Support Care Cancer (2002) 10:529–537DOI 10.1007/s00520-002-0375-y
Christel Protière
Efficacy and tolerance of a scalp-cooling system
Katrin Evans Jacques Camerlo
for prevention of hair loss and the experience
Marie-Pierre d’Ingrado
of breast cancer patients treated by adjuvant
Geneviève Macquart-Moulin Patrice Viens Dominique Maraninchi Dominique Genre Abstract The applicability and effi-
Published online: 15 August 2002 Springer-Verlag 2002
than in those without (n=28). Differ-
by nurses (cycles 1–3: P<0.01; cycle
4: P<0.05). Tolerance was generally
K. Evans · J. Camerlo · M.-P. d’Ingrado
Medical Oncology Department, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, 232,
the distress associated with thissymptom. Nurses’ ratings (n=105)
Keywords Alopecia · Scalp-cooling
University of Mediterranean (Aix-Marseille II), Marseille, France
evidence of the disease to the outside world, etc.) [3, 8,24, 31]. Moreover, it induces different physical problems
Among chemotherapy side-effects, nausea/vomiting and
(discomfort caused by the capillary prosthesis, irritability
alopecia are the ones most feared by patients. The use of
because of hair loss, anxiety) [29]. Lastly, alopecia can
setrons has allowed vomiting to be enormously reduced,
incite some patients, particularly women, to totally
but the problem of alopecia still remains unresolved.
refuse potentially curative treatment.
Nevertheless, hair loss is known to have a strong psy-
Consequently, alopecia is a cause of concern to clini-
chological influence on patients (alteration of self-image,
cians involved in breast cancer care. In the context of
self-esteem, feelings of difference in the eyes of others,
standard breast cancer for which an adjuvant chemother-
apy is likely to be offered, the most commonly used regi-
Fig. 1 Study design
men is a combination of cyclophosphamide, methotrex-ate and 5 fluorouracil (CMF) [5]. Another well-estab-
in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemothera-
lished active agent is doxorubicin, which is also widely
py associating mitoxantrone and cyclophosphamide.
used in combination with other agents [1, 6]. However,
Women accepting the scalp cooling system were com-
these drugs have severe toxic effects (hair loss, nausea
pared for alopecia to those who refused it and to patients
and vomiting, mucositis, cardiomyopathy and marrow
included in the previous above-cited study.
suppression). For this reason, several analogues anddrugs with similar biochemical mechanisms have beendeveloped with less toxic effects but similar efficacy.
These drugs to which mitoxantrone belongs [4] are likelyto be better accepted by patients.
Study design is summarized in Fig. 1.
This has led the clinicians to introduce mitoxantrone
into adjuvant chemotherapy for standard breast cancer. Indeed, mitoxantrone is generally considered as well tol-
erated and associated with only moderate alopecia [14,
15, 20, 23, 25, 32]. Moreover, mitoxantrone has been re-ported to cause selective loss of white hair [2]. However,
One hundred and five patients suffering from breast cancer with
its toxicity, when associated with cyclophosphamide that
no metastases and fewer than nine involved axillary nodes re-
is known as a severely alopecia-inducing drug, merited
ceived an adjuvant treatment associating polychemotherapy andconcomitant or delayed radiotherapy. They were recruited at the
to be fully explored. A quality of life study carried out at
Institut Paoli-Calmettes (Regional Hospital for Cancer Care) in
the Institut Paoli-Calmettes (Marseilles, France) among
Marseilles (France) between 10 February 1997 and 4 May 1999.
109 breast cancer patients receiving a regimen of mitox-
Chemotherapy doses were based on ideal body weight. The
antrone and cyclophosphamide (NC chemotherapy) in protocol (NC chemotherapy) comprised of mitoxantrone (12 mg/m2)4 cycles of 21 days showed that hair loss was reported
and cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2) administered in four cycles of21 days in the outpatient clinic. Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) was
by patients in about 74% of cycles [22], what remained
administered as a 15-min i.v. infusion and cyclophosphamide (En-
relatively high. Following these findings, it was decided
doxan) as a 30-min i.v. infusion on 1 day. Antiemetic prophylaxis
in the future to offer the use of a scalp cooling system to
consisted of granisetron (Kytril) administered in 1-mg tablet form
breast cancer patients included in the NC protocol.
