Microsoft word - neonomadi con orgoglio.doc

Alla tribù dei neonomadi, costituita per lo più da giovani neolaureati,e in generale a chi rinuncia al
tradizionale concetto di carriera lineare , offriamo un aiuto concreto: in collaborazione con alcune
ambasciate dei paesi dove potrebbe esistere una prospettiva occupazionale , è stata elaborata questa
lista di siti istituzionali e privati cui possono rivolgersi i veterinari che decidano di fare una
esperienza lavorativa internazionale.
Contemporaneamente troverete il fac simile del curriculum vitae richiesto dai paesi anglosassoni.
EURES (European Employment Services – Servizi Europei per l’impiego)
Portale per trovare informazioni sulle offerte di lavoro e di studio in Europa
Australian Veterinary Association
Australian Veterinary Journal
Animal Welfare – Government of South Australia
RSPCA – Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals
Department of Agricolture, Fisheries and Forestry
International Crocodile Rescue
Wildlife Protection Association
Animal welfare League of South Australia
Animals Australia
Australasian Society for the study of animal behaviour
Australian animal protection society
Australian Koala Foundation
Il sito dell’Associazione dei Veterinari danesi è accessibile in inglese
Ordine Federale dei Medici Veterinari
Ciccando nella parte Deutsches tierarzteblatt su_Stellenmarkt_ si apre l’elenco delle offerte di
Japan Veterinari Madical Association >English
GRECIA Panhellenic Veterinary Assosiation: Il sito dell’Associazione dei Veterinari greci è accessibile in inglese OLANDA Ordine Nazionale dei Veterinari >Vacaturebank (Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde) Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Università di Utrecht (Organisatie>Werken bij>Vacatures) Autorità Nazionale per gli alimenti e altri prodotti che include il Servizio Veterinario Nazionale VWA Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit Animal Health Service GD Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren >Het bedrijf GD>Werken bij GD>Vacatures Istituto nazionale di riferimento per lo stato e istituto di ricerca internazionale per il settore private WUR . Centraal Veterinair Instituut >English>Work at Flexvet (è un’agenzia per il lavoro interinale nel settore veterinario) ZOO (elenco di zoo con i relativi siti Internet) Parchi naturalistici >English>Map (si apre una mappa dell’Olanda con i 20 parchi nazionali: ciccando sui nomi dei parchi si aprono i relativi siti Internet) POLONIA Camera Nazionale dei Medici Veterinari (Krajova Izba Lekarsko-Weterynaryjna) e-mail: REGNO UNITO Veterinari Time Magazine Veterinari Records Magazine ROMANIA Collegio dei Medici Veterinari e- mail:; tel./fax: 004/021-3194504; 004/21-3194505 SPAGNA ARAGON Consejos oficiales de veterinarios de Espana Colegio Oficial de veterinarios deHuesca e-mail: Collegio Oficial de veterinarios deZaragoza e-mail: Collegio Oficial de veterinarios de Teruel e-mail: ASTURIAS e-mail: CANTABRIA e-mail: CASTILLA DE LA MANCHA e-mail: CASTILLA LEON e-mail: EUSKADI e-mail: EXTREMADURA e-mail: GALICIA e-mail: ISLAS BALEARES e-mail: ISLAS CANARIAS e-mail: LA RIOJA e-mail: MADRID e-mail. MURCIA e-mail: NAVARRA VALENCIA Informazioni per richiedere il riconoscimento del titolo ai fini professionali al sito SVEZIA The National Veterinari Institute e-mail: The Swedish Veterinary Association e-mail: The National Food Administration e-mail: Swedish University of Agricultural Studies e-mail: The Federation of Swidish Farmers The Swedish Board of Agriculture e-mail: SVIZZERA Ufficio Federale di Veterinaria UFV Contatti vari Sito ricerca Veterinari Ufficio Veterinario Canton Ticino Ufficio Federale Ambiente (informazioni sui parchi) Tutti gli indirizzi citati sono periodicamente aggiornati CURRICULUM VITAE
Dr David Goodenough
President of British Accident & Emergency Trainees Association Fellow of the Faculty of Accident & Emergency Medicine Member of the British Association for Accident & Emergency Medicine EDUCATION


