Aart, J. v., Klaver, E., Bartneck, C., Feijs, L., & Peters, P. (2007). Neurofeedback Gaming for Wellbeing. Proceedings of the Brain-Computer Interfaces and Games Workshop at the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Salzburg, pp. 3-4
Neurofeedback Gaming for Wellbeing
Joran van Aart, Eelco Klaver, Christoph Bartneck, Loe Feijs, Peter Peters
Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
design@joran.eu, e.r.g.klaver@student.tue.nl, {c.bartneck, l.m.g.feijs; p.j.f.peters} @ tue.nl
For neurofeedback to be integrated in society, there is a need for
In this paper we discuss our vision on future neurofeedback
neurofeedback to be accepted. However, another problem might
therapy. We analyze problems of the current situation and debate
be that neurofeedback therapy is based on a ‘mind over matter’
for a change in focus towards a vision in which neurofeedback
perspective, implying that not only the physical and mental
therapy will ultimately be as easy as taking an aspirin.
wellbeing are interconnected [3, 5] but also that the physical
Furthermore we argue for a gaming approach as training, for
wellbeing can actually be a result of the mental one. Although this
separation between neurofeedback therapy and gaming has
statement has been proven in various studies [3], people may
become noticeably smaller after recent development in brain
experience problems with acceptance. Ungrounded conservative
manipulated interfaces. We conclude by providing suggestions of
opinions have been formed, perhaps as a result of the natural fear
of the unknown. Still, although neurofeedback therapy has shown
to have a positive influence [6] on numerous disorders, absolute
Categories and Subject Descriptors
and undeniable proof of absence of possible side-effects has not
been supplied yet. Whether this is a potential issue for the therapy
H5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation (e.g. HCI)]:
not to be accepted, remains open for debate. However, it has been
User Interfaces - Input devices and strategies (e.g., mouse,
said that if some or another medication could be as broadly and
effectively applicable as neurofeedback therapy, it would already
be available at every pharmacy in the world. [11]
General Terms
More practical problems with neurofeedback therapy (compared
with for example medication) include its expensive and time
consuming aspects. Currently, a regular therapy exists of
approximately 40 sessions of 1 hour each, preferably one or two
Neurofeedback therapy, neurofeedback training, gaming, EEG,
sessions a week. However, this hour includes only 30 minutes of
mental and physical wellbeing, prevention as healthcare
actual contact time, since existing EEG products simply take a lot
of time to prepare. A closer look at the method: In most cases,
EEG products involve placing an elastic cap on the head, with 19
Neurofeedback [2], as therapy of the future, may realize the vision
sensors held in place on the scalp. To optimize scalp contact, dead
of fighting the cause rather than the symptoms. It treats health
cells are removed and hair is parted out of the way to place
problems like attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity disorders
sensors with gel on the scalp. The ElectroCap (figure 1) [1] is the
and sleeping problems, formerly all suppressed with medication.
far most used example of this category. Other cases include the
Based on EEG measurements, the user’s mind is trained to bridge
use of a 2-channel EEG measurement, involving only 2 sensors
new connections and to either increase or decrease the use of
and clips on each earlobe. In those cases, the sensors are placed
specific brain functions. And best of all: it is achieved by simply
on the scalp directly (without the elastic cap), for the cap mainly
undergoing a number of non-intrusive sessions, which we propose
functions for defining the location of scalp electrodes.
to improve by interconnecting with gaming appliances. However,
if it is such a promising concept, why hasn’t this therapy been
adopted by the general public and health companies yet?
The results of research in the field of neurofeedback seem very
promising, but various aspects like discrepancy in society focus,
general acceptance and practical issues (time and money) form
Figure 1. ElectroCaps [1]
challenges that have yet to be overcome.
