Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Affordable prescription guideEmployer-sponsored plans — January 2014
Here’s a list of the most commonly prescribed medications on the Priority Health approved drug list. Take this guide with you whenever you visit your doctor.
Remember, you’ll save money when you use generics or preferred brand drugs.
• Generics (least expensive) are listed in lowercase
• Preferred brands are listed in UPPERCASE
This list isn’t all-inclusive, and coverage varies based on your employer’s plan. Coverage is not guaranteed and this list is subject to change. To verify coverage and see a complete list of approved drugs, go to priorityhealth.com or contact Customer Service using the phone number on the back of your Priority Health ID card. Anticoagulants/Antiplatelets Cephalosporins Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Erythromycins/Macrolides Anticonvulsants Cardiovascular ACE Inhibitors/ARBS Fluoroquinolones Penicillins Anti-infectives Beta Blockers Antifungals Tetracyclines Antivirals
acyclovirfamciclovirTAMIFLU (QL)valacyclovir
Calcium Channel Blockers Sedative Hypnotics Estrogens (transdermal) Cholesterol Lowering (statins) Gastrointestinal H2 Receptor Antagonist Dermatologic Diuretics Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) Central Nervous System Miscellaneous Topicals Antidepressants (SSRI/SNRI) Miscellaneous GI/GU Endocrine Diabetic (oral) Antidepressants (misc.) Ophthalmic ADD/ADHD Diabetic (insulin) Migraine Diabetic Test Strips Glaucoma Estrogens (oral) Miscellaneous Thyroid Replacement Osteoporosis
ACTONELalendronatecalcitonin-salmonibandronatePROLIA (PA)zoledronic acid
Pain Management (opioids)
APAP/codeineAVINZAfentanyl patchhydrocodone/APAP 325mg methadonemorphine sulfate/EROXYCONTINtramadol/ER
Respiratory Steroids (Inhaled) PULMICORT (tier 1 copay) QVAR (tier 1 copay) Steroids (Nasal) Step 1: • flunisolide • fluticasone • triamcinolone acetate Step 2: • OMNARIS Steroid/LABA combos DULERA (tier 1 copay) SYMBICORT (tier 1 copay) Quick Relief Inhalers Over-the-counter (OTC) medications
Medications that do not require a prescription are not covered under the pharmacy benefit unless specifically listed. Employer-sponsored plans currently cover Prilosec OTC, Prevacid OTC, Zegerid OTC, and Zaditor OTC with a prescription. Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
Doctors, pharmacists and other health care professionals from the Priority Health network meet six times a year to research and review the newest drugs on the market. Because of this attention to detail, you can be confident that our list is up-to-date with the highest quality, most effective choices to meet your needs. Cost is only a consideration when medical evidence shows that less expensive drugs in the same class are equally safe and effective. Quantity limits and prior authorization
Certain medications may have monthly quantity limits (QL) or require prior authorization (PA) to ensure safe and appropriate use. Approval forms are available at priorityhealth.com and your doctor may submit a request by faxing 877.974.4411. You and your doctor will be notified regarding the decision within 15 days.
Step therapy
Some medications require step therapy because there are other drugs in the same category that are just as safe and effective but may cost less. This provides a safe alternative and saves you money. If the lower cost drug isn’t effective or if it is medically necessary your doctor can work with Priority Health and request an exception.
God’s Personal Presence The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience (John 14:15-31) Three Pictures Our talks for the next three weeks in the evening service are going to be on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Tonight I’ll be speaking about the Holy Spirit and Christian Experience. The second week of the series will be about the Holy Spirit and Christian Lifestyle, and the final week t
David Esposito EspositoADavid@gmail.com Objective: Employment with a cutting edge, dynamic company with room for creativity and opportunity for promotion, allowing use of software engineering, systems design and testing skills while utilizing an expert understanding of hardware and code optimization. Education: Georgia Institute of Technology 2010 – 2012 Double major in