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Microsoft word - ffrindiau minutes sept 2012.doc

Cofnodion Cyfarfod Blynyddol Cyffredinol 25/09/2012 Annual General Meeting Minutes 01. Croeso/
Thank you to all parents and teachers who attended the meeting. 02. Presennol
Present and

Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies:

03. Cofnodion y
Derbyniwyd cofnodion y cyfarfod diwethaf (08/05/2012) Minutes of the last meeting (08/05/2012) were accepted as an Cyfarfod
Minutes of the
Last Meeting

04. Adroddiad y
Amlinellodd Ilona Williams yr adroddiad trysoryddion ar gyfer Ilona Williams outlined the treasurers report for 2011/2012. It was Trysorydd/
2011/2012. Nodwyd bod dros £ 7,800 wedi ei godi yn ystod y noted that over £7,800 had been raised during the year (as there had Treasurers
flwyddyn (fel cafwyd dau ffeiriau haf fel y blynyddoedd been two summer fayres as the previous years was postponed until blaenorol ei ohirio tan yr hydref oherwydd yr arolygiad). A bod the autumn due to the inspection). And that over £9,000 had been Cafwyd trafodaeth am pwrcasau posibl y gellid eu gwneud ar Discussion took place about possible purchases that could be made gyfer yr Ysgol gan y cronfeydd Ffrindiau, gofynnodd Mrs for the School from the Ffrindiau funds, Mrs Walker requested shutters Walker gaeadau ar gyfer y Derbyn a Meithrin i ddod i lawr for the Derbyn and Meithrin to come down from the storm roof to the oddi ar y to storm i'r llawr i'w defnyddio fel ystafell ddosbarth ground to use as an outside classroom and to protect equipment. MP awyr agored ac i ddiogelu offer. MP i gael dyfynbrisiau a to get quotes and a contribution from the Ffrindiau agreed in principal. chyfraniad gan y Ffrindiau gytunwyd mewn egwyddor. The state of the school gutters was also mentioned – MP to look into. Mae cyflwr y cwteri ysgol Soniwyd hefyd - MP i edrych i Parents enquired about ipads and what the schools IT plans are, MP explained that an iPad bus is on the school’s development plan and Rhieni yn holi am ipads a'r hyn y mae'r ysgolion TG that so far it has not been possible as the school has no wi-fi, but the cynlluniau, Esboniodd MP fod bws iPad ar gynllun datblygu'r YBD is on phase 4 of the Council’s rollout and that it will happen. ysgol a bod hyd yn hyn nid yw wedi bod yn bosibl gan yr ysgol Also mentioned was the mount of playground equipment on the verge unrhyw wi-fi, ond mae YBD ar gam 4 o'r y Cyngor gyflwyno ac outside school, it was suggested pupils or parents tidy this. y bydd yn digwydd. Soniwyd hefyd am y mynydd o offer chwarae ar ymyl y ffordd tu allan i'r ysgol, awgrymwyd ddisgyblion neu rieni taclus hyn. Diolch yn fawr iawn i Clare Williams am drefnu Ffair Haf A big thank you to Clare Williams for organising an excellent Summer Digwyddiadau
ardderchog. Ac i bawb a helpodd wneud yn llwyddiant mawr. Fayre. And to all those that helped making it a great success. Diweddar/
Diolchwyd hefyd i'r holl wirfoddolwyr a rhieni. Gratitude was also extended to all the volunteers and parents. Recent Events
Mae'r casgliad dillad hefyd yn llwyddiant godi £ 140.80, un The clothing collection was also a success raising £140.80, another arall wedi'i gynllunio ar gyfer ôl hanner tymor, felly os gwelwch one is planned for after half term so please sort your clothes ready! Mae'r ysgol yn talu am 2 hyfforddwyr Cymraeg eu hiaith i The school are paying for 2 Welsh speaking coaches to run CC for Chwaraeon
redeg CC gyfer B3 + B4, ond diolch i'r Ffrindiau, ac yn B3+B4 but thank the Ffrindiau and specifically Karen Page who has Sports Club
benodol Karen Page sydd wedi cymryd drosodd y gweinyddu taken over the administration of CC. Karen reported that 33 pupils CC. Karen fod 33 o ddisgyblion wedi cofrestru hyd yn hyn i have registered so far to start tomorrow. 2 parent volunteers will be ddechrau yfory. 2 Bydd rhieni sy'n wirfoddolwyr yn cael ei needed each week though there will no longer be a crèche for younger angen bob wythnos er y bydd mwyach yn crèche ar gyfer children. It will run as a trial until Christmas when it will be reviewed. plant iau. Bydd yn rhedeg fel cynllun arbrofol tan y Nadolig Dragon Sports involvement will now be with the teachers and the Bydd Campau'r Ddraig yn awr yn ymwneud gyda'r athrawon 08. Etholiadau/
