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Primary and Nonprimary Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis
Susan J. Forwell, PhD, (OT)C, FCAOT; Sandra Brunham, BSR(PT), MSc(Rehab);
Helen Tremlett, MRPharmS, PhD; Wendy Morrison, RN, CNN(C); Joel Oger, MD, FRCPC, FAAN
Using the fatigue algorithm described in the Clinical Practice Guidelines for Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis (MS), this study aimed to determine the frequency of fatigue related directly to the MS dis- ease process (primary fatigue) versus that related to disease symptoms such as depression (nonprimary fatigue), differentiate primary from nonprimary MS fatigue, and identify any characteristics unique to primary MS fatigue. Consecutive clinically definite MS patients from the University of British Columbia MS clinic were invited to participate. The screening assessment included standardized scales and questionnaires. In total, 50 patients completed the study. Nonprimary fatigue was present in 36 individuals (72%), of whom all but 2 had multiple factors contributing to fatigue. The most common factors contributing to nonprimary fatigue were sleep problems (58%), mobility limitations (52%), and depression (40%). Compared with patients with nonprimary fatigue, those with isolated primary fatigue had lower fatigue scores and reported fatigue onset at midday (P < .05). Any attempt to study or manage MS fatigue should be preceded by identification and amelioration of treatable nonprimary fatigue factors before focusing on primary fatigue in MS. Int J MS Care. 2008;10:14–20. Fatigue is reported by 75–90% of people with with depression in some studies and is independent in
multiple sclerosis (MS), and up to 50% of
others.14,16,18,19 This conflicting evidence highlights the
patients indicate fatigue as one of their worst
need for a systematic and thorough evaluation and
problems.1,2 Fatigue can negatively affect a range of
treatment for fatigue.4 The Clinical Practice Guidelines
issues, including quality of life and employment.3-5
for Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis addresses this issue
Despite its frequency, fatigue in MS remains elusive,
by using a sequential approach, described in a fatigue
partly because of the complexity of factors contributing
to it and the lack of defined biological markers.2
Although identifying the presence of fatigue in indi-
viduals with MS is not a problem, methods of measure-
Fatigue in MS can be described in two categories:
ment are highly subjective, so determining the under-
primary fatigue (PF) and nonprimary fatigue (NPF).
lying cause is challenging.4,6 Possible contributory
NPF results from other symptoms of MS such as
factors to fatigue in MS include lesion site, nerve fiber
depression, mobility inefficiency, or respiratory prob-
conduction loss, sleep disturbances, physical disability,
lems. NPF may be caused by acute situations such as
comorbidity, and iatrogenic causes.7-11 Some of these
flu, cold, or stress or chronic conditions such as chronic
factors, such as sleep disturbances, may be secondary to
pain or cardiac problems. NPF may be of short dura-
MS-related problems, including bladder dysfunction
and leg spasms, that confound the assessment.10,12,13
PF is related directly to the MS disease process,
Some studies show fatigue to be present in patients
when no NPF factors can be recognized. Because no
with early disease and mild disability,14 but others sug-
laboratory, scanning, or other procedures that would
gest that fatigue is worse with advanced disease or has
isolate or identify PF are currently available, the diag-
no relationship with disability.2,15-17 Fatigue correlates
nosis is one of exclusion. PF persists in MS even whenNPF factors are eliminated or managed and lasts >6months.20 Although no characteristics specific to PF
From the MS Clinic, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,Canada.
have been systematically identified, scholars have
Primary and Nonprimary Fatigue
observed that heat sensitivity,1,22 time of fatigue onset,3
perature changes, and appear in the absence of other fac-
and severity of fatigue6 warrant further investigation.
