Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Microsoft word - ic_publicagenda.doc

1. Identify key contemporary issues European sites want to address
2. Identify collaboration moving forward: i.e. creation of network, multiple collaborations on specific themes,
3. Identify possible leadership for possible network
European Sites
1. Iratxe Momoito Astorikia, Gernika Peace Museum, Spain 2. Nadia Baiesi, Monte Sole Peace School, Italy 3. Sarah Clarke, The Workhouse, England 4. Rubèn Doll Petit, Direccio General de la Memoria Democrática, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain 5. Jean-Louis Dalaet, Le Bois Du Cazier, Belgium 6. Uta George, Die Gedenkstätte Hadamar, Germany 7. Adrian Kerr, Museum of Free Derry 8. Lore Kleiber, Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz, Germany 9. Claudia Lenz, Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter (HL-senteret), Norway 10. Louise Purbrick, Healing Through Remembering, Northern Ireland 11. Jan Springl, Terezín Memorial, Czech Republic 12. Francesca Toso, Museo Diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione della Guerra, dei Diritti e della 13. Guido Vaglio, Museo Diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della Guerra, dei Diritti e della
Program Committee and Trustees
14. Ruth Abram, Lower East Side Tenement Museum, USA 15. Sarwar Ali, Liberation War Museum, Bangaldesh 16. Bonita Bennett, District Six Museum, South Africa 17. Eloi Coly, Maison des Esclaves, Senegal 18. John Esaki, Japanese American National Museum, USA 19. Marzia Gigli, Monte Sole Peace School, Italy 20. Sergei Kovalyov, Coalition Trustee, Russia 21. Tatiana Kursina, Gulag Museum at Perm-36, Russia 22. Elena Monicelli, Monte Sole Peace School, Italy 23. Leigh Rix, The Workhouse, England 24. Beverly Robertson, National Civil Rights Museum, USA 25. Margarita Romero, Villa Grimaldi Peace Park, Chile, 26. Yasmin Sooka, Coalition Trustee, South Africa 27. Patricia Valdez, Memoria Abierta, Argentina 28. Rick West, Coalition Trustee, USA 29. José Zalaquett, Coalition Trustee, Chile
Coalition Staff

30. Bix Gabriel, Director of Communications 31. Erika Gee, Program Director 32. Ereshnee Naidu, Program Director 33. Liz Sevcenko, Director 34. Vivien Watts, Senior Director for Organizational Development WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 European Sites of Conscience arrive and conduct tour of Monte Sole
9:30-10:45 Introductions
• Welcome • Overview of Meeting • Participant Introductions • Introduction to the Coalition, with questions and answers
Presentation by Monte Sole Staff: Programs and Methodology of Monte Sole as a Site of

12:30-1:30 Lunch

Presentations by current accredited European Sites of Conscience on their involvement in
the Coalition and work fostering dialogue on contemporary issues
• The Workhouse, England
• Terezín Memorial, Czech Republic

Plenary discussion led by accredited European Sites of Conscience (Monte Sole, The
Workhouse, Terezín Memorial)
• What are some potential opportunities and challenges for Sites of Conscience in Europe?
2:30-2:45 Break

Presentations by new European participants
Three 5-10 minute presentations on the following questions: • Brief overview of site’s history. • Identify one current challenge in your community that you would like to address at your • Identify one open-ended question you would like to raise with your visitors that would • Describe one program you would like to offer now or would like to offer to facilitate Presenters: • Jean-Louis Dalaet, Le Bois Du Cazier, Belgium • Lore Kleiber, Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz, Germany • Uta George, Die Gedenkstätte Hadamar, Germany
3:45-4:30 Plenary
• What are some of the issues and challenges in Europe today of common concern to our • How could our sites address these issues? Assemble in hotel lobby to travel to Monte Sole


Presentations by new European participants, cont’d
• Iratxe Momoito Astorikia, Gernika Peace Museum, Spain
• Rubèn Doll Petit, Direccio General de la Memoria Democrática, Generalitat de Catalunya,
• Claudia Lenz, Senter for studier av Holocaust og livssynsminoriteter (HL-senteret), 11:00-11:15 Break

Presentations by new European participants, cont’d
• Adrian Kerr, Museum of Free Derry, Northern Ireland
• Louise Purbrick, Healing Through Remembering, Northern Ireland
• Guido Vaglio, Museo Diffuso della Resistenza, della Deportazione, della Guerra, dei Diritti

12:30-1:30 Lunch

Plenary Discussion
• What are some of the issues and challenges in Europe today of common concern to our
• How could our sites address these issues?
2:30-4:00 Next

• How does the group see itself working together in the future? • What joint activities can they envision working on? • What site might provide leadership for the network?
Public Event to announce next steps

Source: http://srvapl.istruzione.it/shoah/eventi/eventi08/ic_publicagenda.pdf

Microsoft word - creative arts camp application 2004.doc

General Information • Fee: $135.00 per camper (including $10.00 for canteen) Please include fees with application. Campers will not be allowed to stay at camp if fee has not been received. A $20.00 late charge will apply for applications received two weeks or less before camp. Fees are non-refundable except with a doctor's note. • Location: Camp Mountainview is • T

Form of final terms

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