
Summit Pharmacy Solutions Newsletter
November 2013 Volume 2, Issue 10
Federal Updates for Opioid Products
Last month, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) recommended rescheduling of
hydrocodone-combination products from Schedule III to Schedule II following its
advisory committee’s January 2013 vote in favor of the change.
The recommendation will not result in the immediate rescheduling
of hydrocodone since the FDA cannot reschedule hydrocodone
independently. The FDA plans to submit its formal recommendation
package to U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in December. The FDA anticipates
that the National Institute on Drug Abuse will agree with the
recommendation. If this occurs, HHS will then submit its
recommendation to DEA, which will make the final decision on
appropriate scheduling of these products.
Independent of Federal actions, states continue to implement their
own new laws to reign in potential drug misuse. Effective November
2013, Oklahoma became the latest state prohibiting refills on any prescriptions with
hydrocodone-containing medication. Hydrocodone products will continue to be a
Schedule III drug but the dispensing rules around the drug will change.
You may recall that Tennessee implemented new laws effective October 2013 affecting
both hydrocodone-based products along with benzodiazepines. This new patchwork of
state laws may ultimately be replaced by Federal mandates -- but for now you may
need to consult with your PBM to clarify the current status of medications in a specific
claim state.
Still in discussion: the national scheduling of Tramadol and Tramadol with APAP.
Currently, this mild-opioid pain-relieving product is scheduled as a Schedule IV in 13
states, but the FDA has requested that it be a Schedule IV in all states. Stay tuned as
this evolves as the effort for greater control is implemented.
While many of these changes do not change the day-to-day file handling of a claim, it
may present situations driving additional office visits as well as create complications
with mail order. Undoubtedly claimants may seek out information and guidance as their
ability to refill prescriptions or use their traditional mail order processes will change.
Contact us at 855-246-9946 or visit www.summitpharmacysolutions.com

November 2013; Volume 2, Issue 10
Generic Aciphex™ Now Available
Another medication occasionally seen in workers’ compensation is now available
generically. Aciphex, known as rabeprazole sodium, is a Proton Pump Inhibitor, PPI
used for stomach acid distress. This medication is a first cousin to Nexium™ and many
other products available generically for treating GERD and esophagitis.
PPIs are used frequently in conjunction with NSAIDS, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs used for pain and inflammation associated with injuries. Other frequently used
PPI medications that are preferred include:
Due to the pricing of new generics we prefer using the products above at the current
times so if you see prescriptions for generic Aciphex™ please contact us for help.
Summit’s Holiday Schedule
In recognition of our upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays, we at Summit
Pharmacy Solutions are committed to offering coverage for your claims. When our
offices are closed, after-hours services are provided and handled -- even on holidays
and weekends. Our goal is to ensure that claimants receive the highest level of service
This year, our offices will be closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays as follows:
• Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29; All calls received during those days are forwarded to our clinical services line and will be handled when received. • Wednesday, December 24 (starting at 1 p.m.) and Friday, December 25; All calls after 1p.m. Christmas Eve or on Christmas will go directly to our clinical services line and will be handled immediately when received. Best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season from all of us at Summit Solutions! Contact us at 855-246-9946 or visit www.summitpharmacysolutions.com

Source: http://www.spsforu.com/sites/default/files/Summit%20Solutions%20Nov%20%2013.pdf

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Schweinegrippe (Influenza A/H1N1) Die Schweinegrippe ist eine Infektion mit Viren vom Typ Influenza A (H1N1), die inden letzten Tagen vor allem in Mexiko und in den USA aufgetreten ist. Mittlerweilewurden auch Fälle aus anderen Teilen der Welt gemeldet. Es handelt sich um einneuartiges Schweineinfluenzavirus, das nicht nur vom Schwein auf den Menschen,sondern auch von Mensch zu Mensc


19. Etter JF, Huguelet P, Perneger TV, Cornuz J. Nicotine gum treatment before smok-24. Stapleton JA, Russell MA, Feyerabend C, et al. Dose effects and predictors ofing cessation: a randomized trial. Arch Intern Med . 2009;169(11):1028-outcome in a randomized trial of transdermal nicotine patches in general practice. 20. Bullen C, Howe C, Lin RB, et al. Pre-cessation nicotine replacement th

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