Besides the extensive preparation, these sessions take place at a
In present day society, people only consult a doctor when
clinic, therefore waiting time and obviously travelling time should
experiencing physical complaints. In other words: the focus is too
be counted as well. Besides the time aspect, neurofeedback
much on the physical aspect of health and on curing the
therapy is very expensive and not refunded by health insurances.
symptoms. In contrast, the main focus of neurofeedback is on
mental issues, e.g. concentration or sleeping disorders and on
The identified issues, varying from practical to emotional, might
fighting the cause of these disorders, rather than the symptoms.
all slow down the development of neurofeedback therapy and its
The gap between the health focus of society and neurofeedback
therapy is noticeable, which may be one of the reasons that
neurofeedback is not applied to its full potential yet.
Aart, J. v., Klaver, E., Bartneck, C., Feijs, L., & Peters, P. (2007). Neurofeedback Gaming for Wellbeing. Proceedings of the Brain-Computer Interfaces and Games Workshop at the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Salzburg, pp. 3-4
recommended to undergo a medical investigation, to exclude
We suggest a change in the focus of neurofeedback in two ways,
certain causes of possible complaints and to check for counter-
both the aim as well as the practical realisation. Furthermore we
emphasize the importance of intrinsic motivation (gaming) [9] in
Our second suggestion is that a user should be able to conduct a
therapy session independently. This implies the need to be able to
As applied for health-related training systems, current aims of
easily locate the necessary contact-points and applying the
sensors. It can be assumed that most of the households already
have a computer which can calculate sensor input and provide
feedback. This means that in principle, only an EEG measurement
- training to alleviate attention and hyperactivity disorders, e.g.
device and a software package needs to be applied, which would
greatly reduce costs. As a final demand, the training software
- training for specific sports such as rowing, cycling etc.;
should be easy to operate and perhaps even more important: the
software should be intrinsically motivating (playful).
- training for relaxation and meditation to cope with mental
Based on observations, the following assumptions are formulated,
which could be advisable to keep in mind when designing for
- training muscular tonicity recovery for cardiovascular
playful neurofeedback training sessions:
- A1: that it is helpful to give the user rewards based on
- training and eating schemes to maintain proper weight or
- A2: that it is helpful to simulate elements from an assumed
Aims described above, include therapies applied in the medical
area, focusing on people with mental disorders. Using
neurofeedback training they are able to improve their quality of
- A3: that it is helpful to provide the user with quantitative
life and bring their wellbeing level up to a regular standard. But
what if we would apply this therapy before any disorder has
Similarities between gaming and neurofeedback training software
occurred? Given the fact that both mental and physical health are
are identified, for example: reward schemes with levels, credits,
interconnected [3], neurofeedback therapy could function as
bonuses, etc. (A1), sound generation and rendering of high-
prevention rather than a cure. This insight brings closer the
resolution real-time environments (A2), statistics and graphs etc.
European dream, emphasising quality of life over accumulation of
(A3). Given the fact that intrinsic motivation is found in gaming
[7] and that it provides positive influences on concentration and
Imagine the possibilities of using neurofeedback training as tool
motivation, we suggest to focus on gaming when creating
to improve the quality of our lives; consequences on a macro scale
neurofeedback training software (e.g. ‘Brainball’ of Hjelm [4] is
would be immense, ranging from a decrease in diseases to a
considered to be an interesting example). Imagine neurofeedback,
reduction of health insurance fees. As a matter of fact, this shift of
applied as a treatment, being perceived as fun and enjoyable. In
focus from cure to prevention is already taking place in
this case a shift from ‘treatment’ to ‘play’ could be both desirable
healthcare; a Dutch health insurance company actually stimulates
and achievable. It should be kept in mind however, that gamers
the use of low-cholesterol margarine by partly refunding it [8].