tors.21 Environmental heat has been suggested to worsenfatigue in MS.1,15,22 The experience and perception of
fatigue in MS is unique to each individual and is opti-
The primary objective of this study was to use the
mally evaluated in the context of daily life.6
Clinical Practice Guidelines to systematically screen a
Based on the fatigue algorithm, evaluation and treat-
consecutive cohort of patients with MS to evaluate the
ment for fatigue in MS initially targets the NPF factors
incidence of NPF and PF and the frequency of factors
(columns 3–5); when ameliorated, the algorithm
that contribute to NPF. The secondary objective was to
addresses PF. Unfortunately, the frequency of the vari-
determine whether the fatigue experienced was greater
ous NPF factors is unknown. As new pharmacological
in PF. The final objective was to determine whether PF
treatments are developed for MS fatigue,23-26 differentia-
had any unique characteristics or descriptors such as
tion and quantification of these types of fatigue is cru-
heat sensitivity, time of fatigue onset, or relativity to
cial before beginning clinical trials. Because this prelimi-
nary work has not yet been done, therapeutic trials,
Fatigue Algorithm for MS
to date, have included heterogeneous groups of MSpatients (with regard to fatigue), suggesting that caution
The fatigue algorithm is a flow chart that represents
is needed when generalizing the results of these stud-
a process of identification, assessment, and intervention
ies.27 Thus, understanding the frequency of NPF factors
for the multiple variables associated with fatigue in
MS.20 An assumption embedded in the algorithm isthat fatigue as experienced in MS may be associated
with several factors. The cause-and-effect relationship
Patients were recruited through a posting in the
between these factors and MS fatigue is tenuous at best
University of British Columbia (UBC) MS clinic, by
because of the subjective outcome measures used and
invitation from their neurologist, and through MS
the inability to rigorously isolate each factor. The
Society newsletters. Inclusion criteria for the study were
approach of the fatigue algorithm is to identify the
age ≥19 years; a clinically or laboratory definite diagno-
presence of these factors and account for their possible
sis of MS27; clinically stable MS, defined as no relapse
contribution to and relationship with fatigue in MS
within 30 days; an Extended Disability Status Scale
(EDSS) score of <7.5; willingness to provide informed
The fatigue algorithm is organized into seven
consent; and identification of fatigue as a problem (by
columns (Figure 1). Columns 1 and 2 identify fatigue
answering the question: Is fatigue a problem for you?).
as a problem and consider any relevant history. Col-
Patients were excluded from the study if they had initi-
umn 3 confirms and treats or alternatively discounts
ated disease-modifying therapy within the past 6
potential acute onset of fatigue that is not related to
months, used oral or systemic steroids within the past 4
MS. Column 4 considers any chronic fatigue factors
weeks, or been diagnosed with a serious psychiatric or
that may or may not be related to MS (eg, sleep prob-
medical condition that, in the opinion of their clinic
lems, depression, medications, deconditioning), con-
neurologist, would preclude reliable participation in
comitant medical problems (eg, anemia or thyroid
the study. This study was approved by the UBC Behav-
disease), and significant chronic stressors. Column 5
identifies any factors that are secondary to MS symp-
For this cross-sectional study, the coordinator
toms that may result in excessive energy expenditure to
screened each potential participant. Eligible patients
compensate for reduced mobility or respiratory func-
were booked for a 1-hour assessment visit. Six self-
tion. Collectively, columns 3–5 deal with NPF as
report questionnaires—demographic form, two fatigue
defined in this study. In columns 6 and 7, PF of MS is
scales, sleep scale, fatigue questionnaire, and sleep ques-
addressed, focusing on pharmacological and rehabilita-
tionnaire—were provided to participants and complet-
ed in advance of the assessment. The visit included a
PF has been anecdotally observed to be at its worst in
structured interview, review of completed question-
early and midafternoon, follow the body’s diurnal tem-
naires, evaluation of mobility, and a screen for depres-
Fo F r o we w l e l l l e t e t a l a . l . Fa 1 re u Fig Primary and Nonprimary Fatigue
sion, respiratory function, and pharmaceutical and
Fifty-nine individuals with MS initially volunteered
The fatigue algorithm was used to guide the screen-
to participate in this study. Nine were excluded because
ing for PF and NPF.20 The screening tools and
of recent relapses (n = 2), presence of a psychiatric
questionnaires recommended in the Clinical Practice
condition (n = 1), recent initiation of an immune-
Guidelines were used.20 Where no measure was recom-
modulating therapy (n = 1), and lack of clinically defi-
mended, a standardized scale or method was sought or
nite MS (n = 1). Three individuals declined involve-
developed. The measures used in this study were the
ment in the study after initial contact, and one person’s
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS),18 the Modified Fatigue
study visit could not be scheduled. Therefore, 50 par-
Impact Scale (MFIS),2,20 a fatigue questionnaire,20
ticipants completed the study and formed the cohort.
