Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.


Pharmacy and Therapeutics Updates
June 2013
Automatic Substitution - Insulin
Floranex tablets – 1, 2, 3 tablet TID WC or QID WC Saccharomyces bouladii (Florastor) TID WC or QID WC Lactobacillus acidophilus and bulger • Policy Approvals
o High Alert Medications – 3-year update o Sound-alike, Look-alike Meds – 3-year update o Adverse Drug Reactions – 3-year update o Self Admin Medication – 3-year update • Smart Pump Menu Updates
o Approved Adult Simbiq IV Pump changes o Approved NICU MedFusion Syringe Smart Pump changes • Respiratory Therapy protocol – for titration of treatment and beta-agonist auto
Levalbuterol (Xopenex) 0.63 mg Q6H WA RT • Pyxis Override List Review
o Remove: alteplase, benzocain spray, bupivacaine with & without epinephrine,
cocaine topical, digoxin injection, epidurals, erythromycin ophthalmic oint for
newborn, famotidine injection, indomethacin supp, ketorolac, lido with epi, LET,
lido gel uro-jet, phentolamine, phytonadione (newborn), KCL riders 10 and 20
mEq, thiopental, tromethamine, and verapamil
o Add: cefazolin 1gm for emergent C-section for CP PACU/OR (2gm already on list), glucose gel (all), gel foam (CP PACU), aviteen (CP PACU), and sugifoam (CP PACU), all sizes of propofol where stocked (was only 50mL – now includes 20, 50, and 100mL) o Modify names PCU to HVU, 6S to ACE, and ACP PACU to HP PACU Pharmacy and Therapeutics Updates
June 2013
Formulary Product Changes 2013 in review:
o Ondansetron 32mg IVPB – NFNA, January 2013
o Amikacin – FORMULARY, restricted to infectious disease, January 2013
o Amifostine – NFNA, January 2013
o Homatropine 2% and 5% ophthalmic solution – NFNA, January 2013
o Morrhuate – NFNA, January 2013
o Nystatin Vaginal tablets – NFNA, January 2013
o Cisatracurium – FORMULARY, January 2013
o Atracurium – NFNA, January 2013
o Tacrolimus capsules – FORMULARY, January 2013
o Ganciclovir IV [Cytovene®] – FORMULARY, restricted to infectious disease,
o Choral hydrate capsules/solution – NFNA, manufacture discontinued, February
o Quinupristin-Dalfopristin [Synercid®] – NFNA, February 2013
o Adalimumab [Humira®] – FORMULARY, restricted to GI service, February
o MoviPrep® - CONDITIONAL FORMULARY, February 2013
o Midazolam 5mg/mL – FORMULARY, restricted to intranasal (IN)
administration and pediatrics, February 2013
o Azilsartan [Edarbi®] – Automatic substitution to valsartan, March 2013
o Sildenafil [Viagra®] 25 mg – Automatic substitution to sildenafil [Revatio®],
o Liposomal bupivacaine [Exparel®] – CONDITIONAL FORMULARY –
Restricted to Dr. Proshan’s service, March 2013
o Floranex tablets – NFNA, June 2013
o Saccharomyces bouladii [Florastor] – NFND, June 2013
o Lactobacillus acidophilus and bulger [Latinex] – NFND, June 2013
FORMULARY = available at AAMC
CONDITIONAL FORMUALRY = on formulary but must meet specialized criteria for
use and to obtain (i.e. financial approval)
NFNA = non-formulary/not available at AAMC
**** NF = non-formulary at AAMC

Source: http://www.aahs.org/medstaff/wp-content/uploads/PT-June-2013-Update.pdf

Chemistry is everywhere

amorphization: the process whereby a substance is brought to a state characterized by the absence of order in the distribution of ab initio (calculations): refers to calculations based on funda-the matter particles (amorphous state), as opposed to the crystalline mental equations of physics and which therefore require neither experimental data nor empirical parameters. analogue: a substance


Société Suisse de Médecine Tropicale et de Parasitologie Société Suisse de Médecine Tropicale et de Parasitologie Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Società Svizzera di Medicina Tropicale e di Parassitologia Società Svizzera di Medicina Tropicale e di Parassitologia Swiss Society of

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