Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Permission forms 2011-2012.cwk (dr)

Please read through the following forms carefully, sign them where appropriate, and then return them by fax to the school office before the start of the new school year (September 6, 2011. Please note that the Arrival Information Form needs to be received by our office no later than August 31, 2011.
If you have questions regarding these forms, please contact our office staff at +43 662 824617. Thank you. THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-SALZBURG
Moosstrasse 106, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Tel.: +43 663 834617 Fax: +43 662 824555 E-mail: office@ais-salzburg.at Arrival Form:
Arrival Information
Orientation Day for all students and parents The staff of AIS-Salzburg offers transportation from the Salzburg International Airport or main train station
to the school for all students arriving unaccompanied by their parents. Please assist the school in providing
full and accurate information as requested on this form and return it to the school no later than August 31,
. Thank you.

Student Name (printed):
1. My son or daughter will arrive in Salzburg on the following arrival day (please check one): 2. He or she will be arriving by (check one and complete all requests for information): If your son or daughter will be arriving by air to Salzburg International
Airport, please provide the following information:
If your son or daughter will be arriving by train to the Salzburg train station,
please provide the following information:
DROP-OFF If your son or daughter will be dropped off here at the school by a family
member, please provide the following information: Please return this completed form to the school by August 31, 2011.
Fax Nr: +43 662 824617 E-mail: office@ais-salzburg.at
Enrollment Form 1:
Contact Information
Important note: The school sends all formal reports including mid-term and trimester grade cards, statements of account, etc. by
electronic mail (e-mail) to parents and guardians. Additionally, conduct and attendance updates, ad hoc reports of progress, and other
information which requires parental review is also sent electronically. We therefore strongly suggest that all parents submit an e-
mail address which can be utilized for these purposes and that it be checked regularly throughout the school year. Should parents or
guardians not be available through an e-mail account, the school will send all information by regular mail. Depending upon
distances and other factors, this can be time-consuming and the school cannot guarantee safe or timely delivery.
1. Primary E-mail Contact Address (Please print): 2. Primary Telephone Contact Number (Please include country and city code): 3. Primary Facsimile (fax) Contact Number (Please include country and city code): 4. Primary Mailing Address (Please print): 5. Emergency Contact Information (If different than above): This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011.
Enrollment Form 2:
Parental Permission: Athletics/Physical Education Participation
Student’s Name:
The American International School-Salzburg requires all students to participate in physical education each trimester of enrollment. Additionally, ski and snowboarding trips and a range of competitive athletic teams and events are organized throughout the school year. In order to participate in such activities, this permission form—releasing the school of liability—must be signed and on file in the school office.
I hereby give permission for my son or daughter to participate in all
forms of supervised and unsupervised sports, including
skiing/snowboarding and contact sports. I release the school of all
liabilities, present and future, incurred by reason of injury to my
son or daughter while participating in such activities at the
American International School-Salzburg.

I do not grant my son or daughter permission to participate in such
activity. (Please provide an explanation below.)

This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011.
Enrollment Form 3:
Parental Permission: Leaves to the City
Student’s Name:
The American International School-Salzburg allows boarding students, as a rule, to leave campus during free time provided they remain within the city limits of Salzburg. It is critically important, however, given the responsibilities with which our staff is entrusted, that the resident-care staff be informed of where students are at all times and where they plan on spending time when off campus. Therefore, strict guidelines are in place for reporting to the resident-care staff upon departure and return and these should never be abused. All boarding students are to report back on campus before the required curfew time each day.
Signed permission to allow boarding students to take advantage of leaves to the city is required by the administration of AIS-Salzburg. Three possible options concerning these leaves are provided below. Please check only one box and sign where appropriate below: A. I am in agreement with the school’s policy of allowing my son or
daughter leaves to the city during free time provided appropriate
sign-out procedures are followed and no restrictions are in place.

B. I am in agreement with the school’s policy of allowing my son or
daughter leaves to the city but allow him or her to depart the
school’s campus only when accompanied by another student.
Name of other student:

C. I believe that the school’s policy allows too much freedom for my
son or daughter and would prefer that he or she leave the school
campus only accompanied by a school staff member.

