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Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Ronald D. Warner, DVM, MPVM, PhD, DACVPM, and Wallace W. Marsh, MD, FAAP
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), a classic SFG rickettsiae are transmitted by arthropods and cause
metazoonosis that involves both vertebrate and non-
various illnesses worldwide, R rickettsii is the only one
vertebrate reservoir hosts, is a seasonal disease of dogs
known to be pathogenic for both animals and humans
and humans in the Americas. The clinical illness was
first described among Native Americans, soldiers, andsettlers in the Bitterroot River and Snake River valleys of
Cycle of the Organism in Nature
Montana and Idaho during the late 1890s, but remained
and the Vectors
unrecognized in dogs until the late 1970s. The causative
Rickettsia rickettsii are maintained in nature by
organism, Rickettsia rickettsii, was first described by
transstadial passage within, and transovarial (vertical)
Howard T. Ricketts in 1909 and is maintained in nature
transmission between, generations of ixodid ticks. These
by ixodid (hard-bodied) ticks via transmission to-and-
ticks also vector R rickettsii to and from various rodent
from various rodent reservoirs. As primary reservoir
reservoirs and other small mammals. Naïve larval and
hosts, the ticks vector R rickettsii to larger mammals;
nymphal ticks become infected while feeding on small
however, dogs and humans are the only ones that dis-
rodents (eg, mice, voles, squirrels, or chipmunks) with
play clinically recognizable illnesses. Rickettsia rickettsii
acute rickettsemia.2,5 To enable transovarial transmission,
are not naturally transmitted dog-to-dog, dog-to-
female ticks need to ingest numerous rickettsiae or be
human, or human-to-human. Public health surveillance,
infected transstadially. Male ticks can transfer R rickettsii
since the 1930s, has revealed RMSF to be the most fre-
to females during the mating process via spermatozoa or
quently reported and most severe human rickettsial ill-
other body fluids, thus contributing to the maintenance
ness in the United States and, probably, in the Western
of the organism from one generation to another. Ticks
Hemisphere. Reducing exposure to ticks, prompt
can remain infective for life (possibly 2 to 5 years), espe-
removal of ticks, and early diagnosis with appropriate
cially if there are long periods between blood meals.2,3,6
antibiotic treatment are the most important factors in
Ticks transmit R rickettsii to a vertebrate principal-
reducing morbidity and mortality from RMSF.
ly during their feeding behavior. However, humaninfection has occurred much less often following trans-
The Causative Organism
dermal or inhalation exposure to tick fluids
Rickettsia rickettsii are small (0.2 X 0.5 µm to 0.3 X
(hemolymph), tick feces, or crushed tick tissues. In the
2.0 µm) coccobacillary, gram-negative, obligate intra-
natural history of R rickettsii transmission, human and
cellular parasites in the family Rickettsiaceae. Like most
domestic dog infections are considered incidental
other spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae, R rickettsii
events (Fig 1). Even in areas where RMSF is most
are conveyed to vertebrate hosts by tick vectors.1,2 Once
endemic, only 1 to 5% of ticks (in a particular eco-
they infect dogs or humans, R rickettsii multiply withinvascular endothelium and vascular smooth muscle,inducing vasculitis and thrombosis in many organs,notably those with an abundant endarterial circulation(eg, brain, dermis, gastrointestinal organs, heart, lungs,kidneys, and skeletal muscles).2-4 These organisms aregenerally susceptible to doxycycline, tetracycline, andchloramphenicol. Special stains (ie, Giemsa, Gimenez,or immunohistochemical) are required to demonstrateR rickettsii in histologic sections.1,2,4 Although other
From the Department of Family and Community Medicine, School
of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center,Lubbock, TX 79430-0001 (Warner); and the Department ofPediatrics, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University Health
Figure 1—Pathways of natural transmission for Rickettsia rick-
Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX 79430-0001 (Marsh).
ettsii. Large open arrows are between stages of tick hosts,
The authors thank Susan B. Warner, MLS; Traci English; Dustin E.
solid-line arrows are between tick vectors and vertebrates, and
Hawley; and Ronald L. Cook, MS, DO for technical assistance.
dashed-line arrows are unlikely or very rare routes of natural
Address correspondence to Dr. Warner.
