Arp/atp supplemental grants for high school science teachers - summer 2000

Supplemental Grants
High School Science
Summer 2000
Supplemental Grants for High School Science
Projects at .
start on page .
and Mathematics Teachers – Summer 2000
Baylor College of Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Advanced Research and Advanced Technology Programswere created by the Texas Legislature in 1987 as competitive Southern Methodist University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 grants programs for faculty members at Texas institutions ofhigher education. More than 400 research projects are funded Southwest Texas State University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 each biennium in a number of different disciplines and researchareas.
Texas A&M University at Galveston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 In January 1999, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Texas A&M University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Board extended the programs to provide small supplementary Texas Agricultural Experiment Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 grants to existing grantees who employ high school science andmathematics teachers to work on these projects during the Texas Christian University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 summer. The grants are used by research faculty membersprimarily to pay for the teachers’ salaries for the four to nine Texas Engineering Experiment Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 weeks they will work in the university laboratories and to covercosts for laboratory supplies and travel.
Texas Southern University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 It is hoped that this program will build linkages between high Texas Tech University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 school teachers and university research faculty, give theteachers experiences that they will carry back to their Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 classrooms, and result in increased interest in science andengineering among high school students.
Texas Woman’s University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fifty teachers participated in research projects in summer 1999. University of Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 At the end of the summer, almost all of the participating facultyresearchers and high school teachers judged the program to be The University of Texas at Arlington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The University of Texas at Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 This document lists the teachers and faculty members The University of Texas at Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 participating in the program during summer 2000, and brieflydescribes the work that each teacher will do.
The University of Texas at El Paso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 In summer 2000, 45 teachers are working on projects at 21 The University of Texas-Pan American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 different universities. Teachers are engaged in a wide varietyof different activities . from computer modeling to sample The University of Texas at San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 preparation to doing measurements on various scientificinstruments.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio . . . 18 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas . . . 18 ADVANCED RESEARCH/TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Chad Sopata
Polyethyleneimine gene therapy: A novel therapy for pulmonary metastases
Biology teacherYES College Preparatory School Mr. Chad Sopata will be conducting research to complement the anticancer gene therapy studies that we proposed in our ATP grant. Since the grant funding initiated this year, we have already obtained verypromising findings regarding the effectiveness of an aerosol tumor suppressor gene therapy against Prof. Charles L. Densmore
osteosarcoma in a mouse model. We have also identified a new human osteosarcoma tumor cell line that may have some advantages over the original line we are already using.
Physiology and BiophysicsBaylor College of Medicine We need someone to help characterize the new cell line in mice. Mr. Sopata will be involved in animalstudies and will also help in tissue culture and formulation efforts. His efforts will be very valuable to ourstudy and will provide him with an excellent, well-rounded research experience that he can take back to thehigh school classroom.
Lisa K. Brewer
Cell-based delivery of neurotrophic factors for therapy of central nervous system injury
Biology teacherHigh School for the Performing We are testing the usefulness of adrenocortical cells as a vehicle for delivery of gene products in an ex vivo gene therapy protocol. During the course of this work, we have encountered several factors that limit the present utility of this system for sustained gene product delivery after transplantation of adrenocorticalcells in vivo. The proposed work for this high school teacher project addresses two of these problems: one Prof. Peter J. Hornsby
is the changes in gene expression that occur after cells are transferred from the cell culture environment to the in vivo environment, which alters the properties of the cells; and the second concerns the changing activity of the promoters used to drive gene expression following cell transplantation.
We have developed methods for surveying changes in gene expression using hybridization of mRNAderived from cells and tissues to arrays of genes spotted on nylon membranes. The project involves thefurther development of this technology, in order to increase the number of genes that are examined, and toincrease the sensitivity of the assay by decreasing the amount of starting RNA required. In this phase ofthe research the gene expression survey will be performed using glass slide microarrays in conjunction withthe Baylor College of Medicine Microarray Facility. Methods to be studied include techniques forfluorescent labeling of probes and a comparison of sensitivity and specificity of array hybridization usingdirect first-strand cDNA synthesis of RNA versus a protocol in which an intermediate polymerase chainreaction step is used to increase the amount of probe available for hybridization. In this project Ms. Brewerwill be exposed to and have hands-on experience in a variety of cutting-edge techniques in molecularbiology and genetic analysis.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Robert B. Croman, Ph.D.
Development of hybrid rapid prototyping process based on 3D welding and CNC milling
Rapid prototyping has become a very effective tool for use in all levels of design and engineering, improving quality while reducing product cycle time. Dr. Croman will work with the research team that consists of 12PhD candidates and two post-docs. He will be exposed to design of a prototype of a hybrid rapid Prof. Radovan Kovacevic
prototyping machine and to development and implementation of a sensing and control system for mass and heat transfer in the gas metal arc welding process. He will be involved in gathering signals from the welding process, such as: sound, temperature, current, voltage, acoustic emission, image, etc. Teresa A. Taylor
Rapid repair of chronically severed spinal and sciatic axons in mammals
Biology teacher/Chair of science department This project is a collaborative effort with Dr. George Bittner of UT-Austin. The overall goals are to rapidly reconnect in vivo the cut ends of rat spinal and/or sciatic axons and then to increase the tensile strength of the fusion site using a hydrogel so that reconnected axons are not mechanically pulled apart once theanimal emerges from the anesthetic. Our part of this collaboration is to use microscopy to demonstrate Prof. Joseph R. Koke
morphological patency of the reconnection and to determine the effects on the axonal and myelin cytoskeletons. The teacher, Ms. Taylor, because of her MS degree in cell biology and experience with microscopy, is qualified to participate in this work and will productively contribute to it.
Her specific project will be to remove intact, injured, and injured-repaired sciatic axons from rats, and thenspecifically stain the separate cytoskeletal components (microfilaments, microtubules, intermediatefilaments) using selective fluorescent probes. This project will answer the question “how is the axonalcytoskeleton affected by the injury-repair events?” Ms. Taylor will work with a graduate student who isexamining the patency of reconnected axons using fluorescent membrane and cytoplasmic marker dyes. The addition of Ms. Taylor to this project will allow us to proceed more rapidly during the summer monthsand help fulfill the goals of this ATP-funded project.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Laura Wolfe
Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Texas Oysters: Biology and public health
Ms. Wolfe will gain first-hand training and experience as an active participant in the field and laboratory studies of the Seafood Safety Laboratory. Our research revolves around ATP and Texas Department ofHealth-sponsored research grants. These research activities will focus on the ecology and levels of two Prof. John R. Schwarz
pathogenic Vibrio species in Texas oysters and procedures to lower their populations in oyster shellstock.
