Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (1999) 32: 1-14
Carbon monoxide: from toxin to endogenous modulator of cardiovascular functions
Departamento de Fisiologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina,
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil2
Experimental Research Department, 2nd Institute of Physiology,
Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
Abstract Correspondence
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a pollutant commonly recognized for its
Key words
toxicological attributes, including CNS and cardiovascular effects.
But CO is also formed endogenously in mammalian tissues. Endog-
enously formed CO normally arises from heme degradation in a
reaction catalyzed by heme oxygenase. While inhibitors of endoge-
nous CO production can raise arterial pressure, heme loading can
enhance CO production and lead to vasodepression. Both central and
peripheral tissues possess heme oxygenases and generate CO from
heme, but the inability of heme substrate to cross the blood brain
barrier suggests the CNS heme-heme oxygenase-CO system may be
independent of the periphery. In the CNS, CO apparently acts in the
nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) promoting changes in glutamatergic
neurotransmission and lowering blood pressure. At the periphery, the
heme-heme oxygenase-CO system can affect cardiovascular functions
in a two-fold manner; specifically: 1) heme-derived CO generated
within vascular smooth muscle (VSM) can promote vasodilation, but
2) its actions on the endothelium apparently can promote vasocon-
striction. Thus, it seems reasonable that the CNS-, VSM- and endothe-
lial-dependent actions of the heme-heme oxygenase-CO system may
all affect cardiac output and vascular resistance, and subsequently
Changing personalities
neural pathologies and elicit changes in car-
for its toxic effects. Its colorless and odorless
properties, combined with its tenacious abil-
bin is inevitably detected in most mamma-
ity to compete with oxygen for binding to
lian species. While initially thought to be a
hemoglobin, can lull its victims into a gradual
manifestation of widespread environmental
contamination, it was eventually realized that
which all too often are fatal. Less appreci-
these persistent carboxyhemoglobin levels
ated is the tendency for long periods of low
arise from carbon monoxide which is formed
level carbon monoxide exposure to promote
within the host. This endogenously formed
carbon monoxide arises primarily as a prod-
uct of heme metabolism (3). Until recently,
metabolic activities (7-10). Accordingly, any
or all heme proteins would seem particularly
regarded simply as a waste product, but there
well suited to be potentially involved in the
biological actions of carbon monoxide.
influence biological functions (4).
considered candidate (4,8). Carbon monox-
ide activates purified soluble guanylate cy-
clase to increase cGMP formation approxi-
and about the biochemistry related to endog-
mately two-fold, which is relatively modest
enous carbon monoxide formation, only re-
when compared to the 100-fold greater in-
cent studies have tried to functionally link
creases that may be obtained by activation
these two areas. The purpose of this review
with nitric oxide (8). However, such differ-
is to highlight some of the important physi-
ences in efficacy do not preclude the possi-
cal properties and the biochemical actions of
bility that functional effects may still arise
from the increases in cGMP production which
tools used to investigate the endogenous car-
bon monoxide system, and to summarize the
duced activation of soluble guanylate cy-
apparent acute effects of this system as they
verse models of distribution kinetics, the
blue, an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cy-
performance of dose-time related actions,
clase (11). Consequently, it was suggested
and the identification of multiple organ in-
that carbon monoxide-induced vasodilation
volvement are evidence that the actions of
of vascular smooth muscle was soluble guan-
carbon monoxide can be quite complex (5).
ylate cyclase-dependent. But recent studies
While the critical details of the toxicological
actions of carbon monoxide are admittedly
soluble guanylate cyclase have shown that
well beyond the scope of the current review,
carbon monoxide-induced dilation may pro-
and cardiovascular effects of carbon monox-
ide intoxication have been published else-
findings suggest that carbon monoxide, at
where (1,2,5,6). Since the toxicology litera-
ture serves as a basis for many of the known
actions of carbon monoxide, a few features
processes which are soluble guanylate cy-
culled from those studies should still be
mentioned to appreciate some of the poten-
tial actions of endogenously formed carbon
(cytP450), which collectively display a spec-
tral shift in response to carbon monoxide
binding, are another class of enzymes pro-
Messenger systems
posed as potential mediators of carbon mon-
oxide-induced effects (7). However, it has
been suggested that the CO/O2 ratio required
their tendency to bind carbon monoxide (7).
