Childhood Bullying Behavior and Later Psychiatric Hospital and Psychopharmacologic Treatment Findings From the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study Andre Sourander, MD, PhD; John Ronning, PhD; Anat Brunstein-Klomek, PhD; David Gyllenberg, MD;Kirsti Kumpulainen, MD; Solja Niemelä, MD, PhD; Hans Helenius, MSc; Lauri Sillanmäki, BA; Terja Ristkari, MNSc;Tuula Tamminen, MD; Irma Moilanen, MD, PhD; Jorma Piha, MD, PhD; Fredrik Almqvist, MD, PhDContext: No prospective population-based study exam-
independently predicted psychiatric hospital treatment
ining predictive associations between childhood bully-
and use of antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anxio-
ing behavior and long-term mental health outcomes in
lytic drugs. Among males, frequent bully-victim and
bully-only statuses predicted use of antidepressant andanxiolytic drugs. Frequent bully-victim status among
Objective: To study predictive associations between bul-
males also predicted psychiatric hospital treatment
lying and victimization in childhood and later psychiat-
and use of antipsychotics. However, when the analysis
ric hospital and psychopharmacologic treatment.
was controlled with total psychopathology score at age
Design: Nationwide birth cohort study from age 8 to
8 years, frequent bully, victim, or bully-victim status
did not predict any psychiatric outcomes amongmales. Participants: Five thousand thirty-eight Finnish chil- dren born in 1981 with complete information about Conclusions: Boys and girls who display frequent bul-
bullying and victimization at age 8 years from parents,
lying behavior should be evaluated for possible psychi-
atric problems, as bullying behaviors in concert with psy-
Main Outcome Measures: National register–based life-
chiatric symptoms are early markers of risk of psychiatric
time information about psychiatric hospital treatments
outcome. Among females, frequent childhood victimiza-
and psychopharmacologic medication prescriptions.
tion predicts later psychiatric problems irrespective of psy-chiatric problems at baseline. Results: When controlled for psychopathology score, frequent victim status at age 8 years among females Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2009;66(9):1005-1012BULLYINGISAMAJORCON- monthsandshowedthatproblembehav-
ior was a consequence rather than a cause
of bullying experiences. Until recently, fol-
years of age. Although former victims were
repetition.1 Boys engage in a greater amount
spects, they had lower self-esteem and de-
physical compared with that of girls, who
pression more often than their nonvictim-
are more likely to be involved in relational
ized peers. To the best of our knowledge,
forms of aggression.2,3 Bullying and victim-
the only large-scale population-based long-
ization are associated with poorer family
functioning,4 interparental violence,5 and
show that children who are both bullies and
victims are the most troubled in terms of
investigate, in part, the relationship be-
Author Affiliations are listed at
prospectively.7,8,10,11 Kim et al8 observed
seventh- and eighth-grade students for 10
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013
dicative of an antisocial tendency. However, because of
parents returned them in a sealed envelope to the teacher. The
the methodology (birth cohort of males was initially fol-
children filled out a questionnaire in the classroom. The teach-
lowed up at obligatory military call-up), follow-up in-
ers then sent the parents’ questionnaires, the parents’ written
formation about females was not available at that time,
consent sheet, the teachers’ questionnaires, and the children’s
and information about psychiatric outcome among boys
self-reports to the researchers in sealed envelopes.
The question that assessed bullying had 3 answers from which
was limited to military call-up health examinations.
There are no previous population-based studies that
(2) “I bully sometimes,” and (3) “Usually I do not bully.” Victim-
examined late adolescence or adulthood outcomes of
ization was assessed by the following: “Other children” (1) “bully
childhood bullying among both males and females. In the
me almost every day,” (2) “bully me sometimes,” and (3) “usu-
present study, we used 2 sources of psychiatric out-
ally do not bully me.” The question pertained to the child’s behav-
comes not included in our previous reports for our en-
ior in the last 2 weeks. Similar questions focusing on bullying and
tire birth cohort: (1) the nationwide hospital discharge
victimization were included in the parent and teacher question-
register containing information about all psychiatric hos-
naires (for a 12-month period), with the probe and response items
pital treatments; and (2) information about psycho-
worded as follows: The child bullies/is bullied by other children:
tropic medication from the Finnish Social Insurance In-
(1) does not apply, (2) applies somewhat, and (3) certainly applies. For the purposes of the present study, alternatives 1 and 2 were
stitution. Hospital treatment in Finland is usually an
regarded as indicating no or only occasional bully or victim sta-
indicator of a severe disturbance and is the most expen-
tus, whereas alternative 3 indicated frequent bully or victim status.
