Media Schedule of Fitness to Practise Hearings Monday 4 November – Friday 8 November 2013
All hearings begin at 10.00am and are open to the press and public unless otherwise stated. For further details about our fitness to practise hearings, see the HCPC website: If you wish to attend a hearing held by the HCPC, please contact the communications office on +44 (0)20 7840 9806.
Name of Registrant: Michael Davies Profession:
Park Plaza Cardiff, Greyfriars Rd Cardiff, Wales CF10 3AL
Whilst employed by the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust as an Ambulance Technician and prior to your registration as a Paramedic, on 5 May 2007, you,
1. Colluded with your colleagues, namely Colleague A and/or Colleague C, to
retrospectively complete the patient record form relating to Patient A, which was neither an accurate nor a contemporaneous record of the assessment.
2. Your action set out in paragraph 1 was dishonest. 3. The matters set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 constitute misconduct. 4. By reason of your misconduct and your fitness to practise is impaired.
Name of Registrant: David Glover Profession:
Park Plaza Cardiff, Greyfriars Rd Cardiff, Wales CF10 3AL
Whilst employed by the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust as a Paramedic, on 5 May 2007, you,
• Failed to provide Patient A with oxygen. • Failed to properly assess and examine Patient A. • Failed to check Patient A’s pain levels. • Failed to check Patient A’s vital signs, in particular her:
a) breathing b) Electrocardiograph (ECG) reading c) heart c) pulse d) capillary refill time e) blood oxygenation f) eyesight g) Glasgow Coma Score (GCS)
• Failed to ask suitable questions about Patient A’s medical history and/or inspect
• Failed to respond appropriately to Patient A’s critical condition, in particular that
you stood with your hands in your pockets and focussed on stating that Patient A should not or could not be conveyed to hospital.
• Failed to attend on Patient A with the correct equipment. • Failed to make a proper account of the treatment given to Patient A on the
• Colluded with your colleagues, namely Colleague A and/or Colleague B, to
retrospectively complete the patient record form relating to Patient A, which was neither an accurate nor a contemporaneous record of the assessment.
• Your actions set out in paragraphs 8 and 9 were dishonest. • The matters set out in paragraphs 1 to 7 constitute misconduct and/or lack of
• The matters set out in paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 constitute misconduct. • By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence, your fitness to practise
Name of Registrant: Nigel Selvin Lloyd Brown Profession:
Health Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your employment as a Social Worker with Adult Social Services, Brent Council, you:
1. You made an assessment of Service User A's requirements for support in cooking. a. Following this assessment, you delayed the arrangement of this support. b. This delay placed the Service User at risk. 2. Your record keeping in relation to Service Users A, C and D were not fully completed on Brent council's FWI system. 3. You did not prioritise the need to resolve the problem of service user C's day centre or alternative provisions. 4. You failed to resolve the case of Service User D for over 16 months, in that you: a. Did not carry out an assessment of Service User D, b. Did not write a support plan, c. Did not complete and enter an authorized purchase order, to allow a financial assessment to take place. 5. You delayed the review of service User F's detention under the Mental Health Act. In that you: a. Failed to attend a managers review meeting. b. Failed to inform your line manager or other senior person that you would not be attending the meeting. c. This caused an adjournment. d. Your actions resulted in the delay in the decision concerning Service User F's plan of care. e. This adjournment caused Brent Council to fail in carrying out its statutory duties. 6. The matters set out in paragraphs 1 - 5 constitute misconduct and/or lack or competence. 7. By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise as a Social Worker is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Klaudeta Risto Profession:
Health Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your employment as a Social Worker with Sunderland City Council: 1. Following a disclosure to you on 27 February 2012 by Child A that his father had hit him and his mother you: a.did not identify relevant child protection issues for Child A, and b.did not report the disclosure to your Team Manager or Principal Social Worker.