1 h before each cycle of chemotherapy and within 12 h after eachfirst administration.
The benefit of preventing hair loss, a problem due to
Patients were offered the scalp-cooling system by physicians
antimitotics, was revealed about 30 years ago. It is based
after being informed of the technique of its use, its drawbacks, the
on the theory that reduction of cutaneous scalp circula-
potential risks (mainly scalp metastasis) and the anticipated effects
tion, produces vasoconstriction of blood vessels, and in-
[12]. Verbal, informed consent was required from all patients.
Scalp cooling was started with the first cycle of chemotherapy
cidentally reduces the quantity of antimitotics which per-
fuse the capillary follicles. The first method describedused compression with a tourniquet system. Then, onlycooling methods were used, such as ice cubes, cryogels,
“Reference” group of patients (n=109)
propelled air and refrigerated helmets [9].
These patients (n=109) were recruited at the Institut Paoli-
The aim of this paper is to report the applicability and
Calmettes (Regional Hospital for Cancer Care) in Marseilles be-
efficacy of a scalp-cooling system (refrigerated helmet)
tween 12 May 1995 and 4 February 1997, with the same inclusion
criteria as those required for study patients. The treatment protocol
tients accepting the scalp-cooling system (n=77) were compared
comprised the same polychemotherapy as that used in patients in-
for alopecia with patients who refused (n=28). In addition, a sub-
cluded in the current study and also radiotherapy administered
sample of study patients (n=27) who accepted the scalp-cooling
concomitantly with chemotherapy. The scalp-cooling system was
system and self-assessed their alopecia was compared with the ref-
not proposed but these patients self-assessed their alopecia in the
erence group of 109 patients treated by NC chemotherapy who
context of a prospective study of treatment side-effects [22].
had similarly assessed their hair loss. Cohen’s kappa coefficient[10] was used as the measure of agreement between the frequencyof alopecia assessed by patients and that noted simultaneously by
nurses (using WHO criteria). Based on general statistical guide-lines [17], the strength of agreement was labeled as follows:
The equipment used was the FRIGECAP helmet (PETERS LABO
≤0.40, poor to fair agreement; 0.41–0.60, moderate agreement;
PHARMA), which required the hair to be moistened and the head
0.61–0.80, good agreement; 0.81–1, excellent agreement. Finally,
protected with a cap. The helmet was worn for 15 min before and
tolerance of the scalp-cooling system was analyzed in a descrip-
45 min after treatment. Helmet temperature was checked after
tive way. All statistical tests were two sided. Significance was as-
45 min and the helmet was replaced if it had become warm (which
happened in 4 of the 77 accepting patients). After use, it was re-moved, disinfected and decontaminated. After drying, the helmetwas frozen (–25°C) for a minimum of 48 h.
Efficacy and tolerance of the scalp-cooling system
The efficacy and tolerance of the scalp-cooling system were as-
One hundred five patients were entered into the current
sessed by nurses using a standard form developed by paramedicalstaff and a physician (D.G.). This form was completed by nurses
study. Of 105 patients approached prior to cycle 1 of
consulting with the patients (face-to-face interview) at each cycle
chemotherapy, 77 accepted the scalp-cooling system and
of chemotherapy. Hair loss was evaluated according to the World
28 refused it. Among the 77 accepting patients, 4 defini-
Health Organization (WHO) criteria for alopecia (grade 0: no hair
tively stopped using the system after cycle 1, 5 after
loss; grade 1: minimal hair loss; grade 2: moderate hair loss,patchy alopecia; grade 3: complete hair loss, reversible; grade
cycle 2 and 2 after cycle 3 (Fig. 1).