Cytunwyd y byddai'r Cadeirydd presennol, y Trysorydd a'r It was agreed that the current Chair, Treasurer and Secretary would Elections
Ysgrifennydd yn parhau yn eu swyddi am 12 mis arall. continue in their roles for a further 12 months. Gofynwyd hefyd am cynrychiolwyr dosbarth newydd. New class representatives were sought. Please see attached list of Gweler y rhestr o gynrychiolwyr ar gyfer 2011/2012. representatives for 2011/2012. It was noted that the class reps are responsible for organising their year’s cake stall (B5+B6 to do bag Nodwyd y byddai'r cynrychiolwyr dosbarth yn gyfrifol am packing) and also would be asked to run one stall in the summer fayre drefnu cacen stondin eu blwyddyn, (Blwyddyn 5 a 6 i pacio as well as wrapping a pass the parcel for the Christmas party and bagiau) a byddent hefyd yn gyfrifol am redeg un stondin yn y promoting events with other parents. Not all classes are represented, if ffair haf ac hefyd i lapio yr anrhegion Pasio’r Parsel you feel you could do this for your class if there isn’t a rep please contact the committee, CW to approach some of last year’s reps. Nid yw pob dosbarth yn cael eu cynrychioli, os ydych yn teimlo y gallech wneud hyn ar gyfer eich dosbarth os nad oes yn gynrychiolydd, cysylltwch â'r pwyllgor, CW i gysylltu rhai o gynrychiolwyr y llynedd. Bydd y cyngor yn awr cloi i fyny i ni i fyny at hanner nos Llun- The council will now lock up for us up to midnight Mon-Fri, and 10pm Digwyddiadau I
Gwener, a 10pm Dydd Sadwrn + haul sy'n rhoi mwy o gyfle i Sat+Sun which provides more scope for Friday night adult social nos Wener digwyddiadau cymdeithasol i oedolion - unrhyw events – any ideas and volunteers welcome. Forthcoming
Thank you to Rhian James and Angharad Stevenson who have agreed Diolch i Rhian James ac Angharad Stevenson wedi cytuno i i to take forward to organisation of the Halloween Disco. RJ to arrange a date and issue details, volunteers will be needed for the night. It was noted for the shopping night to take place that a volunteer is Nodwyd for angen gwirfoddolwr i fod yn gyfrifol am gyd- required to take responsibility for co-ordinating the event which could drefnu'r digwyddiad a allai ddigwydd ym mis Tachwedd / take place in Nov/Dec. It was noted that while the event wasn’t well attended last year, those that did had a great time. A Pampered Chef night was also discussed but many mums have been to these events Dylai unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn cymryd gyfrifoldeb am drefnu’r noson siopa neu i drefnu grŵp i gymryd cyfrifoldeb Anyone interested in taking the lead or organising a group to take am y digwyddiad hwn, anfonwch e-bost y pwyllgor ffrinidau. responsibility for this event (or an alternative evening), please email Stondinau cacennau i barhau fel y maent yn codi £ 110 - £ 120 y tro. CW i helpu gyda phosteri a bod yn bwynt cyswllt ar Cake stalls to continue as they raise £110-£120 each time. CW to help gyfer cynrychiolwyr. Nesaf un llun 12/10 yn cael ei redeg gan with posters and to be a point of contact for reps. Next one 12/10 to be B4, yna 23/11 gan B2 (mae'r rhain wedi cyfnewid gan nad oes run by B4, then 23/11 by B2 (these have swapped as no B2 reps cynrychiolwyr B2 a benodwyd yn y cyfarfod Ffrindiau cytuno i yn rhedeg unwaith eto ac ariannu y disgybl Ffrindiau agreed to again run and fund the pupil’s Christmas party. parti Nadolig. Angen gwirfoddolwyr i gyd-fynd o gwmpas gyda Volunteers needed to accompany Santa around with presents in the Siôn Corn anrhegion yn y bore, dosbarthu y tocyn y parseli a morning, distribute the pass the parcels and supervise the disco in the goruchwylio'r disgo yn y prynhawn. Cytunodd IW a KP ato gan afternoon. IW and KP agreed to by pass the parcels bits with the class lwyddo yn y darnau parseli gyda'r cynrychiolwyr dosbarth i reps to wrap. CW and GT also agreed to help. IW i drefnu un arall i ar ol hanner tymor IW to arrange another one for after half term. IW agreed to distribute this again this year. Nodwyd bod digwyddiadau plant sy’n cael eu cefnogi orau ac It was noted that its the kids events that are best supported and a awgrymwyd disgo yn nhymor y gwanwyn , fel yr oedd y noson disco in the spring term was suggested, as was a film night. Mae prynhawn y Cenhedloedd 6 yn neuadd yr ysgol ei drafod A 6 Nations afternoon in the school hall was also discussed (there hefyd (nid oedd cyfateb yn addas llynedd) ar gyfer y wasn’t a suitable match last year) for the 23/02/13 – Italy v Wales. Os gall ynrhyw un helpu neu os hoffech gymryd syniadau hyn If anyone can help or would like to take these ideas or one of their own neu un o’u blaenwyr eu hunain , yna os gwelwch plis drafod forwards then please discuss it with one of the committee. 09. Unrhyw