Clinical School

Post Registration Qualifications

Life Support Courses


Present Appointment
01/12/99 - 11/2/00
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Previous Appointments
12/02/00 - 18/04/00
Specialist Registrar with consultant duties Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency Senior House Officer in Orthopaedic Trauma Senior House Officer in Accident and Emergency Senior House Officer in General Medicine / Cardiology Senior House Officer in Respiratory Medicine Senior House Officer in General Medicine / Care of the Senior House Officer in Accident and Emergency House of Physician in General Medicine / Care of the Elderly Norfolk and Never Better Hospital House Surgeon in General Surgery / Urology Present Appointment
December 1999 – February 2000. April 2000 –
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Mrs A Tetanus / Mr S Spasm
Woebegone Hospital
This is my final attachment as an SpR and I was able to be more involved in departmental
management, such as complaints and SHO appraisal. I also assisted in short-listing and
interviewing for new SHOs.
The department had a strong lead in audit and I was involved in some of the projects there.
I continued to be involved in SHO teaching and also in regular shop-floor teaching for SHOs,
medical students and nursing staff.
My primary secondment was at Little One’s Hospital. In the remaining time I plan to attend some
gynaecology, ophthalmology clinics in Woebegone and some theatre lists at the Cardiothoracic
Previous Appointments
February 2000 – April 2000
SpR with consultant duties
Dr T Neonate / Dr F Bronchiolitis
Little One’s Children’s Hospital
This was an opportunity both to provide further experience in the clinical aspects of paediatric
emergency medicine and to expose me to the managerial and administrative side of A&E.
Clinically I encountered several cases involving child protection, consent and confidentiality as well
as the sick and traumatized children. Having dedicated shop-floor sessions, I was able to
supervise and teach the SHOs in the department.
I was involved in and wrote provisional replies for any current complaints.
I attended meetings within the trust – fortnightly A&E departmental meetings, A&E pain group,
resuscitation committee, clinical policy evaluation group (CPEG), presentation of A&E plans for
European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) model and outside of the trust – NHS direct,
medical students 5th year attachments.
December 1998 – November 1999
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Mr B G Accident / Dr C Minors
Arrow Head Hospital
As I continued with my specialist training I moved to a department, which though busy (new patient
attendances 80,000 / year), sees a higher proportion of minor injuries. This added further
experience of time and people management. There were also regular victims of major trauma
usually from the surrounding network of mortorways.
I became more involved in SHO teaching than in previous hospitals. I was responsible for
arranging the weekly afternoon programme and its speakers. I lead part or all of the 3-hour
session most weeks. I also worked with the newly appointed chest pain nurse in the design of a
chest pain pathway and its initiation into the department.
I was on the millennium committee and have written the SHO rota to cover the holiday fortnight.
I spent my last 3 months attached to General Surgery and other surgical specialities.
June 1997 – November 1997 and April 1998 – November 1998
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Mr L Jaffa / Dr C Seville
Royal Heartbeat University Hospital
This phase of my rotation took me back to an A&E department where I’d previously been an SHO.
I was now more involved in the overall running of this very busy department, with frequent
experience of working under pressure and assisting in the management of many imminent bed
crises both in the main hospital and within A&E. As a middle-grade doctor my role was altered in
that I was involved in reviewing may patients seen by the SHOs, of which there 20, leading the
overall care of major trauma cases, cardiac arrests and other critical patients in the resuscitation
room in addition to seeing many patients myself both in majors and minors.
I also ran re-dressing clinics of up to 50 patients and ward rounds on the Short Stay ward being
responsible for discharging most of these patients.
During this time I taught medical students, SHOs and Nurse Practitioners. The consultants and
middle-grade staff had weekly meetings covering, for example, clinical policies, journal scans and
review of our trauma audit.
In June 1997 a committee was formed to review the management of patients with chest pain of
possible cardiac origin. It was through this group of biochemists, cardiologists and emergency
physicians, including myself, that troponin T was introduced as the primary biochemical marker of
myocardial damage in this hospital and I am still involved in an extensive audit of all patients who
have a troponin T level measured.
December 1997 – March 1998
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Dr C Support / Mrs I M Wright
Little One’s Children’s Hospital
This was an opportunity to use the skills I had gained in both APLS and ATLS, and also to further
my experience in paediatric medicine and surgery. Little One’s is a busy paediatric A&E
department seeing approximately 72,000 patients each year.
Teaching was available for myself, both on the shop-floor and in the form of monthly consultant-led
afternoons. I had ample opportunity to supervise and teach SHOs and medical students through
individual cases and in more formal weekly sessions.
May 1996 – May 1997
Specialist Registrar in Accident and Emergency
Dr G Getitright / Dr I M Arrogant
Everwell Hospital
This was a major step in my career in A&E Medicine, being the first in my role as a middle-grade
doctor in the specialty. It increased my exposure to new and broader aspects of medical, surgical
and paediatric emergencies and furthered my skills in leading teams and supervising the SHOs in