4:complete hair loss, irreversible). Tolerance of the scalp-cooling
Clinical characteristics of the study patients are pre-
system was assessed by the nurse applying and supervising its use.
sented in Table 1. There were no statistically significant
The patient was questioned during anticancer drug perfusion and
differences in terms of age, hormonal status, number of
the following 7 days. The 7-day assessment was retrospective andconcerned the patient’s experience during the previous cycle. Tol-
involved axillary lymph nodes, type of surgery and mo-
erance was rated as: very good, good, moderate, or poor. All side-
dalities of administration of radiotherapy (before or after
effects related to helmet use reported by the patient were systemat-
chemotherapy) between the patients who accepted the
ically noted by the nurse. To this end, she systematically ques-
scalp-cooling system (n=77) and those who refused it
tioned the patient on specific items (problems related to helmet
during the entire course of radiotherapy (n=28). Further-
weight and coldness, headache, neck pain), but also collected pa-tient’s spontaneous comments.
more, there were also no statistically significant differ-ences for any of the initial characteristics between the105 patients entered on the current study and the 109 pa-
tients included in our previous study (reference group
Hair loss was assessed by patients using a specific self-report
patients). However, it must be noted that in the reference
questionnaire including three items measuring frequency, severity
group radiotherapy was systematically administered con-
and distress associated with this symptom. This self-report ques-
tionnaire is a part of a 19-item self-report questionnaire used formeasuring symptoms related to NC chemotherapy in the referencegroup of 109 patients [22]. Patients were asked about hair lossduring the previous cycle. Severity of alopecia and the distress
Efficacy of the scalp-cooling system as assessed
caused by it were scored on four-point scales ranging from 1 by nurses: comparison of the patients with the scalp-cooling(“a little”) to 4 (“totally”) for severity and from 1 (“not at all”) to
system (n=77) vs those without (n=28)
4 (“very much”) for distress. The three-item self-report question-naire was completed by patients at the start of each cycle of che-motherapy from cycle 2 onward, and at the visit made at the end
Table 2 shows the frequency of alopecia as assessed
of chemotherapy (planned for 1 month after the last cycle of che-
by nurses at each cycle of chemotherapy using WHO
motherapy). This administration schedule was the same as that
criteria, both in patients who accepted the scalp-cooling
used in the reference group of patients.
system and in patients who refused it. In Table 2, pa-tients are classified as follows: no alopecia (WHO
grade 0) and alopecia (WHO grades 1–4). After the firstNC chemotherapy cycle, the frequency of alopecia was
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software [28].
13.0% among the patients who accepted the scalp-cool-
Qualitative data were analyzed using the Pearson Chi-square test
ing system, as against 32.1% among those who refused
(or Fisher exact test, if necessary). Quantitative data were com-pared by parametric (Student t-test) or nonparametric methods
it. Figure 2 shows the frequency of alopecia in the two
(Mann-Whitney test). At each cycle of chemotherapy, study pa-
groups after the first cycle of NC chemotherapy, this
Table 1 Patients’ characteristics
RadiotherapyConcomitant with chemotherapy
a Number and percentage, except for age and number of involved
b Incomplete numbers correspond to missing data
Table 2 Alopecia assessed by nurses in the 105 study patients
motherapy in 73.1% (76/104), while no episodes werenoted in 26.9% (28/104). Compared with patients who
were assessed by nurses as having had at least one epi-
sode of hair loss, patients without any episode of hair
loss during the entire course of chemotherapy were more
frequently assigned to receive concomitant radiotherapy
[82.1% (23/28) vs 60.8% (45/74) – P=0.041]. When thedata were examined cycle by cycle, it appeared that simi-
lar results were found for cycles 3 [76.9% (40/52) vs
57.1% (28/49) – P=0.034] and 4 [81.1% (30/37) vs
58.7% (37/63) – P=0.022], but not for cycles 1 and 2.