JAVMA, Vol 221, No. 10, November 15, 2002
niche) harbor R rickettsii.2,7,8 It usually requires several
Dogs have been reported to experience a higher inci-
(6 to 20) hours of tick attachment and feeding before
dence of illness, and English Springer Spaniels with sus-
the rickettsiae are transferred to a vertebrate, depend-
pected phosphofructokinase deficiency are reported to
ing on the developmental stage and species of tick.2,5,7
have a more severe and fulminant form of the disease.2
Consequently, the risk of exposure to R rickettsii fol-lowing an individual tick bite is considered to be low. Clinical RMSF in Dogs
In southeastern and mid-Atlantic regions of the
An early and usually consistent finding is fever
United States, the most common vector of R rickettsii is
(39.2oC [102.6oF] to 40.5oC [104.9oF]), occurring 4 or
Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick); in the
5 days following a tick bite. If present, petechiae and
northwestern United States and southwestern Canada,
ecchymoses tend to be in oral, ocular, and genital
the common vector is D andersoni (Rocky Mountain
mucous membranes, and there may be focal retinal
wood tick). Dermacentor variabilis is a 3-host tick
hemorrhages. Edema of extremities is often noticed in
found in southern Oregon, California, and from the
dogs and may involve the lips, pinna of ears, penile
Great Plains to the Atlantic coast of the United States,
sheath, and scrotum.2 In late-stage disease or during
and in southeastern Canada. The 3-host D andersoni is
recovery, necrosis (acryl gangrene) of the extremities
found from the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountains
can develop in dogs. One of the authors (RDW) noted
through the Rocky Mountains, to western Nebraska
this on the planum nasale of a military working dog
and South Dakota, and into southwestern Canada. In
that had recovered from RMSF in central Alabama in
Latin America, Amblyomma cajennense (Cayenne tick)
the early 1980s. Other findings in dogs may include
is reported to be the primary vector of R rickettsii.2,3,6
evidence of abdominal pain, anorexia, or both; altered
Dermacentor variabilis larvae and nymphs feed on
mental status (signs of depression, stupor); myalgia,
various small mammals, particularly rodents, after
polyarthritis, or both; vestibular deficits (circling, head
which they drop off and develop to the next stage.
tilt, or nystagmus); and dyspnea or cough.2 Such signs
Unfed larvae may live up to 15 months; unfed nymphs,
indicate more disseminated lesions, substantial organ
up to 20 months. Adults of this tick prefer medium-
sized mammals (eg, raccoon, skunk, and canid species,
The most likely abnormal clinical laboratory find-
especially the domestic dog), but will readily feed on
ings are hypoalbuminemia, moderate leukocytosis
humans. Unfed adults can live up to 30 months.
(minimal left shift), and thrombocytopenia. Platelet
Following a blood meal, adults drop off, lay from 4,000
counts usually range from 25,000 to 250,000/µL.2 If
to 6,500 eggs, and die. Unfed larvae of D andersoni can
hypoalbuminemia develops, it probably results from
live up to 4 months; unfed nymphs, up to 10 months.
widespread damage to the vascular endothelium and
Adults of this tick prefer large mammals (eg, deer,
subsequent intercellular leakage. In dogs that are
bison, sheep, or cattle), including humans. Unfed
examined primarily because of cough or dyspnea, tho-
adults may live up to 14 months or longer. Following a
racic radiography typically reveals diffuse interstitial
blood meal, they drop off, lay approximately 4,000
densities (pneumonitis).2 Criteria for laboratory confir-
In the United States, 3 other tick species have been
suggested to vector R rickettsii. Amblyomma ameri-Treatment of RMSF in Dogs canum (Lone Star tick), a 3-host tick, is found from
The antibiotics of choice for treating RMSF in dogs
central Texas to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts,
are tetracycline (25 to 30 mg/kg [11.3 to 13.6 mg/lb]),
as far north as Iowa, and New Jersey. Rhipicephalus san-
doxycycline (10 to 20 mg/kg [4.5 to 9.1 mg/lb]), or
guineus (brown dog tick), found from southern Canada
chloramphenicol (15 to 30 mg/kg [6.8 to 13.6 mg/lb]).
