Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized sham-controlled trial
Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKCHACephalalgia0333-1024Blackwell Science, 2005?? 2005265520529Original ArticleAcupuncture in migraine prophylaxisJ Alecrim-Andrade et al.
Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis: a randomizedsham-controlled trial
J Alecrim-Andrade1,2, JA Maciel-Júnior2, XC Cladellas3, HR Correa-Filho4 & HC Machado5 1Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, Medicina Interna, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, 2State University of Campinas, Neurology, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Hospital Clinic, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, 4State University of Campinas, Social and Preventive Medicine and 5State University of Campinas, School of Medical Sciences, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Alecrim-Andrade J, Maciel-Júnior JA, Cladellas XC, Correa-Filho HR & Machado
HC. Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized sham-controlled trial.
Cephalalgia 2006; 26:520–529. London. ISSN 0333-1024The purpose of the present trial was to evaluate semi-standardized acupuncture
efficacy in migraine prophylaxis. Twenty-eight subjects with migraine were
randomized to the real or sham acupuncture groups. Semi-standardized and
standardized minimal acupuncture were used, respectively, in the two groups of
patients. They were all treated with 16 acupuncture sessions in 12 weeks. Both
groups exhibited similar reductions in: percentage of patients with reduction of
migraine ≥40% and ≥50% regarding frequency of migraine attacks, days with
migraine, frequency of migraine attacks, average duration of a migraine attack,
rate of rescue medication used, average headache severity rate and other
parameters compared with the baseline period. Associated symptoms, such as
nausea and vomiting, also showed equal estimates in both groups. These findings
showed that semi-standardized acupuncture shows no difference from sham
acupuncture in preventing migraine attacks. ᮀAcupuncture, efficacy, headache,migraine, prophylaxis, randomized controlled trial Dr Jerusa Andrade, State University of Campinas, Neurology, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Tel. + 55 19 3242 1492, e-mail Received 11 January 2005, Introduction
accordingly to their own experience and feelings. In
fact, acupuncture can be applied in different ways.
Acupuncture has been largely used for migraine suf-
Traditional Chinese acupuncture basis has been dis-
ferers in western countries, although the role it may
regarded in most trials. Usually, a standard treat-
play in migraine treatment remains unknown (1–3).
ment has been adopted regardless of the previous
Some trials have pointed out some effects of acu-
TCM diagnosis (9, 10). Furthermore, several acu-
puncture in migraine, but no conclusive results have
puncture techniques have also been applied,
been reached, probably because there have been
although they cannot be matched to the original
only a few high-quality trials in this area (4, 5).
technique (7, 11). Therefore, comparisons of acu-
Migraine does not exist as an entity in the theory
puncture trials are very difficult (7). Is there a mid-
of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) (6). The
way betwwen traditional concepts and the scientific
basis of acupuncture follows the TCM grounding.
approach? The authors thought that the semi-
However, there are serious methods of diagnosis,
standardized acupuncture treatment could be the
treatment and practice as far as acupuncture is con-
best way, because TCM would be partially respected
cerned. In western countries practice sometimes fol-
and the treatment would be easily reproduced in
lows the paths of neurophysiology, neuromuscular
other trials in the future as well as in clinical practice.
and other modern concepts and principles (7).
The present trial was developed to evaluate
According to TCM’s principles, treatment should be
the efficacy of semi-standardized acupuncture in
individualized (8). Each acupuncturist should treat
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529 Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis
the patients were evaluated by a general physician,
who is also an acupuncture specialist (J.A-A.). At
this time, the clinical history and physical evalua-
tion based on the principles of Chinese medicine
The present study was developed in the Headache
were recorded, including examination of the pulse
Clinic of the Department of Neurology, in the
and tongue. The evaluation was done and the
Clinical Hospital, State University of Campinas
probable treatment following TCM principles was
(UNICAMP), Brazil. The protocol and supporting
planned for all patients in order not to break the
documents (information sheet, consent form, proto-
col) were approved by the institutional Ethics Com-
After the acupuncture doctor’s evaluation,
patients were randomly assigned to two acupunc-
The recruitment of patients was done from August
ture groups, group C and group D, by a research
2002 to March 2003, and the trial was completed
assistant. The research assistant prepared opaque,
in February 2004 (including all follow-up periods).
numbered and sealed envelopes containing one of
Patients were recruited via a media campaign. They
the two above letters. They were divided into six
were scheduled by the research assistants and eval-
blocks. A block had six letters, three letter Cs and
uated by an experienced neurologist.