the Beck Depression Inventory 18 (BDI-18),28,29 the
Twenty-four patients (48%) were on disease-modifying
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS),30 a sleep question -
therapies. Fatigue was ranked as the number one prob-
naire,20 the ambulation section of the Functional Inde-
lem for 35 participants (70%) and had been present for
pendence Measure,31 the dyspnea section of the Chron-
at least 6 months in 49 individuals (98%). Demo-
ic Respiratory Diseases Questionnaire,32 and EDSS.33
graphic characteristics are shown in Table 1. A retro-
All prescription and nonprescription medications
spective database search of all patient visits during the
were systematically recorded, including careful screen-
period of the study (n = 1865) was completed to deter-
ing of alcohol and caffeine intake, as well as alternative
mine how representative the study cohort was of
medications or therapies such as marijuana and herbal
the MS clinic population (Table 1). Statistical testing
remedies. Each person’s medications were reviewed for
showed no significant difference in age, sex, or disease
their possible contribution to fatigue. Medications that
course between the study participants and patients seen
were known to cause drowsiness but were taken atappropriate times (ie, at night), were not deemed to
in the MS clinic. The cohort, however, had a lower
affect fatigue adversely. Where the medication type,
mean EDSS score (suggesting less disability) than the
dosage, frequency, timing of dose, or potential interac-
clinic population (P < .05).
tion with other medications was suspected to affect
The scores from the four standardized question-
fatigue, the case was reviewed by the study pharmacist
naires (FSS, MFIS, ESS, BDI-18) and the sleep ques-
or neurologist. The clinical opinion was used to code
tionnaire are summarized in Table 2. Fatigue, as scored
the medications as being contributory or noncontribu-
on the FSS and MFIS, ranged from mild to severe in
tory to fatigue. Note that the fatigue algorithm suggests
impact and intensity for study participants. EDSS
a longitudinal process of data collection, which was not
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of study
clinically feasible when pilot tested. To address this
cohort (n = 50)
issue for the study, the self-report measures (first fivelisted above) were completed in advance of the study
Characteristic MS clinic*
visit. The remaining measures were completed during
The two principal assessors reviewed all question-
naires and scales. Consistent with the Clinical Practice
Guidelines algorithm,20 PF was identified and coded in
the absence of other factors or when factors were not
Statistical analyses were carried out with the Statisti-
cal Package for the Social Sciences (version10). Statisti-
cal significance was established at P < .05. Pearson χ2
or Mann-Whitney test was used to analyze the differ-
ences between groups. Correlation between nominal
ordered and interval nonnormal or ordinal variables
SD, standard deviation; EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale*Patient visits during study.
was analyzed using Kendall’s τb correlation.34,35
†Significantly different at P < .05. Forwell et al. Table 2. Cohort scores on questionnaires Table 3. Frequency of factors contributing to fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS) study subjects Questionnaire n (%) Mean (SD) Range Contributing factors n
Acute factors (eg, heat, infection, temporary routine
SD, standard deviation; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; MFIS, Modi-fied Fatigue Impact Scale; ESS, Epworth Sleepiness Scale; BDI-18,
scores showed no correlation with fatigue scores on
Objective 2: Unique Characteristics of PF
either the FSS or MFIS (P = .30 and .24, respectively)
Three characteristics were investigated as possible
or with sleep problems or depression as measured on
discriminators of PF, as suggested in previous literature
the ESS and BDI-18 (P = .90 and .25, respectively.)
about fatigue and MS1,15,20-22: heat sensitivity, time ofday of fatigue onset, and impact of fatigue. Forty sub-
Objective 1: Frequency of PF and NPF
jects (80%) reported fatigue to be exacerbated by heat.
Of the 50 participants in the study, 36 (72%) were
However, no difference in fatigue scores was found
identified as having fatigue factors that may be related
between those reporting that fatigue worsened with
to NPF, including acute issues, chronic conditions, and
heat and those indicating that heat was not a factor
problems secondary to MS symptoms. In the absence
(P = .52 and .11, MFIS and FSS, respectively, Mann-
of other factors, the remaining 14 patients (28%) were
Whitney test). In addition, no difference was found in
reported heat sensitivity between the PF (11 of 14
Of those with NPF, 34 experienced more than one
[80%]) and NPF (29 of 36 [80%]; P < .05) groups.
factor possibly contributing to their fatigue. The most
These results suggest that heat sensitivity is not a
frequent NPF factors reported were sleep problems
(58% of patients experienced more than two interrup-
Statistical analysis revealed that time of fatigue onset
tions per night), unmanaged mobility impairments
was significantly different between the PF and NPF
(52%), and depression (40%). Table 3 shows the fre-
groups. Individuals with PF were significantly more
quency of each factor that may contribute to NPF, and
likely to report onset of fatigue at midday, ie, beginning
Table 4 gives details of medications deemed to con-
in late morning and early afternoon (Pearson χ2 = 4.77;
tribute to NPF. Note that PF may have been present in
these subjects but could not be identified in the
MFIS fatigue scores were significantly lower in the
absence of known specific markers for PF.
