JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGYVolume 16, Number 1/2, 2006Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Pp. 131–145
Robert L. Findling, M.D.,1,2 Nora K. McNamara, M.D.,1,2 Robert J. Stansbrey, M.D.,1
Norah C. Feeny, Ph.D.,1,3 Christopher M. Young, M.D.,1 Franco V. Peric, M.A.,1 and
ABSTRACT Introduction: Identifying evidence-based dosing strategies is a key part of new drug develop- ment in pediatric populations. Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies can provide important information regarding how best to dose medications in children and adolescents. Utilizing scientifically supported dosing strategies provides the best chance for any given drug to demonstrate both efficacy and acceptable tolerability in definitive, placebo-controlled studies. Methods: Results of both PK studies and randomized, placebo-controlled efficacy trials (RPCTs) in juvenile major depressive disorder (MDD) are reviewed. The degree to which the medication dosing strategies that were employed in the efficacy studies were supported by the extant PK data is considered. Medications that are reviewed include fluoxetine, sertra- line, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine, nefazodone, and mirtazapine. Results: In many instances, the dosing paradigms that were used in the RPCTs differed, sometimes substantially, from the dosing strategies that would have been supported based on the results of PK studies. Conclusions: Medication dosing regimens may have contributed to the failure of several RPCTs to show drug efficacy in the treatment of pediatric MDD. In addition, the doses of medication used in these RPCTs may also have contributed to the safety and tolerability con- cerns that have been raised with these drugs. PK and dose-ranging studies should be per- formed prior to the initiation of definitive efficacy trials so that empirically supported dosing strategies can be incorporated into the design of RPCTs of antidepressants in children and adolescents suffering from MDD. INTRODUCTION
Interestingly, other agents have also been testedas potential treatments for juvenile depression
AS OF MARCH 2005, only fluoxetine has re- in randomized, placebo-controlled trials (RPCTs).
Most of these studies did not demonstrate su-
Drug Administration (FDA) as a pharmacologi-
periority of active treatment when compared
cal treatment for depressed youths (FDA 2003).
From the Departments of 1Psychiatry, 2Pediatrics, and 3Psychology, University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case West-
ern Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. FINDLING ET AL.
utilized a dose-ranging design, which allowed
conducted studies have failed to show anti-
for flexible dosing (within certain predetermined
depressant efficacy have not been definitively
parameters) at the treating physician’s discre-
elucidated. Although some of these antidepres-
tion. Such trials can provide information about
sants may truly be of no benefit to young peo-
the optimal dosing for a compound within clin-
ple suffering from major depressive disorder
ical settings. Furthermore, first- and multiple-
(MDD), methodological issues also need to be
dose PK studies were performed. This is an
considered when examining why some of these
important consideration, because differences in
studies failed to show antidepressant efficacy.
PK parameter estimates may be observed at
The field of child and adolescent psychophar-
these two distinct time points. Finally, several
macology appears to be in a state similar to that
of the PK studies included patients with differ-
point in time when studies of tricyclic antide-
ent psychiatric diagnoses. Performing PK stud-
pressants (TCAs) failed to demonstrate efficacy
ies in patients with heterogeneous diagnoses
in youths with MDD. Methodological consid-
does not reduce methodological rigor because
erations that were raised at that time included
drug biodisposition does not appear to be
adequate sample size, appropriate patient selec-
tion, duration of treatment, and empirically sup-
Agents that will be considered herein include:
ported outcome measures (Jensen et al. 1992).
Fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, citalopram,
However, another key issue that needs to be
escitalopram, venlafaxine, nefazodone, and
considered when evaluating the safety and ef-
mirtazapine. Although fluvoxamine has been
ficacy of any agent, including an antidepressant,
shown to have efficacy in the treatment of pe-
is dosing (Atuah et al. 2004). Key parameters
diatric obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
of dosing that should be empirically evaluated
(Riddle et al. 2001) and several other pediatric
may include identifying an appropriate total
anxiety disorders (Research Unit on Pediatric
daily dose and determining how frequently the
medication needs to be administered each day.
2001) and bupropion has been shown to have
If a medication is not dosed properly, clinical
efficacy in the treatment of ADHD in children
efficacy might go undetected. Similarly, if a
(Conners et al. 1996), these compounds will
medication is not dosed properly, adverse
not be considered in this paper. This is because
events might occur that might otherwise have
there are no adequately powered RPCTs with
been avoidable with a different dosing strat-
egy. As development-based differences in phar-macokinetics may be seen with drugs (Kearnset al. 2003), one of the means by which empiri-
cally based dosing strategies are derived in pe-
Pharmacokinetic studies. Several PK parameter
diatric patients is through pharmacokinetic
estimates were reported for fluoxetine, and its
primary metabolite norfluoxetine, based on the
The aim of this paper is to consider what is
results of a study in which 10 children and 11
known about the pharmacokinetics of the newer
adolescents participated (Wilens et al. 2002).