Department of Marine BiologyTexas A&M University at The two pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, occur naturally at high levels in Texas waters during the warmer months and are not the result of pollution. Ms. Wolfe will gatherGalveston Bay oysters alongside lab personnel and learn proper methods for collection, sample transport,and storage. She will directly assist in both the design and implementation of experimental protocols forfollowing pathogenic Vibrio levels in the sampled oysters. Ms. Wolfe will also increase her hands-onknowledge of laboratory protocols and techniques for detecting and enumerating both pathogens throughthe use of newly-synthesized DNA probes. These sampling, detection, and identification techniques can beimplemented at the high school level on an individual student and/or class basis. A written reportsummarizing her activities will be required.
Laurieanne D. Lancaster
Enhancement of red drum growth through environmental manipulation of anabolic hormone cycles
Physical Science/Biology teacherSpring High School Work currently underway on our ATP project has demonstrated that hormones produced by the thyroid gland, thought to play a central role in the regulation of growth, exhibit robust daily cycles in the blood of thered drum, a Texas fish with important aquaculture potential. These cycles continue under constant lighting, Prof. Duncan S. Mackenzie
indicating that they may be driven by a biological clock, but are also modified by the amount or timing of feeding. These hormone cycles, and their associated growth-promoting actions, may therefore be controlled both by a central mechanism originating in the brain and by a peripheral mechanism activated bythe intake of food.
Supplemental support is requested to enable the teacher to undertake a series of experiments designed todistinguish the relative importance of these two mechanisms to maintenance of the cycles. Fish maintainedunder differing light cycles and fed differing amounts of food will be treated with hormones to determinehow light and feeding alter the sensitivity of the thyroid system to stimulation. Blood and tissue samplesfrom fish will be collected twice a day. Ms. Lancaster will work in collaboration with the principal investigatorto design and conduct animal experiments, with an endocrinology graduate student to analyze bloodsamples for hormone levels using radioimmunoassay, and with a molecular biology postdoctoral associate(all supported by ATP funds) to analyze expression of thyroid hormone responsive gene products byNorthern blot analysis.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Tim O’Brien
The first practical cable using high-temperature superconductor
The research group is developing superconducting tapes and wires of the ceramic material Bi-2212. A key objective currently is to deposit the superconducting material on nickel tape, yielding a more durable andless expensive conductor than the conventional silver substrates.
Prof. Peter McIntyre
Department of Physics
Mr. O’Brien will carry out the complete series of steps involved in this process: nitrate dissolution of precursor powders, precision titration of the desired stoichiometry, evaporation and calcining, sintering,grinding, preparation of sol-gel coating, application to nickel tapes, heat treatment to form the supercon-ducting phase, and finally cryogenic testing of the superconductor samples. He will endeavor to fabricate asolenoidal coil using the superconducting tape, and package it so that he can take it back with him to hisschool for use in demonstration experiments. As a collateral effort in the project, we will endeavor to makea coil of high-temperature superconducting tape that can operate at liquid nitrogen temperature, suitable forhigh school lab demonstration.
Mr. O’Brien’s background in materials science makes him a particularly well-prepared candidate tocontribute to this research and to benefit from it.
Judd Moody
Enhancing efficiency of ruminant protein utilization and recycling to minimize environmental impact
Computer Science/Business Computing teacher Our project requires four graduate students and four to six undergraduate students. Each student will be assigned responsibility for summarizing, interpreting, and publishing discrete segments of the research results. Four such segments are envisioned: 1) ruminal amino acid metabolism, 2) microbial colonization offeed particles, 3) yield of rumen efflux protein as escaped dietary and rumen microbial protein, and 4) Prof. William C. Ellis
kinetics of feed fiber and protein digestion. The evaluation of these segments will be primarily reductive in that the objective will be defining underlying mechanisms.
Additionally, the principal investigator and the project collaborators will be responsible for an inductiveevaluation of the total data and the development of a mechanistic system for feedstuff evaluation forminimizing environmental impact of ruminants. This latter approach will involve extensive modeling andrequires the expertise of a computer programmer such as Mr. Moody. In addition to his role as a computerprogrammer, Mr. Moody will assist as needed in the collective research effort so he will become familiarwith all aspects of the research process, including planning. During the proposed nine weeks, Mr. Moodywill participate fully and gain the full range of experience of a graduate student in all respects except that ofentering into a formal degree program.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Wayne John Tollett, Jr.
Termitinator-design of a structure-based inhibitor
Chemistry/Physics teacherA&M Consolidated High School Biological macromolecules are exceedingly complex, both in structure and function. As our study of termine digestive cellulases proceeds, we will correlate the results with the structures of a variety of relatedhydrolytic enzymes and other macromolecules and develop curricular material from these studies for use in Prof. Edgar Meyer
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Mr. Tollett is an ideal collaborator because of his biochemical background as well as his daily teaching responsibilities at A&M Consolidated High School. Hands-on (tactile) models will be constructed as part of the curricular development process. We anticipate that this project will contribute to the learning-teachingprocess at middle school and high school levels.
Judy Taylor
Native or naturalized legumes and nutritional supplements for pasture and range-based goat
Chemistry teacherStephenville High School Ms. Taylor will have the opportunity to conduct field collections of native, warm-season legumes. This will consist of keying plants, collecting seed, and harvesting forage samples. Forage samples will be analyzedat the forage lab for acid detergent and neutral detergent fibers, lignin, nitrogen, and phosphorus in order to Prof. James P. Muir
form an idea of quality potential. Plants will then be grown out in greenhouse pots in order to increase seed. Ms. Taylor will also participate in plot maintenance and data collection from already extant studies of native and introduced legumes for indigenous and introduced browsers in the Cross Timbers region.
H. Scot Monaghan
An optical fiber Bragg grating based borehole seismic detection system
Physics/Chemistry teacherFort Worth Country Day School Mr. Monaghan will continue his excellent work of last summer by investigating a promising optical fiber seismic motion sensor design that employs a seismic mass as a hydraulic plunger. He will construct, test,and model a prototype sensor.