to produce significant binding to most types
of cytP450 enzymes would also be likely to
properties, the binding of carbon monoxide
overwhelm the O2-carrying capacity of cir-
Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
culating hemoglobin to a fatal extent (2,5).
activities of some mitochondrial cytochrome
bin levels in the blood are quite common,
oxidases may be affected by levels of carbon
this constitutes a minimum load of approxi-
monoxide which fall short of producing fatal
mately 100 µmol/l carbon monoxide trapped
apparently further enhanced during increased
monoxide arises almost exclusively from the
least three isoforms of heme oxygenase have
chromes of the mitochondrial membrane are
been identified (3,20) which originate from
involved in electron transport and in the
generation of ATP, disruption of the associ-
als, metalloporphyrins, as well as heme, have
ated electron shuttling may in turn lead to
been shown to chronically induce heme oxy-
multiple functional effects by interfering with
genase-1 while having relatively little effect
kinase- and other ATP-dependent processes.
on the expression of heme oxygenase-2 (21).
Prostaglandin G/H synthase (14), cata- Very little is known about the recently dis-
lases (15), and potassium channels (16) are
covered heme oxygenase-3 isoform (20). The
also amongst the suggested potential targets
regulation of heme oxygenase expression is
for the actions of carbon monoxide. In addi-
quite complex (21), but it is clear that the
sues may allow them to participate in the
thus may also participate in the biological
local generation of carbon monoxide where
they otherwise might be limited by a defi-
contributions of each of these systems to the
biological effects of carbon monoxide, if
any, have yet to be fully understood.
protein is not the only means for stimulating
the generation of carbon monoxide and other
Endogenous sources of carbon monoxide and their regulation
bilirubin (23) in a manner which precedes
discernable induction of the enzyme. Since
the provision of the substrate rapidly in-
monomeric free heme and is generated in a
reaction catalyzed by the heme oxygenases.
products, it is clear that heme availability
can be a rate-limiting step for the endoge-
release equimolar quantities of iron, biliver-
primarily recycled into the formation of new
ies of delta aminolevulinic acid (dALA) syn-
heme while the biliverdin is rapidly con-
thase and its feedback inhibition by heme
verted to bilirubin by an abundance of biliver-
(24) imply that normal resting levels of free
heme may be in the vicinity of 0.5-1.0 µmol/
product eventually binds to circulating he-
l. Oddly, heme loading in 50-fold excess of
these levels typically increases plasma bi-
boxyhemoglobin until it is excreted through
lirubin levels and CO production by only 2-
ventilation. Heme oxygenase activity in some
3-fold (23). The reason for these divergent
tissue homogenates is sufficient to generate
trends may be related to the physical proper-
ties of heme. In aqueous solutions at physi-
important differences. Nitric oxide is highly
ological pH, monomeric free heme has been
labile, exhibiting a biological half-life of
characterized as reaching saturation at around
2 µmol/l (25). Heme which is loaded beyond
unusually stable and highly resistant to trans-
this limit progressively forms dimeric struc-
formation (1,2). As mentioned earlier, nitric
tures and polymeric chains (25). While these
oxide is a powerful activator of soluble guan-
ylate cyclase, whereas carbon monoxide is a
constitute heme stores, they apparently do
weak activator of this cGMP-generating en-
not function as substrates for heme oxyge-
zyme (8). Under most conditions the consti-
nase (3,26). Consequently, it can make sense
tutive forms of nitric oxide synthase are
that heme loading might only double or triple
primarily found in neurons and endothelium