the same areas. I acquired skills of rapid assessment / prioritisation of large numbers of patients
especially in the busy winter months. I went out as the senior member of the forward aid team on
numerous occasions. I was jointly responsible for running a review clinic and for managing the
observation ward patients. I was involved in teaching the SHOs on a variety of subjects and
myself was taught in a variety of ways including clinics, ward rounds and giving weekly
presentations on various topics.
The last three months of this attachment were spent in anaesthetics. Here I learnt a variety of
skills involved in both general and local anaesthesia, including useful experience in the simple and
more advanced management of a patient’s airway.
I spent some time on the Intensive Care Unit introducing me to this other area of critical care
February 1996 – April 1996
Senior House Officer in Orthopaedic Trauma
Professor Neverwrong / Mr Bowtome
Royal Heartbeat University Hospital
I worked as part of a team looking after the acute trauma admissions for the above consultants.
The knowledge I’d gained previously was only as far as referral to the Orthopaedic surgeons or
fracture clinic. This post enabled me to further my experience and knowledge into the
management of cases including reduction, internal and external fixation of fractures, exploration of
wounds with repair of tendons and nerves as necessary, joint and extensive soft tissue infections.
In a busy fracture clinic I was able to learn about the ongoing management and its adjustments as
required both in ward discharges following some of the aforementioned procedures and in those
referred directly from A&E. I had a weekly theatre session in which I was able to do many practical
procedures myself under the supervision of a consultant. In the trauma meeting each morning I
was encouraged to formally present the details and x-rays of each case I had admitted.
August 1995 – February 1996
Senior House Officer in accident and Emergency Medicine
Dr L Jaffa / Dr C Seville
Royal Heartbeat University Hospital
This post has furthered my training in Accident and Emergency Medicine exposing me to new
areas of acute trauma and other emergencies. This department is one of the largest in the country
and sees approximately 95,000 new patients each year. Cardiac arrests and major trauma are
managed solely within the department.
The number of victims of interpersonal disharmony such as stabbings, shootings and other serious
assaults are increasingly frequent occupiers of the resuscitation bays.
At night the Senior House Officers are also responsible for 28 beds on the Short Stay Observation
Ward which is utilized for patients with conditions expected to resolve within 36 hours. This
includes head injuries, acute asthma, post-ictal states, overdoses, non-specific abdominal pain,
substance misuse and social admissions.
Previous appointments – continued
August 1994 – July 1995
Senior House Officer in General Medicine / Cardiology
Dr R D Beat / Dr I M Cheerful
Royal Heartbeat University Hospital
In this post I worked for the two above consultants, taking care of both of their in-patients. I
attended two out-patient clinics – one in general medicine and the other primarily in Cardiology. I
also played a major role in the acute and on-going management of patients on the coronary care
unit. When on-call, I was involved in a team admitting 30-45 patients per 24 hours; seeing patients
both firsthand and reviewing patients seen by the house officer.
On several occasions I acted up as registrar, being fundamental in the organisation of the take.
August 93 – July 94
Senior House Officer in General Medicine / Care of the Elderly
Stand & Rutting Hospital
Senior House Officer in Respiratory Medicine
Dr I M Lonely
Painborough District Hospital
Stand is a small rural town in Lincolnshire and the hospital covers its population and that of the
surrounding farming villages. I worked for several consultants covering General Medicine, Care of
the Elderly, Rehabilitation and Rheumatology. The junior staff consisted of just two senior house
officers, thus placing most of the major diagnostic and management decisions on us. The on-call
was 1:3 rota and when on-call I was the only doctor covering the hospital including the surgical
wards. Painborough District Hospital has a busy acute medical department where I was able to
gain experience in medical experiences and their management. My team was frequently involved
in the care of patients on the intensive care unit. My out-patient duties included a respiratory clinic
and review of our medical discharges.
February 1993 – July 1993
Senior House Officer in Accident and Emergency
Mr T O Locum / Mr J Hardworking
Never Better Hospital
This post was my introduction to the specialty and decided my choice of career. I was introduced
to the concepts of management of major and minor trauma and other emergency situations, and
learnt to put these into practice, initially under the guidance of the senior medical staff and later,
especially when alone as a doctor on night duty, by myself. It was a department that saw about
10,000 paediatric cases annually as well as the adult patients.
In addition to the regular “shop floor” education with individual cases, we had an extensive formal
teaching programme one afternoon per week which included practice moulages following both
ACLS and ATLS protocols.
[add statistics where possible to indicate frequency, eg x per week] I am competent in the following: Anaesthesia Rapid sequence induction and general anaesthesia Cardiac catheterisation and angiography Swan-Ganz catheterisation and pulmonary artery wedge pressure measurements Femoral venous and arterial access Manipulation of joint dislocation and fractures PUBLICATIONS
Chlamydia pneumoniae myocarditis and early diagnosis Photoquiz: Pigmentation secondary to long-term tetracycline therapy CS exposure – clinical effects and management
Submitted for publication
The future of A&E – the trainees perspective PRESENTATIONS