generation of antidepressants and then to con-
These youths were diagnosed with either MDD
sider whether or not the dosing strategies that
or OCD and treated with fluoxetine at a dose
could be supported by these PK data were ac-
of 20 mg per day for up to 60 days. Blood sam-
tually employed in double-blind efficacy stud-
ples for PK analyses were obtained at prede-
termined time points between 8 and 12 hours
Designs of the cited PK studies and the RPCTs
are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. It should be
The authors found that steady-state levels of
noted that some of these trials incorporated a
both fluoxetine and norfluoxetine were achieved
forced titration design. In such studies, a pa-
by 4 weeks after the initiation of drug therapy.
tient’s treatment is increased to a predetermined
Although there was high intersubject variabil-
target dose. In addition, several of the studies
ity, the concentrations of both moieties were
concentrations of fluoxetine andnorfluoxetine were approximatelytwo times higher in the childrenthan in adolescents. Population PKparameter estimates were similar towhat had previously been describedin adults.
exposure when compared to eitheradolescents or to what had beenpreviously reported in adults. At200 mg, t1⁄2 was similar for children,adolescents, and adults.
previously noted in Alderman et al. (1998). Twice daily dosing foryouths receiving < 200 mg/daymight be optimal
t1⁄2 shorter after single 10-mg dose than
intra-subject variability in drug concentrations after multiple doses. Non-linear increases in systemicexposure with increased dose
systemic paroxetine exposure andparoxetine dose observed
parameters were similar inadolescents and adults
exposure to both venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine was lowerthan reported in adults
active metabolites whencomparedto adolescents
titrated up to 60 mg over the first 2 weeks
10 mg 1st week, then 20 mg. Could increase in 10-mg
25 mg ϫ 3 days, then 50 mg. Could be increased to a
maximum of 200 mg. Once daily dosing.
25 mg ϫ 3 days, then 50 mg. Could be increased to a
maximum of 200 mg. Once daily dosing.
20 mg with optional, subsequent increases in 10-mg
10 mg, with subsequent increases in 10-mg increments for a
20 mg, subsequent increases allowable up to a maximum
20 mg ϫ 4 weeks with a subsequent increase to 40 mg
10 mg with subsequent increases in 10 mg increments to a
10 mg ϫ 4 weeks, with subsequent increase to 20 mg
Target dose 300–400 mg; maximum allowable dose 600 mg
Children low dose arm: maximum of 100 or 150 mg/day;
children high dose arm: maximum of 200–300 mg/day;adolescent low dose arm: maximum of 300 mg/day;adolescent high dose arm: maximum of 400–600 mg/day
Initial dose 15 mg; could increase by 15 mg increments. Max
Initial dose 15 mg; could increase by 15 mg increments. Max
aStatistically significant difference between active drug and placebo on primary efficacy analysis. bStatistical trend for difference between active drug and placebo on primary efficacy analysis. cNo statistically significant difference between active drug and placebo on primary efficacy analysis.
approximately two times higher in the chil-
cent MDD failed to show a difference between
dren (ages 6–12) than in adolescents (ages 13–
fluoxetine and placebo in a group of 40 adoles-
18). After weight normalization, drug and
cents (ages 13–18 years) during a 7-week trial
metabolite concentrations were found to be
(Simeon et al. 1990). In this study, fluoxetine
similar across the age groups. Population PK
was titrated to a dose of 60 mg/day over the
analysis of the collected samples yielded pa-
first 2 weeks of treatment. It has been previ-
rameter estimates for absorption rate constant,
ously noted that methodological issues, such
oral clearance, and volume of distribution.
as small sample size, high placebo response
These parameter estimates were found to be
rate, and the dosing strategy employed, may
similar to what had previously been described
have contributed to this trial’s failure to detect
in adults. Based on these findings, the authors
a difference between active treatment and
suggested that 10 mg per day might be a ratio-
nal initial dosing strategy for prepubertal
Subsequently, Emslie et al. (1997) reported
children, whereas 20 mg per day might be a
that fluoxetine was superior to placebo in the
reasonable starting dose for adolescents (Wilens
treatment of MDD in a cohort of 96 youths
7–17 years of age who participated in an 8-week randomized, double-blind study RPCT. Efficacy studies. The first published RPCT ex-
In this trial, a fixed 20-mg dose of fluoxetine
amining the efficacy of fluoxetine in adoles-
was used in the active treatment arm. FINDLING ET AL.
