Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Articles Using Optimal Methods Published in Other Journals
Arozullah, A.M., Lee, S.D., Khan, T., Kurup,
S., Ryan, J., Bonner, M., Soltysik, R.C., &
Bandarenko, N., Pandey, D.K., Buffie, C.G.,
Literacy and Social Support in Predicting the
Preventability of Hospital Admission. Journal
Sarode, R., Raife, T.J., Kiss, J.E., Raisch, D.W.,
of General Internal Medicine, 21, 140-145.
Davidson, C., Sadler, J.E., Ortel, T.L., Zheng, X.L., Kato, S., Matsumoto, M., Uemura, M.,
Arozullah, A.M., Parada, J., Bennett, C.L.,
Fujimura, Y. (2007). Two mechanistic pathways
Deloria-Knoll, M., Chmiel, J.S., Phan, L., &
for thienopyridine-associated thrombotic
Yarnold, P.R. (2003). A rapid staging system
thrombocytopenic purpura: A report from the
for predicting mortality from HIV-associated
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Risk Factors
community-acquired pneumonia. Chest, 123,
(SERF-TTP) Research Group and the Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR)
Arozullah, A.M., Yarnold, P.R., Weinstein,
Project. Journal of American College of
R.A., Nwadiaro, N., McIlraith, T.B., Chmiel,
Cardiology, 50, 1138-1143.
J.S., Sipler, A.M., Chan, C., Goetz, M.B., Schwartz, D., & Bennett, C.L. (2000). A new
Bennett, C.L., Kwaan, H.C., Zakarija, A.,
preadmission staging system for predicting in-
Banderanko, N., Pandey, D.K., McKoy, J.M.,
Yarnold, P.R., Raisch, D.W., Winters, J.L.,
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the early-
Raife, T.J., Cursio, J.F., Luu, T.H., Richey,
HAART era. American Journal of Respiratory
E.A., Fisher, M.J., Ortel, T., Tallman, M.S.,
and Critical Care Medicine, 161, 1081-1086.
Zheng, X.L., Matsumoto, M., Fujimura, Y., & Moake, J.L. (2009). Ticlopidine- and
Belknap, S.M., Moore, H., Lanzotti, S.A.,
Yarnold, P.R., Getz, M., Deitrick, D.L.,
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): Review of
Peterson, A., Akeson, J., Maurer, T., Soltysik,
clinical, laboratory, epidemiologic, and
R.C., & Storm, J. (2008). Application of
software design principles and debugging
Kidney International, 75 (Supplement 112),
methods to an analgesia prescription reduces
risk of severe injury from medical use of opioids. Clinical Pharmacology and
Bennett, C.L., Nebeker, J.R., Yarnold, P.R.,
Therapeutics, 84, 385-392.
Tigue,C.C., Dorr, D.A., McKoy, J.M., Edwards, B.J., Hurdle, J.F., West, D.P., Lau, D.T.,
Bennett, C.L., Angelotta, C., Yarnold, P.R.,
Angelotta, C., Weitzman, S.A., Belknap, S.M.,
Richardson, P., Zonder, J.A., Raisch, D.W., &
Djulbegovic, B., Tallman, M.S., Kuzel, T.M.,
Benson, A.B., Evens, A., Trifilio, S.M.,
Courtney, D.M., & Raisch, D.W. (2007).
among cancer patients: A systematic review
Evaluation of serious adverse drug reactions: A
from the Research on Adverse Drug Events and
Reports (RADAR) project. Journal of the
(RADAR) versus safety activities conducted by
American MedicalAssociation, 296, 2558-2560.
pharmaceutical manufacturers. Archives of
predicts positive health transition in chronic
Internal Medicine, 167, 1041-1049.
fatigue syndrome: A controlled study. Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, 9, 171-190.
Bennett, C.L., Raisch, D.W., Lyons, E.A.,
De Perio, M.A., Yarnold, P.R., Warren, J., &
Nebeker, J.R., Samore, M.H., Feldman, M.D.,
Noskin, G.A. (2006). Risk factors and outcomes
McKoy, J.M., Carson, K.R., Kut, V., Belknap,
associated with non-Enterococcus feecalis, non-
S.M., Trifilio, S.M., Schumock, G.T., Yarnold,
Enterococcus faecium enterococcal bacteremia.