2. As a result of your conduct at paragraph 1, Child A was placed at risk of harm. 3. The matters described in paragraphs 1 and 2 constitute misconduct and/or lack of competence. 4. By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Carla Alexandra Alves Profession:
Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your employment as a Social Worker at Reading Borough Council, you: 1. In June 2011 wrote a report for HM Coroner inquest regarding the death of service user A which: a. was inaccurate in that you: i. stated that after 05 August 2010 you were not asked to be involved in service user A’s care again, when in fact you were; and/or ii. stated that a discharge letter to service user A, dated 21 June 2010, detailed a crisis plan, when it did not. b. did not provide sufficient detail. 2. Were the Care Co-ordinator for service user A and you: a. following service user A’s hospital admission on 20 July 2012; i. did not undertake an appropriate assessment of service user A; and/or ii. assessed service user A’s mental state through speaking with service user A on the telephone. b. following a discharge planning meeting on 17 August 2010, did not undertake: i. a risk assessment plan for service user A; and/or ii. a risk management plan for service user A. c. did not refer service user A to the safeguarding team; d. did not refer service user A to the translation services; e. discharged service user A from a Care Programme Approach (CPA) without: i. visiting service user A at the frequency required; and/or ii. recording that you had informed other agencies and/or the GP about the discharge. f. made only one visit to service user A during each of service user A's two admissions to hospital;
g. did not visit service user A following the concerns raised by a Community Support Worker on 20 August 2010; h. did not arrange an outpatient appointment for service user A with Dr P as discussed in the discharge planning meeting on 17 August 2010; i. did not record the times of each contact and /or attempted contact with service user A; 3. Claimed for mileage in 2010 and/or 2011 whilst on annual leave. 4. Claimed for more miles than you had driven for work purposes in 2010/11. 5. Your actions described in paragraphs 3 - 4 are dishonest. 6. The matters described in paragraphs 1 - 2 constitute misconduct and/or lack of competence. 7. The matters described in paragraphs 3 - 5 constitute misconduct. 8. By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Morag J Cole Profession:
Queens Hotel, 160 Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DU
During the course of your practice as an Occupational Therapist (OT), whilst employed by NHS Tayside, for the period between May 2009- September 2011 you: 1. Did not maintain adequate records in that: a) Your patient notes lacked structure. b) There was little evidence of assessment, treatment and liaison with family within your patient notes. c) The majority of entries appeared to be communications, but were not always informative. d) It is unclear from your notes why a joint session took place and your role within the session and what the outcome/plan was for OT. e) During your assessments on 6 and 7 June 2011, there was no evidence of written reports. f) On 9 June 2011, within the patient notes, you did not request for the correct sling which you used on the patient during the hoisting assessment. g) The notes lacked clear, specific and measurable goals with clinical reasoning. 2. Did not prioritise your workload, for example:
a) You did not identify the need for urgency when working with a child with a life limiting condition; 3. Did not identify risks, resulting in unsafe practise, for example: a) On 06 June 2011, during a seating assessment with a child you did not adjust the head support before placing the child in the chair; and b) On 06 June 2011 during a treatment session with a child, you allowed the child to position herself in or near a toy cupboard, with her head pushed against the shelf of the cupboard without moving the child; c) On 01 September 2011, during a Sling Assessment, you: i. Did not unbuckle the sling before tying the child’s lap belt; ii. Did not advise staff to remove the sling or to check regularly for marking; iii. Used a sling on the child which was slightly too large; and iv. Did not demonstrate to staff how to remove/replace the sling in a seated position; and d) On 15 September 2011 you did not: i. risk assess the environment; and ii. train all members of staff on how to use the sling/hoist 4. Were unable to perform adequate patient assessments, devise treatment plans and evaluate the interventions given to service users in that: a) On 06-07 June 0211, you provided a dressing skills treatment session with a child when this was already established session and you had identified other skills as areas to work on; 5. Were unable to apply the OT process to the service users on your case load. 6. Did not demonstrate clinical reasoning in that: a) On 06 and 07 June 2011, you were unable to provide a rationale for the treatment goals you devised and media used for the four children you saw for treatment; 7. Did not manage your time and caseload effectively; 8. Did not demonstrate reflective practise; 9. Did not communicate effectively with service users and colleagues in that: a) On 26 March 2011, you conducted a treatment session in the nursery during which you did not inform the nursery staff and your OT colleague of the aim of the session; b) On 06 and 07 June 0211, during assessments and treatment sessions you carried out with children, you: i. Used language that was too complex for the children’s level of understanding/comprehension; ii. Did not adapt your communication style so that it was appropriate to the service user;