sive treatment in psychiatry.14,15 Our study aimed to ex-
We classified the sample into the following groups: (1) those
amine the associations between bullying and victimiza-
who never or only sometimes bullied and were not victimized
tion at the age of 8 years and psychiatric hospital treatment
according to parental, teacher, and self-reports; (2) those who
and use of psychiatric medications from 13 to 24 years.
frequently bullied (but were not victimized) according to at least
We studied the different outcomes of children who only
1 informant; (3) those who were frequently victimized (but did
frequently bullied, those who were only frequently vic-
not bully) according to at least 1 informant; and (4) those
timized, and those who were frequently both bullies and
who both frequently bullied and were victimized using pooled
victims (bully-victims). Furthermore, our interest was to
information from all 3 informants. For example, if a boy fre-quently bullied according to teachers and was frequently vic-
examine whether frequent bullying or victimization cor-
timized according to self-reports, he was classified as a bully-
relate with psychiatric outcomes when controlled for the
victim. Only subjects with complete information about bullying
effect of psychopathology and whether these correla-
and victimization from all 3 informants were included in the
tions are different among males and females.
analysis. Combining the parent, teacher, and child reports ofinformation about bullying/victimization by using the “either/
or” rule is justified by the low interrater agreement (weighted
This investigation is part of the nationwide Finnish 1981 BirthCohort Study. The Joint Commission on Ethics of Turku Uni-
In this study, we analyzed parental and teacher reports of the
versity and Turku University Central Hospital approved the re-
child’s psychiatric symptoms as possible confounding vari-
search plan, and informed consent was obtained from the chil-
ables. Parents and teachers completed a Rutter Scale,19,20 which
dren’s parents at baseline. Combined information from
was composed of 3 subscales (conduct, hyperactivity, and emo-
questionnaires and registry data was analyzed in such a way
tional scores). The Rutter questionnaires for screening chil-
that the subject could not be identified.
dren’s emotional and behavioral problems are well-
The methodology of the study has been previously re-
established and well-studied behavioral screening instruments
ported in more detail.16-18 The original representative study
that have proved valid and reliable in many contexts.21 In the
sample was drawn from the total population of Finnish chil-
present study, cut-off points corresponding to the 85th per-
dren born in 1981 (N = 60 007). The first assessment was con-
centile (total score cut-off point of 13 on the parental scale and
ducted in October and November 1989. Of the selected 6017
9 on the teacher scale) were used as indicators of possible psy-
children, 5813 (96.6%) took part in the study in 1989. The per-
chiatric disturbance. These cut-off points are widely used in
sonal identification numbers of 5351 subjects could be linked
child psychiatric epidemiology.16,21 In the present study, the child
with the Finnish Population Register. Altogether, 462 identi-
was considered screen-negative if he or she scored below the
fication numbers had been either lost or inappropriately
cut-off points in both the parent and teacher total Rutter scores.
documented. Complete information about bullying and vic-
Children who scored above the cut-off points in either the par-
timization from all 3 informants (parent, teacher, and child self-
ent or teacher scales were defined as screen-positive.
report) at age 8 years and outcome data until age 24 years wasobtained in 5038 subjects (86.7% of those who participated inthe study in 1989). PSYCHIATRIC OUTCOMES FROM AGE 13 TO 24 YEARS Psychiatric Hospital Treatment ASSESSMENT OF BULLYING AND
Information about psychiatric hospital treatment according to
the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register was collected from Janu-ary 1, 1994, to December 31, 2005. The National Research and
Data collection at baseline was organized through teachers. The
Development Centre for Welfare and Health in Finland has
teacher sent questionnaires via the child to the parents, and the
maintained the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register since 1969.22
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013
The Finnish Hospital Discharge Register contains personal iden-
time observation. The strength of the associations were quan-
tification numbers (since 1969), hospital identification codes,
tified using hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals
and data on length of stay and primary diagnoses at discharge
(CIs). Survival curves were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier
(together with 3 possible subsidiary diagnoses). Diagnostic in-
technique. Statistical computations were done using SAS, re-
formation in the register is based on clinical diagnoses made
lease 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina).
