Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Rita Yusuf Education New York University, New York, New York 2004
Environmental Health Sciences (MolecularToxicology/Carcinogenesis) “Oxidative and Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Events in the Transformation of Human BreastEpithelial Cells MCF-10A”Thesis Advisor: Krystyna Frenkel, Ph.D
Columbia College of Columbia University, New York, New York 1990 Stuyvesant High School, New York, New York 1986
National Honor Society inducteeMember of Arista
Employment Experience Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Bashundhara, Dhaka School of Life Sciences Associate Professor, January 2011- Present Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Bashundhara, Dhaka School of Environmental Science and Management Assistant Professor, October 2006- January 2011 New York University School of Medicine (NYU), New York, New York Department of Dermatology Assistant Research Scientist, October 2004- May 2006 Academic Appointments Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Bashundhara, Dhaka School of Life Sciences Dean, July 9, 2012- Present Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), Bashundhara, Dhaka Centre for Health, Population and Development Associate Director, February, 2010- Present University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Adjunct Associate Professor, October, 2010- October, 2011 Biochemical Research Experience New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York Departments of Environmental Medicine and Dermatology
Maintained cultures of a variety of different cell lines.
Designed and carried out experiments leading to the neoplastic transformation ofhuman breast epithelial cells.
Developed a model of nutrition for human mammary cells wherein neoplastictransformation of cells could be studied.
Performed agar-methocel based transformation assays on MCF-10A cells.
Treated cell cultures with carcinogenic as well as chemopreventive agents.
Performed cytotoxicity studies of known and putative carcinogen-treated cells.
Assessed oxidized DNA base 8-OHdG levels in normal vs. cancerous culturedhuman mammary cells.
Measured intracellular peroxide levels in normal vs. cancerous cultured humanmammary cells.
Carried out isolation and enzymatic digestion of DNA from cultured cells.
Performed high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses onhydrolyzates of DNA samples isolated from the cell lines MCF-7 and MCF-10A.
Investigated effects of carcinogenic and chemopreventive treatments ontranscription factor NF-B and AP-1 DNA binding in human mammary cells.
Carried out spectrophotometric cellular/nuclear protein determination.
Modified and performed chemiluminescence-based electrophoretic mobility shiftassays (EMSAs).
Performed western immunoblotting assays.
Implemented pathway specific gene expression arrays. Computer Skills
Experienced with MS Word, Excel, Power Point
National Research Service Award (U.S. National Institutes of Health; traineeship inEnvironmental Carcinogenesis) 1995-1996
Research in Global Health
MIPH/CHPD Study: Work-Related Stress Among Ready Made Garment Workers InDhakaCo-PI (May, 2011 – Present)Principal Investigators: Adrian Loerbroks, Ph.D (Assistant Professor, University ofHeidelberg & Christian Struempell, Ph.D (Assistant Professor, University ofHeidelberg)
Measurement of work-related stress using both questionnaire and biomarkeranalysis within RMG workers in Dhaka as part of a global study assessing thenotion of stress as a Western concept
CHPD Study: Perception of Vitamin D Nutritional Needs Among Female Ready-Made Garment Workers in a Factory In Gulshan, DhakaPrincipal Investigator (December, 2010 – Present)Co-PI: O. Khan, MD, MHS (Clinical Assistant Professor and Attending Physician,Department of Family Medicine, University of Vermont)
Examination of the knowledge among female RMG workers in Gulshan, Dhakaregarding the risks of developing Vitamin D deficiency, its overall health effects,and mitigation strategies
Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE),Country Coordinator (October, 2006 – present)
Global epidemiological study examining the environmental and genetic riskfactors for cardiovascular and other chronic diseases
CHPD/CWCH Study: Barriers to Breastfeeding StudyPrincipal Investigator (February, 2009 – December, 2010)Co-PIs: M. Omar Rahman, MD, MPH, DSc (Vice Chancellor, IndependentUniversity, Bangladesh), K. Talukder, MD (Director, The Centre for Woman andChild Health) & O. Khan, MD, MHS (Clinical Assistant Professor and AttendingPhysician, Department of Family Medicine, University of Vermont)-
Examination of the socioeconomic and cultural constraints to initiating andsustaining first-hour and exclusive breastfeeding practices within mothers whoreceive care at The Centre for Woman and Child Health (CWCH), a clinic on theoutskirts of Dhaka.