PF group than in the NPF group (P = .03, Mann-
Table 4. Medications deemed to contribute to fatigue taken by MS study subjects Medication class Medication (n)
Amitriptyline (1), citalopram (2), fluvoxamine (1), trazodone (1), venlafaxine (3), St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) (1)
Butalbital-codeine compound (2), codeine (1)
Benzodiazepines and other hypnotics Oxazepam (1), nitrazepam (1), triazolam (1), zopiclone (1)Skeletal muscle relaxants
Gabapentin (2), marijuana (2), oxybutynin (2)
Note: All subjects in group (n = 10) were taking multiple medications deemed to contribute to fatigue. Primary and Nonprimary Fatigue
Whitney test), suggesting that the negative impact of
recently, heat was shown to magnify fatigue, with the
fatigue is greater for those who experience fatigue from
effect more pronounced among those who experienced
multiple concurrent NPF factors. No significant differ-
severe fatigue and a higher EDSS score.15 This variabili-
ences were found between groups for FSS scores (P <
ty across studies may be related to the subjective meas-
ures used to assess the relationship between heat andfatigue. Alternatively, results may be confounded by the
inconsistent identification of other NPF factors, shown
By using the fatigue algorithm to identify the fre-
quency of factors that may contribute to fatigue in a
More than 90% of individuals in the NPF group
cohort of MS patients, contrary to what has often been
experienced multiple factors that could be identified as
reported, most of our patients were experiencing fac-
a possible cause for their fatigue. Although these factors
tors that fit the definition of NPF. This finding is semi-
are not considered part of PF, many are associated with
nal in addressing fatigue in MS for two reasons: many
MS. Patients with MS have a 50% lifetime risk of
of the NPF factors can be treated, and, in the absence
experiencing depression,36 with point prevalence esti-
of correction of such factors, evaluation, treatment, or
mates ranging from 14% to 57%.29 This was similar in
even study of PF will not be possible. Our study found
our group, where 40% of the cohort experienced
that less than one third of the cohort had PF in isola-
depression. Sleep problems have been reported to be
tion; however, PF may have been masked by the pres-
three times higher in people with MS than in healthy
ence of NPF factors. The true proportion of patients
control subjects, which is consistent with our find-
experiencing PF remains elusive until factors defining
ings.11-13 Mobility problems are common in MS.20 More
NPF are treated. Another explanation for the low fre-
than half of the patients in our study experienced
quency of PF in this study group could be selection
mobility problems that, when associated with spastici-
bias on the part of neurologists or patients. However, a
ty, may have accompanied increased fatigue.37 In con-
comparison with the general UBC MS clinic popula-
trast to this, others have found no relationship between
tion did not indicate any significant clinical or demo-
gait and perceived fatigue.38 The tension in the litera-
ture suggests that, when various factors contributing to
With the definitions and criteria used in this study, a
MS fatigue are isolated systematically, their contribu-
diagnosis for PF can only result once the NPF factors
tion may be identified and targeted for treatment.
have been identified, treated, and resolved. Ideally, a
The fact that many of the causes of NPF are treat-
positive, discerning definition for PF that includes its
able may be the most compelling argument for a thor-
own set of characteristics and biological markers will
ough systematic screening of these potential contribu-
evolve. The results from our study extend the possible
tory factors. Such an approach would reduce their
list of discriminators for PF. We were able to show that
effect on the increased fatigue levels experienced by
time of fatigue onset and lower levels of fatigue were
patients with NPF.16 Indeed, when depression was
unique characteristics of isolated PF. Time of onset was
managed effectively, fatigue was reduced.39 This is an
consistent with Herndon’s21 observation that fatigue
important and urgent issue for clinical practitioners.
scores were significantly higher for those experiencing
The therapeutic team must identify and treat factors
NPF, which was also supported by Bakshi.6 Our find-
that magnify the disabling fatigue experience in MS.
ings suggest that as additional characteristics exclusive
Finally, to study fatigue in MS, particularly in inter-
to PF emerge, more precise screening measures and tar-
vention research and therapeutic trials, the type of
geted criteria for diagnosis can be developed. This will
fatigue and factors being studied must be explicitly
not occur, however, if the current confusion between
defined. Although many MS fatigue studies include a
screening and control for depression, our study showed
Heat sensitivity was not found to be associated pref-
that sleep problems and mobility impairment had a
erentially with the PF versus the NPF group, nor did it
higher frequency than depression, necessitating their
relate to increased levels of fatigue. Early research
inclusion for screening as confounding variables.15,23
showed conflicting results or that heat worsened fatigue
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in MS compared with a healthy control group.1,22 More
and generalization of fatigue intervention studies. Forwell et al.
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