by the attending physician. It covers all mental and general hos-pitals as well as in-patient wards of local health centers, mili-
tary wards, prison hospitals, and private hospitals. The diag-nostic validity of the register concerning psychiatric disordersis good compared with medical records.23,24 We identified the
Altogether, 6.0% of 8-year-old boys were frequently bul-
subjects in our cohort by linking their unique identification num-
lies but not victims according to at least 1 informant,
ber to information in the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register.
whereas 6.4% of boys were frequently victims but not bul-
The following psychiatric diagnostic codes of the register were
lies. Among boys, 2.8% were frequently both bullies and
chosen as outcomes: the 1994-1995 International Classifica-
victims. Among girls, the rate of frequent victims was
tion of Diseases, Ninth Revision, codes 290 to 319 and the 1996-
3.6%. However, the percentage of girls who frequently
2005 International Statistical Classification of Diseases, 10th Re-
only bullied or were bully-victims was very low, 0.6% and
vision, codes F00 to F99. Because of the rather limited number
of cases with psychiatric discharge diagnoses, it was not sen-sible to further classify the diagnostic groups for the purposeof the present study. Of males and females, 6.2% and 4.1%, re-
spectively, had undergone psychiatric hospital treatment from
As shown in Table 1, 17% of the male bully-victim group had undergone psychiatric hospital treatment during follow-
Information about psychotropic medication use from January 1,
up, whereas 9% in the frequent bully–only group, 10% in
1994, to December 31, 2005, was collected from the nationwide
the frequent victim–only group, and 5% in the reference
Drug Prescription Register filed by the National Social Insur-
group (not frequently a bully or victim) had undergone psy-
ance Institution. This register tracks medication that has been pur-
chiatric hospital treatment during follow-up. Among fe-
chased from a pharmacy and is composed of data on 97% to 98%
males, 12% of the frequent victim group had undergone a
of all reimbursed prescriptions.25 In Finland, the cost of prescrip-
psychiatric hospital treatment, while 4% in the reference
tion-only medicines deemed necessary for the treatment of an ill-ness is reimbursed by the Health Insurance Institution. Drug pur-
group had undergone a psychiatric hospital treatment. Fre-
chases were recorded using the date of purchase, and drugs were
quent victim status among both males and females and
coded according to the 2000 Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical
bully-victim status among males predicted psychiatric hos-
(ATC) classification system.26,27 According to the ATC classifi-
pital treatment. However, when the analyses were ad-
cation system, the drugs were further classified into (1) antipsy-
justed with the total psychopathology score at age 8 years
chotics (ATC code N05A), (2) antidepressants (ATC code N06A),
(sum score of symptoms using pooled information from
and (3) benzodiazepine derivates (ATC code N05BA) (clonaz-
parent and teacher ratings), only female frequent victim sta-
epam was excluded, as it is mainly used to treat epilepsy). The
tus predicted psychiatric hospital treatment
same subject could have been classified as using medication frommore than 1 drug group. The global index of having any psycho-
pharmacologic treatment also included mood stabilizers, anti-epileptics (ATC code N03), and dixyrazine, hydroxyzine, buspi-
rone, disulfiram, lithium, and methylphenidate. From age 13 to
24 years, 13.2% of males and 16.7% of females had undergonepsychopharmacologic treatment.
As shown in Table 1, 32% of males in the bully-victimgroup had psychopharmacologic treatment during follow-
Psychiatric Hospital
up, whereas 18% in the frequent bully–only group, 15%
or Psychopharmacologic Treatment
in the frequent victim–only group, and 12% in the ref-erence group had psychopharmacologic treatment dur-
As a global index of psychiatric outcome, information about
ing follow-up. Thirty-two percent of females in the fre-
psychiatric hospital and pharmacologic treatment was pooled.
quent victim group and 16% of females in the reference
From age 13 to 24 years, 16.6% of males and 17.8% of females
group had undergone psychopharmacologic treatment.
