Assessment of acceptability and ease of use of atovaquone/proguanil medication in subjects undergoing malaria prophylaxis
Objective: International travelers from non-endemic areas are at high risk of contracting
malaria due to their lack of immunity. Prevention is therefore of outmost importance and is
achieved through effective and safe chemoprophylaxis, which reduces the risk of fatal disease.
Among the various antimalarial drugs available, the synergistic combination of atovaquone
and proguanil (A/P) (Malarone®; Glaxo-SmithKline) has proven a valuable option in terms
of effective protection against chloroquine and multi-drug resistant falciparum malaria,
safety, tolerability, and ease of use, thus favoring compliance. The purpose of the present
study was to assess acceptability and ease of use of A/P chemoprophylaxis in a population
of employees of the oil industry bound to malarious areas. Particular attention was paid to
Milanese, Italy; 2S.A.V.E. Studi Analisi
A survey was conducted on a sample of 700 employees on A/P chemoprophylaxis.
Demographic data and specifi c information on A/P treatment were collected by means of a
16-item questionnaire administered immediately before departure. All questionnaires returned
were then entered into a database and statistically analyzed. Results: Both habitual and fi rst-time travelers showed good adherence to A/P chemoprophylactic regimen. In general, only few adverse side-effects were reported, none of which were serious.
Travelers with previous experience of other antimalarials stated A/P prophylaxis had proven
advantageous due to fewer adverse reactions, better condition of administration, and better
sense of protection compared with other available treatments. Keywords: atovaquone and proguanil, Malarone, malaria prophylaxis, prevention, compliance
Not foduction
Each year an estimated 50 million travelers visit malaria endemic areas (Schlagenhauf
et al 2003) and 10,000–30,000 of them fall ill with malaria after returning home
(Lobel and Kozarsky 1997; WHO 2008). This imported malaria, which represents an
important public health problem with a high mortality rate (Muentener et at 1999),
can be easily treated if diagnosed promptly, and it follows a serious course in only
about 12% of individuals (Croft 2000).
The risk of infection varies considerably, depending on the degree of endemicity,
the duration of stay, individual behavior, and preventive measures taken (Simons et al
2005). Risk is especially high in tropical Africa, where 80%–95% of infections are
caused by Plasmodium falciparum (Steffen et al 2003), the most serious form. Most
cases of falciparum malaria occur because of poor adherence to or complete failure
to use chemoprophylaxis, combined with failure to take adequate precautions against
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5) 1–6
2008 Dove Medical Press Limited. All rights reserved
Malaria control must be an essential part of health
participate in the study. Just before departure, all subjects
care programs provided by companies operating abroad in
underwent clinical examination and referred to the
malarious areas. This is especially important considering
Saipem medical department where they received pretravel
that travelers from malaria-free regions going to endemic
advice on appropriate measures of individual protection,
areas are highly vulnerable as they have little or no immu-
chemoprophylaxis, and treatment. In concomitance with
nity, and are often exposed to delayed or wrong diagnosis
the counseling, they were administered a paper question-
when returning to their home country (WHO 2007).
naire by Saipem’s travel medicine specialist with the aim
Many companies have in-house medical depart-
of gathering data on the use, management, and effects of
ments providing the necessary assistance. Italian-based
Saipem, a subsidiary of the Eni Group, is a case in point.
The questionnaire, which was provided with detailed
In compliance with Italian law 626/94, the company has
instructions to ensure accurate completion, consisted of
implemented a specifi c program for the prevention and
16 questions to be entered after departure from the malarious
control of malaria in the case of workers traveling to or
area. The information requested regarded demographic data
residing in high risk endemic areas. Besides receiving pre-
(age, sex, education), information on personal knowledge
travel educational materials and medical advice, Saipem’s
of malaria prevention/chemoprophylaxis, and possible use
personnel are offered chemoprophylactic treatment with
of antimalarial drugs in the past. The second part included
atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride (Malarone®;
questions on A/P chemoprophylaxis: ease of use, adher-
Glaxo-SmithKline) as effective chemoprophylactic regi-
ence to the prescribed regimen, and experience of adverse
men appropriate for subjects bound to malaria-endemic
destinations. The fi xed-dose combination of atovaquone
All 700 questionnaires were entered into a database and
and proguanil (A/P) has been reported to be highly effec-
analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s
tive for prophylaxis of malaria caused by P. falciparum
t-test to compare average data of quantitative variables
(Shanks et al 1998; Boggild et al 2007) having an excel-
between patients who had either already traveled or were
lent safety profi le during both prophylaxis and treatment
traveling for the fi rst time as Saipem’s employees to a
malaria-endemic area. Statistical signifi cance of differences
In the case of individuals undergoing malaria prophylaxis
in distribution frequency was tested by chi-square test
while on duty, it is important that the treatment chosen has
(Pearson) and analysis of contingency tables. A p value
no negative effects that may interfere with their performance
of Ͻ0.05 was considered to be statistically signifi cant.