Fluoxetine was again found to be superior to
placebo in another double-blind RPCT in which
Pharmacokinetic studies. The first PK study to
122 children and 97 adolescents with MDD re-
examine sertraline included 29 children (ages
ceived treatment with either fluoxetine or
6–12 years) and 32 adolescent (ages 13–17 years)
placebo. In this study, patients who were ran-
suffering from either OCD or MDD (Alderman
domized to active treatment initially received
et al. 1998). After receiving a single 50-mg
10 mg of fluoxetine per day for the 1st week.
dose, patients had their sertraline gradually
These subjects then received 20 mg of fluoxe-
increased to a final dose of 200 mg/day in
tine per day thereafter for up to 8 more weeks
either 25- or 50-mg increments. Sampling for
PK analyses was done after the single 50-mg
In a follow-up trial to this study, patients
dose and after multiple 200-mg doses.
who did not respond to 20 mg of fluoxetine
mg/day), 40 mg/day or 60 mg/day of fluoxe-
exposure to sertraline when compared to either
tine (Hoog et al. 2001). Results suggest that
doses of 40 or 60 mg per day of fluoxetine
been previously reported in adults. The authors
might be well tolerated, as well as superior to
noted that differences in the PK parameters
continued treatment with fluoxetine at 20 mg
across the age groups were most likely the re-
per day for those who do not adequately re-
sult of body-weight differences. In this study,
the half-life (t1⁄2 ) of sertraline exceeded 24 hours
Finally, in a large multisite RPCT, 439 ado-
across age groups after multiple 200-mg doses.
lescents (ages 12–17) with MDD were random-
In another study, the multiple-dose PK para-
ized to receive cognitive behavioral therapy,
meters of sertraline, when given at doses less
fluoxetine, active combination therapy, or
than 200 mg to adolescents, were described
placebo for up to 12 weeks (Treatment for
(Axelson et al. 2002). After receiving multiple
50-mg doses, the authors noted that the t1⁄2 of
Team 2004). Again, treatment with fluoxetine
sertraline was 15.3 hours. After multiple 100-
was found to be superior to placebo in depres-
or 150-mg doses, it was noted that the t1⁄2 of
sive symptom amelioration. In this study, flu-
sertraline was 20.4 hours. As the t1⁄2 was shorter
oxetine was initiated at a dose of 10 mg per
than what had been previously noted in the
day. Fluoxetine was then increased to a dose of
study of Alderman et al. (1998) and was less
20 mg per day after 1 week of treatment. Flu-
than 24 hours, the authors suggested that it
oxetine could then be increased in 10-mg in-
might be reasonable to dose sertraline initially
crements to a maximum daily dose of 40 mg.
in divided daily doses, and to consider divideddaily dosing for those youths not responding
Interpretation. In the three studies showing
to once-daily dosing. The authors did note that,
fluoxetine to be more beneficial than placebo
for patients receiving 200 mg per day of sertra-
(Emslie et al. 1997; Emslie et al. 2002; TADS
line, once-daily dosing might be appropriate.
2004), the starting dose of fluoxetine was either10 or 20 mg per day. Notably, these were thedoses suggested by the authors of the one PK
Efficacy studies. There are two RPCTs in which
study of fluoxetine (Wilens et al. 2002). There
the efficacy of sertraline was compared to
are also data (Hoog et al. 2001) to support the
placebo in the treatment of MDD in youths be-
decision to allow for dose increases in fluoxe-
tween the ages of 6 and 17 years. In these clinical
tine above 20 mg per day, as was done in the
trials, subjects received 10 weeks of double-blind
TADS trial. However, it would have been in-
treatment (Dubitsky 2004; Wagner et al. 2003). In
teresting to see whether or not the RPCT re-
one study, 97 patients received sertraline and 91
sults would have been affected if the younger
received placebo. In the other trial, 92 youths re-
children who participated in the RPCTs had
ceived sertraline and 96 were administered
received an initial 10-mg daily dose that did
placebo. Sertraline treatment was initiated at a
not have to be raised per study protocol.
dose of 25 mg per day for 3 days, with the dose
of sertraline subsequently increased to a dose of
hours with wide intersubject variability. In ad-
50 mg per day until the end of the 2nd week.
dition, they noted that several PK parameters
Thereafter, the dose of sertraline could be in-
correlated with cytochrome P450 2D6 (2D6)
creased in 50-mg-per-day increments to a maxi-
phenotype. There was also a trend for cate-
mum daily dose of 200 mg. Interestingly, divided
chol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) activity to
dosing was not allowed in these efficacy studies
(Dubitsky 2004). The mean dose of active sertra-
line given to patients across both trials was 131
were measured weekly during the course of
mg/day. Although pooled analyses of both stud-
the study. Drug concentrations for individual
ies suggested superiority for sertraline over
placebo (Wagner et al. 2003), each study, when
paroxetine generally remained consistent dur-
considered individually, failed to demonstrate a
ing the course of the study. However, an almost
statistically significant difference between active
7-fold increase in paroxetine concentration was
noted in the subjects who had their paroxetinedose raised (n = 8) owing to insufficient clini-
Interpretation. The dosing strategy used in the
cal benefit. Similar to adults, this finding dem-
sertraline efficacy studies diverged from the
onstrated that paroxetine has nonlinear PKs in
dosing strategies that could be best justified,
based on the results of the PK studies. The ex-
Overall, the study medication was well toler-
tant data suggest that for subjects being treated
ated and associated with salutary effects, with
at doses of sertraline less than 200 mg per day,
most subjects responding adequately to the 10-
divided daily dosing might be more effective
mg-per-day dose. There were only 2 early dis-
than once-daily dosing. However, as already
continuations from the trial. In both instances,
noted, the efficacy studies did not permit split
this was because of the development of hypo-
daily dosing. These studies also did not force-
mania. In addition, there were 2 poor metaboliz-
titrate subjects to a 200-mg-per-day dose level
ers with respect to 2D6 phenotype. Interestingly,
(the level at which once-daily dosing is best
the subject with the least amount of 2D6 activity
supported). It is possible that if the dosing
was the patient who discontinued earliest from
schema in the two sertraline efficacy studies
the study. Based on these observations, the au-
were different, the distinctions between active
thors raised the question of whether or not
treatment and placebo that were noted only
being a poor metabolizer with respect to 2D6 ac-
though a pooled series of analyses (Wagner et al.