Nevertheless, there was a similar percentage of patients
who accepted use of the scalp cooling system in the two
modalities of radiotherapy administration. Furthermore,there were no statistically significant relationships be-
tween alopecia and the four following variables: age,
number of involved axillary lymph nodes, hormonal sta-
a Number (percentage); incomplete numbers correspond to missingdatab Comparison patients with vs without scalp cooling system:
Efficacy of the scalp cooling system as assessed
by patients: comparison of patients with scalp-coolingsystem (n=27) vs patients without (n=109)
time broken down according to WHO alopecia grades. Not surprisingly, a progressive increase in frequency was
Table 3 shows the frequency of alopecia self-assessed at
observed in the two groups of patients over subsequent
each cycle of chemotherapy by a subgroup of 27 study
cycles. Differences between the two groups of patients
patients who accepted the scalp-cooling system. Their
were statistically significant for cycles 1 (P=0.024) and 3
assessments were compared with those provided by the
(P=0.038). At the end of cycle 4, nurses noted hair loss
109 patients belonging to the reference group (no use of
in 56.1% of patients who accepted the system and in
the scalp-cooling system). There were statistically signif-
icant differences between the two groups of patients for
Among the 105 study patients, nurses noted at least
each cycle of chemotherapy (P<0.01 for the three first
one episode of hair loss during the entire course of che-
cycles and P<0.05 for the last cycle). Fig. 2 Alopecia as assessed by nurses in the 105 study patients using WHO criteria (cycle 1) Table 3 Frequency of alopecia assessed by a subsample of 27
vs without scalp-cooling system:P<0.05
Alopecia frequencies self-reported by these 27 pa-
apy, in patients with scalp cooling system than in pa-
tients at each cycle of chemotherapy were compared
tients without. However, differences between the two
with those noted simultaneously by nurses. According to
groups of patients were not statistically significant both
Landis and Koch’s criteria, concordance between pa-
for severity and distress scores in none of four cycles of
tients’ and nurses’ assessments was good for cycles 1, 2
and 3 (kappa coefficients = 0.72, 0.74, and 0.75, respec-tively) and excellent for cycle 4 (kappa coefficient = 0.91).
Table 4 displays alopecia severity and distress scores
Tolerance and safety of the scalp cooling system (n=48)
(range: 1–4), reported both by the 27 study patientsagreeing to use the scalp cooling system and the 109 ref-
Tolerance of the scalp cooling system was evaluated in
erence group patients (no use of the scalp-cooling
48 patients of 77 accepting patients. Table 5 displays tol-
system). Table 4 shows that the percentage of patients
erance scores at each cycle of chemotherapy before and
giving severity and distress scores 3–4 (high intensity of
after perfusion and shows high tolerance scores both dur-
severity/distress) was lower, at each cycle of chemother-
Table 4 Severity and distress caused by alopecia, assessed by
tients compared with referencegroup of 109 patients
were calculated when symptomwas present. Incomplete num-
ence group patients: P>0.05 for
Table 5 Evaluation of toler- ance of the scalp-cooling
system, during and after perfu-sion, in a subsample of 48
a Number (percentage); incomplete numbers correspond to patients who stopped using the scalp-cool-ing system (4 after cycle 1, 3 after cycle 2 and 2 after cycle 3) and/or to missing data
In this sample of 48 patients, 4 patients stopped using
accepted the scalp-cooling system (n=77) had reported
the scalp-cooling system after the first cycle of chemo-
therapy because of neck pain, fear of skin metastasis, si-nusitis, or febrile syndrome; 3 withdrew after the secondcycle because of headaches or cold sensations or for per-
sonal reasons; and 2 patients after the third cycle becauseof psychological rejection and intolerance to wearing the
The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of a scalp-
helmet. During chemotherapy perfusion, patients’ com-
cooling system in the prevention of hair loss in women
ments essentially concerned the weight of the helmet,
suffering from breast cancer treated by a chemotherapy
pronounced coldness for 5–10 min or a feeling of burn-
regimen associating mitoxantrone and cyclophospha-
ing and headaches. After perfusion, the following symp-
mide (NC chemotherapy) and to explore patients’ expe-
toms were the most frequently described : headaches,
neck pain, and psychological difficulties in wearing the
Among the methods of alopecia prevention, the hypo-
helmet (violent aversion to cold, ice and freezing).