In the total sample, sexϫbullying group interactions weresignificant only for use of anxiolytics (P Ͻ.05). STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
Among males in the unadjusted analysis, frequent
bully-victim and frequent bully–only statuses predicted
Associations of frequent bullying/victimization and psychiat-
use of any psychiatric medication, antidepressants, or anx-
ric symptoms with incidence of mental hospital treatment from
iolytics. Bully-victim status predicted use of antipsychot-
age 13 to 24 years were analyzed using Cox proportional haz-
ics. Frequent victim status did not predict later use of psy-
ards regression analysis.28 The time from age 13 years to thefirst mental medication or hospital treatment before age 24 years
chiatric medications. However, when the analyses were
was the observed time for end-point event in the analysis. For
adjusted with the total psychopathology score, frequent
those who did not have any medication or hospital treatment
bully and bully-victim statuses did not predict any out-
before age 24 years, the time from age 13 years to age 24 years
come among males (Table 1). In unadjusted and ad-
was recorded as the event time and it was handled as censored
justed analyses among females, frequent victim–only sta-
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013 Table 1. Association Between Frequent Bullying and Victimization at Age 8 Years and First Use of Psychiatric Hospital and Medical Treatment From Age 13 to 24 Yearsa Frequent Victim Frequent Bully Frequent Bully-Victim Frequent HR (95% CI) HR (95% CI) HR (95% CI) Participants Unadjusted Adjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Unadjusted Adjusted Males (n = 2541) Females (n = 2497)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; NA, not applicable because of low numbers.
a Analyses were conducted using Cox regression without and with adjustment for total psychopathology score at age 8 years.
tus predicted any psychiatric medication, use of
quent victim, and bully-victim groups were further clas-
antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anxiolytics (Table 1).
sified into screen-positives (above clinical cut-off pointon either the Rutter teacher or parental scale) and screen-
negatives (below clinical cut-off point on both teacher
and parental scale). As Table 2 shows, male bully- victim status (victim and bully status co-occurring with
The Figure shows the survival estimates for having psy-
psychiatric symptoms at age 8 years, ie, screen-positive
chiatric hospital treatment and/or using psychiatric medi-
in parent or teacher ratings) predicted a psychiatric out-
cation from the age of 13 and 24 years, which was used as
come (psychiatric hospital treatment and/or psychiatric
a global index for psychiatric outcome. Among males, fre-
medication from the age of 13 to 24 years) when the ref-
quent bully–only (HR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.3), frequent vic-
erence group was screen-negative boys who were not in-
tim–only (HR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.3), and frequent bully-
volved in frequent bullying behavior. Of note, almost all
victim (HR, 3.8; 95% CI, 2.6-5.6) statuses; and among
bully-victims (97%) were screen-positive at baseline. If
females, frequent victim–only (HR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.5-3.2)
the boy was a frequent bully only or frequent victim only
and frequent bully–only (HR, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.1-6.3) sta-
but screen-negative, he was not at increased risk of a
tuses predicted this outcome. However, when adjusted with
psychiatric disorder. In paired comparisons, screen-
the total psychopathology score at age 8 years, only fre-
positive bully-victims had a significantly higher risk of
quent victim status in females independently predicted this
psychiatric outcome than screen-positive boys without
bullying or victimization (HR, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.6-4.5) andscreen-positive boys with bully-only status (HR, 2.4; 95%
Among females, screen-positive and screen-negative
frequent victim-only and screen-positive bully-only sta-
To identify the outcomes of bullying associated with psy-
tuses predicted psychiatric outcomes at follow-up
chiatric symptoms at baseline, the frequent bully, fre-
(Table 2). Of 14 girls who were frequent bullies, 10 (71%)
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013
Frequent victim, 1.6 (1.1-2.3), P = .02
Frequent victim, 2.2 (1.5-3.2), P<.001
Frequent bully, 1.6 (1.1-2.3), P = .01
Frequent bully, 2.6 (1.1-6.3), P = .03
Frequent bully-victim, 3.8 (2.6-5.6), P<.001
Frequent bully-victim, 1.0 (0.1-7.1), P = .1
Figure. Estimated survival curves for time to psychiatric hospital or medical treatment. Statistics in the key are hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) with P values. Table 2. Associations of Frequent Bullying/Victimization and Dichotomized Psychiatric Symptom Screens With Psychiatric Hospital or Medication Treatmenta Males (n = 2528) Females (n = 2460) Psychiatric Medication Psychiatric Medication or Hospital Treatment, or Hospital Treatment, Characteristic Participants Participants
Frequently a bully only and screen-negative
Frequently a bully only and screen-positive
Frequently a victim only and screen-negative
Frequently a victim only and screen-positive
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; NA, not applicable.