(29) but are relatively absent from vascular
in tissues. In turn, this increase in heme
oxygenase substrate availability should be
isoform of heme oxygenase is similarly preva-
paralleled by increases in carbon monoxide/
lent in neuronal and endothelial tissue do-
mains (30), it differs from its nitric oxide-
does not arise solely from the degradation of
heme. In fact, inhibition of heme oxygenase
muscle domain of most blood vessels, con-
or dysfunction may potentially disrupt some
source of endogenously formed carbon mon-
aspects of the nitric oxide-generating system
oxide, the blockade of heme oxygenase ac-
while leaving the heme-derived carbon mon-
tivity initiates the generation of carbon mon-
oxide from alternative sources including a
process involved in fatty acid metabolism
Studying the heme-heme oxygenase- carbon monoxide system: tools and
shifts in carbon monoxide sources are poorly
approaches Chronic heme oxygenase induction
carbon monoxide might participate in bio-
logical functions was highlighted in a semi-
nal work by Gerald Marks (4). Noting that
is often accompanied by an array of heat
carbon monoxide is an activator of soluble
shock stress-related proteins and functional
guanylate cyclase, and that carbon monox-
derangements (21,30). Heavy metal salts and
ide is endogenously formed as part of heme
other stress-related events are often used to
induce expression of heme oxygenase-1 pro-
rived carbon monoxide might function in a
manner synonymous to that of nitric oxide.
(30,31). While such chronic inductions may
Indeed both systems produce low molecular
reflect potential pathological states which
weight gasses which are activators of soluble
could lead to persistent elevations in endog-
guanylate cyclase, and the catalytic forma-
enous carbon monoxide production, this tech-
nique may be less than optimal to distinguish
the actions of heme oxygenase-derived car-
bon monoxide from those of the other simul-
ide-generating systems also exhibit some very
taneously expressed heat-shock proteins.
Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
Acute manipulations of the heme-heme
of dALA (24), the rate-limiting step in the
oxygenase-carbon monoxide system
carbonate has been used to solubilize hema-
tin for clinical applications (24), the result-
effects of endogenously formed carbon mon-
ing preparation is still susceptible to degra-
increasing and decreasing tissue levels of
The solubility limitations associated with
heme can easily be overcome by dissolving
oxide. Unfortunately, no selective chelators
it in an amino acid solution. Heme-L-arginate
or metabolizing agents are currently avail-
is one such commercially available prepara-
able to inactivate carbon monoxide once it
tion (32,33) which is used in the treatment of
has been formed. But the formation of heme-
preparation boosts the solubility of heme to
(3,23,26) or conversely decreased by using
availability, and yields a preparation which
can be stored for months without discernible
(13,19,21,23,24,27). Such a strategy has been
protocols, heme-L-arginate may create meth-
used to identify heme-induced effects which
odological problems, since L-arginine is a
substrate for nitric oxide synthase-mediated
product (19,23). Specifically, heme-induced
formation of nitric oxide (29). Alternatively,
effects which can be prevented and/or re-
lysinate can be made by replacing L-arginine
are likely to be consequent to the formation
with L-lysine (32). Since heme-L-arginate
of a heme oxygenase product. As iron, biliver-
and heme-L-lysinate each demonstrate heme
din and carbon monoxide are the metabolic
oxygenase substrate activities identical to
that of hematin (32), these preparations seem
tabolism of heme (3,21), the actions of these
particularly well suited as sources of heme
pared to identify the specific product which
is most likely to account for the heme oxyge-
endogenous formation of carbon monoxide.
