
Microtitration plates for the automated or manual susceptibility
testing of multi-resistent Staphylococci, Enterococci and

Principle, shelf-life and storage

The susceptibility testing is based on the rehydration of antibiotics by adding a standar-
dized bacteria suspension (Mueller-Hinton II broth). The result is measured photometri-
cally after 18-24 hours incubation at 35-37°C. Results are going to be measured and
interpreted either with the MICRONAUT software or visually. Due to a special vacuum
drying process the plates can be stored at a room temperature of 15-25°C. The
MICRONAUT test plates have a shelf life of 24 months at date of production.
Antibiotic configuration

The antibiotics configuration of the MICRONAUT-S MRSA / GP plate allows the specific
detection of the clinically relevant single or multi-resistances of gram-positive bacteria of
nosocomial infection. The susceptibility testing with highly effective reserve antibiotics
like the MRSA cephalosprine Ceftaroline offers therapeutic options in case of extreme

Prepare a bacteria suspension in NaCl (McFarland 0.5) Transfer in Mueller-Hinton II broth Inoculate MICRONAUT-S test plate Incubate for 18-24 hours at 35-37°C Measure photometrically and interprete with MICRONAUT software
Susceptibility testing of staphylococci

Penicillin G MIC: detection of staphylococcal penicillinases Detection of Oxacillin resistance by MIC determination with Oxacillin and Cefoxitin Detection of Oxacillin borderline resistance by detection of Cefoxitin susceptibility Detection of the induced MLSB resistence by Erythromycin/Clindamycin combination test according to CLSI standard Testing of highly effective antibiotics like Vancomycin, Linezolid, Tigecycline, Daptomycin, and Ceftaroline as therapeutic options in case of extreme multi-resistance Test interpretation according to EUCAST and CLSI standard Susceptibility testing of enterococci

Ampicillin MIC: detection of ampicillin resistance Detection of the phenotypical glycopeptide resistance pattern of Vancomycin resistant enterococci by determination of the MIC via Teicoplanin and Vancomycin Differentiation between Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis by Detection of HLAR strains through high-level-resistance testing via Gentamicin and Testing of highly effective antibiotics as therapeutic options in case of extreme Test interpretation according to EUCAST and CLSI standard
Susceptibility testing of pneumococci

Penicillin G MIC: detection of PBP changes Detection of Ceftaroline resistance Detection of Erythromycin resistance Detection of Vancomycin resistance Moxifloxacin MIC: detection of group IV quinolones resistance Testing of highly effective antibiotics as therapeutic options in case of extreme Test interpretation according to EUCAST- and CLSI standard
The MICRONAUT-S MRSA / GP plate is coated with these antibiotics

Abbreviation Antibiotic
Abbreviation Antibiotic
Erythromycin/Clindamycin SYN

Source: http://www.merlin-diagnostika.de/fileadmin/Datenpool/Dateien/Products/susceptibility-testing/F_MCN-S-MRSA-GP_130032013_e.pdf


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