Cochrane Collaboration for Evidence-Based Medicine,Country Co-coordinator (October, 2006 – 2010)
Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research,Invited Member (June, 2007 – June, 2008)South Asia Subgroup on Building Effective and Sustainable Health ResearchPartnerships
Research in Biochemistry/Microbiology
Water MicrobiologyCo- Principal Investigator (July, 2009 – present)Co- PI: Warish Ahmed, Ph.D (Water Microbiologist, Dept. of Natural Resourcesand Water, Qld., Australia)
Microbiological quality of bottled water in Dhaka, Bangladesh, determined byreal-time PCR and conventional culture methods
Prevalence of enteric viruses and bacteria in surface waters of Dhaka,Bangladesh
Evaluation of the host-specificity of enterococci surface protein (esp) andBacteroides HF183 markers in environmental waters in Dhaka, Bangladesh andtheir application to quantify sewage pollution
Rural/Urban Dichotomies in Lead Exposure: Prevalence, Effects, and Determinants
Principal Investigator (January, 2008 – present)Co- PI: Mohammed Alauddin, Ph.D (Professor, Chemistry and Physics Dept.,Wagner College, Staten Island, NY)-
Examine differences in the prevalence and effects of lead exposure between
urban and rural populations and attempt to decipher the determinants
Administrative Responsibilities
University SyndicateMember (July, 2013 – present)
Deans and Department Heads Committee, IUBMember (June, 2012 – present)
Academic Council, IUBMember (May, 2011 – present)
University Management Committee, IUBMember (May, 2011 – present)
CHPD International Research Initiatives (Center for Health, Population andDevelopment, IUB)Supervisor (March, 2008 – Present)
Responsibilities include designing and submitting proposals for possiblecollaborative research projects with international universities/organizations aswell as serving as a liaison for further discussions/meetings
Current and future collaborators include: Stanford School of Medicine,Concordia College, University of Vermont, The Hollings Center for InternationalDialogue
Center for Health, Population and Development Seminar SeriesCoordinator (October, 2008 – Present)
International Student Research Programs and Projects (Center for Health, Populationand Development, IUB)Coordinator (June, 2007 – present)
Design/cataloging of faculty research interests for university website
Design and supervision of syllabi and programs for students from abroad (Smith
College, University of Vermont Graduate and Nursing Schools, etc.)