a The reference group was not frequently a bully or victim and screen-negative. Because of pooling together information about bullying and psychopathology,
the number of cases is smaller than in Table 1. The analysis was conducted using Cox regression.
were screen-positive. Half of those with combined fre-
quent bully–only and screen-positive status had under-gone psychiatric hospital or medication treatment at fol-
The present study has several findings that are of major
low-up. In paired comparisons among females, no
public health significance. First, boys and girls are dif-
significant interactions were found.
ferent in respect to the prevalence and outcome of bul-
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013
lying behavior. Compared with boys, very few girls were
toms at age 8 years, the results suggest that the primary
frequent bullies or bully-victims. Previous studies have
intervention focus should be regulating behavior at school
not always accounted for gender in their analysis.7,29-31
and enhancing peer relationships. An approach to screen-
Second, girls who are frequently victimized are at risk
ing that relies first on identifying frequent bullies, vic-
of long-term psychiatric outcome regardless of their psy-
tims, or bully-victims and then conducts a psychiatric
chiatric statuses at baseline. Third, it was male bully-
screening could be a cost-effective alternative to univer-
victims who were at greatest risk of a wide range of psy-
sal screening for psychiatric problems. However, the
chiatric outcomes. This finding adds to previous studies
screening approach requires second-stage clinical evalu-
that have indicated that the male bully-victim group is
ations, effective child mental health services, and efforts
to assist families in obtaining help.
The sex ϫbullying interactions were significant only
Most of the very few girls with bully-only status had
for use of anxiolytics. However, frequent victimization
comorbid psychiatric symptoms at age 8 years and the
among girls but not among boys predicted psychiatric
low numbers prevent meaningful conclusions drawn from
hospital treatment and use of psychopharmacologic medi-
this group. Girls with both frequent bullying and psy-
cation when controlled with the effect of baseline psy-
chiatric problems at age 8 years appeared to be at great
chopathology. Previous research findings indicate that
risk of a psychiatric outcome. These findings should be
the child’s gender is a key variable in both the exposure
interpreted cautiously, given the small number of girls
to types of victimization and its link to later psychiatric
with frequent bullying. Despite the lower prevalence of
problems. Our findings are consistent with previous cross-
antisocial behavior among girls, studies of clinically re-
sectional, longitudinal, and population-based studies
ferred samples frequently report that girls show more se-
showing that victimization is associated with psychopa-
vere problems than boys,50 a pattern known as the gen-
thology, particularly among girls.2,34-37
der paradox.51,52 This paradox has also been previously
Young boys often experience more physical victim-
described in the bullying literature,8,53,54 suggesting that
ization, while girls are more prone to relational victim-
while girls are less likely to be bullies, when they are bul-
ization.36,38,39 Therefore, compared with the often direct
lies they have a more severe impairment than their male
and observable victimization among boys, girls’ victim-
counterparts. One explanation for this could be that from
ization is more often indirect and subtle. Exclusion and
a young age, girls are expected to control their behavior
gossip are especially frequent among girls.40,41 Biologi-
better than boys. When a girl is incapable of doing so it
cal factors may also explain the gender differences found
probably reflects severe psychiatric problems much more
in the present study. Stressful life events have been shown
than among boys, in whom such behavior is more ac-
to increase vulnerability for depression among individu-
cepted as part of their everyday lives. Boys and girls who
als with a functional variant in the serotonin trans-
display frequent bullying behavior should be evaluated
porter gene, and this risk has been found to be particu-
for possible psychiatric problems, because bullying be-
larly high in females.42,43 Thus, negative feelings associated
haviors in concert with psychiatric symptoms are early
with victimization might develop into intense physi-
markers of risk of psychiatric outcomes.
