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Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy forStevens-Johnson Syndrome
ABSTRACT: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is an acute mucocutaneous disorder that can be associated with considerable morbidity. Several previous reports, all involving either adults with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or children , suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin may be an effective treatment for SJS. We report a case of SJS in an immunocompetent adult whose condition improved dramatically after therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin.
moderate distress, with drooling and drainage from
mon mucocutaneous disorder usually attributed
crusted lesions around the mouth and lips. She had
to a drug exposure or infection. Treatment is
injected conjunctivae with exudates. The tongue wascoated with white plaques, and the gums and buccal
primarily supportive; some authors advocate
mucosa were ulcerated. There was uvular edema and ton-
corticosteroid therapy,1 while others argue
sillar enlargement without exudates. An erythematous
against it,2 and few data support other therapeu-
cutaneous eruption consisting of confluent patches and
tic modalities. Administration of intravenous
plaques extended from neck to umbilicus, but spared the
immunoglobulin for SJS has been reported in
extremities. All blood test results were normal, and throatand blood cultures obtained on admission were negative
three pediatric cases3,4 and in two adult cases
related to AIDS,5 but not for an immunocompe-
Methylprednisolone (125 mg intravenously [IV] every 6
tent adult. We report the case of a 27-year-old
hours) and diphenhydramine (25 mg intramuscularly
immunocompetent woman successfully treated
every 6 hours) were started. Because of high fever, systemic
with intravenous immunoglobulin for SJS asso-
toxicity, and inability to exclude sepsis on admission, the
ciated with azithromycin and trimethoprim-sul-
patient received a single dose of IV ceftriaxone. Duringher first 48 hours in the hospital, bullous and necrotic le-
sions of the skin developed. An ophthalmologist noted dif-fuse corneal ulceration. The oral involvement progressed,
with increasing odynophagia, hypersalivation, and erosive
A 27-year-old woman was admitted with dysphagia,
stomatitis. A skin biopsy confirmed the eruption as ery-
fever, erosive stomatitis with drooling, and an erythema-
tous, pruritic cutaneous eruption. Four days before admis-
On the third hospital day, there were additional necrotic
sion, sore throat and fever had developed. She went to an
plaques and patches with bullae at areas of skin contact. A
emergency department at another hospital and was given
dermatologist recommended discontinuing all systemic
azithromycin; the pharynx was not cultured. Two days
medications (including methylprednisolone, of which she
later, the patient had generalized pruritus and conjunctivi-
had received 6 doses by that time) and giving a dose of IV
tis. She returned to the emergency department and
immunoglobulin (Polygam) at 1 g/kg (total dose, 60 g).
azithromycin therapy was discontinued. The next day, she
On day 5, there was minimal improvement, and a second
came to our emergency department with a truncal rash,
infusion of 60 g was given. Within 24 hours of the second
coated tongue, fever, and progressive dysphagia, and was
dose, the skin and mucous membrane lesions improved
admitted with a diagnosis of presumed drug reaction to
dramatically. The patient was discharged on day 14. One
azithromycin. In addition, she had taken trimethoprim-sul-
year later, she remained well with no recurrences.
famethoxazole twice daily for several days for a urinaryinfection 14 days before admission. She had no known
The etiology of SJS is frequently unknown,
Blood pressure was 102/84 mm Hg, pulse rate 150/min
but many cases are associated with recent drug
and regular, and temperature 103.4° F. The patient was in
exposure or infection with pathogens such asherpes simplex virus or Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
From the Divisions of General Internal Medicine and
Our patient took azithromycin several days
Dermatology, Department of Medicine, University of South
before the eruption and trimethoprim-sul-
Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia.
famethoxazole about 2 weeks before the erup-
Correspondence to Allan S. Brett, MD, University of South
tion, without documentation of an infectious
Carolina School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, TwoMedical Park, Suite 502, Columbia, SC 29203.
agent at either time. While the close temporal
March 2001 • SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL • Vol. 94, No. 3
relationship suggests that azithromycin may be
Clinicians should be aware of several impor-
responsible in this case, a role for trimetho-
tant caveats about the use of intravenous im-
prim-sulfamethoxazole or infection remains
munoglobulin. First, it is expensive—currently
possible. Sulfonamides are frequently associ-
$50/g to $60/g in our hospital pharmacy.
ated with SJS, but we are unaware of previously
Second, it is occasionally associated with serious
reported cases of azithromycin-associated SJS.