Prof. R. Stephen Weis
Department of Engineering
The sensor consists of a thin-walled cylindrical mandrel filled with a fluid. Pressure changes within the fluid generated by the mass movement causes the compliant mandrel to expand and contract. Since the fiber isbonded to the mandrel, the fractional change of the mandrel’s circumference is equal to the strain within thefiber. The fiber strain will be determined interferometrically.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Mike Yandell
Diamond silicon carbide composites for drill bits
Physics/Math teacherSam Houston High School Mr. Yandell will manufacture diamond-silicon carbide composites and study how different experimental conditions affect the properties of the final product. He will apply X-ray diffraction/electron microscopy tostudy the distribution of materials in the composites. He will prepare samples to obtain electron microscopic Prof. T. Waldek Zerda
images (microtome cuts, thin film gold deposition). He will participate in our group seminars and will prepare his own presentations. He will work as a researcher, not as a technician. It is expected that he will learn the X-ray diffraction technique, crystallography, design of high pressure apparatus, temperature control, use of LabView for data acquisition, and experiment control. This knowledge could be very usefulin class. He will be able to teach high school students how to design and automate experiments.
Barbara Pratt
Microstructural evolution of polymeric systems under equal channel angular extrusion process
Ms. Pratt will be performing mechanical testing (tensile and toughness) and microscopy on polycarbonate and polyethylene teraphthalate equal-channel angular-extrusion (ECAE) specimens. She will be workingtoward the overall project goals of measuring the tensile modulus, tensile strength, and elongation to break Prof. Hung-Jue Sue
of the ECAE extruded plaques, both at the extrusion and perpendicular directions, using the ASTM-D638 (Type-I specimen) method. The fracture toughness of the model polymeric systems will be measured using the single-edge-notch, three-point-bend method. The corresponding fracture mechanisms will be investigated using the double-notch, four-point-bend testing method, followed by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy.
The physical and mechanical properties of polymeric systems are strongly influenced by their morphology(molecular orientation and micro-domain size and shape). The morphology in polymers is largely governedby how the polymer is processed. The principal investigator, Dr. Sue, is researching the possiblity of usingthe ECAE process to provide polymeric systems with desired properties for performance-drivenapplications.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Agapito Calderon
A generic thermal signature library of circuit card inspection
Algebra/Geometry teacherLa Joya Ninth Grade Campus Mr. Calderon will assist Dr. Sheng-Jen Hsieh in development of a prototype thermal signature library for use in printed circuit board (PCB) inspection. Recent research conducted by Dr. Hsieh for the Air Forcesuggests that a thermal signature is an effective tool for circuit card fault diagnosis. Maintaining a library of Prof. Sheng-Jen Hsieh
thermal signatures of card components can be a feasible solution in cases where an entire new/good card is not available. Foreseeable benefits of this research include: 1) productivity improvement in circuit card maintenance, 2) cost savings due to reductions in false-positive and false-negative trials, 3) reliability enhancement due to improved preventative measures; and 4) improved circuit card quality and increased United States industrial competitiveness.
Mr. Calderon will assist in: 1) reviewing the literature on approaches to detecting insufficient solder defects,2) developing a classification scheme for printed circuit boards; and 3) conducting a comparative analysisof various computational approaches to thermal signature pattern recognition of defects – such as neuronalnetworks, genetic algorithms, and statistical pattern recognition theory.
Beverly M. Brown
A magnetic bumper/tether system using high temperature superconducting trapped field magnets
Geometry/Algebra/Math teacherRoss Sterling High School We propose to complete studies of a magnetic bumper/tether system for soft docking of space craft. The system uses superconducting trapped field magnets (TFMs) on one craft and electromagnets on the other. An array of TFMs has been built as part of an in-lab prototype, but due to cost considerations the array is Prof. Victor Obot
rather small. For this reason, we have had to resort to numerical simulations in order to test our theories.
Department of MathematicsTexas Southern University Ms. Brown will assist in developing an improved mathematical model of the TFM array. It is expected thatshe will also assist in the computer implementation and simulations of the model. It is expected that this willhelp her be able to illustrate the application of mathematics to practical and exciting situations. Since this isa continuing research effort of our group, it is expected that Ms. Brown will be able to participate in thiseffort on a continual basis.
Deni Sobek
Environmental chemistry of aged contaminants in soil
The proposed research involves model organic compounds in studies designed to compare and understand availability of aged residues in soil. As a biology/environmental science teacher, Ms. Sobek will contribute to our studies on assessing the magnitude of available contaminant residues in soil and developing a betterunderstanding of the chemical mechanisms involved in the aging process. Ms. Sobek will work closely with Prof. Todd A. Anderson
the post-doctoral research associate (Dr. Yu-Jie Guo) in expanding our research in this area. Specifically, she will be working with some additional soil types with the goal of providing further evidence of the chemical aging process. If we can understand the mechanisms involved in several soil types, we could better assess exposure to organisms at contaminated sites as well as evaluate contaminated site cleanup. Upon returning to the classroom, Ms. Sobek will have more experience in the applied aspects of chemistryand biology, making her more effective in relating concepts in environmental science to students.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Sonja Crowell
Room temperature ionic liquids – novel media for chemical separations
The use of room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) as solvents for a broad range of chemical processes is potentially one of the most significant chemical developments of the current decade. They have broad liquid ranges (up to 300 degrees Celcius), high thermal stability, and high ionic conductivity. RTILs areenvironmentally friendly alternatives to organic solvents.
Prof. Richard A. Bartsch
Department of Chemistry and
For five weeks this summer, Ms. Crowell will participate in a research project with Professor Richard A.
Bartsch and two doctoral students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The researchers will explore applications of organic salts that are liquids under ambient conditions (RTILs).
Ms. Crowell’s role will be to prepare sufficient amounts of these novel solvents for evaluation in metal ionseparation processes.
Theodore W. Warzynski
Modeling of a thermal to electrical conversion static cell and cascading with a similar cell
The alkali metal thermo electric converter is a device that directly converts heat into electricity. However, as time goes by, its power output capability degrades. This degradation has been attributed to a number ofparameters. This summer, Mr. Warzynski, who will be working with our group, will investigate the effect of Prof. M.A.K. Lodhi
the electrodes, used in the AMTEC, on the power output. He will evaluate the effect of the power output due to the change in 1) the physical dimensions of the electrodes, 2) the materials of the electrodes, and 3) the microscopic behavior of the material. He will specifically evaluate the change of the porosity of the materialunder different conditions of temperature and pressure in the sodium vapor environment.
