Http:// The Anthrax-911 Connection TimelineJune 9, 2002 - source: DNA.org / Fort Detrick starts their missions. They include biomedical research and development, medical material management andglobal telecommunications The US produced and stockpiled weapons containing anthrax prior to the Biological Weapons Convention but hasdestroyed them. Wolf Szmunes, the National Institutes of Health and the CDC experimented on more than 1000 nonmonogamous men withvaccines, designed by Merck and other pharmacy companies "The CDC was responsible for most of the shipments of lethal American-produced Biochemical Warfare agents that weresold to Iran." Source: Devon Jackson, NY Times/Village Voice BioPort, from Lansing, Michigan (former Michigan Biologics Products Institute MBPI) is founded by Fuad al-Hibri(Ex-Porton International UK) and Admiral William Crowe, 76, former military chief under President Ronald Reagan. Theirmain purpose is to develop anti bio-agents.
The OraVax company (Bioweapon Vaccines) had been likewise linked to shady backroom dealings with Clintonadministration officials in 1998 regarding government orders for a yet to be tested West Nile Virus vaccine.
(source: . Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Public health consumer advocate and author of Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorismand Toxic Warfare (Tetrahedron Publishing Group; 1-888-508-4787), ".The role of Oravax, the commercial vaccine manufacturer directlyconnected to the major players in this issue-the CDC, the Ft. Dietrick bio-warfare lab, Plum Island, former OEM chief JerryHauer and Mayor Giuliani-remains unexamined in the media yet Oravax stands to make billions from its West Nile Virusvaccine if WNV hysteria continues to spread. That Oravax was developing a WNV vaccine before the 1999 outbreak, thatits VP went to Washington with Jerry Hauer and the head of Rockefeller University in 1998 to pressure President Clinton tostockpile billions of dollars worth of vaccines or that according to the NY Times, Oravax's stock value had lost 90% of itsvalue-making a mosquito-born epidemic the only chance of company survival-are clues of significance that might prove afinancial angle to WNV." BioPort signed a new contract with the US government. They have to develop vaccines against anthrax and have 3 yearstime for that to finish the production. The vaccines should be available in 2001.
They got a $50 million contract for developing AVA (Anthrax Vaccine Absorbed) for 2.5 million US Soldiers Conference for biological vaccines at Fort Detrick. Thomas Inglesby (Hopkins Institute) speaks: ".the DOD involvement in ongoing medical research also is important and instrumental to helping cities prepare for suchemergencies. the Fort Detrick institute is the most important component of ongoing research and development of effectivedefenses and treatment." Fort Detrick about anthrax: "one of the most treacherous enemies".
(Source: ) Thomas Inglesby, Hopkins Institute and top advisior of the Pentagon, writes his first popular scenario: "Anthrax: APossible Case History" A planned attack on Bin Laden, ordered by President Clinton, was aborted on that day, when Sharif was overthrown in amilitary coup by General Pervez Musharraf.
The CFR Project held its first big event: a scenario of a global financial meltdown, run as a war-game simulation at itsManhattan headquarters. James Woolsey, ex CIA director, played the role of Secretary of Defense. One week, after Dick Cheney resigned from Halliburton Root + Brown, the subsidiary signed a contract with the Pentagonabout constructions in various countries.
The contract was later upgraded into "a 408-unit detention camp at the Radio Range area of U.S. Naval Station,Guantanamo Bay, Cuba" Halliburton is Texas construction and engineering company, customer of the Pentagon and UNOCAL,who was working ona pipeline in Afghanistan.
Thomas Inglesby, Hopkins Institute organise his first Anthrax-Scenario Test-games Inglesby became important for the Pentagon and Fort Detrick, when he wrote his first popular scenario in July 1999: "Anthrax: A Possible Case History" >From this text: ".Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) offices in five U.S. cities have received warnings of an imminentbioterrorist attack. Each threat indicated that a "shower of anthrax would rain on U.S. cities," unless certain demands weremet immediately." While public media were assuring the credulous public of a "soft landing" for the U.S. economy, the New York Council onForeign Relations (CFR) held a second conference at its headquarters on the East Side of Manhattan, entitled "The NextFinancial Crisis: Warning Signs, Damage Control and Impact". It includes a testgame regarding a possible terrorist attack.