This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011.
Enrollment Form 4:
Parental Permission: Alcoholic Beverages
Student’s Name:
For students seventeen years of age and with parental permission, consumption of one glass of wine or beer is allowed in licensed and approved public restaurants and gasthauses on Friday and Saturday evenings with a meal and in accordance with Austrian law. The following restrictions on alcoholic beverage consumption for students with permission should be carefully noted: 1. All alcohol consumption must accompany a meal.
2. All bars or other establishments that cater primarily to the serving of alcoholic beverages are off limits to all students at AIS-Salzburg.
3. Consumption of hard alcoholic beverages (anything other than beer or wine) is prohibited at all times.
4. Students with alcohol permission are not allowed to purchase alcohol for later consumption.
5. The school reserves the right to declare certain weekends as “dry”. This mean s that alcohol permission is suspended. Further, the school reserves the right to check any and all students for consumption of alcoholic beverages with a breathalyser and to make all determinations concerning inappropriate levels of consumption based upon breathalyser results, behavior, and other indicators.
6. Any violation of the school’s alcohol consumption regulations will be dealt with swiftly and strongly. Students who violate the school’s alcohol policy may be suspended or expelled from enrollment should the school’s Disciplinary Committee so determine. Any violations of the school’s alcohol policy will result in loss of alcohol permission minimally.
A. I am in agreement with the policy as stated and grant my son or daughter permission to
consume alcoholic beverages within the guidelines listed above. My son or daughter is 17 years
of age OR is granted this permission as of the 17th birthday on ____________________ (date
during the coming school year).

B. My son or daughter is 17 years of age or older, or will turn 17 during the present school
year. However, we do NOT wish to grant him or her permission to consume alcoholic

C. My son or daughter is younger than 17 years of age and will not be turning 17 this school
year. Therefore, the above policy regarding alcoholic beverage consumption is not applicable.