tivity conferred a vulnerability to paroxetine in-
2003) might have been more readily detectable.
tolerance in this patient population.
In addition, the authors noted that treatment
with 10 mg of paroxetine was associated with
substantial reductions in platelet-rich plasma
Pharmacokinetic studies. There are two phar-
serotonin concentrations. Similarly, paroxetine
macokinetic studies of paroxetine in children
also causes reductions in whole-blood seroto-
and adolescents. The 1st-dose pharmacokinet-
nin levels when it is administered to adults
ics of paroxetine were described in a cohort of
(Marsden et al. 1987). These data suggest that
30 children and adolescents with MDD (Find-
paroxetine exerts pharmacodynamic effects on
ling et al. 1999). Intensive blood sampling for
serotonin in children that are similar to that
PK analyses occurred after a single 10-mg dose.
seen in adults (Findling et al. 2002b).
Subsequently, subjects were treated with open-
Based on these findings, the authors sug-
label paroxetine for 8 weeks, with a starting
gested that paroxetine at a dose of 10 mg per
dose of 10 mg per day. After 4 weeks of open
day appears to be an appropriate starting dose.
treatment, those patients with persistent de-
For those who do not respond to this treatment,
pressive symptomatology could have their dose
a dose increase to 20 mg/day may be a reason-
of paroxetine increased to 20 mg per day.
The investigators found that the average t1⁄
The other PK study was a 6-week, open-label
of a single 10-mg dose of paroxetine was 11.1
trial in patients with either MDD or OCD. FINDLING ET AL.
Twenty-seven (27) children between the ages
only 5% of patients remained on the 10-mg
of 7 and 11 years and 35 adolescents between
paroxetine dose throughout the trial. In addi-
the ages of 12 and 17 years were initially
tion, approximately 60% of patients were treated
treated with 10 mg of paroxetine per day for 2
with doses of paroxetine greater than 20 mg/
weeks. These patients then received 20 mg of
paroxetine a day for 2 weeks, and were subse-
In a 12-week study of 286 adolescents between
quently treated with 30 mg of paroxetine per
the ages of 13 and 18, paroxetine was again not
day for 2 more weeks. Blood sampling for PK
found to be superior to placebo (Laughren 2004;
analyses was then performed at the end of the
GlaxoSmithKline 2005d). In this study, paroxe-
2-week treatment period for each dose (Glaxo-
tine was initiated at a dose of 20 mg per day. Sub-
jects could be treated with a maximum dose of
Results of this study confirmed the nonlin-
40 mg of paroxetine per day (Dubitsky 2004).
ear relationship between systemic paroxetine
Fifty-six percent (56%) of subjects did not have
exposure and paroxetine dose. In addition, the
their dose of paroxetine raised from the 20-
children in this study were noted to generally
mg/day level (GlaxoSmithKline 2005d).
have higher systemic exposure to paroxetinethan the adolescents who participated. The data
Interpretation. The doses of paroxetine em-
from this trial suggest that children might be
ployed in the RPCTs generally exceeded the
able to be treated with a lower initial paroxe-
mended, based on the results of the PK stud-ies. As the systemic exposure to paroxetine is
Efficacy studies. In a study in which 275 youths
not proportional to dose, the effects of this de-
12–18 years of age were randomized to receive
cision could be substantial. Of particular inter-
paroxetine, imipramine, or placebo in a dou-
est is the finding that in a recent review by the
ble-blind fashion, paroxetine was found not to
FDA of antidepressant trials, paroxetine was
be superior to placebo on the two primary out-
found to have the highest risk of treatment-
come measures (Keller et al. 2001). However,
emergent agitation or hostility (Hammad 2004).
paroxetine was shown to be associated with
It is interesting to speculate whether or not the
greater symptom reduction than placebo on
same rates of agitation or hostility, as well as
several secondary outcome assessments. In this
improved efficacy, would have been observed
study, patients were initially treated with 20
if more conservative dosing strategies had been
mg/day of paroxetine given as a single daily
dose. Subjects could subsequently have theirdose of paroxetine increased in 10-mg incre-ments to a maximum total daily dose of 40 mg
day, with doses of 30 or 40 mg/day given in
Pharmacokinetic studies. The first PK study of
divided doses, based on the treating physi-
citalopram examined 11 adolescents (ages 12–
cians’ discretion. Of the 93 youths treated with
17 years) and 7 adults (18–45 years) with MDD
paroxetine, 42 remained on 20 mg/day, with
(Gutierrez et al. 2000). These patients were
the rest having their dose increased to 30 or 40
treated with citalopram at a dose of 20 mg/
day for 1 week, followed by 3 weeks of treat-
ment with citalopram at a dose of 40 mg/day.