Fater Arall/
Codwyd hyn fel mater er bod diwedd y dydd yn anodd iawn ac This was raised as an issue as the end of the day is very difficult and Any Other
yn debygol o waethygu unwaith y bydd St Teilo ar y safle likely to get worse once St Teilos is on the new site and their parents Business
newydd a'u rhieni hefyd yn parcio ar hyd Ffordd Cylch are also parking along Circle Way East. Many parents have Dwyrain. Mae llawer o rieni wedi ysgrifennu / anfon e-bost y written/emailed the Council (please copy in MP if you do this) but this Cyngor (os gwelwch yn dda copi i MP os byddwch yn gwneud does not seem to have had much response. It was agreed that the hyn) ond nid yw hyn yn ymddangos i fod wedi cael ymateb Ffrindiau write a letter to the Governors on behalf of all parents to ask llawer. Cytunwyd bod y Ffrindiau yn ysgrifennu llythyr at y them to take the matter up with the council. It was also suggested that Llywodraethwyr ar ran yr holl rieni i ofyn iddynt gymryd y the media be contacted to see if they had any interest in the story – mater i fyny gyda'r cyngor. Awgrymwyd hefyd bod y cyfryngau CW to pursue. yn cael eu cysylltu â nhw i weld os oedd ganddynt unrhyw It was asked if B6 children can be released from school without a ddiddordeb yn y stori - CW i fynd ar drywydd. parent, to walk home themselves, MP reported that the school prefer Gofynnwyd a gellir B6 blant gael eu rhyddhau o'r ysgol heb children to be collected but if parents request in writing that a child be riant, i gerdded adref eu hunain, adroddodd MP bod yr ysgol yn well gan blant gael eu casglu, ond os yw rhieni yn gwneud SH suggested a ‘walking bus’ and agreed to investigate this and cais ysgrifenedig bod plentyn yn cael ei ryddhau fyddant. maybe organise this service one day a week to go to a point on Awgrymodd SH 'bws cerdded' a chytunodd i ymchwilio i hyn Penylan Hill. If anyone has knowledge or would like to help please ac efallai trefnu gwasanaeth hwn un diwrnod yr wythnos i fynd contact Sue or one of the committee. hyd at bwynt ar Penylan Hill. Os oes gan unrhyw un wybodaeth neu os hoffech helpu, cysylltwch â Sue neu un o'r It was noted that the Ffrindiau dates and planned events haven’t been pulbicised this year. IW to organise for these to be emailed out and put Nodwyd nad oedd y dyddiadau Ffrindiau a digwyddiadau a gynlluniwyd wedi cael eu pulbicised eleni. IW i drefnu i'r rhain gael eu e-bostio allan a'u rhoi ar y wefan. 10. Dyddiad y
Cadarnhawyd nos Fawrth 20fed Ionawr 2012 am 8yh yng
It was confirmed to be Tuesday 20th January 201 at 8pm, in the Park
Cyfarfod Nesaf/
Ngwesty’r Park Inn. Nodwch bod parcio am ddim yn ystod
Inn, please note parking at the hotel is free for attending meetings but
Date of Next
cyfarfodydd ond rhaid cofrestru wrth derbynfa y gwesty pan yn must be logged in at reception. Meetings are held in English, please cyrraedd. Mae’r cyfarfodydd yn cael ei gynnal yn saesneg , come along – it’s a chance to raise any issues or concerns, to meet ddod draw – mae’n siawns i godi unrhyw fater neu pryderon other parents and be involved with Ysgol y Berllan Deg. ac i cwrdd a rieni arall a bod yn rhan gyda Ysgol Y Berllan 11. Diwedd/ End
Diolchodd CW i bawb am eu presenoldeb a gwahoddwyd i CW thanked everyone for their attendance and invited them to join her Committee and Class Reps:
Zoe Simmons, Cadeirydd/Chair, Rhif: 07838 065106, E-bost: zoelsimons@live.co.uk
Clare Williams Is-gadeirydd/Vice-chair Rhif: 07850054383 Ilona Williams, Trysorydd / Treasurer, Rhif: 07912 600513, E-bost: ffrindiau@sky.com
Hannah Thomas, Ysgrifennydd / Secretary,
Clwb Chwaraeon - Karen Page 07971545021

Source: http://ysgolyberllandeg.cardiff.sch.uk/~athrawon/Ffrindiau092012.pdf?&MMN_position=227:227

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