These pharmacological tools resemble heme
in their porphyrin structure, but the iron core
nase activity in experimental settings is com-
is substituted by a heavy metal such as Zn,
plicated by its tendency to aggregate in aque-
Sn, Cr, Co or Cu (19,21,27,30,34). The ten-
ous solutions at physiological pH (25,32)
dency for some of these substituted porphy-
and to degrade during storage (32). An acetic
rins to compete with heme for binding to the
heme oxygenase enzyme has led to their use
increase porphyrin solubility, but such con-
as heme oxygenase inhibitors. Accordingly,
ditions may also damage porphyrin integrity
such inhibitors can also be used to inhibit the
(25). Alternatively, bases such as Tris and
crease the solubility of porphyrins, but these
caustic solvents may also promote substan-
phyrins, most notably those which are tin-
soluble in ethanol, but ethanol can alter por-
bearing, can undergo non-enzymatic degra-
phyrin metabolism by driving the synthesis
cies may not plateau for hours (2). The de-
have also been raised over the potential in-
layed transit of this water soluble and low
teractions of metalloporphyrins with soluble
molecular weight gas from the peritoneum to
guanylate cyclase (36,37). It is abundantly
the vascular space strongly suggests that the
clear that the substituted metalloporphyrins
extravascular tissues also possess a marked
do not participate in the activation of soluble
affinity for carbon monoxide. Furthermore,
it supports what toxicologists have empha-
sized for years, that carboxyhemoglobin lev-
substituted metalloporphyrins produce func-
els are of limited value when judging the
tional effects which arise from their direct
carbon monoxide content of the extravascu-
action on soluble guanylate cyclase have not
The heme-heme oxygenase-carbon
to confirm that a heme-induced effect may
monoxide system and cardiovascular functions
carbon monoxide product. An array of tech-
niques for preparing and administering car-
Since blood pressure is calculated as the
product of cardiac output and total peripher-
in vitro studies, carbon monoxide is water
al resistance, cardiovascular functional stud-
soluble and thus can be easily prepared in
ies accordingly focus on these determinants.
physiological buffer solutions. In contrast,
Based upon the toxicological literature and
administration of carbon monoxide for invivo studies can be substantially compli-
Marks (2,4,8), it appears that heme-derived
cated by its distribution kinetics which are
carbon monoxide might serve as a vasodila-
markedly influenced by the affinity of this
tor and accordingly tend to be vasodepressive.
gas for heme proteins (1,2). Carbon monox-
ide has been administered through inhala-
Chronic blood pressure effects of the heme-
tion (1), but the delivery of carbon monoxide
heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide system
to the tissues by this method is reliant on its
delivery as carboxyhemoglobin. This means
aspects of heme oxygenase induction (21,30).
globin before it can be delivered to the tis-
Studies preceding the overt suggestion that
sues. In turn, this event produces hypoxia
that must precede appreciable accumulations
pate in biological functions showed that in-
of carbon monoxide in the tissues. Intrave-
could chronically slow the development of
solutions is equally disadvantageous because
hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive
rats (SHR) (31). Since the vasodepressive
The intraperitoneal administration of car-
bon monoxide may offer some advantages.
microsomal cytochrome content, those early
Using this simple and efficient technique,
studies attributed the blood pressure lower-
marked changes in cardiovascular function
ing effects of heme oxygenase induction to a
can precede dramatic changes in carboxyhe-
reduction of the formation of cytP450-de-
ide gas is injected into the peritoneum, its
rived vasoconstrictive eicosanoids (31).
appearance in the vasculature as carboxyhe-
While this explanation was consistent with
moglobin is not immediate and in some spe-
the findings, those corollary studies did not
Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
directly verify a state of free heme depletion.