The effect due to the change in porosity on the resistance of the material of the electrode will besystematically studied and analyzed and related to the power output. The change in porosity of electrodematerial due to the long time use will correlate with the time-dependent degradation of AMTEC power output. A FORTRAN program for AMTEC has been in use for studying these effects and others. Mr. Warzynskiwill modify this program for the aforementioned research steps and prepare a subroutine to add to the mainprogram. This subroutine will reflect the power output of AMTEC as a function of time-dependent porosityof electrode material. I expect that Mr. Warzynski can complete this piece of research in nine weeks thissummer.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Jennifer Cook
Characterizing turbulence during extreme wind
Geometry/Algebra teacherCoronado High School Windstorms – including extreme straight winds, tornadoes and hurricanes – are responsible for significant loss of life and property every year. Characterizing these high winds is necessary for devising strategiesfor mitigation, but the periods of highest wind are often of short duration.
Prof. Richard E. Peterson
Department of Geosciences
The Wind Engineering Research Center at Texas Tech University supports several field activities for gathering data adequate for characterizing strong winds. Ms. Cook will assist in the acquisition of field dataand in its preparation for statistical analysis. This should provide unique experience with instruments,meteorology and mathematical techniques.
Danny McNabb, Ph.D.
A mathematical analysis of tornado dynamics
During the first one and one-half years of our research we made several important advances including the discovery of new mathematical solutions to several important tornado models. In one case the new solution has provided a rigorous mathematical justification for a phenomenon which until now had only beenobserved in numerical experiments or in actual tornadoes.
Prof. Victor I. Shubov
Department of Mathematics and
Our candidate, Dr. McNabb was recently awarded the Lubbock-area Mathematics Teacher of the Year Award at our annual awards banquet. Besides his outstanding teaching credentials, Dr. McNabb has a strong background in computational mathematics using computer algebra systems. Furthermore, Dr.
McNabb is an enthusiastic learner and we anticipate that it will be possible to expand his background indifferential equations so that he can make a serious contribution to our research effort in the numerical andanalytical analysis of a specific system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. For example, theDonaldson-Sullivan tornado model arises from introducing a certain ansatz for the form of a solution to thissystem of equations.
Out objective during this summer will be to remove this ansatz and examine new classes of solutions of thissystem on nonlinear equations. We envision that several new and interesting examples of tornadodynamics will be obtained as a result of this research. Further, we expect that Dr. McNabb’s outstandingteaching skills will allow him to transform this experience into an interesting and beneficial learningexperience for his students.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Shelly Rambur
Surface roughness quantification of pharmaceutical dosage forms
Ms. Rambur will investigate the differences between immediate and sustained/controlled release dosage forms, prepare some sustained release dosage forms, provide coating with aqueous-based dispersions, and utilize a new instrument to measure surface roughness measurements. Prof. Mansoor A. Khan
At the end of training, Ms. Rambur will prepare a report of her project. Depending upon the results of the experiments, Ms. Rambur will present the work at appropriate meetings.
SciencesTexas Tech University Health Sciences Center Cathy Box
Signal transduction mechanisms involved in hypoxia-induced neuoronal apoptosis
Biology/Integrated Physics and Chemistry teacher Environmental pesticides, including organochlorines and carbamates, act as potential risk factors for neurodegeneration of dopamine (DA)-containing neurons in Parkinson’s disease. Damage to DA- containing neurons can occur by either eliciting direct toxicity or by increasing the vulnerability of theseneurons to selective detrimental effects of naturally occurring isoquinolines (IsoQ), specifically 1,2,3,4 Prof. Jean Strahlendorf
tetrahydroisoquinoline (TIQ) and salsolinol (SAL). We hypothesize that the toxicity of TIQ and SAL and two classes of pesticides, heptachlor (HC) as an organochlorine and diethyldithiocarbamate as a dithiocarbamate, alone and in combination is a manifestation of mitrochondrial dysfunction, involving mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) and mitochondrial membrane potential depolarization.
The proposed studies are designed: 1) to determine the toxicity of IsoQ and pesticides, alone and incombination, to DA-containing neurons; specifically, experiments will assess the concentration-dependenttoxicity of two IsoQ compounds, TIQ and SAL and two classes of pesticides, HC and DDC; and 2) toassess the role of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with IsoQ and pesticide regimens that inducedneurotoxicity of DA-containing neurons. These studies will assess whether IsoQs and pesticides disruptmitochondrial physiology by opening the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and inducingdepolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Future studies will determine whether mitochondrialalterations initiate biochemical cascades that further compromise the viability of DA-containing cells. Experimentation will utilize in vitro viability assays, fluorescent plate reader assays, and pharmacologicalinterventions in cultured DA-containing PC12 cells.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Thomas Lawson
Fluorescent probes to monitor millimolar calcium contents in intracellular stores
This project will attempt to validate the usefulness of calcium ion fluoroprobes with sensitivity in the millimolar range. This will be done in vitro (dyes in solution) and in situ (discrete intracellular compartments such asendosomes/lysosomes of cells). We have chosen these compartments because they exhibit high Prof. Raul Martinez-Zaguilan
micromolar to millimolar levels of calcium. In vitro characterization of the probes will be performed by fluorescence spectroscopy. In situ characterization of the probes will be performed by spectral imaging microscopy. This latter technique allows us to monitor calcium movements in single cells as well as endosomes/lysosomes. Cells will be loaded with calcium probes in the cytosol as well as inendosomes/lysosomes using protocols well established in our laboratory. We will also use spectral imagingmicroscopy to monitor calcium in discrete intracellular compartments under conditions which elicit calciumion changes in the millimolar range using pharmacological and/or hormonal agents.
The use of fluorescence spectroscopy and spectral imaging microscopy will expose Mr. Lawson to twostate-of-the-art techniques used to monitor ions with high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. Because of his background in chemistry, Mr. Lawson is well suited to advance his knowledge using thesespectroscopic approaches. Mr. Lawson will further benefit because he will learn about working with livingcells.
Robyn Thomas
Oxidation of host site amino acids in transmembrane alpha helical peptides
A goal of this research is to better understand events involving oxidation of transmembrane proteins. Ms.
