Microsoft word - pwc experience & insight application form.doc
APPLICATION FORM For Information Purposes Only Please note that items marked with* are mandatory fields PERSONAL CONTACT DETAILS
This information will be used to create any correspondence sent to you.
complete it accurately using the appropriate format i.e. not using all capitals / lower case. For example nameshould be presented using the format Mr Steven Philips, not MR STEVEN PHILIPS or mr steven Philips.
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr(please delete as appropriate)
* Preferred First Name(please confirm the name which you would likePwC to use during the recruitment process)
(any paper documentation will be sent to thisaddress)
* Email Address(please enter a valid E-mail address)
* Telephone(Main contact number - Please ensure youinclude the international dialing code from theUK)
Do you hold a full current valid UK / EU driving
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
It is a legal requirement that all individuals joining the firm have the “Right to Work" in the UK. If you are not aUK or EEA citizen, please refer to our web site before answering the questions below.
* Do you require permission to take up employment in the UK?
You should also answer yes if you already have permission to work
in the UK. Those applying to a fixed term placement or internshipcovered by their current student permits should also answer yes tothis question. This information will assist us with our administrationprocesses should you later decide to apply for permanent position.
If you have selected yes to the question above, please detail thetype of permission you possess that best applies to you.
If you are already hold permission to work in the UK please indicatethe expiry date of this
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
* Please specify which Line of Service vacancy and office you are applying for:
Please read and answer the question below, which will be assessed as part of our selection process. There isa maximum of 500 words permitted for your answer and you should take your time to read and answer this tothe best of your ability as it will form part of the selection criteria and may be referred to in any future interviews. We also assess your written communication skills in the answer you provide.
Imagine you are working at PwC. If you could choose an ideal client to advise, who would it be? Your idealclient does not have to be a current client of PwC. In answering this question please provide us with answersto the following:
Who is your ideal client and what services do they provide?
What services and advice could PwC offer this client?
What commercial/industry issues are affecting this client in the business market that should be taken intoaccount when a providing them with advice?
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
Please ensure you provide full and accurate information. Should you receive an offer, we will make enquiriesdirectly with educational establishments to verify all the information you have provided. Any employment offeror resulting contract of employment may be withdrawn or terminated by PwC if it considers that the informationyou provide is inconsistent with the results of our enquiries.
Our checks will include us verifying the following information to ensure it is full and accurate:
Grades obtained at GCSE, A Level or equivalent
Whether or not these grades have been achieved during a resit exam
The academic institution you have studied with
That no grades have been omitted from your application form.
We consider a resit to be where you have sought to retake the entire subject to obtain a new final grade. It does not include retaking a module or paper.
For those that have studied UK qualifications, you should not include General Studies or Modern Studies in thissection as we do not take these into consideration when reviewing applications.
If you have studied overseas qualifications, i.e. not UK A Levels, Scottish Highers or Republic of IrelandLeaving Certificates, please do not convert grades into the UK equivalents.
You must enter your grades exactly as you find them on your certificates. In line with the firm's commitment todiversity we will consider applicants who may have life experience that they believe to be equivalent tosecondary level qualifications. Please select ‘yes’ to the question below and provide details as appropriate inthe 'Additional Information' section. PLACE OF STUDY
Please enter details of where you undertook your academic qualifications below. Please ensure you enterthese accurately as we will use this information to undertake checks on the academic information you haveprovided.
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
Please enter your secondary level academic grades below
Please provide any further details relating to your Secondary Education that you think would be of use to uswhen reviewing your application.
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
Please ensure the information you provide is accurate and comprehensive. Should you receive an offer, we willmake enquiries directly with educational establishments to verify the exam results you have provided. Anyemployment offer or resulting contract of employment may be withdrawn or terminated by PwC if it considersthat the information you provide is inconsistent with the results of our enquiries.
Our checks will include us verifying the following information to ensure it is full and accurate:
The university where you obtained your qualifications
Whether or not grades have been obtained as a result of a resit.
Please enter the details of your higher education in the boxes below.
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
Please enter details of any Post Graduate Qualifications you are currently studying towards or that you havecompleted. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS
Please enter details of any Post Graduate Qualifications you are currently studying towards or that you havecompleted.
Have you failed any of the exams / papers associatedwith these qualifications?