The future of A&E – the next 40-50 years
Royal Society of Medicine – London, January 2000
I was invited to give this lecture, as President of BAETA, to describe where I saw A&E in the
relatively distant future.
Troponin T: the answer to chest pain in A&E
BAEM Annual Conference – Cambridge, April 2000
A large study to review all patients attending an inner city A&E with chest pain of possible cardiac
origin. A chest pain pathway was introduced with Troponin T as the primary cardiac marker
enabling the safe discharge of low risk patients within 24 hours. Follow-up data was given on
mortality, readmission and positive investigations for ischaemic heart disease at 1 month. These
suggested that it was a safe protocol if followed carefully and further 12-month follow-up data has
further reinforced this.
Paediatric Seizures
A presentation at the 8th International Conference on Emergency Medicine – Boston, USA, May
A review of all aspects of the emergency management of seizures in children, including details of
‘The treatment of status epilepticus in children: A consensus statement’ then unpublished, from
the National Status Epilepticus Working Party.
Police usage of CS Spray in UK – an urban review
Goodenough D
BAEM Annual Conference, Bristol 1998

1. Troponin T as a marker or myocardial damage – this is an extensive
1700 patients at the RLUH who had a troponin T level month outcomes (including mortality, morbidity – cardiac and track investigations). We are now planning to look at subgroups of more detail such as those with renal failure and significant but non-infarction 2. Defining the size of a pneumothorax – following a recent paper in the
management of a spontaneous pneumothorax in which the was suggested as a clinical decision-tool. Sizing of pneumothoraces, both spontaneous and following a literature search, I am undertaking a survey within my hospital on different ways on this and how clinicians use their system to make management
3. CS Spray – following its introduction as a police weapon, I reviewed its
management. I also looked at numbers of presentations to the resultant clinical workload.
4. Concussion following a whiplash-type injury – patients presenting to
RTA often complain of other symptoms in addition to various symptoms more commonly associated with minor head injuries was assessed in these RTA patients. CURRENT AUDIT

1. Primary care in A&E – Woebegone 2001

Current modernisation of emergency services in North Wetshire will include the of a primary care adjacent to A&E. This will be accessed by a single current audit looks at appropriateness of patients presenting to A&E and changes in patterns of
2. Thrombolysis audit – RLHH 1997-8
At RLHH, monthly audit meetings were held to assess door-to-needle thrombolysis of all acute myocardial infarctions. This was primarily run by the nurse but on several occasions I was involved, especially in
3. Complaints – RLHH 1997
An audit of 3 months complaints (verbal and written), focusing on specific areas waiting times and staff attitudes that could be targeted for improvement.
4. Cervical spine x-rays – RLHH 1995
An audit of 100 case-notes to determine clinical indications for requesting c- spine patients presenting with possible neck injuries. Guideline lines were produced from this audit and included in the SHO handbook. Further audit was then performed to complete the audit cyle. CONFERENCES/MEETINGS ATTENDED
International Conference in Emergency Medicine Centralisation of A&E Departments – Sheffield, May 2000 Professor John Nichol/Professor Brian Edwards The Future of Accident and Emergency Medicine – London, January 2000 The Future of Accident and Emergency Medicine – London, June 1999 MTOS and trauma data analysis – Manchester, December 1996 MAJOR INCIDENT TRAINING
Emergency services practice – Boat crash, River Dee, Chester British Aerospace practice – Plane crash with fire, Broughton, N Wales Lead medic of runway rescue team, Air Day at British Aerospace, TEACHING
Medical undergraduates
Clinical instruction and end of firm assessments of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students from Murkeyside,
Leicester and Addenbrooke’s medical schools.
Clinical tutorials to final year students.
Lectures on management of trauma and medical emergencies.
Paediatric Emergencies to 2nd and 4th year students at Little One’s Children’s Hospital.
6th formers as prospective medical students within the A&E Department.
Medical postgraduates
As an ALS and APLS instructor on at least 2 courses of each per year.
Clinical tutorials to pre-registration house officers including practical training sessions in advanced
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
SHO teaching on a variety of subjects relevant to A&E. Audit projects with SHO’s in A&E.
Nursing staff, ODA’s etc.
Lectures and practical teaching stations on ALS and APLS courses.
Paramedics in cannulation and resuscitation within Royal Heartbeat A&E Department.