three letter Ds. The random digits (14) were used to
Twenty-eight patients suffering from migraine,
define the sequence of the letters in each block.
with or without aura, in accordance with the diag-
Therefore, the order of the letters was different
nostic criteria of the International Headache Society
for each block. That sequence was unknown by
(IHS) (12), present for at least 1 year, male and
the medical acupuncturist. The identification of
female, aged 18–50 years, were enrolled. Other in-
each letter was unknown by the first and second
clusion criteria were: patients with only migraine,
research assistants, the statistician, the neurologist
patients who had not used drugs with migraine pro-
(evaluator) and the patients. Only the medical acu-
phylactic effects or acupuncture in the previous
puncturist knew the meaning of each letter, but she
3 months, patients who could come to the clinical
had not revealed any code before completing all
hospital 17 times only in the following 12 weeks
the data analysis. The second research assistant was
(acupuncture treatment period) and patients who
responsible for sending the randomization list to
had accepted inclusion in the study after oral and
the statistician at the end of the trial. Group C
written explanations about the clinical trial. The
received the real acupuncture and group D the
exclusion criteria were patients with any other
sham acupuncture. The acupuncturist doctor did
chronic pain syndrome, who were unable to under-
not give any information to the patients, neurolo-
stand and maintain headache diaries, who were mis-
gist or research assistants about the acupuncture
using drugs or alcohol and who occasionally used a
Real and sham acupuncture are defined in World
Prior to enrolment there was a 4-week prelimi-
Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Clini-
nary phase (baseline period) when patients kept a
cal Research on Acupuncture (15) as being ‘acu-
diary recording the frequency and intensity of head-
puncture given as a real clinical treatment’ and
ache, menstruation, drug intake and associated
‘inappropriate acupuncture for the condition being
symptoms in each migraine attack. By that time, the
treated taking into account the acupuncture
selected patients had received a written text with
information about all aspects of the trial, including
The patients were submitted to the acupuncture
possible adverse events and their right to withdraw
treatment for 12 consecutive weeks. That included
from the trial at any time without giving reasons.
16 sessions, twice a week during the first 4 weeks
During that period at least three, but not more than
and weekly during the following 8 weeks. Patients
six migraine attacks, had to occur. A new attack was
had to keep a headache diary from the baseline
considered as such when the patient had been head-
period (diary 1) up to follow-up period (diaries
ache free for at least 48 h (13). Patients with non-
5–10), which was for 24 weeks after the last acu-
migraine types of headaches were excluded as well
puncture session (approximately 6 months). The
as patients who had used drugs for the treatment of
follow-up period was designed to test the longer-
migraine attacks for more than 10 days in 4 weeks.
lasting effects of acupuncture on migraine. During
After the baseline period, during the second neurol-
the acupuncture treatment, the patients completed
ogist visit, the selected patients signed the written
three diaries (diaries 2–4). Neurologist visits were
informed consent. Before acupuncture treatment,
scheduled at weeks 0, 5, 18, 25, 33 and 42.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529
Treatment of migraine attacks, if they happened,
as De Qi. The ‘Qi sensation’ was explained to the
patients of this group in the first session as an
patient. The neurologist withheld any suggestions
awareness of numbness, strange aching or tingling
as to changes in the ongoing rescue medication
radiating from the point of needling.
and any comments on the acupuncture treatment
1 The skin was disinfected with 70% alcohol.
2 Sterile disposable and steel needles (0.25 × 40 mm)
3 Moxa or electrical stimulation was not used.
1 Twelve needles (six on each side) were inserted in
4 The patients were kept lying down for 30 min with
2 Minimal acupuncture was used and consisted of
5 Body acupuncture was done bilaterally.
very shallow needle insertion in the acupuncture
4 The points in the sham acupuncture group were
Efficacy was measured by comparing the first diary,
selected after an extensive consultation of the clas-
which was made in the baseline period, with the
sical acupuncture literature to confirm that they
diaries of the treatment period (diaries 2–4) and of
had minimal or no influence on headaches (16–21).
the follow-up period (diaries 5–10). Each diary cov-
5 Standardized and fixed acupuncture treatments
1 The treatment was semi-standardized (see
1 The percentage of patients with a reduction of
Table 2). The chosen points were related to the
≥40% in migraine attack frequency from the
pain topography of the most frequent migraine
second to the fourth diaries compared with the
attacks in each patient and based on some princi-
ples of traditional Chinese medicine.