".a scenario of a global financial meltdown, run as a war-game simulation. The four teams covered 1) monetary-financial,which dealt with the functions of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; 2) economic and trade, which dealt with thefunctions of the U.S. Treasury Department; 3) regulatory matters; and 4) national security"nut case and former CIA directorJames Woolsey played the role of Secretary of Defense.
Thomas Picking, Deputy Director FBI, supports a hearing on "Combating Terrorism: In Search of a National Strategy",which covers mainly two questions: 1. What is the current national strategy to combat terrorism? 2. Who in the United States government is in charge of coordinating all federal agency efforts to counter terrorism? On the same panel also Robert S. Mueller, Paul Wolfowitz (Deputy Secretary of Defense), John Magaw (FEMA) and JohnE. McLaughlin (Deputy Director CIA). In another panel is Bruce Hoffman (RAND), Frank Cilluffo (CSIS) and others. The Holy Cross Health and Adventist Healthcare forms a joint venture to support Biotech companies that want to get aproduct to market have to cross paths with the Food and Drug Administration Dr. Christos Tsonas, Holy Cross, 4701 North Federal Highway in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida had to confirm to the FBI, that heprobably examined in this month a member of the 911 "hijackers", Ahmed Alhaznawi. Tsonas is member of the AmericanBoard of Emergency Medicine.
The survey list of Holy Cross' participants at the financial services is the Pentagon Federal Credit Union. Parts of that story, without mentioning any names had been already leaked in October/November 2001. It was refreshed inon March 23rd, 2002 in the NY Times. Dr. Thomas Inglesby helps the FBI in their investigation and comes to the conclusion, that Alhaznawi has anthrax, whilethe FBI later didn't. CSIS host a discussion on U.S. sanctions policy and suggest to relax the trade embargo on Cuba. Harold Brown (member of the boards of directors of Cummins Engine Company, Philip Morris, Mattel, and EvergreenHoldings, Inc. He is a trustee of the California Institute of Technology, RAND, and the Trilateral Commission (NorthAmerica).
James R. Schlesinger (associated with the RAND Corporation as a senior staff member (1963-67), and Director of StrategicStudies, (1967-1969). He left the Bureau of the Budget in August 1971 when President Nixon selected him to becomechairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. He held that post until February 1973 when he was named director of the CIA.
Both Schlesinger and Brown are also on the board of Daily Telegraph UK, owned by Hollinger Inc, Richard Perles company(who is the top advisor of the Pentagon) James Woolsey, ex CIA director and Perle/Wolfowitz friend Henry A. Kissinger , Mr. "Everywhere" Zbigniew Brzezinski ,"Conspirator Specialist" William S. Cohen, codirector at Empower America, U.S. senator (1979-1997) Hamza Alghamdi ("WTC-south tower")rents an unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, 755 Dotterel Rd.(confirmed on 10/13,rented by Gloria Irish, wife of Editor Michael Irish of the Sun) . Bob Stevens later becomes the first anthrax victim. His paperSun Sentinel was in the same building as National Equirer, who had been attacked in 2000 by an upset President Bushbecause of their negative articles about his daughter.
This disturbing connection to the Sun Sentinel is later ignored by the main media Between July 10th (when the FBIHQ and O'Neill received the Kenneth Williams Phoenix-Memo) and early August, JohnPickard takes over the job of NY-FBI director Louis Feesh.
Pickard was involved in the TWA flight 800 investigation and the embassy bombings in Africa. In 1979 he workedundercover on the money laundering case code named "ABSCAM". President Bush receives a 11.5 page report including a warning about an "attack with planes". A shorter memo goes to DickCheney, Andrew Card, Condoleeza Rice, Sen. Richard Shelby, Sen. Bob Graham, GOP Rep. Porter Goss, Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
John O'Neill's briefcase with important documents get stolen on a Miami conference and is recovered later.
