Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Investor collection report (fpsrp046)
Investor Collection Report (FPSRP046)
The Investor Collection Report provides details of all transactions that occur on each loan in each investor group. It shows all of the actual activity on each loan, regardless of the basis on which it is being serviced.
This report can be used for both single investors (loan is sold to only one investor) or multiple investors (loan is sold to two or more investors).
Reading the Report
This report is generated based only on the dates entered in the Cut Off Frequency field and by entering "46" in the Reports field. The information on this report appears in the sequence of investor master, then investor group within the investor master, and then the loan account number within the investor group. There will be a blank page between investor masters. Totals are provided for investor group, investor master, and institution. All values used for this report are pulled from the Loan System.
If an investor loan is resold during the current cycle, collection will show on the previous investor’s collection report if the following conditions are met:
1. The Date Investor Change occurred in the current cycle. 2. The previous investor master/group is not equal to zero. 3. The history Date is equal to the Date Investor Change and the Skip field has a checkmark.
All other conditions will report on the current investor’s report.
For loans sold as of the interest paid-to-date (P), the following will apply:
If the loan Date Sold As Of is greater than the Date Interest Paid To, then the loan unpaid principal balance on
the report will be replaced by the Balance Sold.
For loans sold as of the loan due date (D), the following will apply:
If the loan Date Sold As Of is greater than the loan Due Date, then the loan unpaid principal balance on the
report will be replaced by the Balance Sold.
For loans sold as of the actual date (A), the following will apply:
The loan balance on the report will remain the same as the unpaid principal balance.
FPS GOLD Only Misc Opts 1 set to "Y" includes pledged loans on the report. The pledged loans must have an investor master and group number and the Loan Pledged Or Sold field must be "pledged."
Multiple setups of this report can be used if each report is set up to pull different investor masters.
Column Heading Descriptions Description Investor For Period/Thru
This is the beginning and ending date for the period of the report.
Investor Group Number
This is the investor master number and group number.
This is the group pool or package number. It is pulled from the Pool/Package Number field. Collection
This is the interest collection basis taken from the code set up. It can be Collection, Yield, Mortgage Backed, or Weighted Average. Investor Yield
This is the investor yield pulled from the Guaranteed Rate field. Portion Sold
This is the portion sold to the investor. Loan Number
This is the office number, account number, and check digit of the loan. Investor Loan #
This is the number assigned to the loan by the investor. It is pulled from the Investor Account # field. Tran Date
This is the date of the actual transaction. It is pulled from Loan History. Type of Tran
This is the type of transaction located to the right of the tran date (e.g., PMT=payment, CUR=curtailment). Late Charge (optional)
If there is a late charge calculation code, a second line on the report will display both the full late charge collected and the investor portion of the late charge.
If a loan has been sold to multiple investors and late charges are passed through to the investor, the program looks at the individual group records for each investor. If the loan is only sold to one investor, it uses the loan investor group record.
Gross Payment Prin/Def Int
This is the total amount of the transaction applied to loan principal or deferred interest. It is pulled from Loan History. Gross Payment Interest
This is the total amount of the transaction applied to interest and the service fee. It is pulled from Loan History. Investor Portion Prin/Def Int
This is the amount of the transaction applied to investor principal or deferred interest. It is pulled from Loan History.
For multiple investors, principal is calculated as follows:
LHINPR = investor principal from history IGPSL = investor group portion sold LNPSL = total sold of entire loan
Investor Portion Interest
This is the amount of the transaction applied to investor interest. It is pulled from the Loan History.
For multiple investors, interest is calculated as follows:
LHININ = investor interest from history IGPSL = investor group portion sold LNPSL = total sold of entire loan LNRAT = loan rate
IGSRT = group service fee LNRAT = loan rate LNSVC = loan service fee rate
Service Fee
This is the amount of the transaction applied to the service fee. It is pulled from the Loan History.
For multiple investors, service fees are calculated as follows:
LHINSF = investor service fee from history IGPSL = investor group portion sold LNPSL = total sold of entire loan IGPSL = investor group service fee rate LNSVC = Loan service fee rate
This is the month and year of the interest paid to date on the loan after the payment or correction was applied from Loan History for each payment received during the investor cycle period. Investor Bal Total Bal
This is the investor’s portion of the principal balance. Beneath it is the principal balance of the loan. Nbr of Loans
This is the number of loans with a principal balance as of the date of the report. Even though paid off loans are shown on this report, they are not included in this number. Total Beginning Principal
This is the balance of the loan in this investor group at the
beginning of this accounting period. Investor Collection Report Example
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