the ages of 7 and 17 years (Dubitsky 2004;
After 4 weeks of treatment, subjects had blood
GlaxoSmithKline 2005c), no statistically signif-
sampling performed for subsequent pharma-
icant difference between paroxetine and placebo
cokinetic analyses. The authors found that the
was found (Laughren 2004; GlaxoSmithKline
PK parameters of citalopram were similar in
2005c). Of note, all patients were started on a
the adolescents and adults. The t1⁄2 of citalo-
dose of 10 mg per day for the 1st week of treat-
pram in adolescents was 38.4 hours and the t1⁄2
ment. After 1 week of treatment, paroxetine
of citalopram in adults was 44 hours.
could be increased at 10-mg increments to a
maximum daily dose of 50 mg/day. Notably,
ages of 9 and 17 years, Axelson et al. (2002)
treated patients with 20 mg of citalopram per
superior to treatment with placebo (Laughren
day (Perel et al. 2001; Findling et al. 2004). In-
2004). However, it should be noted that this
tensive sampling for PK-parameter estimation
study is different from the other multisite study
was performed after both a single 20-mg dose
of citalopram in methodology. This study per-
(n = 9), as well as after multiple daily doses of
mitted inpatients as subjects and allowed the
citalopram. As part of this study, the authors
use of concomitant psychoactive medications
examined S-citalopram concentrations.
(Dubitsky 2004). It is possible that these two
factors may have contributed to the discrepant
States as escitalopram, is the S-enantiomer of
results between these two citalopram trials.
racemic citalopram. It has been suggested thatthe S-enantiomer of the isomer is responsible
Interpretation. The dose of citalopram exam-
for the salutary effects of the compound and
ined in both efficacy studies did not exceed the
that the R-enantiomer is clinically inactive
doses of citalopram that were examined in the
PK studies. Based on the extant data, it ap-
The authors found a substantial correlation
pears that, for patients receiving 20 mg of
between CYP 2C19 activity and S-citalopram
citalopram per day, a twice-daily dosing strat-
concentration after treatment with multiple
egy might be reasonable. Whether or not evi-
daily doses of citalopram. The authors also
dence for improved efficacy for citalopram
might have been found in the two RPCTs if a
single 20-mg dose (16.9 hours), and the half
twice-daily dosing schema had been employed
life of S-citalopram after multiple 20 mg daily
for patients receiving less than 40 mg per day
doses (19.2 hours) were both shorter in the
of citalopram remains an empiric question. In-
adolescents they examined when compared to
terestingly, one of the RPCTs (Wagner et al.
what had been previously observed in adults.
2004a) enrolled children and adolescents. How-
Based on these data, the authors raised the ques-
ever, based on the finding that the t1⁄2 of the ac-
tion whether or not citalopram, when given at
tive isomer of citalopram might be shorter in
adolescents than adults (suggesting possible
twice-daily in adolescents in order to obtain
age-related effects on PK parameters), it is par-
ticularly unfortunate that there is an absenceof available PK data for citalopram in children. Efficacy studies. In an 8-week MDD study(Wagner et al. 2004a), 174 youths between 7
and 17 years were treated with an initial doseof 20 mg/day of citalopram. After 4 weeks of
Pharmacokinetic studies. There is one PK study
treatment, subjects could have this dose in-
of escitalopram in youths. In this study, a sin-
creased, based on the treating physician’s dis-
gle 10-mg dose was given to 11 adolescents
cretion, to a dose of 40 mg/day. Overall, at an
(12–17 years) and 12 adults (ages 18–35 years)
average dose of 24 mg/day, the medication
(Periclou et al. 2003). The authors found that
was found to be generally well tolerated, with
the t1⁄2 of escitalopram was 19.0 hours in ado-
those patients randomized to active treatment
lescents and 28.9 hours in adults. It was also
receiving superior benefit to those random-
observed that the overall systemic exposure
was approximately 15% greater in adults than
In another multisite, placebo-controlled study,
244 youths between 13 and 18 years of agewith MDD were treated with citalopram at
Efficacy studies. There is one RPCT of escitalo-
doses ranging between 10 and 40 mg per day
pram in juvenile MDD (Wagner et al. 2004b).
