
Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions ADOPTION OF THE NMLS ONLINE LICENSING SYSTEM
Pursuant to Act 220 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature the license
renewal dates and renewal process have changed.
Effective July 1, 2012 all licensees are required to use the NMLS online licensing system to file
new applications, make amendments, renew their license, pay all fees and maintain their
corporate records.

We anticipate that the adoption of this on-line licensing system will provide a more efficient
and timely licensing system for both the licensee and this office.
We appreciate your cooperation in the adoption of this on-line system.
Following this initial transition year, subsequent renewals will simply require the licensee to
update its company and control person information, attest that the information is correct, pay
the fees due through the NMLS and electronically submit the renewal filing to OFI through the

In order to gain access to the NMLS for the first time you must complete a Company Account
Request Form and identify a Primary Account Administrator and a Secondary Account
The request form and information must be submitted electronically through the
NMLS website in the “Getting Started” section. The form needs to be submitted only once per
company, regardless of the number of NMLS participating states in which you are licensed. If you
have any difficulty with submitting the information, contact the NMLS Call Center at (240)

 Effective July 1, 2012, all changes to the company’s records, including name change, location change, owner/officer changes which were previously handled in paper form must be filed electronically through the NMLS. PHONE # (225) 925-4660 FAX # (225) 922-2860 web site: www.ofi.louisiana.gov e-mail: ofila@ofi.louisiana.gov  Renewals must be submitted through the NMLS between November 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012  Licenses will expire if renewals are not filed through the NMLS by February 28, 2013.
 Fingerprints on new owners and officers must be mailed to OFI. Refer to the Louisiana checklists in the NMLS. Credit reports are not required and criminal background requests for owners and officers are not available through the NMLS at this time. If a control person requests either of these in the NMLS, the system will charge a non-refundable fee.  For additional support you may want to contact your appropriate Louisiana Industry Trade Association representative whose contact information is provided on the last page of this packet. It is important that you maintain a valid e-mail address on record with the NMLS and this
office. All future correspondence and notifications from OFI will primarily be via e-mail or
through the NMLS. You can contact OFI’s non-depository licensing section via email at
Attached you will find detailed instructions on how to enter your company’s information into the NMLS and submit a filing to OFI. If you have submitted information into the NMLS for another state or another license, you may not need to re-enter your company record into NMLS. However, all information specific to Louisiana, such as branch locations, must still be filed through the NMLS. HOW TO GET STARTED
“Company Entitlement Process”
1. Log into the NMLS by typing
2. In order to gain access to the NMLS for the first time you must complete a
Company Account Request Form and identify a Primary Account Administrator and a Secondary
Account Administrator.
This form can be submitted electronically through the NMLS website in
the “Getting Started” section. This form needs only to be submitted once per company, regardless
of the number of NMLS participating states in which you are licensed. If you have any difficulty
with submitting the information, please contact the NMLS Call Center at (240) 386-4444.
Under the heading Step 1 Request an Account” you will see in blue letters a link to complete a
Company Account Request Form.”
4. Choose the type of consumer finance activity you wish to engage in such as consumer loan lending
5. You must select Louisiana as the jurisdiction.
6. It is very important that you select the correct license type which is determined by whether or not
there is lending activity conducted at the headquarters/main office location. The license type
choices for are:
Licensed Lender Main Office (no lending activity) or
Licensed Lender Main Office (in-state with lending activity)
Insurance Premium Finance
Pawnbroker Main Office (in-state)
Pawnbroker Main Office (out-of-state)

If you have questions about the system, have difficulty accessing the system or have difficulties with
the following steps, please call the NMLS Call Center Help Line at (240) 386-4444. OFI will not be
able to assist you with any questions pertaining to the system – you must call the NMLS Call Center.

NMLS Resource Page
(click “Getting Started-Company”)
NMLS Cal Center
Louisiana Office of Financial
225-925-4660 or
Non-Depository (Licensing Staff)
Kimberly Baggett
Louisiana Finance Assoc.
11918 Bricksome Ave., Suite A
(225) 295-1300
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
Herschel Adcock
Louisiana Consumer Finance Assoc.
13894 Perkins Rd
(225) 756-1996
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Troy McCullen
Louisiana Cash Advance Assoc.
500 Laurel St
(225) 383-8205
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
Chad Carter, President
(337) 497-1897
Louisiana Pawnbroker Assoc.
1720 Broad St.
Lake Charles, LA 70601

Source: http://www.ofi.state.la.us/NMLS%20Expansion.pdf

Pmj-08100247 103.110

Symptom management for the adult patient dying with advanced chronic kidney disease: A review of the literature and development of evidence-based guidelines by a United Kingdom Expert Consensus Group C Douglas, FEM Murtagh, EJ Chambers, M Howse and J Ellershaw The online version of this article can be found at:http://pmj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/23/2/103 can be found at: P


Alabama Dept. of Agriculture and Industries Dennis Barclift . Plant Pest Administrator The information, as provided, is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as complete, nor should it be considered legally binding. Coordination with both your state and the destination state plant regulatory agency listed above may be necessary to stay up-to-date on revised requirem

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