".three weeks before the attack of September 11 security at the World Trade Center was abruptly heightened." This was also confirmed by financial analyst Ben Fountain ".over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number oftimes, which is unusual.",11859,174592-5,00.html After Colleen Rowley's memo was ignored by the FBIHQ including Dale Watson (Ex-CIA),she tries to get in touch on herown with the NSLU. She answers in an e-mail message, from an attorney at the National Security Law Unit (NSLU). ".Ofcourse, with (ever important!) 20-20 hindsight, I now wish I had taken more time and care to compose my response." When asked by NSLU for my "assessment of (our) chances of getting a criminal warrant to search Moussaoui's computer",I answered, "Although I think there's a decent chance of being able to get a judge to sign a criminal search warrant, ourUSAO seems to have an even higher standard much of the time, so rather than risk it, I advised that they should try theother route." ".I believe that Minneapolis agents actually brought this point to FBIHQ's attention on August 22, 2001, but HQpersonnel apparently ignored the directive." Colleen Rowley's memo was also ignored by John O'Neill, head of the FBI's counterterrorism branch.
The CIA sent out an urgent cable, labeled IMMEDIATE, to the State Department, Customs, INS and FBI, telling them to putthe two men on the terrorism watch list." After "a series of emails between Minneapolis and FBI HQ" concerning Colleen Rowley's mission to examine the case ofMassaoui, she finally gave up.
Jeb Bush refreshed and prepared Martial Law for florida.
Pentagon on high alert: A group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparentlybecause of "security concerns." Jerry Hauer (FBI), who organised the job for John O'Neill at the Twin Towers started to work for National Health Institute(Thommy Thompson) as a National Security advisor. It is not known, how long he has worked there before, but this is a confirmed day. He also worked at the SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis in 1999. Jerry Hauer also helped with the construction of the OEM center known as "the bunker" on an upper floor of 7 WorldTrade Center. The CIA later confirmed, that they had an office there.
Building 7 collapsed for unknown reasons on September 11th. Officially it started to burn because of an explosion of anillegal gas tank inside the building. This gas tank was confirmed weeks after Sep11th.
In 1983, Hauer joined IBM where he was responsible for the company's Hazardous Materials Response and CrisisManagement and Fire Safety programs. Hauer produced a series of hazardous materials training videos that earned him theInternational Film and TC Critics of New York Bronze award in 1986.
He also is co-authoring the rewrite of the World Health Organizations' monograph on chemical and biological weapons." Hauer also got a master's degree with a focus on emergency medical services at Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene andPublic Health, a huge platform for one of the global players around 911.
Hauer was also a member of the John Hopkins Working Group on Civilian Bio Defense Paul Wolfowitz worked there under his later-friend Mike Bloomberg.
Dr. Charles Inglesby of Hopkins helped the FBI in a possible anthrax case of one of the "hijackers".
John O' Neill celebrated his new job at the Twin Towers together with Jerry Hauer and Robert Tucker, a friend andsecurity-company executive at the China Club, a night spot in midtown. Other sources claim, he started on August 23rd, the day when the CIA sent their "cable".
High Alert at Wright/Patterson and many other US Bases. Later they claim, it was a regular alert. FEMA appears in NYC(CNN), The Defense Language Institute in Monterey was put on alert, but this was later downplayed in the main media.
On May26th, 2002, a letter by Lt. Col. Steve Butler (DLI, Monterey) is released in the Herald Tribune, where he accusesPresident Bush, that he let the attack happen on purpose: "Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did nothing to warn the American people because heneeded this war on terrorism. His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama" The full letter is at Butler gets fired. The story appears on BBC:> The Echelon spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threats The SAMS (The Army's School of Advanced Military Studies) officers say: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" ("US troops would enforce peace under Army study," Washington Times, Sept. 10, 2001, pg. A1, 9.) Just 24 hours afterthis story appeared, the Pentagon was hit and the Arabs were being blamed." ost&btnG=Google+Search SF Mayor Willie Brown was warned not to use a plane the next morning and Salman Rushdie was not allowed to use planesduring the first weeks of September.