oxygenase activity constitutes a major de-
velopment for studying the biological ac-
similarly slow down the development of hy-
the ability to examine heme oxygenase-re-
free heme is the substrate for heme oxyge-
lated effects in a setting which maximally
increase bilirubin production, this suggests
shifting in carbon monoxide sources. By so
that heme substrate availability is not im-
doing, these inhibitors of heme oxygenase
paired by these treatments. Rather, it sup-
may also be used to evaluate the contribu-
ports the idea that a heme oxygenase product
such as carbon monoxide may be involved in
Certainly such evidence does not preclude
a role for cytP450-derived eicosanoids in heme
rapidly produce vasoconstriction and raise
oxygenase-induced vasodepression. Indeed,
blood pressure in rats (40). This suggests
changes in cytP450 and heme oxygenase con-
tent accompany a variety of chronic disease
reduce vascular tone. In contrast, heme prepa-
states (21,30,31). Nonetheless, studies which
rations that drive heme oxygenase-mediated
rely solely on chronic corollaries between in-
formation of carbon monoxide, such as heme-
duction and functions are not able to distin-
L-lysinate, lower blood pressure in chroni-
guish the effects of heme oxygenase activity
from those of the other simultaneously ex-
models and in rats made acutely hyperten-
pressed heat-shock proteins. Interpretations of
sive by phenylephrine infusion (23). These
studies using chronic treatment of heme oxy-
genase inhibitors are similarly complicated as
can be prevented by pretreatment with in-
such inhibitors tend to induce heme oxyge-
hibitors of heme oxygenase. This suggests
nase along with other heat-shock proteins
that the vasodepressive actions of heme are
(21,31), while at the same time directly inhib-
consequent to the formation of a heme oxy-
iting heme oxygenase. In addition, these chronic
treatments may potentially produce effects by
It is well established that the heme oxy-
altering other less investigated functional as-
genase-mediated degradation of heme forms
pects of porphyrin metabolism-dependent pro-
three products: iron, biliverdin and carbon
cesses such as dALA synthase activity or glu-
monoxide (3). Iron chelation does not pre-
tathione metabolism (24). Furthermore, chronic
inhibition of heme oxygenase activity through
(23), and biliverdin does not acutely pro-
the use of metalloporphyrins or even highly
mote vasodepression in either normotensive
specific antibodies may have limited influence
on total carbon monoxide production as sources
intraperitoneal injection of carbon monox-
of nonheme-derived carbon monoxide may be
ide does preferentially lower blood pressure
greatly amplified during such conditions (27).
in hypertensive models (23). Thus, it ap-
pears that the heme-induced vasodepression
Acute blood pressure effects of the heme-
is more likely to arise from the formation of
heme oxygenase-carbon monoxide system
and inhibitors to acutely manipulate heme
vasodepression (23). While this might sug-
gest that the hypertensive models such as the
can inhibit heme oxygenase activity both at
the periphery and in the brain, decrease the
strains do not differ in plasma bilirubin con-
(27), and increase the blood pressure of the
awake rat in a manner which is paralleled by
with heme preferentially lower blood pres-
an increase in total peripheral resistance (40).
sure in the hypertensive models despite simi-
This pressor response can be prevented by
lar 2-3-fold elevations in the plasma biliru-
alpha-1-adrenergic receptor antagonists or
bin content in both normotensive and hyper-
tensive strains. A variety of hypertensive
function, but not by bilateral sino-aortic deaf-
models have been found to be both acutely
(23) and chronically (1) more sensitive to the
vasodepressive actions of exogenously ap-
sure may involve a heme oxygenase-related
plied carbon monoxide than their normoten-
sive counterparts. These tendencies indicate
the site of termination of cardiovascular and
models do not appear to differ in their abili-
respiratory afferent fibers in the medulla
ties to generate heme oxygenase products,
oblongata (44) and is a key structure in glu-
including carbon monoxide. Rather they sug-
tamatergic-mediated cardiovascular afferents
gest that SHRs, and perhaps other hyperten-
and an integrative region of baroreceptor
sive models as well, may be more sensitive
and chemoreceptor responses (45). Systemic
to the vasodepressant actions of the carbon
inhibition of heme oxygenase has been shown
to attenuate the pressure-bradycardia rela-
CNS involvement in heme oxygenase-related
(43). Inhibitors of heme oxygenase can af-
cardiovascular effects
fect glutamatergic-mediated depolarization
in isolated NTS preparations (46). Since iso-
lated NTS tissues respond to manipulations
been identified in the brain (21,40-42), but
its distribution is such that it forms distinct
oxide system, and since the NTS is involved
tracts (41). While some metalloporphyrins
both in the modulation of baroreceptor re-
like ZnDPBG have been designed to pass the
flex activity and in the establishment of blood
blood brain barrier to inhibit heme oxyge-
nase activity in the brain (27,40), studies
using radiolabeled tags show that heme does
not pass the blood brain barrier (33). In
addition, dALA synthase, the rate-limiting
the NTS are able to increase blood pressure
the other enzymes involved in heme synthe-
in a manner that can be reversed by microin-
sis have been identified in brain tissues (24).
