Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Fai+gasb 04040

Easy to Use
FAI2+GASB combines all the features you need to effectively track 8 1
and manage your assets into one easy-to-use package.
acks both capitalized and expensed assets Prints the required GASB report “Capital Asset NoteDisclosure” 4
ides detail of the assets included in the GASB report for your auditor, plus complete audit trail “windows” interface so it’s easy to learn Powerful import wizards to import initial data, or to add assets Communicates with new laser scanner from Videx Fixed Asset
Call, log-on, or email to learn more! Inventory2
4911 Legends Drive • Lawrence, KS 66049 phone: 785.843.8150 • toll free: 877.843.8150 fax: 785.843.5138 • email: sales@datateam.com +
*Microsoft and Videx are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
+website: 2
Copyright 2004 DataTeam Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fixed Asset Inventory2+ GASB
Asset control & management plus GASB 34 reporting and depreciation!
Easy to Use
-New assets can be directly and automatically imported from DataTeam’s FAI2+GASB combines the latest advancements Fund Accounting2 software, or from any Excel file. Imported data goes into a =in technology into an easy-to-use package allow-
special “holding bin” so the operator can determine if it really should be ing you to efficiently track and manage your assets. This powerful system automatically cal- -FAI2+GASB can import data from any valuation company that may help you culates depreciation and creates the specialized get your data started, or may help you take physical inventory at any time.
GASB reports. With powerful import wizards, it’s easy to implement. There are many standardreports, as well as a Report Writer for custom Laser Scanner
reports. Whether you want to see a detail schedule of the assets being depre-ciated, all the copiers that are not under a service contract, or the location of computers acquired last year, it is easy with FAI2+GASB. Inventory counting with bar code scanning is now much moreefficient. FAI2+GASB has built in communication with a power- Features
ful laser scanner from Videx. This laser scanner is easy to use,very durable and can read the bar-code tag from a variety ofpositions and angles, making physical inventory a much easier +
values that help you to get started.
GASB 34 and Depreciation
Virtually every field is “user-defin-able.” If you want a different classifi-cation for your assets, change it! Gasb 34 requires that assets be capitalized and depreciated over time to meet the specialized reporting requirements. FAI2+GASB makes calculating and managing depreciation a snap. It automatically figures prior depreciation +
expense and accumulated depreciation, and can easily be made to tie to any 2depreciation numbers your auditor might have as a starting point.
-Converting existing data from priorversions of FAI or from excel files is Depreciation is calculated using the methods and procedures recommended by ASBO International in their publication, Implementation Recommendation for School Districts, including the ability to depreciate by group of assets.

Source: ftp://www.sisk12.com/Download/MARKETING/CompLit/DataTeam/bro-inv20040401.pdf

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