thermic methods, used since 1978, have become themost widely used [9, 12]. Two studies have shown thatthe efficacy of the hypothermic methods is inversely as-
sociated with epi- and subcutaneous scalp temperatures[7, 13, 18]. Based on these studies, a pre- and postche-
After a median follow-up of 44 months (range: 23–63)
motherapy scalp-cooling system has been used to main-
from the start of chemotherapy, none of patients who had
tain steady, low scalp temperatures. The temperature lev-
el obtained at scalp level is also a cause of concern for
NC chemotherapy who were not offered the scalp-cool-
investigators. Gregory [13] reported that hair preserva-
ing system. Statistical analysis demonstrated that pa-
tion was only obtained when scalp temperature was re-
tients included in the current study presented similar ini-
duced below 22°C, while for Cooke et al. [11] hair con-
tial clinical characteristics to those belonging to the ref-
servation only occurred when the scalp temperature was
erence group. Second, tolerance of the helmet was stud-
reduced to 24°C or below. Another subject of discussion
ied in only 48 of 77 accepting patients, and the self-mea-
is the duration of scalp cooling required both before and
sures of alopecia were performed on a small subsample
after chemotherapy infusion. According to Tollonear et
(n=27) of these same patients. The reasons for this were
al. [30], cooling times of at least 15 min before and at
only logistical. In particular, it was not easy to submit
least 30 min after the infusion are indicated when anthra-
the study patients to a double evaluation of their hair loss
cycline is used as the sole alopecia-inducing drug. In the
in the context of the outpatient clinic. It is possible also
recent study published by Katsimbri et al. [16], the peri-
that uneven numbers in different groups of patients could
od of application of their scalp-cooling system added ap-
induce bias in the results of comparative analyses. Final-
proximately 2.5 h to the duration of each chemotherapy
ly, the study would have had to be completed by an eval-
session. When refrigerated at –25°C for 24 h, the scalp-
uation of the costs of the procedure in terms of time in-
cooling system used in our study might maintain a tem-
vested by nurses and the time a patient occupied a place
perature below 25°C for 60 min. Pre- and postinfusion
in the outpatient clinic. This evaluation would show
cooling times of 15 min and 45 min, respectively, were
whether or not a method which can provide a global de-
in accordance with those advocated by Tollonear et al.
crease in alopecia frequency by about 22–31% (depend-
[30]. Furthermore, it must be noted that in our study, the
ing on whether the alopecia assessment was done by
helmet was replaced because of warming only in 5% of
nurses or patients) can be justified. The burden for the
patients, which is very low. Some of mitoxantrone’s
patient should also be considered. However, it must be
pharmacokinetic characteristics may explain the relative
noted that in our study the majority of women were very
efficiency of the scalp-cooling system. Indeed, in previ-
satisfied with the procedure. Despite some criticisms, we
ous pharmacokinetic studies, the initial drug distribution
believe that data obtained in this study are useful and
phases were shown to be very short, with T 1/2α and have important implications for patients’ well-being. T 1/2β of 2.5 and 16 min. [20]. Consequently, in our
This study clearly demonstrates the efficacy of the
study, the cooling duration exceeded the length of expo-
scalp-cooling system in preventing alopecia induced by
sure to high plasmatic mitoxantrone concentrations, po-
NC chemotherapy. At cycle 4, nurses noted hair loss in
tentially contributing to the reduction in hair toxicity.
56.1% of those accepting the system vs 69.2% in pa-
Reaching a consensus on the effectiveness of scalp
tients who had refused it (NS). For the subsample of 27
cooling has been hampered by the large variety of cyto-
patients who self-assessed their alopecia and who were
toxic agents and doses used, the small patient cohorts
compared with the reference group of 109 patients with-
and a failure to randomize patients or to incorporate
out the scalp-cooling system, results were even more
comparative groups [16, 19, 26, 27, 29, 30]. Another
marked. (At cycle 4, hair loss was reported in 59.1% of
limitation was the use of nonstandard methods or criteria
patients who used the scalp-cooling system, as against
of hair loss evaluation (mainly, photos of patient scalp,
83.9% of patients who did not (P=0.017). In contrast to
graded scale, use or not of a wig). Furthermore, they also
our previous experience with physicians [21], concor-
failed to take direct account of the patients’ point of
dance between patients’ and nurses’ reports was high.
view in parallel with physicians’ or nurses’ measures.