This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011.
Enrollment Form 5:
Parental Permission: Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Agreement
The resident-care staff, faculty, and administration of the American International School-Salzburg recognizes that computers and related technologies promote learning and problem-solving, provide access to information and enhance personal productivity. The American International School-Salzburg provides access to a computer network on campus and to the Internet. The focus must be on what is best for students and how best to meet the students’ educational needs. The school community believes that every student and teacher should develop facility in the use of this tool and an appreciation of the legal and ethical responsibilities in its use.
Use of technology/electronic media at the American International School-Salzburg will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Promoting schoolwide educational goals for student learning.
2. Managing instructional programs involving maintenance of test scores, grades, and other data used in evaluating instruction and student progress.
3. Teaching technology skills and/or concepts.
4. Conducting research.
5. Communicating within and outside the school community.
The school administration, faculty, and staff have developed regulations governing the use of electronic media. These include: The understanding that all students are allowed to utilize the school’s intranet and Internet access systems for educational purposes, personal communication, discovery, and research. Further, students must understand that communicating on the school’s system is similar to any other interactive communication within the school and that all students are responsible for what is written or said. Students must understand that they are personally responsible for the websites which they visit and that accessing inappropriate sites will lead to disciplinary consequences. Students must understand that passwords and access codes are private and personal and are not to be revealed or used by other persons at any time. Failure to adhere to this regulation will result in denial of access. Students must understand that files or accounts of other users are private property and are not to be accessed, read, opened, or reviewed in any way whatsoever and that failure to abide by this policy is considered a major disciplinary infraction. Students are not to engage in the sending of chain letters or other mail which multiplies or clutters up the system. Students must understand that the school reserves the right to schedule the opening and closing times of the computing room and that access to the room may be denied given conduct status and academic standing. All students must agree not to download or copy commercial software which is in violation of copyright laws. Further, students may not send such unlicensed copies to other users. Violation of copyright laws is criminal behavior. Students must understand that absolutely no tampering with the installed software or hardware of the system is allowed at any time whatsoever and that doing so will result in being denied access to the system and computing room as well as disciplinary consequences. Students must understand that the school system is never to be used for financial gain or commercial enterprise. Every student, regardless of age, must read and sign below:
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms of the American International School-Salzburg Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Agreement. If I violate or in any way misuse my access to the school’s computer network and the Internet, I understand and agree that my access privilege may be revoked and school disciplinary action may be taken against me.
User’s Name (please print): _________________________________________________________ User’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________________ Parent or Guardian: As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named student, I have read, understand,
and agree that my child shall comply with the terms of the school’s Acceptable Use and Internet Safety
Agreement for the student’s access to the computer network and the Internet. I understand that access is
being provided to the students for educational and communications purposes only. However, in spite of best
efforts and the use of filtering, I also understand that it is impossible for the school to restrict access to all
offensive and controversial materials and understand my child’s responsibility for abiding by the agreement.
I am, therefore, signing this agreement and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the school and any
providers of network and Internet access against all claims, damages, losses, and costs, of whatever kind that
may result from my child’s use of his or her access to such networks or his or her violation of this agreement.
Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision of my child’s use of the school network and Internet
resources if and when such access is not in the school building or though my child’s personal computer. I
herby give permission for my child or ward to use school-approved access to the computer network and the
Parent or Guardian (please print): _________________________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________ This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011.
Enrollment Form 7:
Student Community Commitment Statement
Student Name (printed): ________________________________________________
All students enrolled at the American International School-Salzburg are required to sign the following community commitment statement: As an AIS-Salzburg student I understand that there are certain rules and expectations that make living together safe and beneficial for everyone. I understand and agree with the expectations as presented in the latest copy of the AIS-Salzburg Parent and Student Handbook and agree that the school has the right and obligation to make and enforce these expectations. I also understand that failure to follow these rules may violate Austrian law and the safety requirements to which the school is obligated by law. I, therefore, affirm that while I am enrolled as a students at the American International School-Salzburg: .that I will do my best to abide by all expectations of behavior and conduct. .that I will demonstrate respect toward all other persons who are members of my school community at all times. .that I will never engage in behavior which is destructive of or disregards the school community’s rules and expectations, the laws of Austria, or the rights accorded each and every member of the school community. .that I understand that suspension and expulsion from the school community may result from serious disciplinary infractions and lack of respect on my part. I, _____________________________(student) understand that these rules and regulations apply to both boarding and day students while under supervision, care, and legal responsibility of the school and throughout the entire school year. I, the undersigned, have read the school’s guidelines and expectations as presented in the latest edition of the Parent and Student Handbook and understand them and agree to follow them completely and to the best of my ability. By signing this document, I agree to follow these regulations and recognize that failure to do so may lead to my dismissal. I agree to cooperate with the enforcement of these rules at all times. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________