The Pentagon was on high alert, as Newsweek has learned. ".In late June the CIA warned of possible terrorist action against U.S. targets, including those in the United States, for theFourth of July. Nothing happened, but then in July the agency again warned about possible attacks overseas. The threatseemed grave enough to force U.S. ships in Middle Eastern ports to head for sea. Three weeks ago there was anotherwarning that a terrorist strike might be imminent.
But there was no mention of where. On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenlycanceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns." 10 warnings of different secret services had been ignored about an attack on america, at least 20 other stories point on priorknowledge or sabotaged early warnings.
President Bush claims, he saw the first plane crash live on TV. He also claimed, he had no prior knowledge or received anywarnings about an attack involved with planes. This was later debunked as a lie by CBS on May 15th, 2002.
After 30 minutes in a school, he started to react to the attack on America.
Months later he still claimed that the first plane crash must have been an accident by a "lousy pilot". President Bush andVice Presidnet Cheney try to stop an investigation of 911 and later denied this again. Tom Daschle can prove that this wasa lie.
As AP reported in October, the White House including staff took Cipro on the evening of that day.
The CFR said in an interview, that now George Bush has the chance to finish what his father didn't. They mention also anew world order.
On the first version of all passenger lists none of the 19 hijackers appeared. 6-8 original identities later confirm, that thereare still alive, but the FBI never changed the list.
".Air Force spokesman Col. Ken McClellan says, a man named Mohamed Atta -- which the FBI has identified as one of thefive hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11 on the same day -- had once attended the International Officer's SchoolatMaxwell/Gunter Air Force Base in Montgomery, Ala." He later denied his own report! But Witnesses from the Base remember Mohammad Atta from his moustache. The story later is twisted into a second Mohammad Atta.
Paul Wolfowitz confirms about Flight 93: "in fact we were already tracking in on that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania" On May 23rd, 2002, the Guardian UK confirmed the possible shootdown without any source of evidence: ".U.S. fighters were flying to intercept it, and possibly shoot it down, when it crashed.",1282,-1754798,00.html Jerry Hauer identifies the dead body of John O'Neill in the rubble of the Twin Towers.
He said, that his "remains were nothing the family ought to view" That means, neither O'Neills girlfriend Valerie James, his father John P. O'Neill or his wife or childrens John, Jr., and hisyounger sister, Carol had been allowed to identify the body. Sun Sentinel claims, that ".twelve of 19 people the FBI believes hijacked four jetliners in Tuesday's deadly terrorist attacksstayed in Florida." Bin Laden denied again that he was involved in the Sep11th attack. He faxed a statement to Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) Barry Mawn, FBI, classified a recovered passpord in the rubble of Vesey Street, by one of the hijackers. The name of theowner, which he didn't disclose, was later revealed by ABC as Satam M. A. Al Suqami.
Mawn was one of the few FBI agents, who also convinced John O' Neill to start a job at the Twin Towers: ".It would be a powerful position," Mawn says. "That person would have direct contact with the FBI and turn around andinfluence top Cabinet people, and possibly even the president." Mawn was involved in a controversial Boston investigation years ago, in the EgyptAir investigation mL in the UNAbomber case in 1993.
He was appointed as an Assistant Director of the FBI on March 30, 2000 by former New York-FBI director Louis J. Freeh First Anthrax Hoax in Milwaukee, but without major coverage. A scientist told Milwaukee police that he was building ananthrax delivery system in his basement. The man's employment history was verified with a former employer, the BattelleMemorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. He was fired twice - in 1996 and 1999.
The main media start to speculate about a possible biological threat soon.
Four days after the attack Top Pentagon Advisor Richard Perle tries to blame the attack on Iraque. In a meeting with theWolfowitz Cabal they discussed a strategy and finally sent a letter to Bush with 41 signatures to continue their strategy. "The only way to eliminate Saddam Hussein's governance is by organizing a coup d'etat against him."( , 1998) Jerry Hauer (now Ex-FBI), National Health Institute assumes on a audtiorium on the Rockefeller campus , that 911 andpossible bio attacks are connected with Iraq. An envelope at NBC was tested negative. (The same envelope who later tested positive in October). This information didn'tbecome public.