into tropical South America, is a 1-host tick; all 3
Of course, adequate supportive care must be provided
developmental stages prefer to feed and develop on the
if the dog has evidence of dehydration, kidney failure,
same dog or other canid. This tick is most often found
shock, or a hemorrhagic diathesis.2 In dogs, mortality
in and around the homes of dog owners (seldom found
from RMSF is directly related to incorrect treatment,
near woodlots or uninhabited buildings), and some
delayed diagnosis, or both. Appropriate antibiotics
evidence suggests it may be becoming more anthro-
promptly reduce the severity of illness only if they are
pophilic.2,3,6 Haemaphysalis leporispalustris (rabbit
given before tissue necrosis (thrombotic lesions) or
tick), found throughout the Western Hemisphere, has
coagulation disorders develop.2 Naturally acquired
yielded rickettsiae that are antigenically similar to R
immunity most likely plays a role in limiting or pro-
rickettsii; however, these are not known to cause clini-
tecting against clinical illness. Healthy dogs from
cal illness in humans or laboratory mammals, includ-
endemic areas often possess anti-SFG antibodies, pos-
sibly a result of prior R rickettsii infection or exposureto nonpathogenic SFG rickettsiae.2
Epidemiology of RMSF in Dogs
Rocky Mountain spotted fever tends to be more
Epidemiology of RMSF in Humans
common in young (≤ 3 years old ) dogs, and > 80% of
In the United States, a seasonal pattern of RMSF in
clinical cases occur in dogs that are frequently out-
humans parallels what is seen in dogs. Although many
doors. Incubation ranges from 2 to 14 days, following
clinical cases were likely not reported, the Centers for
infection via tick transmission. In the United States,
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has received
most dogs with RMSF are presented to veterinarians
200 to 1,120 human case reports annually during the
during March through October.2 German Shepherd
past 50 years.9-11 Cases have been reported from all con-
JAVMA, Vol 221, No. 10, November 15, 2002
tiguous states except Vermont and Maine. To encour-
headache, fatigue, muscle pain, nausea or vomiting, and
age consistency among state reports, the CDC has
loss of appetite.3,10,14 If a rash develops, it appears 2 to 5
advised using a standard clinical definition for human
days after the fever begins. The rash begins as small, flat,
cases: an acute febrile illness, usually accompanied by
blanching macules on the wrists, arms, and ankles. The
myalgia, headache, and petechial rash (visible on
typical red rash (viz, “spotted” fever) is not seen until 6
palms, soles, or both in two-thirds of those who have
or more days following the nonspecific symptoms. This
the rash).12 Criteria for laboratory confirmation are
rash will involve the palms, soles, or both in 50 to 80%
of patients and eventually becomes petechial. 3,7,10 A rash
Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina,
may never develop in 10 to 15% of patients.