ological reactions, leading to depression and other forms
This is the first population-based study to report a pre-
of psychopathology especially among females. Previous
dictive association between bullying behavior as early as
studies have indicated that the impact of being bullied
age 8 years and psychiatric outcome in adolescence and
on depression and loneliness is greater for relational vic-
early adulthood in both males and females. Many previ-
timization than for overt victimization.44,45 Future stud-
ous studies on bullying have not studied boys and girls
ies should address if the victimization to which girls are
separately, which has influenced earlier findings. As such,
exposed is more traumatic than that to which boys are
our study has several strengths: a nationwide sample; a
exposed. However, because the severity of the bullying
low attrition rate; combined information about child-
events was not reported, the present study cannot fully
hood bullying behavior from parent, teacher, and child
self-reports; and the use of national registers. However,
Among boys, almost half of the bully-victims at age 8
several limitations should be considered when interpret-
years had undergone either psychiatric hospital treat-
ing the results. It is very likely that many simultaneous
ment or psychiatric medication at follow-up. Our re-
factors that could not be tested in the present study affect
sults support previous findings that, among males, bully-
the outcome. These factors include rearing practices, mal-
victims are the most troubled group.8,46 Of note, almost
treatment, and neglect, which are found to be related to
all bully-victims were screen-positive at age 8 years, in-
being a bully and being victimized55-57 and to both con-
dicating a strong association between psychopathology
current and future psychopathology. Unfortunately, in-
and bully-victim status among boys. Very few girls were
formation about other types of victimization, besides bul-
given the status of bully-victims. A multitude of studies
have uncovered significant gender differences in both im-
The prevalence of frequent bullying was rather low.
pulsivity and aggression, especially direct aggression, with
There is a great variation in the prevalence rates of chil-
boys scoring significantly higher across cultures.47-49
dren’s involvement in bullying across countries. In a cross-
Bully-only status among boys also predicted out-
national study of approximately 113 000 students aged 11
come, though less so than bully-victim status. Our ad-
to 15 years from 25 countries, involvement in bullying var-
justed results also show that bullies with psychiatric symp-
ied from 9% to 54%.46 These values include both occa-
toms were at elevated risk of later psychiatric outcomes.
sional and frequent bullying behavior, and the age group
If the frequent bully did not have a high level of symp-
was older than in the present study. One could argue that
2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 01/25/2013
the definition of bullying/victimization was rather strict in
Department of Child Psychiatry, Helsinki University, Hel-
the present study. However, previously we showed that par-
sinki, Finland (Dr Gyllenberg); Department of Child Psy-
ent, teacher, and child reports of frequent bullying inde-
chiatry, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland (Dr
pendently predicted later psychiatric disorder among males,
Kumpulainen); Departments of Psychiatry (Dr Niemelä
while informant reports about infrequent bullying showed
and Ms Ristkari), Biostatistics (Mr Helenius), and Bio-
at most a rather low risk of adverse outcomes.58
statistics (Ms Sillanmäki), Turku University, Turku; De-
Furthermore, this study lacks specification of bully-
partment of Child Psychiatry, Tampere University and
ing and victimization and whether it was executed by boys
University Hospital, Tampere, Finland (Dr Tamminen);
or girls. Only bullying in general was asked about, and
Department of Child Psychiatry, Oulu University Hos-
different types of bullying were not specified (physical
pital, Oulu, Finland (Dr Moilanen); and Department of
aggression, physical bullying, verbal aggression, and so-
Child Psychiatry, Helsinki University Hospital, Hel-
cial exclusion). Information about bullying was gath-
ered in 1989 at the time when the concept of bullying
Correspondence: Andre Sourander, MD, PhD, Depart-
might have been focused more on a type of aggressive
ment of Child Psychiatry, Turku University Hospital,
victimization. However, in our 10-year time-trend study,
20520 Turku, Finland (
the prevalence of bullying and victimization was rather
Financial Disclosure: None reported.
similar among 8-year-old children born in 1981 and those
Funding/Support: This study was supported by a grant
born in 1991.59 Previous findings60 suggest that at 8 years
from the Finnish National Social Insurance Institution
of age, children contrast aggressive and nonaggressive sce-
and the Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Finland.
narios, but do not distinguish clearly between differentforms of aggression. Future prospective longitudinal re-search on bullying and victimization should thus in-
clude measures of different forms of bullying, who is theaggressor, whether social support is available, and whether
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