I, _____________________________ (parent) understand that my child is to abide by the above-mentioned rules and by the rules and expectations as presented in the latest edition of the Parent and Student handbook and by directives given throughout the year by the school administration, teaching faculty, and resident staff. I further understand and confirm with my signature below, that failure to heed and follow these rules and guidelines will result in disciplinary consequences which can include suspension from the school for a period of time or expulsion from the school if the AIS-Salzburg Disciplinary Committee determines that my child is an unacceptable member of the school community. I understand that I am responsible for all costs resultant from such expulsion or suspension from the school and agree to support this policy for the better education of my child. Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: __________
This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011
Enrollment Form 6:
Damage Liability and Declaration Form
Student Name (printed): ________________________________________________
As a resident in the AIS-Salzburg dormitories, I understand and accept the following terms and conditions for residency in the school dormitories during the 2009/2010 school year.
1. I understand and accept that the school property which I am given to utilize during the school year is not my personal property and I am to care for it and maintain its usefulness and value during my period of enrollment at AIS-Salzburg. 2. I understand and accept that an inventory and damage assessment of my dormitory room and its furnishings will be conducted at the start of the school year and that digital photographs of my room and furnishings will be taken to establish condition at that time. 3. I understand and accept that any damage beyond normal wear and tear on the school property in my dormitory room is my responsibility as well as my roommates’ and that I agree to reimburse the school not only for any damage for which I am responsible but also for the time and labor of the school house staff, shipping, and any other costs directly associated with replacement of the damaged item or repair. 4. I understand and accept that—in accordance with the school’s expectations as defined and clarified within the AIS-Salzburg Parent and Student Handbook—should no one accept responsibility for damage done to school property in my room or its furnishings, that the costs for replacement and/or repair will be equally shared by myself and my roommates. 5. I understand that the school administration, based upon records of original condition of my dormitory room and furnishings, has the right to withdraw payment for replacement or repair to materials for which I am responsible. 6. Lastly, I understand and accept all expectations for keeping my dormitory room safe, tidy, and secure at all times and understand that frequent checks will be carried out by the school administration and resident-care staff and that disciplinary consequences will result should I not meet these responsibilities fully. Boarding Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________ Parent or Guardian: As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named student, I have read, understand,
and agree that my child shall comply with the terms of this Damage Liability and Declaration Form. I agree
to cover the costs of replacement and repairs of any damage—beyond normal wear and tear—for which my
child is responsible. I further accept and understand that my child is to meet all expectations for boarders as
identified and explained in the AIS-Salzburg Parent and Student Handbook and that should he or she not,
that disciplinary consequences will be given.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________ This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011
Enrollment Form 8:
Attendance Policy Agreement Form
Student Name (printed): ________________________________________________
The following are the attendance expectations for all students enrolled at AIS-Salzburg:
1. All students at AIS-Salzburg must be in attendance in all credit-bearing courses at least 80% of the total scheduled instructional time each academic year. Students who are not in attendance at least 80% of the class time will not receive credit. This includes both excused and unexcused absences. Failure to receive credit will result in non-promotion and forfeiture of the school’s diploma.
2. Unexcused absences from one or more class periods is considered a disciplinary infraction and will result in consequences which include restriction of free time, detention, campusing, or referral to the Disciplinary Committee in cases of repeated offences.
3. Early departures before vacation or excursion periods as well as late returns afterwards will be marked as unexcused by the school administration regardless of the circumstances. Flight arrangements and travel plans need to be made well beforehand with this policy in mind. In the case of all unexcused absences, the student forfeits the right to make up the academic material assigned in his or her classes and discplinary consequences may also be required.
4. Parents of day students will report all absences by calling the school administration as soon as possible in the morning and keep the office informed of potential return following illness.
5. All students at AIS-Salzburg must meet the school’s physical education requirement of two hours class time per week during each trimester of enrollment. Because physical education classes are held once weekly, missing one period is the same as missing a week’s equivalent. 80% attendance is minimally required for credit as well as make-up exercise and participation are required following any and all excused absences. Additionally, health points are not gained through non-participation in the physical education program.
6. All boarding students and 5-day boarders are required to attend all weekly evening study halls (Sunday through Thursday evenings). Failure to attend an evening study hall will result in campus restrictions and detention halls. 5-day boarders as well as students who have received check-out permission are to return to the school campus before 18:00 on Sunday evening.
7. Weekend check-outs are allowed only following permission granted by the school administration. This permission is given only when proper application has been made by the student before 16:00 on the Wednesdy preceding the intended check-out. All check-outs are to parents or immediate family members only and require written or telephonic agreement from the parents or guardians. The school administration reserves the right to deny a check-out request due to restrictions, poor academic standing, or any other concerns.
Parent or Guardian: As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named student, I have read,
understand, and agree that my child shall comply with the terms of this Attendance Policy Agreement
Form. I agree to assist my child in meeting all attendance expectations for AIS-Salzburg students as
identified and explained in the AIS-Salzburg Parent and Student Handbook and above. I further
understand and agree that failure of my child to meet the school’s minimum attendance requirements
(listed above) will result in non-promotion and forfeiture of the school’s diploma.

Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________ This form must be signed and returned to AIS-Salzburg’s office before September 6, 2011
What to Bring to AIS-Salzburg
(For boarding students)
Please read and consider the following information carefully as it is intended to assist families and students
in their preparation for moving into the school’s dormitories. Should you have any questions concerning
this information, please contact the personnel in our office.

Tel.: +43 662 824617
Fax: +43 662 824555
E-mail: office@ais-salzburg.at

I. Important Information to Consider When Packing
A. Climate: The Salzburg region is warm and pleasant in the summer, cold and often below 0º in winter,
and often wet during the Fall and Spring. For a comfortable and healthy stay in Salzburg, we recommend
that students bring clothing and accessories that are appropriate for this range of seasonal weather.
B. Space: Each student will be given adequate (but not generous) closet and drawer space for storage in the
dormitory rooms. Any additional personal items must be stored in storage containers or luggage in storage
rooms specified by the school resident-care staff as is available upon request only. No additional furniture
will be placed in the dormitory rooms beyond what is originally furnished. Luggage and shipping boxes are
never allowed in the dormitory rooms and must be kept in storage on campus
C. AIS-Salzburg Dress Code: Students at AIS-Salzburg will spend the majority of their time each day
under the requirements of “academic attire” or “casual attire” within the parameters of the school’s dress
code. Therefore, students and parents should be certain that the clothing packed and brought to the school
meet the guidelines of this policy and code. It is recommended that all student have at least five or six outfits
that meet the expectations of “academic attire” and an appropriate number of casual clothing items; none of
which are in violation of the school’s dress code. This would mean, for example, that young men bring a
minimum of five or six pairs of slacks/trousers/pants, and at least five or six shirts with collars (dress or polo)
minimally. Specific information concerning the school’s dress code can be found in the AIS-Salzburg Parent
and Student Handbook.
II. You should bring.
- only clothes which meet the school’s academic and casual attire guidelines- warm coat, winter hat, and gloves- winter sweater(s) and warm socks- raincoat or light jacket and umbrella- pyjamas, bathrobe, slippers- athletic shoes for indoor and outdoor physical education and sports participation- dress shoes which meet the school’s academic attire dress code- bathing suit- semiformal dress and shoes for young women (please refer to the dress code definition of “semiformal”)- semiformal clothes and shoes for young men (please refer to the dress code definition of “semiformal”)- hand towels and three bath towels - not supplied by the school!- small, lockable case or footlocker for valuables and personal items - important for security!- valid passport and immunization record- valid visa if required- 8-10 passport-sized photographs- English/German dictionary, reading books, pens, pencils, calculators, notebooks, etc. - laptop computer- one or two small locks for your book locker - either keyed or combination III. We recommend you bring.
- sports and hobby equipment- skis or snowboard, boots, and other winter sports equipment- DVD movies appropriate for the entire school community to view- small backpack or books bag- musical instrument and carrying case if applicable- extra pair of glasses or contact lenses and prescription- mobile/cellular telephone and recharging unit (see school policy!)- pocket electronic calculators - but not allowed in class without specific teacher agreement - pocket electronic calculators - but not allowed in class without specific teacher agreement IV. Do not bring.
- large desktop computer and printer (not enough room in dorm room) - will be placed in storage!- expensive jewelry or other valuables - Leave at home!- bed linen - this is supplied by the school and changed regularly- delicate clothing which requires special laundry treatment - no laundry is to be done in the rooms!- pets- large stereo systems or electrical amplifiers for musical instruments- electric blankets or other electrical heating devices of any sort (see Handbook guidelines here)- candles, matches, lighters, incense or other flammables- hot plates, rice cookers, toaster ovens, toasters, microwave ovens, etc.
- weapons or knives- cigarettes, pipes, tobacco, cigarette papers, or any variety of tobacco products- alcoholic beverages or caffeine-intensive “energy drinks”- motorized vehicles of any kind- clothing or accessories that are not allowed under the dress code - will be packed up and sent home!- television, videotape players, or other electronic film players including personal DVD players- game consols such as Xbox, PSP, etc.
- any electrical appliances that will not function on 210 volts- prescription medications unless accompanied by doctor’s orders and deposited with the school office staff- credit cards or automatic banking cards, unless deposited in the school safe in the front office- extension cords or any type of power supply Please note that the school cleaning staff will change the bed linens weekly and will also launder
student clothing once a week at cost. Students are not allowed to do laundry in the dormitory rooms
(in sink or shower) and should not bring clothing with them which cannot be laundered in common
laundry machines.

Source: http://ais-salzburg.at/downloads/pdf/Permission_Forms_2011-2012.pdf

Greg - a sample arg

Greg – A sample ARG by Jengibre Interactive Greg was born as a small in-house research project. The objective: to find out how people reacts to an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) The game was sent to different people, half of them were considered ARG audience and the other half were not. Each of these halves were also split in two: half were just given the link and be told to beta test


5 • CONTENUTO DEI FITOTERAPICI: POCHE CERTEZZE, RAGIONEVOLI DUBBI Albert Szent-Györgyi, premio Nobel nel 1937 per studi fondamen-tali sulla vitamina C, era solito ripetere che se si studiassero con mag-giore attenzione le sostanze che già abbiamo sugli scaffali delle farma-cie e/o dei laboratori si conseguirebbero probabilmente risultati più si-gnificativi e utili per l’uomo che

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