for up to 12 weeks. The starting dose of citalo-
In this study, 264 youth between the ages of 6
pram was 10 mg/day. This could be increased
and 17 years, were randomized to receive ei-
in 10-mg increments, based on clinical response
ther escitalopram or placebo for up to 8 weeks
and tolerability (Dubitsky 2004). In this study,
after a 1-week placebo lead-in. The starting dose
treatment with citalopram was not found to be
of escitalopram was 10 mg/day and could be
increased to 20 mg/day at the end of week 4 of
week of the study to a target dose of 25 mg
active treatment. Overall, no statistically sig-
thrice-daily. Overall, the authors found that ben-
nificant difference between the two treatment
efit was equivalent across both treatment arms
arms was found. However, post hoc analyses
and that the study treatments were generally
suggested that among adolescents (ages 12–17
well tolerated. This study lacked a placebo-
years) who completed the study, those who re-
only arm and randomized a small number of
subjects. These methodological considerations
amelioration than those who received placebo.
may have substantially contributed to the find-ing that active treatment was not superior to
Interpretation. It is interesting to note that the
results of Periclou et al. (2003) with escitalo-
There are two larger-scale, double-blind,
pram in adolescents are very similar to those
placebo-controlled studies in which children
of Axelson et al. (see above) with citalopram.
and adolescents between the ages of 7 and 17
As with citalopram, it is possible that im-
years suffering from MDD were treated for up
proved efficacy might have been seen if twice-
to 8 weeks with either extended-release ven-
daily dosing of escitalopram had occurred when
lafaxine or placebo after either a 1- or 2-week
doses less than 20 mg per day were admin-
single-blind placebo run-in phase (Emslie et al.
istered in the RPCT. In addition, it appears
2004). In the first study, 165 youths were ran-
that escitalopram might be more effective in
domized to receive active treatment or placebo.
adolescents than children when the dosing
In the second study, 196 youths were random-
strategies employed in the RPCT are utilized.
ized (Dubitsky 2004). In each of these trials,
Unfortunately, in the absence of PK data in chil-
subjects had the opportunity of having their
dren, the extent to which a development-based
venlafaxine increased to a maximum dose of
difference in escitalopram drug disposition
112.5–225 mg/day, depending on their body
might have contributed to this observation re-
weight. Some subjects could receive treatment
that exceeded 4 mg/kg/day per protocol. When considered separately, both studies failedto show overall efficacy of venlafaxine when
compared to placebo (Laughren 2004). A post
Pharmacokinetic studies. One PK study has been
hoc analysis of the pooled data from the ado-
conducted with venlafaxine. The multiple-dose
lescents randomized (n = 161) across both
PK of venlafaxine was examined in 6 children
studies suggested that there was superior ben-
and 6 adolescents who were administered a
efit for active medication when compared to
dose of approximately 2 mg per kg each day
placebo in this subpopulation (Emslie et al.
(Derivan et al. 1995). The authors observed
2004). As far as tolerability is concerned, a rela-
that the overall systemic exposure to both ven-
tively high number of patients (10%) who were
lafaxine and its active metabolite, O-desmethyl-
randomized to receive active drug were dis-
venlafaxine, was lower than that seen in adults
continued from these studies because of ad-
when a similar dosing strategy was used. Efficacy studies. Three RPCTs have examined
Interpretation. There seems to be very little
the efficacy of venlafaxine. In the first (Man-
empiric basis for the doses of medications used
doki et al. 1997), 40 patients with MDD between
in the placebo-controlled efficacy trials. In the
the ages of 8 and 17 years were randomized to
study of Mandoki et al., it appears that the
receive either venlafaxine or placebo as an ad-
subjects received lower doses of venlafaxine
junct to psychotherapy for 6 weeks. Patients
than might be recommended. However, in the
between the ages of 8 and 12 years had their
two larger-scale studies, it appears that some
venlafaxine titrated to a dose of 12.5 mg thrice-
of the study subjects could have received sub-
daily over the course of the 1st week of the
stantially higher doses of venlafaxine than what
study. The older subjects had their dose of
might be supported by the extant PK data. It is
venlafaxine gradually increased during the 1st
interesting to note that, based on the results of
the two larger, multisite venlafaxine trials,
nefazodone’s active metabolites, meta-chlor-
venlafaxine was found to be the antidepres-
phenylpiperazine (mCPP) is metabolized by
sant associated with the highest risk of suicidal
cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP 2D6) (Barbhaiya et
behavior and suicidal ideation in MDD trials
al. 1996). For that reason, the authors exam-
(Hammad 2004). It is possible that improved
ined whether or not being a poor metabolizer
tolerability, reduced suicidality, and improved
with respect to 2D6 was associated with re-
efficacy might have been found if a different
duced nefazodone tolerability. It is interesting
dosing strategy had been employed in these
to note that results suggested that being a poor
metabolizer with respect to CYP 2D6 was notassociated with a reduced ability to toleratenefazodone therapy. Pharmacokinetic studies. A PK study was con-
Efficacy studies. In one study, 206 youths be-
ducted in which 28 depressed children and
tween the ages of 12 and 17 years with MDD
adolescents (ages 7–17 years) were treated with
were randomized to receive either nefazodone
nefazodone (Findling et al. 2000). Blood sam-
or placebo for 8 weeks (Emslie et al. 2002b; Du-
pling for PK analysis was done at three sepa-
bitsky 2004). Patients were initially treated with
rate time points during the first 2 weeks of
50 mg of nefazodone twice-daily and could then
treatment—after the first 50-mg dose, after 1
have their dose of medication increased to a
week of treatment at 50 mg twice-daily, and
target dose of 300–400 mg/day. If there was in-
after 1 subsequent week of treatment at 100
sufficient clinical response, patients could re-
ceive a maximum daily dose of 600 mg/day.