Tennessee, and Arkansas reported the highest incidences
Six or more days after initial clinical onset, espe-
(per million) of RMSF in humans from 1981 through
cially without definitive treatment, more severe signs
1992. Wyoming replaced South Carolina from 1993
and symptoms develop, which include crampy abdom-
through 1996.9 North Carolina and Oklahoma reported
inal pains, joint pain, diarrhea, and a more severe
35% of total US cases from 1993 through 1996. Rocky
headache. At this point, the rash is generally macu-
Mountain states reported < 3% (Fig 2).11 Nearly 95% of
lopapular with central petechiae. The eruptions usual-
humans with RMSF are infected during April through
ly spread centripetally with relative sparing of the
September, the same period that gives rise to the great-
face.7,10 One of the authors (RDW) investigated a point-
est number of nymphal and adult Dermacentor ticks.6,9,11
source outbreak of RMSF that occurred in Arkansas
The gender, ethnicity, and age profile of most reported
among 44 young, otherwise healthy, military security
human cases is male, Caucasian, child (5 to 9 years
police personnel. Other than fever, the 4 most common
old).3,9,11 Approximately 66% of human cases of RMSF
signs and symptoms reported from the 10 serologically
confirmed cases were extreme fatigue (100%), severe
Exposure to tick-infested habitats or a history of
headache (82%), skin rash (73%), and myalgia,
tick bite(s) is reported for nearly 60% of all human
cases.3,13,14 People who live near wooded lots or have
Most patients have normal total WBC counts,
frequent exposure to dogs may also be at some
with normal differentials; however, thrombocytopenia
increased risk of R rickettsii infection, compared with
is a common finding, even in early or mild cases of
urban or nondog-owning populations. Approximately
disease. In the early phase of the disease, serum bio-
10% of humans with RMSF report only a known expo-
chemical analyses usually reveal hyponatremia and
sure to dogs or a dog’s ticks. Common exposure to the
high hepatic enzyme activities. Later, anemia and high
same population of ticks (in surrounding environ-
sedimentation rates are frequently detected; high BUN
ment) is the likely source of these human infections.2,3
and creatinine concentrations indicate renal fail-
Although RMSF is primarily a rural and suburban dis-
ure.3,10,17 Results of other routine laboratory tests are
ease, microecologic niches have also been found in
often nonspecific. In the acute stage of illness, a diag-
nosis of RMSF should be made largely on the basis ofpatient history, examination findings, and epidemio-
Clinical RMSF in Humans
The incubation period in humans generally varies
Because R rickettsii induce substantial multi-sys-
from 3 to 12 (median, 7) days after an infective tick bite.
tem vasculitis, septic shock can develop and lead to
Early signs and symptoms are nonspecific and usually
acute respiratory distress. Dark feces may indicate gas-
consist of fever (37.8oC [100.0oF] to 39.0oC [102.2oF]),
trointestinal hemorrhage. Central nervous system vas-culitis will often present as aseptic meningitis and maylead to thrombotic stroke. Occlusion of other smallarteries may lead to renal failure and gangrene of thefingers or toes.4,17 Other than delayed treatment or mis-diagnosis, there are specific risk factors for more severedisease or fatal outcome. These include male gender,history of alcohol abuse, advanced age, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, and non-Caucasian ethnicity. Unless it appears on the palms orsoles, the typical rash of RMSF can be difficult to rec-ognize on dark-skinned individuals.3,10,13
Treatment of RMSF in Humans
Doxycycline is the antibiotic of choice: 4 mg/kg
(1.8 mg/lb) for children, divided in 2 doses (every 12hours) orally or IV, to a maximum of 200 mg/day; foradults, 100 mg orally or IV every 12 hours.3,10 If the
Figure 2—Average annual human incidence per million popula-
patient is treated within 4 to 5 days of disease onset,
tion of Rocky Mountain spotted fever by county in the United
the fever usually subsides within 24 to 48 hours, and
States, 1993 through 1996, based on cases reported to the
improvement is rapid. Doxycycline should be con-
National Electronic Telecommunications System for Surveillance.
tinued for at least 3 days after the fever subsides and
Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of TropicalMedicine and Hygiene.11
until there is unequivocal evidence of disease resolu-
JAVMA, Vol 221, No. 10, November 15, 2002
tion, generally 5 to 10 days of treatment.3,10 People
diagnostic.12 However, these may not be as practical,
with severe or complicated disease may require
timely, or widely available.7,10,21 Because there is no
longer courses of treatment. In people with mild or
widely available rapid laboratory assay to provide early
early stages of disease (ie, without significant co-
confirmation of RMSF, specific antibiotic treatment
morbidity), failure to respond to adequate doses of
decisions should be made on the basis of epidemiolog-
doxycycline argues against a diagnosis of RMSF.