Thomas is expected to finish two discreet but educationally relevant steps. She will chemically synthesize atransmembrane peptide; an event common in the burgeoning field of biotechnology. Ms. Thomas will then Prof. Michael L. Merchant
determine the relative rate of oxidation of that peptide by the physiologically significant oxidants, hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite (close kin to modern day nitrogen oxide-based air pollutants).
The first step of the research, synthesis of a peptide, will provide an enhanced understanding ofbiotechnological methodology and research as it exists today. Additionally, step two will allow Ms. Thomasto relate on a practical level random oxidation and alteration of protein structure, events related to a numberof human disease states. She will be better able to relate pollutants to discreet molecular events whichcould result in life-altering outcomes and provide high school students with a deeper understanding of thefar-reaching effects of air pollution.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
W. Peyton Schuller
An in-situ ion scattering-based tool for cleaning process development of advanced VLSI silicon
The project goal is to develop a non-invasive implantable optoelectronic sensor for measurements ofglucose concentration in the blood of diabetics by fluorescence.
Prof. Abdelhak Bensaoula
Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center
This sensor takes advantage of materials being developed as part of the ATP grant. Mr. Peyton spent last summer in our group and as a result is already familiar with the project’s objectives. This summer, he willcontinue work on the device fabrication aspects and testing with simulated biofluids.
Peter Felix
Physics of kinetic confinement in semiconductor quantum wells
Our project will focus on the low temperature growth of sapphire via direct deposition of aluminum and subsequent oxidation via electrochemical processes.
Prof. Terry Golding
This project is directly synergistic with our existing programs, and it also permits discussion of the physics and chemistry within the scope of Mr. Felix’s classroom.
Clyde Alan Price
Integrated multi-functional fluorescence sensors for real time environmental effluents
We intend to investigate the fundamental properties of III-V nitride-base optoelectronic structures in order to study their feasibility for the development of single-chip, integrated, hardened, multifunctional sensorscapable of efficiently detecting and characterizing oil spills in water, and measuring in situ the oil density, Prof. David Starikov
viscosity, and temperature. We will also investigate the possibility to employ such sensors for characterization of natural compounds and construction materials.
Mr. Price has experience in both chemistry and geology and he will work on sensor fabrication, testing, andapplication aspects.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Richard T. Newcomb, Ph.D.
Mathematical analysis of fluid fingering problems in porous media
Dr. Newcomb will contribute substantially to our research project on fluid fingering problems. His expertise is in the area of partial differential equations. He has published several papers on the topics of viscosity solutions. Dr. Newcomb will undertake the following activities: 1) define the viscosity solutions for the Hele-Shaw Equation in the general domain; 2) prove the existence and uniqueness of the interface of Hele-Shaw Prof. Jianzhong Su
flow in channel geometry; 3) investigate the long term behavior of the above interfaces; and 4) examine the issue of regularity of Hele-Shaw solutions. Dr. Newcomb will participate in departmental seminars and meet with the principal investigator regularly to discuss progress of the research projects. Also, Dr. Newcomb will be provided an office and access to computational facilities in the department to assist his researchactivities.
In all, Dr. Newcomb will bring his expertise and contributions to the project. Meanwhile, his experience inthis summer project will also help him to update the current status of the research frontier in appliedmathematics. This in turn will benefit the high school students Dr. Newcomb teaches during the regularacademic year.
Denise DeMartino
Novel caged crown ligands for waste remediation: toxic heavy metals in the Rio Grande River
The goal of the funded project entails the design, development, and characterization of novel caged crown remediation agents for the extraction of heavy metals from contaminated water. Characterization of metalbinding selectivities will be undertaken by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry in order to provide Prof. Jennifer Brodbelt
rapid feedback for optimization of ligand structures to enhance metal selectivities and avidities.
Ms. Denise DeMartino will be involved in screening one of the new classes of synthetic ligands for heavy metal binding selectivities using the electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric method. The new cagedligands will be prepared in an organic phase and mixed with an aqueous phase containing a mixture of oneto five heavy metals (i.e. lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc, and copper). The heavy metal binding affinities willbe compared to the avidities for alkali metal ions, a major interference in contaminated water sources. Thedetection limits of the mass spectrometric method, based on total consumption of the synthetic ligands, willbe examined to establish the minimum quantities of ligands that must be produced, thus allowing moreefficient optimization of the remediation agents.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
William J. Slingerland
Roles of nitrogen-to-phosphorus supply ratio and grazer pressure in maintenance of the Texas
brown tide
and Geography teacherPort Aransas High School The purpose of our research project is to study the roles of nutrient supply ratios and zooplankton grazing on the maintenance and persistence of the Texas brown tide algal bloom. Mr. Slingerland will participate inboth field and laboratory studies of the brown tide and potential zooplankton grazers. In the laboratory, Mr.
Prof. Edward J. Buskey
Slingerland will learn phytoplankton and zooplankton culture methods. Brown tide cultures will be grown and studies of the grazing rates of zooplankton carried out. This will involve exposure to modern cell counting techniques using a Coulter electronic particle counter and simple molecular methods for assessing thegrowth rates of zooplankton (RNA:DNA ratios).
In field studies, Mr. Slingerland will collect phytoplankton and zooplankton samples from Laguna Madre andlearn to positively identify these cells using an immunofluorescence assay. Measurements of chlorophylland zooplankton biomass will also be made to help characterize environmental conditions. This opportunitywill provide Mr. Slingerland with an excellent experience with both laboratory and field studies in marinescience.
Charlotte May, Ph.D.
Speedy delivery – a new approach for VLSI and broadband packaging interconnect design
The goal of this project is to develop new computer interconnect circuit delay evaluation and optimization tools resulting from recent advances in the analysis of propagation behavior in lossy transmission lines. The project entails extensive computer circuit simulation studies of these interconnects.
Prof. Robert Flake
Department of Electrical and
Dr. May will assist in analyzing these simulation results using graphical spreadsheet methods. She brings an expert knowledge of graphical analysis of laboratory data acquired in a prior Department of Energy teacher research appointment at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory. This expertise willfacilitate research progress this summer.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Mohammad Isa Momand
Using molecular probes to study protein ligand interactions
The protein tyrosine kinases are a family of enzymes that mediate cellular signal transduction pathways involving numerous cytokines, growth factors, and hormones. These enzymes are comprised of a catalytic, kinase domain, the Src homology-1 (SH1) domain, and two highly-conserved domains, SH2 and SH3, thatare involved in activation and regulation. Inasmuch as a key step in signal transduction involves binding of Prof. Stephen F. Martin
the SH2 domain with a protein containing a phosphorylated tyrosine, ligands that block or modulate this interaction will alter signaling and impact cellular response.