jections of carbon monoxide (43). Likewise,
The finding that the brain is insulated from
microinjections of carbon monoxide into the
infiltration by circulating heme but locally
NTS can reverse the elevation in blood pres-
possesses the metabolic processes for heme
sure produced by systemic administration of
synthesis suggests that the CNS may consti-
ZnDPBG (43). Thus it appears that the heme
tute a heme oxygenase functional unit which
oxygenase product formed in the NTS exerts
is distinct from that of peripheral tissues.
a vasodepressive influence; it also appears
Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
that the heme oxygenase product is likely to
be less complicated by CNS-related effects
since heme does not cross the blood brain
barrier (33). However, inhibitors of heme
volved in NTS-mediated afferent barorecep-
oxygenase which cross the blood brain bar-
tor activity. NTS microinjections of heme
rier (40), and carbon monoxide as well (1,2),
oxygenase inhibitors do attenuate the pres-
can potentially affect the blood pressure by
sor responses to microinjections of L-gluta-
acting directly on the NTS or other central
mate (47) and interfere with baroreceptor
structures. Since the CNS exerts a powerful
activity. Such findings suggest that heme
influence on cardiovascular functions, the
metabolism may locally interact with gluta-
actions of the heme-heme oxygenase-carbon
matergic transmission in the NTS. Even so,
monoxide system directly on vascular activ-
it remains unclear if these glutamatergic-
ity may be best addressed by using isolated
linked effects arise solely from its influences
vessel preparations which are devoid of cen-
on carbon monoxide product formation.
neuromodulatory roles for heme oxygenase-
Endogenous carbon monoxide and vascular tone: dual actions
should be observed when designing and in-
terpreting CNS studies using metalloporphy-
Carbon monoxide as a vasoconstrictor
rins. The potential of metalloporphyrin and
in arteriolar and venular smooth muscle, and
a highly complicated topic. In the porphyrin
has also been located in arteriolar endotheli-
um (48). The findings that carbon monoxide
is enzymatically mediated and constitutes
can stimulate soluble guanylate cyclase (8)
the rate-limiting step in the formation of new
and relax preparations of vascular smooth
heme (24). In turn, the concentration of free
muscle (11) have prompted suggestions that
heme serves as a feedback inhibitor of dALA
synthase activity. This is the mechanism by
by promoting vasodilation (4). In contrast,
which tissue levels of heme are effectively
earlier studies (7,49-52) have provided ample
maintained. This heme precursor, dALA, is
evidence that carbon monoxide can bind to
structurally related to gamma aminobutyric
nitric oxide synthase and inhibit the produc-
acid (GABA). In addition, heme itself dem-
tion of nitric oxide, a vasodilator. If so, it
onstrates affinity for benzodiazepine recep-
tors. It is accepted that GABA and benzodi-
could block basal nitric oxide production
azepine receptor functions are cooperative
and may play important roles in central regu-
quent increase in blood pressure. While these
lation of blood pressure. While the effects of
two functionally opposing roles of endog-
dALA on GABA receptors and the effects of
heme on benzodiazepine receptor functions
lar tone are equally plausible, several studies
have not been fully characterized, it should
using isolated vessels and perfused prepara-
tions (7,53-56) have suggested that heme-
fluences heme availability may also poten-
tory. Such reports have understandably typi-
fied carbon monoxide as a vasodilator.