iii. Did not use makaton with any of the children you saw; iv. Did not match your language to the demonstrated behaviour of the child; c) During your assessments on 5 and 6 September 2011, when giving feedback, your communication with nursery staff lacked clarity and specific goals for nursery staff to work on. 10. Were unable to practise autonomously; 11. Did not demonstrate competency in manual handling. 12. The matters set out in paragraphs 1-11 constitute misconduct and/ or lack of competence. 13. By reason of that misconduct and/or lack of competence, your fitness to practice is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Margaret Harper Profession:
Queens Hotel, 160 Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DU
During the course of your practise as a Dietician at NHS Tayside, whilst treating 32 patients, you: 1. Failed to fully complete patient assessments, in that you: a) Did not use TNN assessment tools on all Patients. b) You failed to utilise recommended materials eg Tayside Prescriber, national assessment documentation and Vision for patient results etc c) Did not document evidence of portion control consideration for Patient B. d) Did not provide evidence of consideration for the use of food diaries prior to commencing Orlistat for Patient B at Carseview Hospital. e) Did not produce a comprehensive treatment plan with outcome measures, for following up/monitoring Patient B. f) Did not undertake additional tests/measures such as weight and height when assessing patients. g) Did not provide an assessment of dietary intake.
2. Failed to consistently provide comprehensive treatment plans with outcome measures in that: a) Your treatment aims and goals were unclear. b) Your treatment plans lacked tangible treatment aims such as weight loss/gain, increase in physical activity, completion of food diary. 3. Failed to appropriately follow up patients, in that you: a) Used subjective measures, ie visual appearance to make the assumption that Patient A was: i) Malnourished and based on this approach you inappropriately placed that patient on dietary supplements. ii) Anaemic, but failed to follow this up. b) Failed to investigate Patient B’s side effects to Orlistat. 4. Failed to meet patient needs in an appropriate timescale, in that: a) You took two weeks to formulate a menu plan for Patient B. b) You failed to follow up a community dietetics appointment for Patient B, resulting in it taking 12 weeks for Patient B to be seen in a community setting. c) You did not undertake reviews or implement patient interventions in a timely manner appropriate to patients’ needs 5. Failed to keep adequate records in that: a) You consistently failed to complete the patient consent box in patient notes. b) You consistently failed to record what information had been shared with patients and/or ward staff. c) You consistently failed to record reviews of patient goals/treatment plans including objective measures of patient progress. d) You consistently failed to use standardised assessment forms and information. e) You consistently failed to document patients’ diet histories. f) You consistently failed to document that you had undertaken anthropometry. g) You demonstrated little written evidence of goal setting with patients. 6. Failed to work as an autonomous and independent practitioner in that you: a) Inappropriately deferred decisions to medical staff b) Failed to provide nursing staff with appropriate specific guidance c) Were reluctant to take measurements of patients or to take steps to obtain such measurements. d) Failed to raise concerns regarding levels of resources with management. e) Failed to take responsibility for your decision making in relation to patient A 7. Failed to collaborate with the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) in that: a) You did not demonstrate team working with regards to patients’ treatment plans. b) You did not ask nursing staff to undertake tasks such as food diaries and patient measurements c) You did not attend MDT meetings unless invited to. d) You did not approach colleagues with expertise in specific areas for advice in that:
i) You made no attempt to contact expert colleagues to advise you on the appropriate use of Orlistat for Patient B. 8. Failed to demonstrate adequate clinical reasoning in that: a) Your decision making was based on incomplete information with a lack of evidence based calculations and justification. b) You did not explain the clinical reasoning for your decisions. 9. Lacked the use of robust measures to monitor/measure changes in patient condition/response to N & D input in that you: a) Failed to monitor Patient B’s food intake or weight. b) Demonstrated no evidence in the case notes that you reviewed the outcome measures. 10. Failed to appropriately follow operational procedures and guidance for nursing, catering and dietetic staff in that: a) You failed to follow the procedure for requesting menu changes regarding Patient B. 11. Failed to conduct relationships in a professional manner in that you: a) Referred patients based on individual preference, rather than patients’ clinical needs. b) Behaved in an unprofessional manner towards your colleagues/other professionals. 12. The matter set out in paragraphs 1-11 amount to misconduct and or/lack of competence. 13. By reason of your misconduct and or/lack of competence, your fitness to practise is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Caroline Sheila Wigmore Profession:
Health Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your employment as a Social Worker with Calderdale MBC between February - April 2012, you: 1. Did not complete at least 8 Child Protection visits, which resulted in a mother disappearing with her baby in reference to one of the cases;
2. Did not follow up a request from the Family Intervention Team to visit a child with a black eye; 3. Did not complete Core Assessments on cases; 4. Did not complete Parenting Assessments and Viability Assessments which were ordered by the Court; 5. Did not follow up visits to a foster carer, as well as cancelling 6 other visits; 6. Did not complete or update a child's Care Plan; 7. Did not complete a Placement With Parents (PWP) assessment and PWP Agreement, which resulted in the placement being illegal; 8. Did not complete Section 37 reports after requesting time off and getting paid for working from home to complete them; 9. The matters described in paragraphs 1 - 8 constitute misconduct and/or lack of competence. 10. By reason of your misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Michelle Alison Lord Profession:
Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your employment as a Social Worker with Lancashire County Council between February 2008 and June 2012, you: 1. Did not maintain up to date records of the work you had undertaken; 2. Did not take action in a timely manner on cases that were allocated to you; 3. Did not take appropriate action when a service user indicated he had suicidal and/or self-harm thoughts, in that you did not alert a manager or colleague that you did not feel prepared to deal with those issues; 4. Did not take appropriate action in relation to a service user who worked as a teaching assistant and who had admitted having sexual thoughts about children and thoughts of killing a child;
5. The matters described in paragraphs 1 to 4 constitute misconduct and/or lack of competence; 6. By reason of that misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired. Date:
Name of Registrant: Ross M Taggart Profession:
Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
During the course of your practise as a Physiotherapist with Central Surrey Health Limited between May 2010 and January 2011, you: 1. Removed 83 patient records from Epsom General Hospital and Leatherhead Hospital without explanation. 2. Did not keep accurate patient records in that you: a) Did not complete patient notes adequately, or at all; b) Did not follow up on patient notes; c) Misfiled patient records; and d) Did not safeguard the confidentiality of patient records. 3. The matters set out in paragraphs 1-2 amount to misconduct and/or lack of competence. 4. By reason of that misconduct and/or lack of competence your fitness to practise is impaired.
Name of Registrant: Janice Elizabeth Angiolini Profession:
Novotel, 181 Pitt Street , Glasgow G2 4DT
Your fitness to practise as a registered Radiographer is impaired by your misconduct /lack of competence in that: 1. At all material times you were registered as a Radiographer under the registration number RA23568 and employed by NHS Forth Valley. 2. On 22nd August 2006 when on duty you undertook a scan of a patient: a. Without supervision b. In the name of a third party c. Without seeking advice regarding the side in question d. You only scanned one side e. You did not image your findings, despite it being best practice to do so f. You were unable to recognise the anatomy of the spleen and misdiagnosed as a pleural effusion g. You marked the wrong side of the patient.
Merkblatt für Blutspenderinnen und Blutspender Sie können – ohne Voranmeldung – Blut spenden: • In der Zentrale München, Dachauer Str. 90 (1. OG im Gesundheitshaus) 09:00 – 14:00 Uhr jeden 1. & 3. im Monat Kostenlose Hotline: 0800 57 57 557 (9:00-13:00 Uhr) Straßenbahnlinien 20, 21, 22 Haltestelle Sandstraße • im Stadtgebiet München und in den Landkre
POSTOPERATIVE BLEEDING AFTER MYOCARDIAL REVASCULARIZATION IN PATIENTS ON CLOPIDOGREL MOHAMMED ABDEL-AAL MD., BAKIR M BAKIR MD., ANJUM JALAL FRCS-CTH, AHMED AL-SADDIQUE FACS. NASSER H. ALKHAMEES MB. MOHAMMED FOUDA FRCS Background: Clopidogrel (CL) is a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. It has become the standard of care to prevent thrombotic complications following cardiol