Curriculum Development (Environmental Science and Management, IUB)Member (February, 2007 – September, 2008)
Involved in the curriculum development and feasibility assessment for the
formation of a new undergraduate study track in “Environmental Policy andManagement”
Departmental Journal Club Series (Environmental Science and Management, IUB)Initiator and coordinator (March, 2007 – October, 2007)
Establishment of the University’s new School of Life Sciences: Creation of theDepartments of Biochemistry and Microbiology; Undergraduate and GraduateCurriculum Development; Construction of State of the Art Biological Laboratory atIUB (School of Life Sciences, IUB)Supervisor (October, 2006 – present)
Supervising the creation of teaching curricula and laboratory facilities forundergraduate and graduate programs in Biochemistry, Microbiology, andBiotechnology
M. Steinisch, R. Yusuf, J. Li, T. Stalder, J.A. Bosch, O. Rahman, J.E. Fischer & A. Loerbroks. Work Stress and Hair Cortisol Levels Among Workers in a Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garment Factory – Results From a Cross-Sectional Study, Submitted to Psychoneuroendicrinology January 2014
C.K. Chow, R. Yusuf, R. Kelishadi. Prevention and control of hypertension in different countries – reply. The Journal of the American Medical Association 311(4): 419 -420, 2014 (Impact Factor 30)
S. Lear, K. Teo, D. Gasevic, X. Zhang, P.P. Poirier, S. Rangarajan, P. Seron, R. Kelishadi, A.M. Tamil, A. Kruger, R. Iqbal, H. Swidan, D. Gomez-Arbelaez, R. Yusuf, J. Chifamba, V.R. Kutty, K. Karsidag, R. Kumar, L. Wei, A. Szuba, A. Avezum, R. Diaz, S.S. Anand, A. Rosengren & S. Yusuf. The association of common household devices with obesity and diabetes in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Accepted in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Nov 2013 (Impact factor 6.5)
M. Duong, S. Islam, S. Rangarajan, K. Teo, P. M. O’Byrne, H.J. Schünemann, E. Igumbor, J. Chifamba, L. Liu, W. Li, T. Ismail, K. Shankar, M. Shahid, K. Vijayakumar, R. Yusuf, K. Zatonska, A. Oguz, A. Rosengren, H. Heidari, W. Almahmeed, R. Diaz, G. Oliveira, P. Lopez- Jaramillo, P. Seron, K. Killian & S. Yusuf. Global differences in lung function by region
(PURE): an international, community-based prospective study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine1: 599 – 609, 2013
M. Steinisch, R. Yusuf, J. Li, O. Rahman, H.M. Ashraf, C. Strumpell, J.E. Fischer & A. Loerbroks. Work Stress: Its Components and its Association with Self-Reported Health Outcomes in a Garment Factory in Bangladesh – Results From a Cross-Sectional Study. Health & Place 24: 123 - 130, 2013 (5-year ISI Impact Factor 3.007)
C.K. Chow, K.K. Teo, S. Rangarajan, S. Islam, R. Gupta, A. Avezum, A. Bahonar, J. Chifamba, G. Dagenais, R. Diaz, K. Kazmi, F. Lanas, L. Wei, P. Lopez-Jaramillo, L. Fanghong, N.H. Ismail, T. Puoane, A. Rosengren, A Szuba, A. Temizhan, A Wielgosz, R. Yusuf, A. Yusufali, M. McKee, L. Liu, P. Mony & S. Yusuf. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in rural and urban communities in high-, middle-, and low- income countries. The Journal of the American Medical Association 310 (9): 959 - 968, 2013 (Impact Factor 30)
W. Ahmed, R. Yusuf, I. Hasan, W. Ashraf, A. Goonetilleke, S. Toze & T. Gardner. Fecal Indicators and Bacterial Pathogens in Bottled Water From Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 44 (1): 97 - 103, 2013 (Impact Factor 0.9) R. Yusuf and K. Frenkel. Morphologic Transformation of Human Breast Epithelial Cells MCF- 10A: Dependence on an Oxidative Microenvironment and Estrogen/Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors. Cancer Cell International 10:30, 2010 (Impact Factor 2.09). A BioMed Central “highly accessed” manuscript.
W. Ahmed, R. Yusuf, I. Hasan, D. Powell, A. Goonetilleke, & T. Gardner. Quantitative PCR Assay of Sewage-Associated Bacteroides Markers to Assess Sewage Pollution in an Urban Lake in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 56 (10): 838 – 845, 2010 (5-Year ISI Impact Factor 1.502).
Yang C, Wu J, Zhang R, Zhang P, Eckard J, Yusuf R, Huang X, Rossman TG and Frenkel K. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) prevents transformation of human cells by arsenite (As) and suppresses growth of As-transformed cells. Toxicology 213: 81-96, 2005 (5-Year ISI Impact Factor 3.469). Yusuf R, Oxidative and Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Events in the Transformation of Human Breast Epithelial Cells MCF-10A, New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Science, 2004 Conference Papers and Presentations
Steinisch M, Yusuf R, Li J, Stalder T, Bosch JA, Rahman O, Fischer JE, Loerbroks A. Work stress and hair cortisol levels among workers in a Bangladeshi ready-made garment factory. Submitted for The German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, March 2014.
