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See related article, pages 1458 –1465Defining “Culprit Mechanisms” in Arrhythmogenic Cardiac Remodeling
Therehasbeenincreasingawarenessoftheimportance abnormalities and enhanced susceptibility to AF in the
of arrhythmogenic remodeling in the pathophysiology
absence of abnormalities in atrial action potential properties
of cardiac arrhythmias.1–3 Arrhythmogenic remodel-
or connexin protein distribution.4 These observations suggest
ing, involving acquired changes in cardiac structure or
that atrial fibrosis may itself create a substrate for AF, in
function that promote the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias,
agreement with recent studies showing that fibrosis and an
occurs in a wide variety of paradigms including congestive
AF substrate persist in atria of dogs that have recovered from
heart failure (CHF), atrial fibrillation (AF), hypertensive
CHF, despite the disappearance of CHF-induced ventricular
cardiac disease, acute myocardial infarction, and valvular
dysfunction, hemodynamic alterations, atrial dilation, and
heart disease. In many of these contexts, changes occur at
many levels: ion-channel density, distribution, and function;ion-transporter (pumps and exchanges) function; connexin-
Potential Implications of Identifying
protein density and distribution; tissue and cell structure; andcardiac-chamber dimension and shape. Progress in the iden-
“Culprit Mechanisms”
tification of such changes has been impressive: in some cases,
The prevention of arrhythmogenic remodeling is emerging as
hundreds of alterations have been described in response to
a potential new treatment strategy for cardiac arrhyth-
single well-defined experimental paradigms. A major result-
mias.18,19 If individual components of the many remodeling-
ing challenge is to determine which changes are particularly
associated changes are shown to be particularly important in
central to the pathophysiology of remodeling-related arrhyth-
arrhythmogenesis, they may be worthy of specific targeting.
mias, and to establish therapeutic implications. In the present
Just as the “culprit lesion” in one coronary artery may be
issue of Circulation Research, Verheule et al take advantage
attacked in unstable angina syndromes, it may be possible to
of a unique transgenic mouse model to address this issue.4
target the “culprit mechanism” in specific forms of AF. Forexample, the effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme
Potential Role of Fibrosis in AF
inhibition in attenuating fibrosis and AF promotion in exper-
Interstitial fibrosis has been associated with AF since at least
imental CHF20 led to the suggestion that angiotensin-
the 1960s.5 Recent studies have demonstrated an association
antagonism might be useful in preventing clinical AF due to
between atrial fibrous-tissue content, conduction abnormali-
structural remodeling. Clinical trials have shown that
ties, and propensity to AF in animals with CHF,6 mitral
converting-enzyme inhibition prevents AF in patients with
regurgitation,7,8 and senescence.9,10 These observations point
left ventricular dysfunction,21,22 and further studies may lead
toward fibrosis-induced conduction abnormalities as promot-
to more effective and specific preventive approaches.
ers of local reentry11,12 and thereby AF. However, theevidence has been predominantly circumstantial. Other mech-
Potential Pitfalls
anisms, such as delayed afterdepolarization-related triggered
The idea of a single or limited number of primary mecha-
activity,13 favored by the Naϩ-Ca2ϩ exchanger upregulation
nisms involved in arrhythmia generation is attractive in its
that occurs in CHF,14 could also play a prominent role.
simplicity and tractability; however, reality may prove much
Verheule et al4 studied mice engineered to overexpress a
more complicated. When an experimental paradigm appar-
constitutively active mutant form of TGF-1, causing atrial-
ently isolates a single primary factor, like atrial fibrosis in the
specific interstitial fibrosis in the face of normal ventricularsize and histology.15 The mice showed atrial conduction
TGF-1 mice or dogs recovered from CHF, it is tempting toidentify that factor as established. However, more evidence isneeded before fibrosis can be confirmed as causal in AF. Itremains conceivable that fibrosis simply accompanies other
The opinions expressed in this editorial are not necessarily those of the
as-yet unidentified causative factors. The efficacy of angio-
editors or of the American Heart Association.
From the Department of Medicine, Montreal Heart Institute, Univer-
tensin antagonism in preventing AF associated with left
sity of Montreal, and Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
ventricular dysfunction is consistent with the fibrosis hypoth-
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
esis, but the observation that AF is also prevented by
Correspondence to Dr Stanley Nattel, Montreal Heart Institute, 5000
Belanger St E, Montreal, Quebec H1T 1C8, Canada. E-mail
angiotensin-receptor antagonists23 and converting-enzyme in-
hibitors24 in patients without clear left ventricular dysfunction
(Circ Res. 2004;94:1403-1405.)
means either that angiotensin-related structural remodeling is
2004 American Heart Association, Inc.
a common feature in AF or that other mechanisms may be
Circulation Research is available at http://www.circresaha.org DOI: 10.1161/01.RES.0000133229.19586.bb 1403 1404 Circulation Research June 11, 2004 Determining the Significance of Specific
model of chronic atrial dilatation due to mitral regurgitation. Circulation. Remodeling-Induced Changes
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Over the past 5 to 10 years, we have been very successful in
17. Cha TJ, Ehrlich JR, Zhang L, Shi YF, Tardif JC, Leung TK, Nattel S.
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KEY WORDS: atrial fibrillation Ⅲ cardiac ion channels Ⅲ heart rhythm
S. Characterization of a hyperpolarization-activated time-dependent
disorders Ⅲ antiarrhythmic drug therapy
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