Barry Mawn, FBI doesn't allow to investigate the NBC-Anthrax Bob Stevens, photo editor for the Sun Sentinel, travels to North Carolina Bin Laden in an interview with Ummat: ".I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in theUnited States." He confirmed this statement in 3 other magazines including to AFP: Thomas Inglesby of Hopkins Institute wants to have a BioDefense Budget: ".the Pentagon spent $264 billion to deter regional conflicts, $28 billion to protect against a "peer" nuclear attack and $3billion on all other biological, chemical, cyber and nuclear assaults. Of that, he said, $250 million went to public healthsystems. "It would be a mistake not to change the funding patterns of the past". Inglesby, still only "professor and researcher", participated in a panel called "Covering Terrorism: What Every EditorShould Know." Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Public health consumer advocate and author of "Death in the Air" first hand delivered a memo tohis regional F.B.I. office on October 1, 2001, almost two weeks before the first anthrax letter was sent from Trenton, NewJersey to the American media building in Boca Raton, Florida. His action was prompted by reading, the Final Report-the Oklahoma City bombing grand jury investigation commissioned study by then State Representative Charles Key Jerry Hauer (now ex-FBI), National Health Institute warns to prepare of "consequences of a bio-terrorist attack." in aninterview with Sarah Wallace, Eyewitness News Dr. Thomas Inglesby, John Hopkins Institute, gets the position of Deputy Director. Tara O'Toole, M.D., M.P.H. is namedDirector of the Hopkins Center D.A. Henderson turns into Director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Officeof Public Health Preparedness, named by Secretary Tommy G. Thompson. BIOPORT has problems to distribute CIPRO vaccines. BAYER from germany finally promise to send their vaccines andincreased their stocks.
Thomas Inglesby, M.D. assumed the position of Deputy Director at Hopkins. Former Center Director. D.A. Hendersonturned into Director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Public Health Preparedness, named bySecretary Tommy G. Thompson.
Tara O'Toole, M.D., M.P.H. was named Director of the Hopkins Center. Toole was nominated by President Clinton to beassistant secretary of Energy for Environment Safety and Health and served in this position until 1997 She often works with Inglesby together.
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Tommy Thompson, and other Bush cabinetmembers have been meeting secretly (that is, illegally) with officials of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers ofAmerica (PhRMA) to develop plans for their Emergency Preparedness Task Force The Iraqi National Congress, the exiled group that opposes Saddam Hussein, said it recently held meetings in London withMr James Woolsey, former CIA director. Administration sources have said his trip was funded and approved by PaulWolfowitz, the deputy defence secretary. But Woolsey made no comment about the exact nature of his brief. He told TheTelegraph: "I was in London and that's it." .xml Bob Stevens (63), Sentinel Sun, AMI Building, Lantana/Florida, learns from the TV and internet, that he has anthrax. SteveCoz, AME Director: ".We found out that Bob Stevens had anthrax on the Internet at 3:00 on Thursday." Sun ProductionEditor learned on CNN, Bob Stevens sitting next to him from another editor: "Bob Stevens is on the news. He has anthrax." la-home-headlines From a later story on October 12th: ".We called the Palm Beach County Health Deparment from 3:00 to 7:30 leavingmessages -- we must have left 20 messages. At 7:30 somebody finally picked up the phone." After 48 hours in advance, the Nationa Health Department comes to AMI-Building, Boca Raton Bob Stevens, the photo editor in Florida becomes the first respiratory anthrax fatality since 1976, when he dies at 4 PM atJFK Medical Center in Atlantis, Fla. No envelope was found until today. American Media Editorial Director Steve Cospeculates: ".We know Mohamed Atta was within three miles of the building, We know he was within a mile of Bob Stevens house."AME is told by FBI not to mention "too much details." Mohammed Atta took some of his flight lessons at the Palm BeachFlight School Lantana, Florida and Jones Aviation at the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport,Vero Beach.