P.R., Davidson, C.J., Morse, R.E., Kuzel, T.M.,
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,
Parada, J.P., Cournoyer, D., West, D.P., Sartor,
O., & Tallman, M.S. (2005). Introducing RADAR: the Research on Adverse Drug events
Diesfeldt, H.F.A. (2007). Measurement of
And Reports (RADAR) project. Journal of the
global self-esteem in dementia. Reliability and
American Medical Association, 293, 2131-2140.
validity of Brinkman’s self-esteem scale. Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 38,
Bennett, C.L., Weinberg, P.D., Rozenberg-Ben-
Dror, K., Yarnold, P.R., Kwaan, H.C., & Green, D. (1998). Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Diesfeldt, H.F.A. (In Press). Informant based
purpura associated with ticlopidine: A review of
60 cases. Annals of InternalMedicine, 128,
impairment in elderly patients. Tijdschrift voor
Bryant, F.B., Yarnold, P.R., & Grimm, L.G.
Donenberg, G.R., Bryant, F.B., Emerson, E.,
(1996). Toward a measurement model of the
Wilson, H.W., & Pasch, K.E. (2003). Tracing
Affect Intensity Measure: A three-factor
structure. Journal of Research in Personality,
adolescents in psychiatric care. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry, 42, 594-608.
Carmony, L., Yarnold, P.R., & Naeymi-Rad, F.
Feinglass, J., Yarnold, P.R., Martin, G.J., &
(1998). One-tailed Type I error rates for
McCarthy, W.J. (1998). A classification tree
balanced two-category UniODA with a random
analysis of selection for discretionary treatment.
ordered attribute. Annals of Operations Medical Care, 36, 740-747.
Grammer, L.C., Harris, K.E., & Yarnold, P.R.
Coakley, R.M., Holmbeck, G.N., & Bryant, F.B.
(2002). Effect of respiratory protective devices
(2006). Constructing a prospective model of
on development of antibody and occupational
psychosocial adaptation in young adolescents
asthma to an acid anhydride. Chest, 121, 1317-
with spina bifida: An application of optimal data
analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 31, 1084-1099.
Grammer, L.C., Shaughnessy, M.A., Hogan, M.B., Berggruen, S.M., Watkins, D.M., &
Collinge, W., & Yarnold, P.R. (2001).
Yarnold, P.R. (1995). Value of antibody level in
predicting anhydride induced immunologic
illness: Clinical applications and evidence of
respiratory disease. Journal of Laboratory and
immunoenhancement. Subtle Energies & Clinical Medicine, 125, 650-653.
Energy Medicine, 12, 139-156.
Grammer, L.C., Shaughnessy, M.A., Hogan,
Collinge, W., Yarnold, P.R., & Raskin, E.
M.B., Lowenthal, M., Yarnold, P.R., Watkins,
(1998). Use of mind/body self-healing practice
D.M., & Berggruen, S.M. (1995). Study of
employees with anhydride-induced respiratory
change in job status following traumatic brain
disease after removal from exposure. Journal of
injury in a military population. Journal of Head Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 37,
Trauma Rehabilitation, 24, 57-64.
Han, S.D., Suzuki, H., Jak, A.J., Chang, Y.L.,
Grammer, L.C., Shaughnessy, M.A., Kenamore,
Salmon, D.P., & Bondi, M.W. (In Press).
B.D., & Yarnold, P.R. (1999). A clinical and
induced lung disease as related to exposure.
impairment. Journal of the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental
Harvey, R.L., Roth, E.J., Yarnold, P.R.,
Grammer, L.C., Shaughnessy, M.A., Lowenthal,
Durham, J.R., & Green, D. (1996). Deep vein
M., & Yarnold, P.R. (1994). Risk factors for
thrombosis in stroke: The use of plasma D-
immunologically mediated respiratory disease
from hexahydrophthalic anhydride. Journal of
rehabilitation setting. Stroke, 27, 1516-1520.
Occupational Medicine, 36, 642-646.
Abstracted in American College of Physicians Journal Club, 1997, 126, 43.
Grammer, L.C., Shaugnnessy, M.A., & Yarnold, P.R. (1996). Risk factors for
Kim, B., Lyons, T.M., Parada, J.P., Uphold,
immunologically mediated disease in workers
C.R., Yarnold, P.R., Hounshell, J.B., Sipler,
with respiratory symptoms when exposed to
A.M., Goetz, M.B., DeHovitz, J.A., Weinstein,
hexahydrophthalic anhydride. Journal of
R.A., Campo, R.E., & Bennett, C.L. (2001).
Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 127, 443-
HIV-related Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in
older patients hospitalized in the early HAART
Grammer, L.C., Zeiss, C.R., Yarnold, P.R., &
era. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16,
Shaughnessy, M.A. (2002). Human leucocyte
antigens (HLA) and trimellitic anhydride
Kanter, A.S., Spencer, D.C., Steinberg, M.H.,
(TMA) immunologic lung disease. Respiratory
Soltysik, R.C., Yarnold, P.R., & Graham, N.M.