Steinisch M, Yusuf R, Stalder T, Li J, Rahman O, Fischer JE, Loerbroks A. Psychosocial work conditionsand hair cortisol levels among workers in a Bangladeshi ready-made garment factory, Oral presentation at The German Society for Epidemiology Meeting, Leipzig, Germany, June 2013.
Steinisch M, Yusuf R, Li J, Rahman O, Ashraf HM, Strümpell C, Fischer JE, Loerbroks A. Work stress in a garment factory in Bangladesh – identifying components and their associations with health. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Association, Miami, USA, March 2013.
Steinisch M, Yusuf R, Li J, Rahman O, Ashraf HM, Strümpell C, Fischer JE, Loerbroks A. Arbeitsstress in einer Textilfabrik in Bangladesch – Charakterisierung von Komponenten und deren Zusammenhang mit berichteter Gesundheit [Work stress in a textile factor in Bangladesh – characterization of components und their relationship with self-reported health]. Poster presentation at the German Congress for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapry, Heidelberg, Germany, March 2013.
Steinisch M, Yusuf R, Loerbroks A. Stress and health in Asia: epidemiological perspectives. Oral presentation at workshop “The Culture of Stress” Excellence Cluster Asia and Europe, Heidelberg, Germany, May 2012.
Steinisch M., Yusuf R., Li J., Rahman O., Ashraf M.H., Strümpell C., Fischer J.E., Loerbroks A. Work Stress in a Ready-Made Garment Factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh – Its Measurement and Associations with Self-Rated Health and Physical Complaints. Oral presentation at the The European Public Health Conference 5th Annual Meeting, St. Julian’s, Malta November 2012.
Steinisch M., Yusuf R., Li J, Rahman O., Ashraf M.H., Strümpell C., Fischer J.E., Loerbroks A. Arbeitsstress – Charakterisierung und Zusammenhang mit berichteter Gesundheit und körperlichen Beschwerden in einer Textilfabrik in Dhaka, Bangladesch. [Work Stress - Charaterization and Association with Self-Reported Health and Physical Complaints in a RMG Factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh]. Oral Presentation and Poster at The German Society of Medical Psychology (DGMP) Annual Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2012. Awarded Top Poster Prize for Study Design, Originality, Comprehensibility and Clinical and Practical Relevance Yusuf, R., Rahman, O., Talukder, K., & Frederick, N. Community-Level Education and Guidance Needed to Enhance First Hour and Exclusive Breastfeeding Adherence Within a Peri- urban Community in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Oral presentation at The American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting, Denver, CO November 2010
Maltby, H. J., Rahman, O., & Yusuf, R. Discovering indigenous food practices of Bangladeshi families through photovoice. Oral presentation at The American Public Health Association 137th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA November 2009
Maltby, H. J., Rahman, O., & Yusuf, R. International Service-Learning: Bangladesh and Vermont Working Together. The Third International Symposium on Service-Learning, Greece November 2009. Yusuf R, Shearer D, Weisz J and Frenkel K. 17-Estradiol-promoted morphologic transformation of MCF-10A cells: roles of oxidative stress and estrogen receptor. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 44, 2nd ed.: 683, 2003. Yusuf R and Frenkel K. Oxidative stress-induced modulation of estrogen signaling pathway gene expression in human breast epithelial cells MCF-10A. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 43: 865, 2002.