Thomas Inglesby, John Hopkins Institute is interviewed in the article: "Exploring Whether Humans Have an Anti-AnthraxGene". story?coll=ny-health-h eadlines Second Anthrax Case confirmed in the nasal passage of a co-worker of Bob Stevens. It's Ernesto Blanco, a 73-year-oldCuban American in the mailroom of American Media office building in Boca Raton. After 4 days ignoring a connection toMohammad Atta, the Media writes that, Bob Stevens lived 1 mile from Palm Beach County Park Airport, where Atta tookflight lessons at a simulator. Since today noone wonders about that coincidence. Finally the FBI announces at 4:30 PM thatthe anthrax Incidents is a result of terrorism or criminal action, Attorney General John Ashcroft said .
Rumours about Small Pox at VICE Magazine, New York. Evacuation and tests. No media involved.
President Bush puts Malaysia on the list of countries, who harbours terror organisations He also decides to send ananti-terror-team to Philipines. 2nd "Malaysia"-story on that day: Microsoft office in Reno, Nevada gets an envelope from from Malaysia All Employeestested negative. Sun Sentinel still wonders, why the FBI sees no link between Mohammad Atta and the anthrax attack. American MediaEditorial Director Steve Co speculates: ".We know Mohamed Atta was within three miles of the building, we know he was within a mile of Bob Stevens house."AME told by FBI not to mention "too much details." A few 911-skeptics speculate, that the "masterplan" was already changed in these weeks. The connection 911terrorists-anthrax" was sabotaged by the OSI, CIA + Co. story?coll=sf la-home-headlines American Media Editorial Director Steve Coz said he thinks the anthrax found at the Boca Raton building was placed thereas part of a bioterrorist attack. It arrived on Bob Stevens' desk," Coz said Friday on ABC's Good Morning America Story in Sunday Times gives a new bizarre twist: Now it looks like, ".the wife of Bob Stevens's boss rented an apartment to Atta while he was doing his flight training inpreparation for the attacks. The FBI is also investigating reports that Atta visited a local pharmacy and asked for medicinefor a skin complaint." Over the last couple of months BIOPORT has failed countless US inspections and are NOT permitted to produce anyvaccine for civilian use.Today as reported by CNN they have asked the US gov't for permission to start mass producing forthe public. But the Health Control FDA didn't renew their license twice in the last three years. Government tried to give newcontract for DynCorp , but failed because under big media pressure of the Anthrax attacks. BAYER got the ok for thedistribution. Some 911 sceptics wonder if they had been sabotaged on purpose to avoid investigative reports about them New Scientist writes, that the anthrax bacteria is likely to be US military strain Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Tommy Thompson also asked Congress for another$500 million to produce enough of Acambis's smallpox vaccine "so every American will be assured there is a dose with hisor her name on it if it is needed" Many argue, that the vaccines are reported with various side effects, including a suddendeath. Confirmation that Bentonite isn't the indicator for the Anthrax Spores, but Seneca, asused in the States. Iraq was falsly accused by ABC News and their "four well-placed and separate sources" to be the only country to use Bentonite and writes wrong, that the spores had been indicated with bentonite. Bentonite, Hydrated (Intestinal) is a natural clay that comes from volcanic ash. It is often used as a thickener in facial masksas it absorbs excess oil and dirt from the skin. Daily Telegraph,who is owned by Top Pentagon advisor Richard Perle (Hollinger Inc.) starts with a series of articles about apossible connection of Mohammed Atta and an iraqi diplomacy. The paper quotes also his best friend, James Woolsey(ex-CIA director): "I doubt very seriously if this was simply a social relationship or that they liked to drink Czech beertogether." This story was picked up by other british papers and reached the States within a few days. The story was finally debunkedas false in late November 2001, but often reappared again in 2002. F2001%2F10%2F26%2Fwirq26 .xml During the same period, almost all british and US-papers ignored another article, first released as a radio report about ameeting of Bin laden and CIA agent Larry Stevens in June 2001, by Richard Labevierre (Radio France International, "TerrorDollars" (2000, about illegal Al-Quaida accounts), which was picked up on same day by ananova, yahoo singapore,GROUND ZERO Forum NYC, Le Figaro, DER SPIEGEL and DrudgeReport.
Johnson + Johnson now wants to give away their product Levaquin, an anti anthrax sirup, for free. They got ignored.
Other companies like Pfizer start to work on their drug Vibramycin.