2 The percentage of patients with a reduction of
2 From 6 to 10 points were used in each session (12–
≥50% in migraine attack frequency from the
second to the fourth diaries compared with the
3 Each patient had a fixed treatment in their 16
3 Total migraine days from the second to the fourth
4 The needles were manipulated by rotation meth-
diaries compared with the first diary (baseline
ods to produce a characteristic sensation known
Table 1 Protocol treatment in the sham acupuncture group (points)
At the level of the depression below the spinous process C7. 12.7 mm lateral to the
Posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and
Directly above the auricular apex, on the hairline
15 cm proximal to the proeminence of the medial malleolus, dorsal to the medial
76 mm inferior to St36 (described above), one middle finger breadth lateral to the
In the cubital fold in the depression at the radial side of the biceps brachii muscle
Lian YL, Chen CY, Hammes M, Kolster BC. The Seirin pictorial atlas of acupuncture. An illustrated manual of acupuncture
points. Cologne: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Press 2000.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529 Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxisTable 2 Protocol treatment in the real acupuncture group (points)
In the depression dorso-cranial to the mastoid process
In the depression between the start of the sternocleidomastoid
At the midpoint between the depression below the spinous
12.7 mm within the ideal anterior hairline, 33 mm lateral to
the midline in the depression at the lateral edge of thetrapezium muscle
At the midpoint between the prominence of the lateral
With the patient’s fist loosely clenched, at the ulnar end of the
proximal crease of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint, onthe dividing line between red and white flesh
In the depression at the medial end of the eyebrow in the
One middle fingerbreadth lateral to the anterior crest of the
tibia, at the level of distal edge of the tuberosity of the tibia
On the midline, 25 mm within the midpoint of the ideal
On the dorsum of the hand, to the side of the midpoint of the
second metacarpal bone, in the pollicis muscle adductor
5 cm proximal to the dorsal wrist crease between the ulna and
In the depression ventral and distal to the head of the fibula
With the patient’s fist loosely clenched, at the ulnar end of the
proximal crease of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint, on thedividing line between red and white flesh
At the middle of the vertex, at the midpoint between the two
On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the
proximal corner between the first and second metatarsalbones
50 mm proximal to the distal wrist crease, between the
palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis tendons
On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the
proximal corner between the first and second metatarsalbones
Lian YL, Chen CY, Hammes M, Kolster BC. The Seirin pictorial atlas of acupuncture. An illustrated manual of acupuncture
points. Cologne: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Press 2000.
= migraine not interfering with daily activities; 2,
moderate headache = migraine interfering with
daily activities; and 3, severe headache = migraine
2 Average duration of a migraine attack.
making normal daily activities impossible) follow-
4 Total duration of migraine pain in hours per diary.
The patients were instructed to report all adverse
The severity of headache was evaluated on a 4-
events to the medical acupuncturist in each session
point scale (0, no headache; 1, mild headache
as well as in a paper that they had received before
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529
the first session. Adverse events were listed
Table 3 Patient demographic characteristics
descriptively and comparison between groups was
done, ascribing some statistical significant difference
Patients were fully informed that two kinds of acu-
puncture would be done. One would be real and the
other would be false, placebo. No additional infor-
At the end of the study, patients were invited to
fill in a questionnaire evaluating the acupuncture
treatment and to give their impression about which
treatment group (real or sham acupuncture) they
were included in the statistical analysis. The flow
of participants through each stage of the trial is
presented in Fig. 1. There was no significant differ-
ence between study completers and drop-outs in
The sample size was determined considering the
diary scores, group of treatment, age or headache
results shown in an unpublished pilot trial that had
been done before this present trial. The endpoint
The groups’ demographic data are presented in
considered to calculate this sample was the percent-
Table 3. There was only one statistically significant
age of patients with reduction of ≥40% in their
difference between groups, the age mean. The
migraine attacks in the second month of treatment
patients in the sham acupuncture group were older
with sham or real acupuncture. The equivalence
than in the real acupuncture group (P = 0.024).
range was 11.8–57.9% for patients with a reduction
of the attack rate of 40% and with α = 0.05 and
Efficacy and long-term follow-up (24 weeks)
= 0.20. The number of patients required was 26
divided into two groups. As a drop-out rate of 15%
No statistically significant difference between
was expected, 30 patients had to be enrolled into the
groups was observed in any pain parameter evalu-
ated in this trial. Nevertheless, comparisons within
Statistical comparisons were done using univari-
each group found that all migraine pain parameters
ate analysis with the χ2 test and Fisher’s exact test.