Results of this study suggested a trend for ne-
were noted to generally have higher overall
fazodone being superior to placebo in the treat-
ment of adolescents with MDD (Emslie et al.
of nefazodone and its three active metabolites.
In another multicenter, placebo-controlled
its metabolites appeared to be shorter in chil-
efficacy study, treatment with nefazodone was
dren and adolescents than what had been pre-
not found to be superior to treatment with
placebo (Laughren 2004). In this study, children
After the 1st 2 weeks of the trial, patients
(ages 7–11 years) and adolescents (age 12–17
were treated with open-label flexible doses of
years) with MDD received either double-blind
nefazodone for 6 more weeks. Children (7–12
treatment with nefazodone (n = 190) or placebo
years old) could have their dose increased to a
(n = 94) for 8 weeks (Dubitsky 2004). Subjects
maximum dose of 300 mg/day in order to op-
were randomized to receive placebo, “low-
timize both clinical benefit and tolerability.
dose” nefazodone, or “high-dose” nefazodone
Adolescents could have their dose increased to
in approximately equal numbers. Children ran-
domized to the “low dose” arm had their nefa-
final doses for nefazodone were 233 mg/day
for children and 342 mg/day for adolescents.
dose of 100 or 150 mg/day, and children ran-
Overall, the authors noted that the nefazodone
domized to the “high dose” arm had their ne-
treatment was generally well tolerated and as-
fazodone dose gradually increased to 200–300
sociated with substantial degrees of sympto-
mg/day. Adolescents randomized to the “low
matic response. It was also suggested that doses
dose” group could receive up to 300 mg/day
of medication that might be best for children
of nefazodone, whereas adolescents in the
may be lower than what may be optimal for
“high dose” group received between 400 and
It should also be mentioned that an attempt
was made to identify whether or not there was
Interpretation. In the study of adolescents in
a subgroup of patients who might be at-risk
which the dosing of nefazodone was based on
for not tolerating nefazodone therapy. One of
the PK data for the compound, a trend for drug
superiority to placebo was found. Interestingly,
tion, there are cases in which there is inade-
in the study of children and adolescents in
quate evidence to either support or to refute
which the dosing was not based on PK data,
the dosing strategies employed in some of the
no indication of therapeutic efficacy for nefa-
placebo-controlled MDD studies. This is un-
fortunate because identification of an evidence-based dosing strategy is generally consideredto be a pivotal aspect of pediatric drug devel-
Pharmacokinetic studies. Findling et al. (2001)
examined the pharmacokinetics of mirtazap-
tributed to the failure to detect efficacy for some
ine after a single 15-mg dose in a cohort of 16
antidepressant studies. Similarly, dosing may
youths 7–17 years of age with MDD. The re-
have contributed to the suboptimal tolerability
sults of this study showed that there was a sig-
nificant increase in t1⁄2 with increasing weight
It should be remembered that there are lim-
with the values of t1⁄2 for the individual pa-
its to PK studies. Although PK data can pro-
tients ranged between 17.8 and 48.4 hours. The
vide vital information about how to dose a drug
investigators also note that there was a de-
in a given population, age-related differences in
pharmacodynamics are important considera-
tions that can also substantially influence drugefficacy and tolerability (Vitiello and Jensen
Efficacy studies. There are two studies of mir-
1995). In addition, some of the PK studies that
tazapine in juvenile MDD (Dubitsky 2004). Both
were reviewed in this paper were not designed
involved youths between the ages of 7 and 17
to determine effective dosing ranges for youths,
years. In one study, 126 subjects were random-
but to make comparisons with what was known
ized. In the other study, 133 subjects were ran-
about PK-parameter estimates in adults. Al-
domized. Per protocol, the randomization ratio
though such data can be used to provide ratio-
of mirtazapine to placebo was 2:1. The double-
nal dosing strategies for clinical trials, only
blind treatment period was 8 weeks in length.
methodologically stringent treatment studies
Subjects were treated at an initial dose of 15
can inform clinicians about the safety, tolera-
mg/day. Subjects could subsequently have their
bility, and efficacy of a given drug.
dose of mirtazapine increased in 15-mg incre-
There is a need to develop evidence-based
ments to a maximum daily dose of 45 mg. Both
dosing strategies before studying any drug in
studies failed to show that active treatment
children. This may be particularly important
was superior to placebo (Laughren 2004).
for antidepressants for several reasons. Firstly,other methodological factors, such as high
Interpretation. As can be seen from previously
placebo response rates, can make it difficult to
discussed PK studies, differences may be ob-
detect efficacy for an agent in the treatment of
served when single- and multiple-dose PK pa-
MDD. In addition, antidepressants can be as-
rameters are examined for a given drug. As
sociated with serious side effects when they are
multiple doses of mirtazapine were used in the
prescribed to children and adolescents. Thus,
placebo-controlled efficacy trials, it is unfortu-
in order for a drug to be studied in a way in
nate that the one PK study of mirtazapine did
which it has the best chance to adequately
not examine the multiple-dose PKs of the drug.
evaluate both efficacy and optimal tolerability,empirically based dosing strategies are needed.
