results reported with mitoxantrone/etoposide.35 As in
overall survival in this group of patients. The method of
other studies, the likelihood of achieving a CR was higher in
analysis was substandard because it relied on a single
patients who relapsed off therapy, compared with those who
technique to study MDR1/P-gp status. If the data from this
relapsed on therapy or did not go into remission (62% v
Children’s Cancer Group study are corroborated, then our
15% and 33%, respectively). Approximately 50% of pa-
group of relapsed and/or refractory pediatric AML patients
tients achieved a CR or PR with this MEC regimen, which
shows an increased expression of MDR1/P-gp, similar to
allowed most to go on to bone marrow transplant.
what is seen when comparing de novo and relapsed AML in
A second aim of this study was to determine the P-gp status
of blasts in refractory childhood AML by several methods,
Although the response rate for MDR1/P-gp-negative
including MDR1 mRNA, P-gp expression, and drug efflux
patients is not significantly higher than that for MDR1/P-
studies. The methodology used to assess P-gp expression has
gp–positive patients, it is interesting to note that the patients
evolved over the last several years. Early studies reported the
relapsing off therapy before entry onto this regimen were
more likely to achieve remission and more likely to be
and hyperbilirubinemia were found to be major treatment-
MDR1/P-gp positive. MDR1/P-gp status as a predictor of
related toxicities in this population. Remissions were seen
response to induction may be important for patients for
in heavily pretreated patients and in children who had failed
whom induction therapy fails or for patients who relapse on
to achieve an initial remission. The remission rate in
therapy, but it may have little prognostic importance in
MDR1/P-gp–negative patients was not significantly greater
those with late relapses. It is interesting to note that the
than that in MDR1/P-gp–positive patients.
prognostic importance of MDR1/P-gp expression and func-
The correlation among 4E3 staining, RT-PCR, and CSA
tion was not seen in this relatively large group of patients
inhibition of drug efflux was adequate. Our methods of
treated with an MDR1/P-gp modulator during induction. It
analysis using several diagnostic tools to determine the
may be that the modulator improved the response rate for
MDR1 status illustrate the pitfall of relying on a single
the MDR1/P-gp–positive patients so that it was not different
method to diagnose the MDR1/P-gp status. Future studies
from that of the MDR1/P-gp–negative patients. However,
will require the use of new flow cytometric analysis re-
the contribution of dose-intensity to this outcome needs to
agents and strict guidelines regarding clinical sample col-
lection, preservation, and amount of sample to perform
It is impossible to determine the prognostic importance of
MDR1/P-gp status and response to this therapy because of
In the laboratory setting it has been shown that the use of
variations in treatment history and drug exposure before
MDR1/P-gp modulators during cytotoxic therapy can abol-
admission to this protocol. The induction failure and on- and
ish the selection of MDR1-mediated drug resistance in
off-therapy relapse groups were not balanced for MDR1/
cancer cell lines.37 Thus a possible benefit of introducing
P-gp expression. The second largest subgroup of patients
MDR1/P-gp modulators in the therapy of patients with de
consisted of those who relapsed off therapy. These patients
novo AML may be a decrease in acquired drug resistance
were more likely to be MDR1/P-gp–positive and historically
based on MDR1/P-gp overexpression. To follow up this
have a higher chance of achieving remission. To determine the
study and to study further the incidence of P-gp positivity
prognostic importance of MDR1/P-gp status and reinduction
and the effect of P-gp reversal with CSA on outcome in de
rate, a randomized trial, in which the target plasma concentra-
novo childhood AML, a randomized phase III study (POG
tion of the chemotherapeutic agents is matched in the group
9421) was recently completed at POG institutions. When
given the reversal agent and the control, is needed.
they become available, results from this study may help to
In summary, the results of this study indicate that levels
determine the prognostic significance of MDR1/P-gp ex-
of CSA capable of reversing MDR1/P-gp in vitro are
pression and the effect of modulation by CSA in children
achievable in children with acceptable toxicity. Mucositis
San Antonio Military Pediatric Center & Blood Disorders Center
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