systemic administration of heme are likely to
to elucidate the endothelial-dependent roles
seem reasonable that the blockade of nitric
from those which are endothelium-independ-
oxide formation should allow the vasodila-
ent. In an attempt to clarify this issue, we
tory influences of heme-derived carbon mon-
recently found that heme can elicit vasodila-
tion of isolated superfused rat gracilis first-
In vessels with intact endothelium and in
order arterioles denuded of endothelium, in
hibit nitric oxide synthesis, we find that heme
inhibitor of heme oxygenase (57). In that
does elicit vasodilation in a manner which is
study, carbon monoxide similarly elicited
vasodilation in the preparations denuded of
(12,53,57). Blockade of nitric oxide synthases
endothelium. These observations suggest that
similarly allows the vasodilatory effects of
a heme oxygenase product, apparently car-
carbon monoxide to be displayed even when
bon monoxide, can produce vasodilation of
the endothelium is present (12,53,57). Ac-
these resistance vessels in a manner which is
cordingly, the simplest explanation is that
endothelium-independent. It also suggests
heme-derived carbon monoxide, specifical-
that the vasodilatory actions of heme can be
ly that formed in smooth muscle, may serve
independent of the generation of endotheli-
to promote vasodilation by a local action.
Simultaneously these vasodilatory actions
elicited a vasoconstriction in similarly pre-
drawal of the vasodilatory influences of en-
pared arterioles when the endothelium was
left intact (57). In addition, we found that
readily reversed by the further inclusion of
oxide synthase, they are admittedly in sharp
more, in similarly prepared vessels in which
the endothelium was left intact, we found
lights the vasodilatory actions of carbon mon-
oxide. Coceani et al. (54) have reported that
could also elicit a vasoconstrictive response.
vasodilation can be elicited by heme sub-
These frankly unexpected findings suggested
strate in intact lamb ductus arteriosus ves-
sels. Such findings may seem in contrast to
our recent findings, but they have carefully
elicit vasoconstriction by 1) facilitating the
release of a vasoconstrictive agent from the
ized in the smooth muscle domain of their
endothelium or by 2) interfering with the
ductus vessels, but not present in the endo-
release of an endothelium-derived relaxing
the nitric oxide system for multiple biologi-
relaxing factor (29). In addition, nitric oxide
cal processes (29), the possibility of a carbon
synthase-mediated formation of nitric oxide
monoxide/nitric oxide interaction should be
has been repeatedly shown to be inhibited by
explored to determine its hemodynamic func-
carbon monoxide (7,49-52). If the observed
tional significance. Consideration of this
potential interaction is crucial, since igno-
constriction of the gracilis arteriole prepara-
rance of this feature might seriously con-
tions were a consequence of inhibition of
found the interpretations of key experiments
in this newly emerging area of endogenous
Carbon monoxide and cardiovascular control
Vasodilatory influences of endogenous
37). However, the arteriolar constriction pro-
carbon monoxide
fected by an inhibitor of soluble guanylate
cyclase (12). Furthermore, vasodilatory ac-
tions of exogenously applied carbon monox-
interfering with the vasodilatory influences
ide or heme also appear to be unaffected by
of the nitric oxide system, that suggestion
an inhibitor of soluble guanylate cyclase in
was certainly not intended to overlook the
isolated arteriolar preparations (12). Accord-
ingly, it appears that heme, at least in some
ent effects of carbon monoxide attenuating
the vasodilatory influences of the nitric ox-
unrelated to soluble guanylate cyclase activ-
ide vasodilatory system, the vasodilatory ef-
ity. While the mechanisms underlying acute
carbon monoxide-induced relaxation of vas-
preparations in which the nitric oxide system
cular smooth muscle have yet to be clarified,
they apparently arise independently from P-
In isolated superfused rat gracilis first-
450-, endothelin- or soluble guanylate cy-
order arterioles with intact endothelium, in
an environment containing L-NAME to maxi-
mally inhibit nitric oxide synthase, heme
Proposed organization for
does promote vasodilation in a manner which
endogenously derived carbon
is readily reversed by inhibitors of heme
monoxide effects on cardiovascular functions
induced vasodilatory response arises from
the generation of a heme oxygenase product.