As children may respond to medications dif-
ferently than adults, data derived from adultsmay not be applicable to youths (Wiznitzer and
In many instances, the dosing strategies that
Findling 2003). For this reason, it is important
were employed in the placebo-controlled effi-
that PK, PD, and RPCT studies be performed
cacy studies in juvenile MDD are not supported
in children and adolescents. The feasibility of
by the data available from PK studies. In addi-
successfully completing RPCTs in pediatric
MDD has been demonstrated. Because of the
with obsessive-compulsive disorder or depres-
challenges and the large sample sizes employed
sion: Pharmacokinetics, tolerability, and efficacy.
in such efficacy trials, some might believe that
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 37:386–394,1998.
open-label, dose-ranging, and PK studies may
Aronson S, Delgado P: Escitalopram. Drugs Today
not be important or as “rigorous” as placebo-
controlled trials. However, the results of this
Atuah KN, Hughes D, Pirmohamed M: Clinical
review suggest that PK (first- and multiple-
pharmacology: Special safety considerations in
dose trials) and dose-ranging studies may be
drug development and pharmacovigilance. Drug
key steps that should be completed prior to the
Axelson DA, Perel JM, Birmaher B, Rudolph GR,
initiation of any definitive efficacy trial. Data
Nuss S, Bridge J, Brent DA: Sertraline pharmaco-
from these open-label trials can ultimately pro-
kinetics and dynamics in adolescents. J Am Acad
vide important information regarding both min-
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 41:1037–1044, 2002.
imally effective and maximally-tolerated drug
Barbhaiya R, Buch A, Greene D: Single- and multiple-
dose pharmacokinetics of nefazodone in subjectsclassified as extensive and poor metabolizers ofdextromethorphan. Br J Clin Pharmacol 42:573–581, 1996. CONCLUSIONS
Conners CK, Casat CD, Gualtieri CT, Weller E,
Reader M, Reiss A, Weller RA, Khayrallah M, As-
In short, in order to optimally study both the
cher J: Bupropion hydrochloride in attention-deficit disorder with hyperactivity. J Am Acad
safety and efficacy of a given drug, it is vital that
Child Adolesc Psychiatry 35:1314–1321, 1996.
the drug is dosed properly. Methodologically
Derivan A, Aguiar L, Upton GV, Martin P, D’Amico
D, Troy S, Ferguson J, Preskorn S: A study of ven-
should be incorporated into RPCT efficacy stud-
lafaxine in children and adolescents with con-
ies in pediatric MDD. By not employing scientif-
duct disorder. New Orleans (Louisiana), AnnualMeeting of the American Academy of Child and
ically based dosing strategies in efficacy trials of
Adolescent Psychiatry, October 1995.
pediatric MDD, investigators risk the possibility
Dubitsky GM: Review and evaluation of clinical
of not being able to test whether or not these
data: Placebo-controlled antidepressant studies in
compounds are either safe or truly have efficacy.
pediatric patients. Online document at: www.fda. gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/04/briefing/20044065b1-08-TAB06-Dubitsky-Review.pdf / Accessed onJanuary 24, 2005. DISCLOSURES
Emslie GJ, Rush AJ, Weinberg WA, Kowatch RA,
Hughes CW, Carmody T, Rintelmann J: A double-
Dr. Robert L. Findling receives or has received
blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of
research support, acted as a consultant or served
fluoxetine in children and adolescents with de-
on a speaker’s bureau for Abbott, AstraZeneca,
pression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 54:1031–1037, 1997.
Emslie GJ, Findling RL, Rynn MA, Marcus RN, Fer-
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celltech-Medeva, For-
nandes LA, D’Amico MF, Hardy SA: Efficacy and
est, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Lilly,
safety of nefazodone in the treatment of adoles-
New River, Novartis, Otsuka, Pfizer, Sanofi-
cents with major depressive disorder. J Child
Synthelabo, Shire, Solvay, and Wyeth. Dr.
Adolesc Psychopharmacol 12:299, 2002b.
Norah C. Feeny has received research support
Emslie G, Findling R, Yeung P, Kunz N, Durn B:
from Pfizer. Dr. Nora K. McNamara, Dr. Robert
Venlafaxine XR in the treatment of children andadolescents with major depressive disorder. Int J
J. Stansbrey, Dr. Christopher M. Young, and
Franco Peric have no financial ties to disclose.
Emslie GJ, Heiligenstein JH, Wagner KD, Hoog SL,
Dr. Eric A. Youngstrom has received research
Ernest DE, Brown E, Nilsson M, Jacobson JG:
support from Abbott and AstraZeneca.
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