muscat hash house harriers

Run Report for run number 1868
Stats: Current Runners: 71 Turnout: 22 Percentage:31%
HARES: Prozac Man and Beata
1868 Run Report.
Starting with Google’s Map to allocate our new Run Site which was basically opposite to the Poo Farm, eventually we made our way to the Plateau, the 4X4 had no problem to reach. Three Musketeers Hares stood before the masses led by Mr. Prozac followed by Mike & Wife. A Threatening Run Brief was given by Mr. Prozac himself which made most of us to worry, “definitely not Ivan”. Soon we made our way to the Open Space amongst the Ankle Twisting Stones (ATS), and there were a couple of keeny / weeny splits which were not being followed, BUT all the Hares were available all the time to guide us. Well done the Hares. Off course, Ivan – David – Ahmed & new runner Ihsan were the pioneers and were jumping from one rock to another like antelopes, which gave the incentive to all of us who run on Diesel to follow and finish the well designed run. Eventually we made it back to the chariot car park, generous Steve opened his Hipper Store with Thirst Quencher Liquids and then lit the BBQ . Surprisingly the Double Matrice with her bionic hearing caught me “the RA” whispering to my daughter “Buthy”, who is on a visit trip to Oman with her Sister Maraya, not to make any move until the front runners found the proper trail. I paid for it with the Sanitary Ring hanged around my neck and all sort of liquids were poured on meee Heeed. Aye. After all that which is part of the fun we have every Saturday, a big Thank You to the Hares for a well designed run and keeping all runners , walkers and crawlers together. Once upon a time in their marriage, my Dad did something really stupid. My Mom chewed him out for it. He apologized, they made up.
> However, from time to time, my mom mentions what he had done. "Honey," my Dad finally said one day, "why do you keep bringing that up? I thought your policy was 'forgive and forget.'"> "It is," she said. "I just don't want you to forget that I've forgiven and forgotten."> ------------------------------------------------- A joke for us oldies.
> At a wedding I recently attended, the priest called for a moment of silence to remember the faithful dead.
> As the church grew quiet, a little boy sitting in front of me turned to his father and saidexcitedly, "Dad, you have some of their albums!" My dear friend, a divorcee, never remarried, and her daughter wanted to know why.
> "The men I know would bring too much heavy baggage to the marriage and I simply don't want to put up with it," she explained.
> Taking her mother's hand in hers, my friend's daughter said sweetly, "I hate to break the news to you, Mom, but you're not exactly carry-on yourself."


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