might not be satisfied with any rewards, contexts and data that are
Using neurofeedback training as tool to improve life would be a
much more naïve and low-tech than their media experience; or in
big step in healthcare. It could be argued that healthcare uses
other words: neurofeedback training might have to keep pace with
neurofeedback to elevate wellbeing to certain standards, while
professional athletes use neurofeedback to enhance their already
exceptional performances; the so-called field of peak-4. APPROACH performance. With neurofeedback therapy, athletes are able to
In this section, issues that are possibly slowing down the
teach themselves to consciously enter a state of ‘relaxed focus’,
development of neurofeedback will be addressed. Suggestions for
resulting in an optimal performance also known as the winning
realising the proposed aims of neurofeedback gaming will be
mood. Now imagine that everyone could consciously evoke this
discussed as well, starting with the acceptance.
feeling; neurofeedback could be used to not only cure or prevent
It is likely that, before society can accept neurofeedback, there is a
diseases but to elevate our entire standard of living.
need for awareness about the system and its functioning. This
However, before neurofeedback training is accepted, there’s a
would imply that before society can exploit the various
need to cope with multiple challenges neurofeedback is facing, for
opportunities of neurofeedback training, such as improving
example the practical issues described before. Neurofeedback
personal capabilities, people need to be made aware of the
therapy currently involves a lot of time, money and other practical
possibility called neurofeedback training. For this to be reached,
issues which can obstruct the acceptance of neurofeedback
we should realize that neurofeedback therapy (as applied at the
therapy. We suggest a world in which neurofeedback training is as
moment) is the frontier of neurofeedback training. Early adopters
like athletes and people with mental disorders presumably have a
bigger drive to look further, which resulted into neurofeedback
To realise this vision, we suggest home-use should be enabled.
therapy. More might follow and neurofeedback could become
For this to happen, first of all the involvement of a medical expert
more and more accepted when positive media attention keeps on
should be decreased (e.g. only for guidance in defining the goals
going. Furthermore, part of this acceptance probably has to be
and keeping an eye on the progress). Of course, it is still strongly
achieved by means of scientific proof, especially regarding the
Aart, J. v., Klaver, E., Bartneck, C., Feijs, L., & Peters, P. (2007). Neurofeedback Gaming for Wellbeing. Proceedings of the Brain-Computer Interfaces and Games Workshop at the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Salzburg, pp. 3-4
governmental and health insurance area. Therefore we debate for
shift (in healthcare) from cure to prevention, 2) increasing the
large scale research proving the positive influence of
focus on mental wellbeing in healthcare, 3) elevating the standard
neurofeedback therapy and the absence of negative side-effects.
of living by enabling users to consciously train brain signals 4)
However, increasing acceptance of neurofeedback therapy would
implementing gaming approaches in neurofeedback to increase
only be the first step. We also propose to enable neurofeedback
intrinsic motivation. In general, we propose to make
training controllable by the user in home context, which could be
neurofeedback training more accessible by designing single-user
achieved by designing products according to specific user
products for the home environment and thereby achieving our
requirements. These requirements are based on the aim of
idea of using neurofeedback to its full potential. Furthermore we
shortening and simplifying the training methodology and would
argue the use of gaming as motivational tool and to support
society adopting neurofeedback training.
- easily apply sensors (including conducting gel) to one’s head
We would like to thank our colleagues at the Department of
- have access to training software and the ability to control it
Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, who
- receive feedback on electrode impedance and act accordingly
raised our interest and helped shaping our thoughts. Furthermore
we would like to thank Pierre Cluitmans and Frans Tomeij for
- easily clean the sensors and reuse the system
sharing their knowledge and insights on the matter.
With these suggestions, time and money issues are addressed.
Additionally, it is likely that neurofeedback would become
available to a broader public. This might help to accomplish the
[1] Electro-Cap International, Inc. (2004). Electro-
aims regarding wellbeing (being: focus on prevention and mental
Cap.Retrieved April 3, 2007, from Electro-Cap
health, increase capabilities by consciously training brain signals).
International, Inc. Web site: http://www.electro-cap.com.
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[2] Evans Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback,
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[5] Kendell, R.E. The distinction between mental and physical
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[6] Lubar, J.F. Evaluation of the effectiveness of EEG
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[8] Munneke, W. (2006). Becel als medicijn.Retrieved April 3,
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