With respect to this, the choice of A/P appears to be more
Analysis was carried out using statistical package SPSS
advantageous compared to other antimalarials such as mefl o-
quine and chloroquine for which severe neuropsychiatric
disturbances have been reported in approximately 1 in 10,000
All 700 travelers completed the questionnaires in all their
The present study is a questionnaire-based survey that
parts for a response rate of 100% and delivered them to
was conducted on a sample of healthy travelers to remote
Saipem’s medical department on their return. Of these,
worksites in malarious areas. The aim was to obtain some
85% were returned in electronic form and the remainder
insights into A/P compliance in the attempt to acquire real-
(15%) on paper. Ninety percent of the respondents were
world data on the acceptability and tolerability of A/P treat-
habitual travelers, whereas 10% were on their fi rst visit
ment from the traveler’s point of view.
to a malarious region as employees of Saipem. Most were
male (92%) in both groups. Mean age was 38.3 years in
Participants and methods
the group of habitual travelers and 30.7 in those traveling
A total of 700 Saipem’s healthy employees (643 males
for the fi rst time. Most had a high educational background:
and 57 females) traveling to malaria-endemic areas
tertiary school (22%) or first degree or post-degree
(Nigeria, Congo, Angola) in the period from January 2007
specialization (77%). Compliance was extremely high as
to November 2007 were eligible for inclusion in the study.
99.6% of subjects adhered to the A/P chemoprophylactic
Duration of trip was 7 days on average.
regimen, which required 1 adult tablet (atovaquone 250 mg +
Subjects were consecutively enrolled from a larger
proguanil hydrochloride 100 mg) daily beginning 1–2 days
group of Saipem’s employees who voluntarily agreed to
before exposure, throughout exposure, and continuing 7 days
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5)
after departure from the malaria-endemic area (CDC 2007).
Only 3 individuals were not compliant, and the reason for
failing to adhere was explained as low perception of malaria
Of the habitual travelers, most (88.5%) had used
chemoprophylaxis with A/P on previous occasions (mean
number of times 2.4) and for only 72 of them (11.5%) this
was the fi rst time they had experienced A/P prophylaxis.
Nearly all habitual travelers (96.5%) had taken other anti-
malarials on past occasions, namely mefl oquine (67.7%),
proguanil (12.6%), chloroquine (12.5%), and doxycy-
cline (7.3%). Among fi rst-time travelers only mefl oquine
(n = 30; 100%) was indicated as medication previously used
When asked about the reason for choosing A/P as anti-
malarial chemoprophylaxis, 44% of the habitual travelers
and 59% of fi rst-time travelers responded that they were
following medical advice. For an equal proportion in both
groups (23%) the reason was because they were aware of
the regimen benefi ts. Twenty-two percent of the habitual
travelers compared with about 10% in the other group
admitted having chosen A/P for the fewer adverse side-
effects. Better sense of protection against the disease was
First-time tra
the answer chosen by 10 % of habitual travelers against 8%
of fi rst-time travelers (Figures 1 and 2).