had improved with statistically significant differ-
Analysis of variance (Anova) for repeated measures
ences in both groups. There was one exception:
was used to compare both groups. Comparisons
headache severity when the patients were experienc-
within groups for the migraine parameters in each
one of the periods were done using the Tukey’s post-
hoc test. Differences within each group were
estimated using the profile test by contrasts. The
significant level used for the statistical analysis was
The Tukey test showed that the real acupuncture
5%, therefore P < 0.05 indicates significance.
group had significantly reduced nausea during the
follow-up period when compared with the sham
acupuncture group (F(9,198) = 2.09; P = 0.0372). The
variance analysis showed that the variability in the
graph lines is not attributable to chance.
There was no statistically significant difference
The selection of patients for the trial took place from
between groups regarding the number and fre-
August 2002 to March 2003. The follow-up period
was from July 2003 to February 2004. Thirty-one
migraine sufferers were enrolled in the study. They
were randomly assigned to the real (16 patients) and
sham acupuncture (15 patients) groups. However,
No statistically significant difference appeared
only 28 patients completed the treatment and they
between groups or within each group.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529 Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis
Not randomized (n = 388) Declined participation (n = 40) Excluded (n = 348) Other diagnosis (n = 165) Associated headache (n = 61) Insufficient severity (n = 68) Upper severity (n = 6) Prophylactic medication (n = 12)
Excluded in the 1st month oftreatment. He did not come regularly to the sessions (n = 1)
The patient lost diaries (n = 1). Figure 1 The flow of participants
ecchymosis, small haematomas, nodule and local
paraesthesia during session. General effects were
No serious adverse effect (AE) was notified. Most
sleepiness and relaxing sensation; however, a statis-
AEs observed were related to the local insertion of
tically significant difference was observed in sleepi-
the needles, such as: local pain after session,
ness in the real acupuncture group (P = 0.008), as
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529
well as in local nodules (P = 0.008) and local pain
Table 3). The age of the patients selected to the real
acupuncture group varied from 22 to 50 (mean 32.50)
and in the sham acupuncture group from 23 to 49
(mean 39.14). Despite sparse longitudinal prospec-
tive epidemiological data and information about the
All patients announced their intention to be treated
prognosis and natural history of migraine (22, 23),
with acupuncture in future. When they were asked
authors considered that this difference did not in-
how they would classify the treatment, patients who
fluence the results. Also, in the present trial the age
received real acupuncture classified it as good
span for patient selection was not large (18–50 years
(28.6%), very good (42.8%) and excellent (28.6%).
old). Therefore, no statistical correction for age was
Patients who were in the sham acupuncture group
rated it as regular (14.3%), good (35.7%) and very
good (50%). In the sham acupuncture group nobody
classified the treatment as excellent. Likewise, in the
real acupuncture group, every patient qualified the
There were no statistically significant differences
treatment as good although there was no statistically
between the real and the sham acupuncture groups
significant difference between groups.