ic and clinical clues rather than awaiting laboratory
Chloramphenicol is an alternate antibiotic for treat-
confirmation. An acutely ill 9-year-old human who is
ing RMSF in humans, especially if renal failure, preg-
presented for care in late May through late August, has
nancy, or allergy to doxycycline is documented.
not responded to treatment for a viral syndrome, and
However, this drug is associated with a range of
has a history of camping in a RMSF-endemic area 10
adverse effects and requires careful monitoring of
days prior to disease onset should prompt the inclu-
sion of RMSF in the differential diagnosis.3,10,17
Similar signs and symptoms often result from
ehrlichiosis and borreliosis (Lyme disease), and both
Preventing RMSF
are tickborne zoonoses that occur in some locations
Preventing or limiting exposure to ticks, applying
that overlap RMSF-endemic areas. Therefore, doxycy-
repellants to skin and outer clothing, and rapid and
cline should be initially prescribed if either is suspect-
safe removal of attached ticks are effective ways to
ed. In the Arkansas RMSF outbreak mentioned, the ini-
reduce the risk of RMSF in humans.3,10,14 For dog own-
tial clinical diagnosis was Lyme disease, but none of
ers, the best methods of keeping ticks off the pets may
the people who met the case definition, or the controls,
be topical or systemic tick-control treatments such as
seroconverted to Borrelia burgdorferi. One person who
permethrin, fipronil,22 or seasonal dips, along with lim-
met the case definition, but did not have a rash, sero-
iting access to tick-infested areas. Alternatively, these
converted (IgM) to Ehrlichia chaffeensis but not to SFG
efforts could include the use of impregnated collars
(eg, containing amitraz)23 or regular applications of an
Only Maryland appears on both lists of the top 10
acaricidal treatment to kennels. Obviously, the best
states for incidence of human RMSF or Lyme disease
approach will depend on the geographic region where
(1992–1998).9,11,18 However, Lyme disease has received
the dog resides, the habit of the dog (most time spent
more publicity during the past 25 years, likely result-
indoors vs outdoors), and what the dog does (house
ing in overdiagnosis and inappropriate prophylaxis
pet vs field-trial or hunting). In addition, any ticks
with doxycycline for those with a history of tick bite.3,10
attached to dogs should be promptly and carefully
Several studies estimate that 38 to 60% of Lyme diag-
removed.2 There are no antirickettsial vaccines avail-
noses in the northeastern United States may be incor-
rect.19,20 Fortunately, as yet, this has not resulted in any
For humans, the following personal protective
clinical evidence that the agents of RMSF or the other
measures ensure the most effective risk reduction
2 diseases are developing resistance to the appropriate
when tick-infested areas cannot be avoided3,10,14,24:
' Apply tick repellants to exposed skin. The most
effective is DEET (N, n-diethyl-m-toluamide); 20
Criteria for Confirmation
to 35% active ingredient for adults, and 6 to 10%
of RMSF Diagnoses in Dogs and Humans
for children ≤ 12 years old. If skin becomes wet
Comparing acute and convalescent titers is the
from perspiration or water, reapply DEET to dry
most practical means of confirming a clinical diagno-
skin. Now known as N, n-diethyl-3-methyl-benza-
sis. Investigators and clinicians consider the indirect
mide, concentrations of ≥ 35% DEET may be
immunofluorescence assay (IFA), which can detect
appropriate for those adults who work for many
either IgM or IgG antibodies, to be the serologic stan-
hours in tick-infested areas (brush and tall grass;
dard for a diagnosis of RMSF.21 A 4-fold or greater
woodlots, powerline rights-of-way, etc).25
increase in IgM titers to SFG antigens, from acute to
' Spray permethrin-containing products on outer
convalescent (≥ 3 weeks apart) sera, is considered diag-
nostic for recent infection.12 Serum samples should be
' Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Tuck pant
assayed in parallel after collection of the convalescent
sample. Most infected individuals develop increasing
' Wear light-colored clothing to facilitate seeing
IgM titers by the seventh day of infection; however,
peaks may be delayed in those who promptly receive a
' Conduct body checks immediately after returning
correct antibiotic.10,16 A clinically probable, epidemio-
from outdoor activities in tick-infested areas; use
logically compatible case with a single IFA titer of ≥ 64
mirrors to view all body areas. Remove all ticks
for IgM antibodies may be considered diagnostic.10,12 A
single IgG titer is more problematic because SFG IgG
' Check children returning from infested areas,
may remain high several years after an infection.10,21
especially behind the ears, back of the neck,
Other current serologic procedures are considered less
around the waist, and in and along the hairline.