1. President of BAETA
™ To improve communication between A&E trainees in the UK including setting up a website ™ To chair the BAETA meetings ™ Organisation and writing of the trainees section of JAEM supplement ™ To represent A&E at the meetings of the Specialist Trainee Representatives and the JDC
2. Departmental Management/Committees
™ Chairman of the organising committee for BAETA 2000 annual conference in Liverpool in November 2000
™ Junior representative on Medical Directorate at Royal Heartbeat University
and Critical Care Directorate at Everwell Hospital ™ Departmental planning and development
™ Chest pain management
™ Millenium organisation
™ Paediatric pain group at Little One’s Children’s Hospital

3. Teaching
™ Planning the weekly meetings for the Murkeyside A&E Trainees Group within a committee ™ Arranging the schedule and speakers for a 3 hour weekly teaching SHO’s at Arrowe Head Hospital (1998-1999) ™ Course Director for ALS course in Cresta (2000) and member of the numerous ALS and APLS meetings (1996-)
4. SHO Employment
™ Short-listing at Arrowe Head Hospital ™ Showing prospective interviewees around the department ™ A member of the interview panel at Little One’s Children’s Hospital and Woebegone Hospital
5. Introduction of new departmental policies
™ Chest pain pathways at Royal Heartbeat Hospital and Arrowe Head ™ Pathway for management of pain in children at Arrowe Head Hospital
6. New junior doctors hours
™ Re-organisation of junior doctors rotas within the new hours regulations at RLHH ™ Establishment of House Officer and Senior House Officer in rotations in General Medicine OTHER WORK EXPERIENCE
Preparatory certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language; teaching experience with classes up to 14 students of a variety of nationalities during summer courses at Cambridge. I have a wide range of experience as a leader/organiser of children’s holidays and day-centres; children aged 2-15. I gave a talk to a local rotary club, the Rotary Club of Bighull, on a day in the life of an A&E doctor in 1997. I was invited as the guest speaker at the Junior Speech Day at Armless Grammar School in 1998. OUTSIDE INTERESTS
I have skied for 18 weeks in Europe and Canada I am also a leader and doctor to a school skiing course for a party of 80 pupils and 16 adults, I have accompanied this group on 4 occasions. Touring holidays in Britain and in Europe Many holidays in the Lake District, Peak District, Yorkshire Dales, North Wales, Scotland, in the Swiss and French Apls and Picos De Europa in Northern Spain. I was involved in school, college and hospital orchestras. I was the leader of the school orchestra in my final year at school and have recently played in a quartet. REFEREES

Mrs A Tetanus
Accident and Emergency Department
Woebegone Hospital
Lonely Lane
Dr Chinors
Accident and Emergency Department
Arrowe Head Hospital
D36 4EA
Dr F Bronchiolitis
Accident and Emergency Department
Little One’s Children’s NHS Trust
Living Road
M21 3AQ


Microsoft word - claire meltzer.doc

Claire Meltzer 18th September 1926 – 30th January 2008 In Appreciation In June 1998 at the age of almost 72 the remarkable Claire Meltzerembarked upon one of the most ambitious projects of her remarkable life. She became a co-founder of the nascent law firm which was to bear hername: Levison Meltzer Pigott. At a time when most professionals have longsince decided to hang up their boots o

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