in any pain parameters evaluated in this trial during
When they were asked about the kind of treatment
the treatment or follow-up periods, such as: percent-
that they received, patients in the real acupuncture
age of patients with reduction ≥40% and ≥50% in
group answered: ‘real treatment’ (28.7%), ‘placebo
migraine attack frequency, total migraine days,
acupuncture’ (7%) and ‘I don’t know’ (64.3%). In the
frequency of migraine attacks, mean duration of a
sham acupuncture group, they answered: ‘real treat-
migraine attack, mean headache severity and total
ment’ (28.6%) and ‘I don’t know’ (71.4%). There
duration of migraine pain in hours per diary (see
was no significant statistical difference between the
Figs 2, 3 and 4). No differences were observed
replies from the two groups, indicating that the
between groups in the rate of rescue medication
blinding (keeping the patients unaware of their
used or frequency of nausea and vomiting. These
results are in accordance with three sham-controlled
trials testing the efficacy of acupuncture in treating
Only one statistically significant difference appeared
between groups in demographics characteristics (see
observed during the treatment up to 20 weeks after
the last acupuncture session (most of the follow-up
Figure 2 Percentage of responders (reduction ≥40% in
migraine attack frequency) in each diary (4 weeks) compared
with the baseline period (diary 1) in the real () and sham
Figure 3 Total duration of pain in each diary (4 weeks) in the
(ᮀ) acupuncture groups. Diaries 2, 3 and 4 correspond to the
real () and sham (᭹) acupuncture groups. Diaries 2, 3 and
treatment period (12 weeks). Diaries 5–10 correspond to the
4 correspond to the treatment period (12 weeks). Diaries 5–10
correspond to the follow-up period (24 weeks)
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529 Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis
groups in the present trial was below that of two
previous high-quality trials (9, 25). It could be deter-
mined by several factors: chance, bias, the sort of
semi-standardized acupuncture chosen by medical
acupuncturists, the small size of the sample, or large
variability of the results observed in both groups. It
is important to recall that the patients were aware
that the placebo acupuncture treatment was being
applied. It is known that in pain studies the response
to an active drug is lower in placebo-controlled trials
than in open trials or in trials when patients were
informed that they would receive only active
Persistence of the improvement lasted up to
24 weeks after the period of treatment (approxi-
mately 6 months) in both groups, in accordance with
the long-lasting acupuncture effects related previ-
Figure 4 Total of migraine days in each diary (4 weeks) in the
ously in three well-designed clinical trials (8, 25, 37).
real () and sham (᭹) acupuncture groups. Diary 1 = baseline
Guidelines and an article containing methodological
period (4 weeks), diaries 2, 3 and 4 correspond to the
suggestions for trials in acupuncture also suggested
treatment period (12 weeks) and diaries 5–10 correspond to
slightly in the real acupuncture group from the first
period) in almost all pain parameters evaluated,
month of treatment up to the fifth month of the fol-
with the exception of pain intensity during the
low-up period, contrasting with the increase of the
migraine attack. Although several trials testing acu-
same variable in the sham acupuncture group. There
puncture or drugs showed improvement of the
was a statistically significant difference between
frequency of migraine attacks, the same was not ver-
them from the third to the fifth month of the follow-
ified for headache severity (10, 11, 27–31).
up period and the variance analysis did not attribute
this result to chance. Nevertheless, the rate of rescue
medication used and vomiting in both groups did
1 The placebo effects are higher in pain sufferers
not change in any phase of the trial.
than in patients suffering from other complaints
2 Invasive technical proceedings have higher anal-
gesic effects than oral drugs (2, 33, 34).
Effects such as: local nodule (P = 0.008) and local
3 The majority of acupuncture trials that tested
pain after session (P = 0.002) appeared with a statis-
the efficacy of acupuncture in pain conditions had
tically significant difference in the real acupuncture
identified that sham acupuncture could result in a
group, which is understandable because the depth
positive response, reducing the possibility of iden-
of needle insertion was very superficial in the sham
tifying statistically significant differences between
group. In the real group, damage of superficial ves-
real and sham acupuncture (2, 4, 5, 7, 15, 35).
sels and nerves is more likely. Sleepiness was signif-
Therefore, the improvement achieved for both
icantly more frequent in the real acupuncture group
groups (real and sham) could be a result of the com-
(P = 0.008) and this is also attributable to the depth
bination of the three factors referred to above more
than the specific effects of the needling. The non-
specific effects depend on the patients’ beliefs, such
as: the magic effects of the eastern techniques in the
western patient’s mind, the patients’ beliefs that they
Selection of patients was difficult because of the very
are being treated, the acupuncture consultation, the
strict inclusion and exclusion criteria adopted in this
practioners’ expectations of acupuncture effects and
trial, which followed all suggestions presented in
the general results of needle insertion (15, 25, 36).
two guides: Guidelines for controlled trials of drugs
in migraine (13), edited by the IHS, and Guidelines
improvement rate reached for both acupuncture
for Clinical Research on Acupuncture (15), edited by
Blackwell Publishing Ltd Cephalalgia, 2006, 26, 520–529
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Investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man in hospital whilst in the custody of HMP Whatton Report by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales July 2010 This version of my report, published on my website, has been amended to remove the names of the man who died and those of staff and prisoners involved in my investigation. This is t
Child Development Division (CDD) Department for Children and Families (DCF) Vermont Agency of Human Services (AHS)specifi c item is needed and how it will improve the The purpose of the equipment grants is to improve the services that children will receive. If a special consul-quality of child care services in registered and licensed tant such as an early interventionist from the Family c