These heme-induced vasodilatory effects are
lated describing intricate details of mecha-
not prevented by an iron chelator or mim-
icked by biliverdin. However, carbon mon-
expression. There has also been a virtually
endless trail of proposed biochemical inter-
tion of similar preparations. This is the evi-
dence that the vasodilatory heme oxygenase
tabolites with almost every imaginable mes-
product is most likely to be carbon monox-
certainly of tremendous importance, there
In similarly prepared resistance vessels,
may have been a tendency for the biochem-
in which the nitric oxide system has been
istry to overwhelm the functional effects of
maximally inhibited, inhibitors of heme oxy-
this newly explored system. The identifica-
tion of the primary functions of endogenously
striction (12). This vasoconstrictive effect
can be both prevented and reversed by car-
point of orientation in the search to identify
bon monoxide, but cannot be prevented by a
nitric oxide donor. These findings suggest
that the basal production of carbon monox-
an approach, the physiological contributions
ide may exert a substantial vasodilatory in-
fluence on these resistance vessels.
oxide system may best be appreciated.
potential interactions between metallopor-
emphasized the apparent functional conse-
phyrins and soluble guanylate cyclase (36,
bon monoxide system in an attempt to orga-
the carbon monoxide- and nitric oxide-gen-
erating systems should be seriously consid-
ered, especially when isolated preparations
monoxide on cardiovascular functions. What
dependent and -independent actions of car-
bon monoxide exerts effects on cardiovas-
bon monoxide on vascular tone, it appears
that carbon monoxide can affect blood pres-
vascular tone and baroreceptor reflex func-
muscle appears to be vasodilatory. This va-
tions. One region in the brain that has been
strongly implicated as participating in these
carbon monoxide-induced withdrawal of the
endothelium-dependent vasodilatory influ-
actions of the CNS may exert a third influ-
ence of the nitric oxide system. This sug-
ence which tips the balance of the directly
offsetting endothelium-dependent and -in-
monoxide may have little direct effect on
basal vascular tone. Even so, such condi-
tions could still interfere with the dynamic
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influences related to shear force-mediated
changes of the nitric oxide system and con-
ide system remains in its infancy, the ac-
sequently amplify the vasoactive actions of
crued evidence strongly suggests that the
that carbon monoxide, even the endogenously
waste product. More specifically, the evi-
vasospasms. Since carbon monoxide has been
shown to compete with L-arginine for bind-
monoxide may exert effects on blood pres-
ing to nitric oxide synthase, then L-arginine
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from Justin Cronin’s The Twelve Bernard Kittridge, known to the world as ‘Last Stand in Denver,’ knew it was time to leave the day the power went out. He wondered what had taken so long. You couldn’t keep a municipal electrical grid running without people to man it, and as far as Kittridge could tell from the 26th floor, not a single soul was left alive in the city of Denver. Which w
Gonartrosis T rataremos aquí de la gonartrosis degenerativa La gonartrosis es más frecuente en las mujeres, simple, es decir sin patología auto-inmune sobre todo en caso de sobrecarga ponderal y de asociada. Suele estar relacionada con la edad, y se ve La carencia estrogénica post-menopaúsica puede favorecida a veces por un antecedente traumático ser una de las causas de esta pr