Yang CF, Zhang R, Zhang J, Eckard J, Yusuf R, Rossman T and Frenkel K. Critical role of inflammatory cytokines in the inhibition of arsenic-induced cell transformation by caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE). Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 43: 1034, 2002
Yang CF, Zhang R, Eckard J, Yusuf R, Rossman T and Frenkel K. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) induces cell growth arrest and apoptosis in arsenic-transformed human osteoblast-like (HOS) cells, but not in non-transformed HOS cells. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 43: 1034, 2002. Yusuf R and Frenkel K. 17-Estradiol (E2)-induced transformation of human mammary (MCF- 10A) cells: roles of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and interleukin (IL)-1. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 42: 893, 2001. Yusuf R and Frenkel K. Oxidative stress-mediated transformation of MCF-10A human mammary cells: roles of hydrocortisone (HC), 17-estradiol (E2), and 7,12- dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Free Radical Biology and Medicine 31: 427, 2001.
Frenkel K and Yusuf R. CAPE, a propolis product, is cytotoxic to tumor cells by acting on mitochondria. Proceedings of Pre-Congress Internet Conference: 242-244, May 8-Dec. 31, 2000
Huang X, Yusuf R, Shah R and Frenkel K. Pro-oxidant effects of 7, 12- dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) on human breast epithelial cells. Proceedings of the American Association of Cancer Research 39: 372, 1998. Other Conferences and Workshops
The British Council and University Grants Commission, Bangladesh Joint Program in“Strengthening Leadership Capacity in Higher Education” UK Meeting – Manchester andLeicester, UK (March 12 – 18, 2013); Invited country representative
The British Council and University Grants Commission, Bangladesh Joint Program in“Strengthening Leadership Capacity in Higher Education” – Dhaka, Bangladesh and the UK(May, 2012 – present); One of 23 national representatives selected to participate in a developmentprogram for future Bangladeshi leaders in higher education. The program emphasizesindividualized mentorship and partnership with leaders in UK Universities
The Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE) Annual Global Investigators’Meeting – Toronto, Canada (June 22 - 26, 2011); Invited country coordinator for Bangladesh
The Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE) Annual Global Investigators’Meeting - Beijing, China (November 26 - 28, 2009); Invited country coordinator for Bangladesh
Round Table Conference on “The Present Status of Biotechnology in Bangladesh and its PossibleSolutions” – The Center for Excellence, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh (July 15,2009); Invited Panelist
Nobel Peace Prize Forum 2008 “Striving for Peace: Investing in Community” with Dr. Mohammed Yunus as keynote speaker -- Moorhead, Minnesota, USA (March 7 – 8, 2008);Invited Delegate
The Center for Health, Population and Development, Independent University, BangladeshWriting Workshop in collaboration with Writers Without Borders, Champlain College, USA –Dhaka, Bangladesh (Jan 2 – 5 & 14th, 2008); Co-coordinator
The Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE) Regional Investigators’Meeting – Bangalore, India (December 20 -22, 2007); Invited country coordinator for Bangladesh
The Canadian Conference on International Health (CCIH) Annual Meeting – Ottawa, Ontario,Canada (November 3 – 7, 2007); Invited panelist for the CCGHR “Building PartnershipsWorkshop” and the South Asia Task Group Meeting
The Cochrane Collaboration for Evidence-Based Healthcare Symposium and Steering CommitteeMeeting – Colombo, Sri Lanka (August 22 – 28, 2007); Bangladesh panelist
The Cochrane Collaboration Sensitization Workshop “Introduction to Systematic Reviews andMeta-analysis” at IUB with Sir Iain Chalmers – Dhaka, Bangladesh (May 4, 2007); Member ofthe host/organizing committee
The Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) International Workshop “BuildingEffective and Sustainable Health Partnerships in South Asia” – Rajendrapur, Dhaka, Bangladesh(May 2 – 4, 2007); Bangladesh delegate
The Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study (PURE) Annual Global Investigators’Meeting - Istanbul, Turkey (April 13 -17, 2007); Invited country coordinator for Bangladesh
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