GlaxoSmithKline und Aventis promised to offer other drugs for other bio weapon diseases or symptoms.
The FBI claims, they have visited Dr. Tsonas (Holy Cross) to ask him something about some hijackers.
DynCorp, who is strongly connected with ENRON and the government, gets a new contract for $51 million to upgrade theFBI's information technology network, as well as an $8.2 million contract to manage SEC information technology.
ENRON's Kenneth Lay who worked at the Department of Defense under Robert McNamara, as did the Herbert S. "Pug"Winokur (former DynCorp excutive), another member of the Enron Board of Directors and member of the CFR (Council onForeign Relations) DynCorps auditor of record is Arthur Andersen. On the board of DynCorp is also General P.C. Carns, a retired US Air Force general who served as vice chief of staff and asdirector of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. According to the DynCorp Proxy statement, Carns is also a member of the DefenseScience Board and the Board of Advisors, National Security Agency DynCorp also worked with the PROMIS sofwareDynCorp is involved in many bizarre cases, like Bosnia Sex Scandals, aircraft crashes in Afghanistan and manyCIA-connected business deals in South- and Middle America. 90.html Between October and November the media pushes various reports about new control systems, surveillance camerasystems, Opinion Mining, Wireless Biometry, Nanosatellites, Face Recognition, Chat- and Boardsniffer, Brain Scans, theNational ID, The Pentagon Smart ID, the VeriChip or other Tracking Tools. Other special magazines reveal news about Skincolor spectrum monitor programs or Nanobarcodes.
Officially on this day a video of Bin Laden is produced in Jahlalabad. On the same day the Northern Alliance have their firstsuccess, storming Mazar-el-Sharif. Many journalists wrote, that this attack was provoked by the CIA and lead to the firstbig loss of the Taliban. Donald Rumsfeld claims, "someone" found this video two weeks later in Kandahar. At that time, none of the Northern Alliance or the US Troops had been arrived in Kandahar or Jahlalabad.
"Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth", written by Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie is released. It includes aninterview with former FBI John O'Neill and many oil pipeline maps of Afghanistan.
".The New York Times (November 11, 2001) reported that F.B.I. agents were denied access to "some pharmaceuticalcompanies in New Jersey DynCorp, also major government contractor for data processing, military operations and intelligence work, was awarded a$322 million contract to develop, produce and store vaccines for the Department of Defense DynCorp and Hadron, both defense contractors connected to classified research programs on communicable diseases,have also been linked to a software program known as PROMIS.
DynCorp is connected with the CIA as the nation's twenty-second largest defense contractor with 1998 U.S. Governmentcontract revenues of $475 millio James Woolsey, former CIA director and friend of Pentagon advisor Richard Perle (Hollinger Inc.= Daily Telegraph,Jerusalem Post etc.) was director of DynCorp some years ago ENRON executive Herbert S. "Pug" Winokur was on the board of DynCorp from 1988 to 1997, Winokur was also theChairman and CEO of DynCorp. It was said, that ENRON worked with 20 CIA agents to bribe business deals.
DynCorp is one of the lead contractors for the new phony War on Drugs in South America called "Plan Colombia".
DynCorp helped clients such as the U.S. Army,s Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Postal Service. On the list of DynCorp clients from the public sector: U.S. Postal Service (USPS), Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense etc. DynCorp is also responsible for the crashes of the helicopters in Afghanistan, as confirmed by tech mag insight, reportedby investigative reporter Kelly Patricia O'Meara . 90.html Len Horowitz, Harvard trained medical researcher, best-selling author, and biowarfare expert writes a letter to the FBI onanthrax. Did Bayer - a company connected to WWII Nazis (IG Farben) had prior knowledge about the anthrax attacks? Loeb Professor of Biophysics and Biochemistry DON C. WILEY disappeared during a business trip to Memphis. His deadbody was found almost 6 weeks later. The FBI, not investigating until then, changed a police report from "suicide" to"accident" Thomas Inglesby, Hopkins Institute in an article about the Postal Workers, who died on Anthrax: ".According to NIHresearcher Dr. Luciana Borio, the two workers' symptoms were initially misidentified as flu." At least 11 BioScientists died, some of them within days or weeks under strange circumstances. 911 sceptics claimed, someof them had been killed, because they probably knew, who was behind the attacks or even had been involved.