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
We appreciate that your grades may have been affected by certain circumstances, which we will take intoconsideration whilst reviewing your application form. If you indicate that you have extenuating circumstances,we may contact you to discuss this information further. Should you receive an offer of employment we may seekto verify the information you have provided.
* Are there any extenuating circumstances that
affected the grades you have provided that youbelieve we should take into consideration whenreviewing your application?
If you have selected yes to the question above please indicate the type of extenuating circumstance that youhave from the list below. GAPS IN EDUCATIONAL HISTORY
* Have there have been any substantial periods of
absence during your education, other than a plannedGAP year between School and University?
If you have selected 'yes' to the question regarding gaps in your educational history, please provide briefdetails in the box below.
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
In addition to any permanent employment, please include any significant temporary, voluntary or vacation workand any careers/work experience courses attended, starting with the most recent.
If any of your employment was secured via an agency, please ensure you provide their name and location inaddition to the company you worked for.
We may make enquiries with your current and/or previous employers in order to verify information regardingyour employment history. Please note that we will only contact referees if and when you accept an offer ofemployment with us.
If you have been in paid employment within the last 3 years, please provide details of an employment refereewhom we may contact. We will only contact the referee upon acceptance of an offer of employment with us. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Employment Dates Employer Position Held Type of Work
Please enter dateranges in the format:mm / yyyy – mm / yyyy
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr(please delete as appropriate)
(any paper documentation will be sent to thisaddress)
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
Please specify oral and written ability in languages other than English. Please be aware that your language skillmay be tested as part of the selection process. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Please use the space below to provide any additional personal interests, positions of responsibility held,scholarships, awards, prizes, residence abroad or significant travel that you have not already told us about(maximum 200 words). This will not be assessed but will provide us with valuable information to be discussed inyour interview if your application is successful.
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
PricewaterhouseCoopers is committed to removing unnecessary barriers to the employment of disabled people(typically meaning those who have an impairment with a long term adverse affect, which is more than trivial,upon their ability to undertake normal day to day activities).
We understand that some disabled people may require reasonable adjustments to the selection process so theycan be treated on equal terms, and that some disabled people may wish to learn what our jobs entail, to helpthem understand the relevance of their disability to their potential employment.
Information on our selection process can be found on our website and we can give you more detailedinformation if you call us (Freephone) on 0808 100 1500, or +44 (0) 121 265 5852. Information about therequirements of various roles can be found on our Careers website or by calling the same numbers. Anyinformation you give will not be used to discriminate against you, and you need not give us your name.
If you believe that we may need to make reasonable adjustments to our recruitment arrangements for youplease give details below.
Alternatively, you may advise us by calling one of the above numbers, in which case you will need to give usyour name. On receipt of this information, a member of our team will contact you in order to fully assess theadjustments required.
Please provide details of any adjustments required below:
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
DECLERATION I certify that all the information I have submitted in this application is true, that I have disclosed all the information sought, and that I have not omitted other relevant information in order to mislead.
I understand that as part of the selection process of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (the UK firm) ("PwC"), PwCwill undertake background verification checks of all applicants to whom an offer of employment is made. I alsounderstand that any such employment offer or resulting contract of employment may be withdrawn orterminated by PwC if it considers the facts found to be inconsistent with the certification above.
I understand that PwC may require me to supply documentation, including degree certificates and A Level,Highers or equivalent certificates, to assist with the verification of information submitted in this application and Iwill supply such documentation in a timely manner on request.
In submitting this application, I agree that my application details may be held securely on behalf of PwC byPwC's data processor, in its capacity as host of the PwC Graduate Website; the data processor will process thedata solely under the instructions of PwC and will pass application details over to PwC. I agree that PwC mayhold and process any personal data relating to me and my application to PricewaterhouseCoopers, and maytransfer the data to other PwC offices within the UK or to other PricewaterhouseCoopers firms overseas for thepurpose of meeting PricewaterhouseCoopers' national and international recruitment needs and, if successful, inmy application for employment purposes. For full details of our privacy statement please visit our website
PwC Experience & Insight Application Form 2010
VII XORNADAS DE SAÚDE PERINATAL Salón de actos da Escola Galega de Administración Pública Santiago de Compostela 18 de novembro 15.00-16.00 h. Entrega da documentación 16.15-20.00 h. Obradoiro sobre “Responsabilidade civil, penal e administrativa dos profesionais que traballan no ámbito da saúde materna e infantil”. Francisca Fernández Guillén. 19 novembro
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