' Remove attached ticks by using fine-tipped tweezers.
A positive polymerase chain reaction for R rick-
Alternatively, shield fingers with tissue paper, a
ettsii antigen, positive immunofluoresence from a skin
foil-covered gum wrapper, or plastic sandwich bag
lesion biopsy or autopsy specimen, or the isolation of
and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible,
R rickettsii from a clinical specimen are also considered
pulling upward with steady, even pressure. Do not
JAVMA, Vol 221, No. 10, November 15, 2002
twist the tick or cause tick’s mouthparts to remain
4. Paddock CD, Greer PW, Ferebee TL, et al. Hidden mortali-
in the skin. Do not burn, puncture, squeeze, or
ty attributable to Rocky Mountain spotted fever: immunohistochem-
crush the tick’s body because its fluids may be
ical detection of fatal, serologically unconfirmed disease. J Infect Dis1999;179:1469–1476.
infectious. Wash the affected area with soap and
5. Goddard J. Basic tick biology and ecology. In: Ticks and
water, and disinfect the bite site and your hands. tickborne diseases affecting military personnel. San Antonio, Tex:
Ordinary household brands of 70% isopropyl
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, 1989;13–19.
(rubbing) alcohol or 2% tincture of iodine are ade-
6. Goddard J. Ixodidae (hard ticks). In: Ticks and tickborne dis-eases affecting military personnel. San Antonio, Tex: USAF School ofAerospace Medicine, 1989;70–75, 92–95, 104–106, 123–125.
7. Walker DH. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: a seasonal alert.
Remember that SFG rickettsiae are obligate intra-
Clin Infect Dis 1995;20:1111–1117.
cellular parasites and will not survive long once out-
8. Burgdorfer W. A review of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, its
agent, and its tick vectors in the United States. J Med Entomol 1975;12:269–278. Public Health Considerations
9. Dalton MJ, Clarke MJ, Holman RC, et al. National surveillance
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is important from the
for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 1981–1992: epidemiologic summary
public health perspective.2,10 Based on current knowl-
and evaluation of risk factors for fatal outcome. Am J Trop Med Hyg1995;52:405–413.
edge and available antibiotics, RMSF is preventable and,
10. Silber JL. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Clin Dermatol
failing that, theoretically, a nonfatal illness. Why, then, is
it currently the most frequently reported and most
11. Treadwell TA, Holman RC, Clarke MJ, et al. Rocky Mountain
severe human rickettsial disease in the United States?
spotted fever in the United States, 1993–1996. Am J Trop Med Hyg
Possibly because biologic and medical knowledge is not
communicated with the public or shared between the
12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Case defini-
tions for infectious conditions under public health surveillance.
professions.2,3,10 Veterinarians and physicians need to
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1997;46(RR-10):28–29.
increase their diagnostic suspicion between the months
13. McQuiston JH, Holman RC, Groom AV, et al. Incidence of
of April and September. As a zoonosis, RMSF in dogs
Rocky Mountain spotted fever among American Indians in
can serve as a sentinel event in the community.2
Oklahoma. Public Health Rep 2000;115:469–475.