Green, D., Hartwig, D., Chen, D., Soltysik,
progression to AIDS and death in black South
R.C., & Yarnold, P.R. (2003). Spinal cord
African patients infected with HIV. Journal of
injury risk assessment for thromboembolism
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 21,
(SPIRATE Study). American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 12, 950-
Kucera, C.M., Greenberger, P.A., Yarnold, P.R.,
Choy, A.C., & Levenson, T. (1999). An
Grobman, W.A., Terkildsen, M.F., Soltysik,
attempted prospective testing of an asthma
R.C., & Yarnold, P.R. (2008). Predicting
severity index and a quality of life survey for 1
year in ambulatory patients with asthma.
classification tree analysis. American Journal Allergy and Asthma Proceedings, 20, 29-38.
of Perinatology, 25, 443-448.
Kyriacou,, D.M., Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C.,
Han, S.D., Suzuki, H., Drake, A.I., Jak, A.J.,
Wunderink, R.G., Schmitt, B.P., Parada, J.P., &
Houston, W.S., & Bondi, M.W. (2009).
Adams, J.G. (2008). Derivation of a triage
Clinical, cognitive, and genetic predictors of
algorithm for chest radiography of community-
and construct validity analyses using optimal
department. Academic Emergency Medicine, 15,
discriminant classification trees. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 660-672.
Kyriacou, D.N., Yarnold, P.R., Stein, A.C., Schmitt, B.P., Soltysik, R.C., Nelson, R.R.,
Smart, C.M., Nelson, N.W., Sweet, J.J., Bryant,
Frerichs, R.R., Noskin, G.A., Belknap, S.B., &
F.B., Berry, D.T.R., Granacher, R.P., &
Heilbronner, R.L. (2008). Use of MMPI-2 to
inhalational anthrax from community-acquired
predict cognitive effort: A hierarchically
pneumonia using chest radiograph findings and
optimal classification tree analysis. Journal of
a clinical algorithm. Chest, 131, 489-495.
the International Neuropsychological Society, 14, 842-852.
Lyons, A.M., Leon, S.C., Zaddach, C., Luboyeski, E.J., & Richards, M. (2009).
Snowden, J.A., Leon, S.C., Bryant, F.B., &
Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 2,
Lyons, J.S. (2007). Evaluating psychiatric
hospital admission decisions for children in foster care: An optimal classification tree
McKoy, J.M., Bennett, C.L., Scheetz, M.H.,
analysis. Journal of Child and Adolescent
Differding, V., Scarsi, K.K., Yarnold, P.R.,
Sutton, S., Chandler, K., Palella, F., Johnson, S., Obadina, E., Raisch, D.W., Parada, J.P. (2009).
Soltysik, R.C., & Yarnold, P.R. (1994).
Hepatotoxicity associated with long-course
Univariable optimal discriminant analysis: One-
versus short-course nevirapine use as HIV-
tailed hypotheses. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 646-653.
individuals, HIV-infected pregnant women and their offspring: An analysis from the Research
Soltysik, R.C., & Yarnold, P.R. (1994). The
on Adverse Drug events And Reports (RADAR)
Warmack-Gonzalez algorithm for linear two-
project. Drug Safety, 32, 147-158.
category multivariable optimal discriminant analysis. Computers and Operations Research,
Mueser, K.T., Yarnold, P.R., Rosenberg, S.D.,
Drake, R.E., Swett, C., Miles, K.M., & Hill, D. (2000). Substance use disorder in hospitalized
Stalans, L.J., & Seng, M. (2006). Identifying
severely mentally ill psychiatric patients:
subgroups at high risk of dropping out of
domestic batterer treatment: The buffering
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 26, 179-193.
effects of a high school education. International Journal of Offender Therapy and
Nebeker, J.R., Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C.,
Comparative Criminology, 10, 1-19.
Sauer, B.C., Sims, S.A., Samore, M.H., Rupper, R.W., Swanson, K.M., Savitz, L.A., Shinogle,
Stalans, L.J., Yarnold, P.R., Seng, M., Olson,
J., & Xu, W. (2007). Developing indicators of
D.E., & Repp, M. (2004). Identifying three
inpatient adverse drug events through non-linear
types of violent offenders and predicting violent
analysis using administrative data. Medical
recidivism while on probation: A classification
tree analysis. Law & Human Behavior, 28, 53-271.