When asked to highlight possible differences with other
antimalarial drugs, the group of habitual travelers gener-
ally declared having experienced much fewer (85.2%) or
rather fewer (14.8%) adverse side-effects. Condition of
administration was generally well accepted, being very
easy (5.5%) and rather easy (94.5%) to manage. In terms of
sense of protection against the disease, most had felt rather
(77.2%) and much (22.8%) more protected if compared
Habitual tra
with previous other prophylactic treatments (Table 3). The
most common adverse reaction was abdominal pain in both
habitual travelers (n = 61) and fi rst-time travelers (n = 24),
followed by few cases of headache and nausea. No serious
adverse reactions were reported (Table 4). Discussion
Past studies, recently reviewed by Boggild et al (2007)
have proved A/T effi cacy and optimum safety profi le,
considering also its advantage over other antimalarial
drugs in terms of efficacy against multidrug-resistant
Our aim, however, was to assess the impact of A/P
chemoprophylaxis in actual conditions of usage with
particular attention to ease of use, individual capacity to
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5)
Table 2 [caption to be supplied] Habitual traveler First-time traveler
you use A/P in the past?Did you use other
Abbreviation: A/P, atovaquone/proguanil combination.
comply with the regimen prescribed, and experience of
chemoprophylactic regimens is in fact frequently secondary
adverse reactions. Of note, the survey was carried out on
to drug side effects. Furthermore, in a study by McKeage
a considerably large sample (n = 700), if compared with
and Scott (2003) fewer recipients of A/P discontinued treat-
available studies, whose samples do not usually exceed
ment because of adverse events than individuals receiving
chloroquine plus proguanil or mefl oquine. Most importantly,
Our fi ndings are in line with other published data for safety
no A/P-related neuropsychiatric disturbances were reported.
and tolerability (Shanks et al 1998; Schlagenhauf et al 2003;
These fi ndings refl ect those of previous studies demostrating
Simons et al 2005), in that A/P prophylaxis was well tolerated,
a lower frequency of neuropsychiatric adverse events with A/P
with only mild to moderate adverse side-effects – namely, those
compared with mefl oquine (Overbosch et al 2001). Considering
reported by the manufacturer – and no serious adverse reactions.
that approximately 1 in 10,000 travelers receiving mefl oquine
We may speculate that the lack of important adverse reactions
or chloroquine prophylaxis experience severe neuropsychiatric
may have favored better adherence to the regimen prescribed as
disturbances (WHO 2008), our results suggest that A/P may
shown by the high proportion of travelers who reported regular
be considered a valuable therapeutic option especially when
chemoprophylaxis. As noted in a number of studies including
treatment concerns subjects on duty where physical and mental
the paper by Franco-Paredes et al (2006), non-adherence to
fi tness is a prerequisite for their safety (Simons et al 2005). Habitual traveler First-time traveler Figure 1 [caption to be supplied]. Figure 2 [caption to be supplied].
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5)
Compared with other available antimalarial drugs,
prophylaxis with A/P appears to have appreciable advan-
tages in terms of administration schedule and duration
of recommended treatment. This aspect may also have
favored the good level of adherence recorded. In fact, A/P
prophylaxis can be started only 1–2 days before exposure
and, above all, since the drug has casual prophylactic
activity against the hepatic stages of P. falciparum
(Shapiro et al 1999), it can be discontinued 7 days after
departing a malarious region (Shanks et al 1999), com-
pared with 4 weeks with other antimalarials. This more
convenient dosage regimen, particularly in the post-travel
period, should not be undervalued, considering that good
chemoprophylaxis does reduce the risk of fatal disease
(WHO 2008) especially in non-immune or semi-immune
subjects when they return to their home country and that
adherence rates for 4 weeks post exposure are generally
Though it is noteworthy that the survey was conducted
on a large sample, it is necessary to point out some
limitations that suggest cautious interpretation of the fi ndings
First-time tra
Treatment adherence was found to be very high (99%),
which was probably the result of an overestimation
because of the method employed. Questionnaire assess-
ment, though widely used, has in fact some limitations
because returning travelers tend to forget precise date and
time of drug intake and over-report the correct regimen in
an effort to please the investigator or to hide one’s failure
As for the side effects reported, it must be noted that
monitoring was focused more on acute events, since
Habitual tra
questionnaires were delivered on return from the endemic
area. As a consequence, under-reporting is likely to have
occurred, especially on adverse reactions that emerged
after some period of time. Moreover, it was not possible to
assess possible interactions with other drugs as no specifi c
medical data were collected from the sample. A further
limitation is that our study lacks a control group using a
different chemoprophylaxis and that most subjects included
Nonetheless, data gathered from such a large number of
subjects may be helpful in providing new insights into the
real acceptability of A/P chemoprophylaxis. In the future it
would be worth investigating further its good tolerability
profi le and more convenient dosage regimen in well-designed
studies to prove their value in promoting better adherence
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5)
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Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(5)
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