Our results can be favorably compared with those of
Our study has the advantage of comparing the study
Ron et al. [27], who found 47% hair loss in patients with
patients accepting the scalp-cooling system with those
scalp-cooling system vs 81% without (P=0.014). Their
refusing it and also with a reference group of 109 women
study group of 35 breast cancer patients consisted of 19
previously treated with the same chemotherapy protocol
hypothermically treated patients and 16 age-matched
but without the use of a scalp-cooling system. The num-
control patients treated at ambient temperature. All were
ber of patients entered was relatively large (n=105), and
treated with the same highly depilatory protocol CMF
alopecia was assessed by nurses for all patients and also
(cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil).
by the women themselves in a subsample of 27 patients.
Our findings concerning a higher frequency of hair loss
However, some limitations of this study merit discus-
at cycles 3 and 4 in patients assigned to sequential treat-
sion. First, patients were not randomized. Indeed, we de-
ment may be explained as the expression of some appre-
liberately decided against the randomization procedure,
hension at the prospect of a second complementary ther-
for ethical considerations. Furthermore, we knew that
apy, i.e. the radiotherapy. This situation would not arise
patients were aware of the possibility of using the scalp-
in patients receiving concurrent radiochemotherapy who
cooling system and were entirely free to request the pro-
cedure from the medical team. In addition to this, we al-
Compared to the “reference” group of 109 patients,
ready had access to a large group of patients treated by
the severity and distress associated with hair loss were
always lower at each chemotherapy cycle in the sub-
Despite the doubts about the efficacy of scalp hypother-
sample of 27 patients who self-assessed their hair loss
mia for some drugs and questions remaining about subse-
and who used the scalp cooling system. These results
quent scalp metastases, scalp hypothermia appears simple,
confirm the effectiveness of the scalp cooling system
relatively easy for nursing staff, low cost and low-risk. As
and demonstrates the additional benefit in stress reduc-
patients’ quality of life becomes a priority, the routine use
of a scalp-cooling system as part of adjuvant chemothera-
Although there were 4 cases of withdrawal from
py, especially in cancers with a low prevalence of scalp
scalp-cooling in the subsample of 48 patients evaluated
metastasis, should be seriously considered. This technique
with regard to scalp-cooling system tolerance, patients’
can help maintain patients’ self-image and thereby reduce
acceptability was high. Complaints were in keeping with
the devastating psychological effects associated with can-
those reported by other investigators. In spite of prob-
cer, and, sometimes, still more with its treatment.
lems encountered, women were generally very satisfiedwith their choice and did not regret their decision to ac-
Acknowledgements We wish express our gratitude to PETERS
cept the scalp-cooling system. In fact, the majority con-
LABO PHARMA for providing the FRIGECAP helmet used inthis study. We also thank the patients and the members of the
sidered that the psychological comfort related to its use
Medical Oncology Department of the Institut Paoli-Calmettes for
outweighed minor physical difficulties.
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Concurso Externo Extraordinário Proposta da reunião da Mesa Negocial de 15.11.2012 As alterações introduzidas encontram-se a “negrito” 1- O presente decreto-lei estabelece um regime excecional destinado à seleção e recrutamento de pessoal docente nos estabelecimentos públicos da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário na dependência do Ministério d
Prepararsi alla gravidanza: precauzioni, attenzioni e… una vitamina in più A chi è rivolto questo opuscolo pensano in un futuro, anche lontano, di avere un figlio hanno rapporti sessuali e non utilizzano metodi contraccettivi sicuri o non utilizzano alcun metodo contraccettivo ai loro parenti, ai loro amici, a tutti coloro che sono in grado di consigliare e informare le