Ostrander, R.,Weinfurt, K.P., Yarnold, P.R., & August, G. (1998). Diagnosing attention deficit
Thompson, D.A., Yarnold, P.R., Adams, S.L., &
disorders using the BASC and the CBCL: Test
patient’s waiting time perceptions? Annals of
Yarnold, P.R., Hart, L.A., & Soltysik, R.C.
Emergency Medicine, 28, 652-656.
(1994). Optimizing the classification performance of logistic regression and Fisher’s
Thompson, D.A., Yarnold, P.R., Williams,
discriminant analyses. Educational and
D.R., & Adams, S.L. (1996). The effects of
Psychological Measurement, 54, 73-85.
actual waiting time, perceived waiting time, information delivery and expressive quality on
Yarnold, P.R., Feinglass, J., Martin, G.J., &
McCarthy, W.J. (1999). Comparing three pre-
department. Annals of Emergency Medicine,
processing strategies for longitudinal data for
individual patients: An example in functional outcomes research. Evaluation and the Health
Weinfurt, K.P., Bryant, F.B., & Yarnold, P.R.
(1994). The factor structure of the Affect Intensity Measure: In search of a measurement
Yarnold, P.R., Martin, G.J., Soltysik, R.C., &
model. Journal of Research in Personality, 28,
Nightingale, S.D. (1993). Androgyny predicts
empathy for trainees in medicine. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 77, 576-578.
Wyte, C.D., Adams, S.L., Cabel, J.A., Pearlman, K., Yarnold, P.R., Morkin, M., Hott,
Yarnold, P.R., Michelson, E.A., Thompson,
K.A., & Mathews, J.A. (1996). Prospective
D.A., & Adams, S.L. (1998). Predicting patient
evaluation of emergency medicine instruction
for rotating first-postgraduate-year residents.
departments. Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Academic Emergency Medicine, 3, 72-76.
Yarnold, P.R. (1996). Characterizing and circumventing Simpson’s paradox for ordered
Yarnold, P.R., & Soltysik, R.C. (1991). Theoretical distributions of optima for
bivariate data. Educational and Psychological
univariate discrimination of random data.
Decision Sciences, 22, 739-752.
Yarnold, P.R. (1996). Discriminating geriatric
Yarnold, P.R., & Soltysik, R.C. (1991).
and non-geriatric patients using functional status
Refining two-group multivariable classification
information: An example of classification tree
models using univariate optimal discriminant
analysis via UniODA. Educational and
analysis. Decision Sciences, 22, 1158-1164.
Psychological Measurement, 56, 656-667.
Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C., & Bennett, C.L.
Yarnold, P.R., & Bryant, F.B. (1994). A
(1997). Predicting in-hospital mortality of
measurement model of the Type A Self-Rating
patients with AIDS-related Pneumocystis carinii
Inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment,
optimal classification tree analysis. Statistics in
Yarnold, P.R., Bryant, F.B., Nightingale, S.D.,
& Martin, G.J. (1996). Assessing physician
Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C., Lefevre, F, &
empathy using the Interpersonal Reactivity
Martin, G.J. (1998). Predicting in-hospital
mortality of patients receiving cardiopulmonary
sectional analysis. Psychology, Health, and
resuscitation: Unit-weighted MultiODA for
binary data. Statistics in Medicine, 17, 2405-
Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C., McCormick,
Questionnaire: Use with geriatric versus
W.C., Burns, R., Lin, E.H.B., Bush, T., &
nongeriatric ambulatory medical patients.
International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine,
multivariable optimal discriminant analysis in
general internal medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 10, 601-606.
Zakarija, A., Bandarenko, N., Pandey, D.K., Auerbach, A., Raisch, D., Kim, B., Kwaan, H.,
Yarnold, P.R., Soltysik, R.C., & Martin, G.J.
McKoy, J., Schmitt, B., Davidson, C., Yarnold,
(1994). Heart rate variability and susceptibility
P.R., Gorelick, P., Bennett, C.L. (2004).
multivariable optimal discriminant analysis.
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP): An update of
Statistics in Medicine, 13, 1015-1021.
Yarnold, P.R., Stille, F.C., & Martin, G.J.
independent researchers, the pharmaceutical
Administration. Stroke, 35, 533-538.
Note: This is only a partial listing. Any reader aware of manuscripts which should be cited here but are not, please e-mail the missing ci
Widespread accumulation of [3H]testosterone in the spinal cord of a wild bird with an elaborate courtship display J. DOUGLAS SCHULTZ AND BARNEY A. SCHLINGER*Department of Physiological Science and Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Brain Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1527 Communicated by Peter Marler, University of California, Davis, CA, June 22, 1999 (rece
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow the sample format on preceding page for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Medical Director, Portuguese Mental Health Clinic; Director, Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program, Cambridge Heal