toxicity, including renal failure, aseptic menin-
Treatment options for SJS are limited and
gitis, and anaphylaxis; hematologic and derma-
controversial.2 Corticosteroids are commonly
tologic adverse effects have also been de-
used,1 but our patient had no obvious early
scribed.10 Third, as a human plasma product it
response to high-dose corticosteroids. Case
carries a potential risk for transmission of infec-
reports describe the use of cyclosporine A for
severe toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN),6 a
In conclusion, to our knowledge this is the
disorder considered by some authorities to be
first reported case of an apparent response to
on a spectrum with SJS.7 A recent report docu-
ments that early withdrawal of a drug causing
competent adult with SJS. Because we cannot be
SJS or TEN—particularly a drug with a short
certain that the patient’s response was solely or
partially due to intravenous immunoglobulin,
We found three reports of therapy with in-
more experience is necessary before one can
travenous immunoglobulin for SJS. Moudgil et
assume with confidence that this therapy favor-
al3 described two children with SJS associated
ably alters the natural history of SJS.
with cefixime, and Amato et al4 described achild with phenobarbital-associated SJS. Sanwoet al5 reported two cases of SJS in adults with
AIDS, after exposure to dapsone in one and
1. Patterson R, Miller M, Kaplan M, et al: Effectiveness of early
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and sulfadi-
therapy with coritcosteroids in Stevens-Johnson syndrome:
azine in the other. Among these five patients,
experience with 41 cases and a hypothesis regarding patho-genesis. Ann Allergy 1994; 73:27-34
one received a single large dose of intravenous
2. Roujeau JC, Stern RS: Severe adverse cutaneous reactions
immunoglobulin (2 g/kg), and the other four
to drugs. N Engl J Med 1994; 331:1272-1285
received multiple smaller doses (0.4 to 0.5
3. Moudgil A, Porat S, Brunnel P, et al: Treatment of Stevens-
g/kg). In addition, Swiss researchers recently
Johnson syndrome with pooled human intravenous im-mune globulin. Clin Pediatr 1995; 34:48-51
described 10 patients with TEN treated with
4. Amato GM, Travia A, Ziino O: The use of intravenous high-
intravenous immunoglobulin.9 In each of these
dose immunoglobulins (IVIG) in a case of Stevens-Johnson
cases, as in our case, clinical improvement ap-
syndrome. Pediatr Med Chir 1992; 14:555-556
peared temporally related to immunoglobulin
5. Sanwo M, Nwadiuko R, Beall G: Use of intravenous immuno-
globulin in the treatment of severe cutaneous drug reactions
therapy. However, it remains possible that our
in patients with AIDS. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1996; 98:1112-
patient’s improvement was spontaneous or due
6. Arevalo JM, Lorente JA, Gonzalez-Herrada C, et al: Treat-
ment of toxic epidermal necrolysis with cyclosporin A. J
Although the pathogenesis of SJS is not com-
pletely understood, considerable evidence indi-
7. Bastuji-Garin S, Rzany B, Stern RS, et al: Clinical classifica-
cates that it is an immune-mediated disorder.2,5
tion of cases of toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson
Intravenous immunoglobulin has a number of
syndrome, and erythema multiforme. Arch Dermatol 1993;129:92-96
immunomodulatory effects, including blockade
8. Garcia-Doval I, LeCleach L, Bocquet H, et al: Toxic epider-
of reticuloendothelial Fc receptors, inhibition
mal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome: does early
of complement-mediated damage, modulation
withdrawal of causative drugs decrease the risk of death?Arch Dermatol 2000; 136:323-327
of cytokines, and neutralization of circulating
9. Viard I, Wehrli P, Bullani R, et al: Inhibition of toxic epider-
autoantibodies or antigens.10 Precisely which of
mal necrolysis by blockade of CD95 with human intra-
these effects are primarily operative during
venous immunoglobulin. Science 1998; 282:490-493
intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for SJS is
10. Jolles S, Hughes J, Whittaker S: Dermatological uses of
high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin. Arch Dermatol 1998;
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Experimental and clinical results with Avemar (a dried extract from fermented weath germ) in animal cancermodels and in cancer patientsMICHELE NICHELATTI, M.D., MÁTÉ HIDVÉGI, M.D. Avemar Research Group, Limbiate (MI), Italy and Biromedicina Co., BudapestINTRODUCTION Relationships between food and health todayand some nonnutrient substances like echinacea, saw palmetto,must be studied by tak