BiochemistryThe University of Texas at Austin Studying the effects of structural changes upon the energetics of binding of peptide-related ligands to thesedomains will provide valuable information that may lead to the design of potential therapeutic agents for thetreatment of diseases arising from aberrant signaling including cancer, osteoporosis, and allergy. Mr.
Momand will help prepare and characterize a series of oligopeptides and pseudopeptides that will be usedto probe the interactions of SH2 domains with phosphotyrosine-containing peptides.
L. Denise Hogue
New molecular sieve materials
The ARP-funded research involves the synthesis of new nanoporous materials using metal complexes as templates. This work will be a continuation of the research initiated last summer by Ms. Hogue as part of the ARP High School Teacher program. Significant progress was made in the preparation andcharacterization of soluble organometallic complexes. Additionally, the synthesis of novel silica-based Prof. Kenneth J. Balkus, Jr.
molecular sieves templated by these metal complexes was initiated.
Department of ChemistryThe University of Texas at Dallas This summer we plan to continue the effort to prepare new metal oxide phases using metal complexes astemplates. Additionally, hands-on utilization of major research instrumentation such as x-ray diffraction,electron microscopy and a suite of different spectrometers is anticipated. Although Ms. Hogue was startingto work independently towards the end of last summer’s program, there will still be significant collaborationwith myself as well as undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows. Participation ingroup activities including a final oral presentation and written report will also be expected.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Kathy Bodner
Play intervention for children with autistic symptoms
Biology/Aquatic Science/Physical Science/Psychology teacher Ms. Bodner will participate in all the research activities (to distinguish from the activities of administering the intervention). She will be trained in research methods, coding using sophisticated computer-controlled video software, reliability and validity of the coding, pretests and posttests, statistical analysis of results, andusing statistical software to display results.
Prof. Nira Granott
School of Human Development
Ms. Bodner will participate in the research-team meetings that take place twice a week. In these meetings, she will experience the training that the research assistants receive on an on-going basis. She will read theweekly assigned readings and participate in the theoretical and methodological discussions during the teammeetings. While being trained, Ms. Bodner will be paired with research assistants and join them in theiractivities in order to get hands-on practice in the research activities through guided participation. Duringthe latter part of the training, she will participate in the aforementioned research activities as an equalpartner on the research team.
John Fields
Colorimetric and fluorescent diagnostics for industrial mixing processes
Mr. Fields will join an active research group in which acid-base, redox, and coordinating chemistries are evaluated to assess their utility in providing reaction-based colorimetric and/or fluorescent diagnostics. In the initial one-two weeks of the grant period, he will receive training on the spectrophotometer andspectrofluorimeter, which are the primary instruments used to test potential mixing diagnostics. Once he Prof. Lynn A. Melton
has those skills, he will work as part of a team on one of the diagnostic systems which is currently It is likely that he will work on extensions of one of the three current projects: 1) development of proceduresfor use of an acid-base colorimetric diagnostic at higher viscosities, 2) use of complexation reagents forcontrol of the quenching of Rhodamine WT fluorescence by ferric ion, or 3) development of colorimetricsystems for evaluation of the effects of by-product formation. During the eight weeks, he will likely spend afew days at Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas in order to learn better how such diagnostics areactually used in an industrial research laboratory.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Larry B. Bujanda
Heteroepitaxial self-assembled quantum dots for silicon-based optoelectronics
Physics/Chemistry teacherMountain View High School Mr. Bujanda will participate in an ARP-funded research project to characterize the optical properties of heteroepitaxial self-assembled germanium quantum dots using photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. These dots are grown by students in the principal investigator’s group at UTEP. Mr. Bujanda will participate Prof. Jeff Drucker
in the upgrade of the laser facility, funded by the ARP grant for which this supplement is requested. His participation will also encompass measuring, analyzing, and interpreting PL spectra, and correlating the spectra with sample morphology as determined using atomic force microscopy. Analysis of the PL spectrawill include developing data reduction software.
In addition to the obvious benefits gained by direct participation in the research, Mr. Bujanda’s participationwill significantly enhance UTEP education and outreach activities. Mr. Bujanda’s high school physics classvisits the UTEP campus during the UTEP research EXPO held every spring. During this visit, the classoften tours the principal investigator’s lab and other campus research facilities. Direct participation in thisresearch will enhance Mr. Bujanda’s understanding of the science involved in this research project as wellas allow him to experience the joy of discovering new knowledge. This enthusiasm will undoubtedly “rub off”on his physics students and will stimulate student interest in pursuing educational opportunities in thescience and engineering disciplines.
Mary Beth Harper
A cooperative geophysical study of lithospheric structure in Central Europe
Physical Science/Chemistry/ Biology teacher Our ARP project provides an ideal opportunity to integrate Ms. Harper into our research. She has just taken a remote-sensing class in our department and can be very helpful to our effort. She can compile data for a Geographic Information System and prepare satellite images of several areas for us so that wecan compare geologic structures in West Texas to those that we will be studying in Europe. In addition, the Prof. G. Randy Keller
technology and scientific content that she will learn can be readily taken back to her classrooms and be SciencesThe University of Texas at El Paso These comparisons should be very interesting because the Appalachian orogen formed along the easternmargin of the North American craton (Laurentia) as the result of a complex series of Paleozoic tectonicevents including collisions with exotic terranes, Africa (Gondwana), and Europe (Baltica). Althoughexposures are much more scattered, the same basic sequence of events led to the formation of the Gulf ofMexico and the Ouachita orogen that crosses Texas from Texarkana to Big Bend National Park. Thus theBig Bend region and Europe share many aspects in their geologic evolution. One of the major tectonicquestions in Europe centers on the structure and evolution of the southwest margin of the East Europeancraton (Baltica) and the role that this margin played in the evolution of the Carpathian Mountains. In orderto investigate these features, our ARP effort is part of a new program of deep geological and geophysicalinvestigations that will be undertaken in Southeast Poland, the Slovak Republic and Hungary and includes acomparative tectonics component to look at features in Texas associated with the Ouachita orogenic belt. Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Miguel Torres
A fuzzy based human reliability system for web-based advanced cardiac life support (ACLS)
training and performance
Mr. Torres will be involved in the development and validation of human reliability models for performance ofadvanced cardiac life support protocols. He will participate in the mathematical and modeling aspects of the Prof. Jen Gwo Chen
project. Mr. Torres will be expected to do a library search on human reliability, and he will set up the model EngineeringThe University of Texas-Pan American Edward N. Wagner, Jr.