Reporters from the famous underground fanzine find out that the nuclear documents found in a private house inkabul by a british journalist, turned out to be a harmlesss and an useless parody. Jason Scott, as NY Times reported,"searched the Web for phrases visible in a film of the Time's document broadcast by the BBC and discovered its source, aspoof published in 1979 in a takeoff on scientific journlas known as the Journal of Irreproducible results".
Vladimir Pasechnik, former director of the Institute of Ultra Pure Biochemical Preparations, a component of the Sovietbiowarfare establishment, Biopreparat, dies officially from a stroke Clayton Lee Waagner, suspected anthrax hoaxer is nabbed The Federation of American Scientists come to the conclusion, that the Anthrax-Strain must have been produced,possessed and treated in one of 16 mentioned US-Laboratories, including the US Army Medical Research Institute forInfectious Diseases (Ft. Detrick, MD), Battelle Memorial Institute (Ohio), University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center,Albuquerque or in addition the CDC, NIH The Analysis of the Anthrax Attacks is released by Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Federation of American Scientists with acomplete list of the suspects, scientifically proved Barbara Rosenberg thinks, that the FBI knows, who is behind the attacks and comes to the conclusion, that they had beensabotaged by CIA and Fort Detrick.
Rosenberg is supported by european BioScience- specialist Jan v. Aken and by colleague and friend, Professor FrancisBoyle, a human rights lawyer and a professor of law at the University of Illinois. He is the author of "The Criminality ofNuclear Deterrence". He studied many different biowarfare contracts, which "safety levels were atrocious". thinks, that the DC Anthrax appears to come "from an illegal CIA funded project", and is 100% home grown Postal workers and doctors in states handling anthrax cases leveled criticism Thursday at the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention, saying the CDC has been reporting conflicting information. The Pentagon starts with their campaign again Barbara Rosenberg: ".A genetic match between the anthrax spores in theletters mailed to Capitol Hill and those in the Army's stockpile wouldn't necessarily provide clues to who was responsiblefor the bioterrorist attack, an Army spokesman said." Top anthrax scientists are backing the use of an experimental weapon for the war on spores: the vaccination needle. Criticsargue that the vaccine isn't necessary and may cause health problems. The CIA starts with their campaign against Barbara Rosenberg: ".CIA laboratories were not the source of the deadly anthrax bacteria mailed to Capitol Hill, a U.S. Central IntelligenceAgency spokesman said on Sunday." CDC under criticism again. "Postal workers and doctors in states handling anthrax cases leveled criticism Thursday at theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, saying the CDC has been reporting conflicting information -- and sometimesnone at all." According to the Washington Post, the FBI had still not investigated Porton Down for possible culpability in the anthraxmailings despite the fact they maintained the identical Ames strain of anthrax, and through ownership in Bioport wasconnected with Battelle Memorial Institute and the DoD's lucrative "Joint Vaccine Acquisitions Program".
The article also mentioned that U.S. anthrax experts, including those at Fort Detrick (USAMRIID), routinely consulted withPorton Down officials in efforts to prepare powdered weaponized Ames strain anthrax." Thomas Picking, ex NYC-FBI director starts a job as Head Of Corporate Security at the pharmacy concern Bristol MyersSquibb. For unknown reasons, Barry Mawn retired at the FBI He said, he was "saddened and angered by the charges" Before Mawn was one of the favourites to replace FBI interior director Tom Pickard and assistant director Neil Gallagher.
(the other favourites: FBIHQ-Assistant Director Reuben Garcia and Bruce Gephardt, the special agent in charge in SanFrancisco) Barry Mawn (now ex-FBI) is one of the favourites for Massport as a security chief for $250,000 a year. Judicial Watch has filed lawsuits against several Bush administration agencies for failure to produce documents concerningthe terrorist anthrax attacks of last October.
The agencies named include: the FBI, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control, theU.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and the U.S. Postal Service. The documents were requestedunder the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA.


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