Veterinarians need to inform and encourage more
14. Rotz L, Callejas L, McKechnie D, et al. An epidemiologic
pet owners about measures to prevent RMSF and share
and entomologic investigation of a cluster of Rocky Mountain spot-ted fever cases in Delaware. Del Med J 1998;70:285–291.
more information about local zoonoses with physi-
15. Salgo MP, Telzak EE, Currie B, et al. A focus of Rocky
cians in the community.2 Likewise, physicians need to
Mountain spotted fever within New York City. N Engl J Med 1988;
be more suspicious of RMSF in patients with spring or
summer flu-like illness, especially in children, without
16. Warner RD, Jemelka ED, Jessen AE. An outbreak of tick-
evidence of coryza, sore throat, or cough.4,17
bite associated illness among military personnel subsequent to a field
Doxycycline is proven safe and effective in treating
training exercise. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1996;209:78–81.
RMSF, and courses of therapy for ≤ 14 days have not
17. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Consequences
of delayed diagnosis of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in children:
resulted in staining of children’s teeth.7,10 Members of
West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, May–July 2000.
both professions should report all RMSF cases to local
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2000;49:885–888.
18. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Surveillance
Everyone needs to be aware that RMSF continues
for Lyme disease—United States, 1992-1998. MMWR Morb Mortal
to be endemic in densely populated areas of many
Wkly Rep 2000;49(SS-03):1–11.
states, least commonly in the Rocky Mountains, and
19. Rose CD, Fawcett PT, Gibney KM, et al. The overdiagnosis
of Lyme disease in children residing in an endemic area. Clin Pediatr
the typical rash is not often part of the clinical presen-
tation.10,13-15 Community health education efforts need
20. Reid MC, Schoen RT, Evans J, et al. The consequences of
to stress that age-specific incidence is high in children,
overdiagnosis and overtreatment of Lyme disease: an observational
there are effective preventive measures, and treatment
study. Ann Intern Med 1998;128:354–362.
needs to begin as early as possible. Otherwise there can
21. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
be serious sequelae, with the untreated case fatality
Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Viral and Rickettsial
rate ranging from 15 to 30%.4,10,11,17,24 If we all do as
Diseases. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: laboratory detection. Available at: www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/rmsf/Laboratory.htm.
much health education as possible, RMSF should be
much less of a threat in our communities.
22. Endris RG, Matthewson MD, Cooke D, et al. Repellency
and efficacy of 65% permethrin and 9.7% fipronil against Ixodes rici-References nus. Vet Ther 2000;1:159–168.
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
23. Elfassy OJ, Goodman FW, Levy SA, et al. Efficacy of an ami-
Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Viral and Rickettsial
traz-impregnated collar in preventing transmission of Borrelia
Diseases. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: the organism. Available at:
burgdorferi by adult Ixodes scapularis to dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc
www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/rmsf/Organism.htm. Accessed Aug 29,
24. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National
2. Greene CE, Breitschwerdt EB. Rocky Mountain spotted
Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Viral and Rickettsial
fever, Q Fever, and typhus. In: Greene CE, ed. Infectious diseases of
Diseases. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: prevention and control. the dog and cat. 2nd ed. 1998. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1998;
Available at: www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/rmsf/Prevention.htm.
3. Thorner AR, Walker DH, Petri WA Jr. Rocky Mountain
25. Pollack RJ, Kiszewski AE, Spielman A. Perspective:
spotted fever. Clin Infect Dis 1998;27:1353–1359.
repelling mosquitoes. N Engl J Med 2002;347:2–3.
JAVMA, Vol 221, No. 10, November 15, 2002
MAXPROP HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (Company Registration No 1965/004024/07) MANUAL PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC 51 OF PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT NO 2 OF 2000) ____________________________________________________________________________ NATURE OF BUSINESS The entity is a private body in terms of Section 51 of the Public Access to Information Act. The private body is a
Management eines Tabus ler Studien entsprechen (5, 6). (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil) suchenEXPECT-Studie: Therapie der erektilen DysfunktionErektionsstörung Hilfe in der hausärzt-Erektionsstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten sexuellenSchwierigkeiten, welche Patienten in der ärztlichen Praxis zurSprache bringen. In der Werbung und den Medien ist Sex einhälfte, von einer ED betrof