A search for heavy flavored baryons and their decays
Physics/Chemistry/Math teacherMcAllen Memorial High School Mr. Wagner will generate a large number of Monte-Carlo events to get a better understanding of the physics process under investigation and how the detector responds to that particular process. Once he has carriedout these Monte-Carlo simulations, he will search for new charmed baryons in the actual data. He will Prof. Akhtar H. Mahmood
display the histogram in terms of the number of events vs. the invariant mass of the particle and plot the distribution by fitting it with a Gaussian curve with a low order polynomial. At the end of the nine-week research period, Mr. Wagner will write a short paper, summarizing his research findings, and will present the results at our departmental physics seminar. We will post a PDF version of his paper at our High The physics high school teachers of South Texas currently lack the up-to-date research training whichcould enhance their knowledge and teaching skills. By taking part in this research project, Mr. Wagner willnot only improve his problem-solving skills, but will also learn to formulate and test hypotheses, takescientific data at the CESR facility at Cornell University, analyze data and interpret data using the state-of-the-art packages, PAW ++ and MNFIT, as well as develop coding in FORTRAN on UNIX platforms. Thisresearch experience will also allow him to build a deep conceptual understanding of the subject matter,which is certain to enhance his current knowledge of physics. This project will give him experience inanalyzing large amounts of complex data and train him to successfully analyze his own research results.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Andrew Schuetze
Novel mass spectrometric strategies for analysis of fire ant killers
This project aims to develop a rapid and reliable method to be used on-site for the determination of pesticides in soils based on thermal desorption using a direct insertion probe, which is able to heat the soil, and a mass spectrometer. Mr. Schuetze’s work will involve collaboration with undergraduate and graduatestudents to determine the method’s linear calibration range, quantitation limit, and method detection limit for Prof. Stephan B.H. Bach
a variety of pesticides. This will involve the preparation of standard samples in sand with known amounts of pesticides and preparation of standard samples in various soil matrices to determine target compound The reliability of the method will be further investigated using split samples which have been analyzed usingstandard EPA methods for these compounds. If this method proves successful, it will enable the analysis ofsoil samples on-site in less than an hour rather than the days to weeks it would take to send the samples toa laboratory. This would give the decision makers at the site the ability to quickly take steps to minimizecollateral damage from “hot spots.” This method would also eliminate the halogenated waste stream createdby current sample preparation methods.
Molly Wenglar Williams
Anion sponges
This collaborative grant involves the incorporation into polymers of molecules that selectively bind anions. The principal investigator’s portion of this work is the development of water-swellable polymers of high strength, and the testing of polymers containing the anion binders.
Ms. Williams will synthesize polyurethane polymers with the following variables: crosslink density, chain Prof. John V. McClusky
extender, polyol molecular weight and EO content, and hard segment content. She will measure both the swollen and dry strengths of these polymers using a tensile testing machine. Additionally, the rate and extent of water incorporation will be measured by weight gain. Polymer formulations containing the highest ratio of strength to swell-rate will be sent to our collaborators in Austin for incorporation of anion binders. The resultant test polymers containing various loadings of anion binders will also be tested in our lab forstrength and swell-rate.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
La Rhonda N. Nolan
Selective tissue accumulation of liposomes during altered vascular permeability
The summer research program for Ms. Nolan will include active participation in on-going animal studies designed to evaluate the accumulation of radiolabeled liposomes in skin following the subcutaneous injection of various substances which alter vascular permeability. Ultimately, this information will support thedevelopment of targeted delivery of drugs. Experience in animal handling and tissue processing for light Prof. Linda McManus
and electron microscopic assessment will be obtained under the direct supervision of the principal investigator. In parallel, blood sample processing for determination of circulating leukocytes and platelets will be performed. Routine spectrophotometric measurements (for quantitative determination of Evans blue dye) will also be learned. In addition, Ms. Nolan will participate in diverse aspects of data management,including data entry and verification, as well as the graphic display of results.
Daniel A. Northcut
A directed search for genetic variation
Environmental Science/Earth Science teacher Mr. Northcut will work on our project to identify variations in the DNA of humans that can result in finding disease genes and improve our basic understanding of biology. In addition, we are looking for variations that can be predicted by a program and then discovered in the laboratory. We also are investigating thesevariations in other species, such as mouse and dog.
Prof. Harold R. Garner
Center for Biomedical Inventions
Mr. Northcut will be working in my group to pursue a set of our findings to link any variation in the DNA sequence to measurable traits and disease states. This work will include laboratory work to measure the DNA sequence of several types (sources) of DNA and then correlate those findings with other observabledata such as disease (affected and non-affected) and traits.
Ward Coats, Ph.D.
Experimental control of pancreogenesis in utero
The goal of this project is to create a mouse model capable of experimentally controlling the formation of an organ during embryogenesis in utero. To this end, we have successfully created a mouse line containing amodified form of the PDX1 regulatory gene, which is required for the development of the pancreas. In the Prof. Raymond J. MacDonald
absence of the produce of this gene, the pancreas does not form. The activity of the modified gene can be controlled experimentally by a small molecule regulator, tetracycline. In embryonic mice with the modified gene, the production of PDX1 protein can be controlled by the application or withdrawal of tetracycline to Dr. Coats will participate in the analysis of the development of embryos in which the expression of PDX1 is1) delayed, to ask how late pancreas development can be rescued as a measure of the developmentalwindow that pancreatic precursor cells are responsive to induction, and 2) prematurely shut off, to identifylate developmental events that require PDX1. Using molecular biological techniques, Dr. Coats will measurethe embryonic expression of key pancreatic genes, including other developmental regulators that PDX1may control, as well as the end products of pancreatic development such as insulin, glucagon and amylase.
Teachers and Professors
Teacher activity as described by grantee
Robert Wyatt
Hyperspectral microscopic imaging
Biology/Environmental Systems/Biotechnology/ In collaboration with Dr. Skip Garner, Dr. Roger Schultz was funded under a previous State of Texas ATP grant to construct and demonstrate the utility of a hyperspectral imaging microscope. They successfully completed that project and this year won a TD&T award to develop and transfer a commercial application of this microscopic imaging technology for use in early cancer detection. Those studies include a plan todramatically enhance the sensitivity of their imaging system using “microchannel plate amplification” (MPA), Prof. Roger A. Schultz
a technology used in night vision goggles. A postdoc has been hired who is currently working with the MPA technology. The acquisition and analysis of different types of data with a MPA-enhanced hyperspectral imaging microscope will be extremely important. Moreover, quantified comparisons of the image collection capabilities of this new microscope to a traditional fluorescent scope and to the previous hyperspectralscope will be critical for their abilities to market both the early cancer detection application and themicroscope hardware.
It is proposed that a high school teacher, Mr. Robert Wyatt, spend the summer directly comparing thesensitivities of these systems to document and quantify the improvements achieved. Mr. Wyatt spent lastsummer learning to operate the hyperspectral system and collect and quantify images. Therefore, hebrings precious skills to this project. However, this summer would offer Mr. Wyatt new insights into theapplication of these imaging technologies, specifically as they relate to the early detection of rare cancercells in the blood and the detection of dormant cancer cells in survivors of a previous cancer diagnosis. These experiences would offer important new technologies and new concepts relating to cancer that Mr.
Wyatt could take back to the classroom.
Summary of 2000 Supplemental Grants Awards and Participants
Supplemental Grants to High School Science and Math Teachers – Summer 2000 Awards by Program and Year of Original Award
1997 Projects
1999 Projects
Projects selected in the 1997 and 1999 Advanced Research Program and Advanced Technology Program (ARP/ATP) grantscompetitions were eligible to receive Supplemental Grants to High School Teachers for summer 2000. The 1999 projects receivedmore awards (see table).
Five of the teachers participating in this summer research program have doctoral degrees, 17 have master’s degrees (including 10Master of Science degrees) and 21 have bachelor’s degrees (including 17 Bachelor of Science degrees). The doctoral degrees wereawarded in biochemistry, math, math education (two), and applied mechanics. The master’s and bachelor’s degrees were awarded invarious areas of science, math, education, and engineering. Supplemental Grants to High School Science and Math Teachers – Summer 2000 Gender of Participants by Program
Slightly more than one-half of the participating teachers are male, while most of the investigators are male.
Twelve of the teachers also participated in the 1999 supplemental grants program. Nine will be working with the professor whosupervised their research during the summer of 1999. Thirteen of the professors with 2000 supplemental teacher grants also received1999 supplemental teacher grants.
Name Index
Anderson, Prof. Todd A . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mackenzie, Prof. Duncan S. . . . . . . . . 3 Tollett, Jr., Wayne John. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Bach, Prof. Stephan B.H. . . . . . . . . 17 Mahmood, Prof. Akhtar H. . . . . . . . . 17 Torres, Miguel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Balkus, Jr., Prof. Kenneth J. . . . . . . 14 Martin, Prof. Stephen F. . . . . . . . . . . 13 Wagner, Jr., Edward N. . . . . . . . . . . 17 Bartsch, Prof. Richard A. . . . . . . . . . 8 Martinez-Zaguilan, Prof. Raul. . . . . . 10 Warzynski, Theodore W . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bensaoula, Prof. Abdelhak. . . . . . . 11 May, Dr. Charlotte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Weis, Prof. R. Stephen. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Bodner, Kathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 McClusky, Prof. John V . . . . . . . . . . 18 Williams, Molly Wenglar. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Box, Cathy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 McIntyre, Prof. Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wolfe, Laura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Brewer, Lisa K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 McManus, Prof. Linda. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wyatt, Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Brodbelt. Prof. Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . 12 McNabb, Dr. Danny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yandell, Mike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Brown, Beverly M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Melton, Prof. Lynn A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Zerda, Prof. T. Waldek. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bujanda, Larry B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Merchant, Prof. Michael L. . . . . . . . . 11 Buskey, Prof. Edward J. . . . . . . . . . 13 Meyer, Prof. Edgar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Calderon, Agapito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Momand, Mohammad Isa. . . . . . . . . . 13 Chen, Prof. Jen Gwo. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Monaghan, H. Scot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Coats, Dr. Ward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Moody, Judd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Cook, Jennifer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Muir, Prof. James P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Croman, Dr. Robert B. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Newcomb, Dr. Richard T. . . . . . . . . . 12 Crowell, Sonja. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nolan, La Rhonda N. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 DeMartino, Denise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Northcut, Daniel A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Densmore, Prof. Charles L . . . . . . . . 1 O’Brien, Tim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Drucker, Prof. Jeff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Obot, Prof. Victor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ellis, Prof. William C . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Peterson, Prof. Richard E. . . . . . . . . . 8 Felix, Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pratt, Barbara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fields, John. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Price, Clyde Alan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Flake, Prof. Robert. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Rambur, Shelly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Garner, Prof. Harold R. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Schuetze, Andrew. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Golding, Prof. Terry. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Schuller, W. Peyton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Granott, Prof. Nira. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Schultz, Prof. Roger A. . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Harper, Mary Beth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Schwarz, Prof. John R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hogue, L. Denise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Shubov, Prof. Victor I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Hornsby, Prof. Peter J. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Slingerland, William J. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Hsieh, Prof. Sheng-Jen. . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sobek, Deni. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Keller, Prof. G. Randy. . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sopata, Chad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Khan, Prof. Mansoor A . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Starikov, Prof. David. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Koke, Prof. Joseph R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Strahlendorf, Prof. Jean. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kovacevic, Prof. Radovan. . . . . . . . . 2 Su, Prof. Jianzhong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lancaster, Laurieanne D. . . . . . . . . . 3 Sue, Prof. Hung-Jue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Lawson, Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Taylor, Judy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lodhi, Prof. M.A.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Taylor, Teresa A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Thomas, Robyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Related documents available from the Division of For further information about this program contact: Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Advanced Research Program/Advanced Technology Division of Finance, Campus Planning and Research Program, 1999 Program Announcements Advanced Research Program/Advanced Technology Program, Report of Awards, May 2000 Information is also available on our website: The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.


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