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Microsoft word - detailed seminar program - israel

Seminar in Israel: September 18th – September 25th 2011 Sunday, 18 September Arrival 20:00 dinner at Hotel Lecture about Ecology in Israel Refreshments and short introduction on KKL/ Jewish National Fund JNF Intro to program Lunch en route Hiriya currently houses the largest waste transfer station in the Middle East. Three recycling plants operate at the foot of the mound, grinding building waste into gravel and dry organic matter into mulch, and sorting ordinary household waste through pools of water, an Israeli innovation still at the experimental stage. The biological treatment facility handles a hundred tons of waste a day, incorporating a unique biotechnical and hydro-mechanical technology. With the help of JNF Australia, KKL-JNF launched the Kfar Saba biofilter project. The Kfar-Sava biofilter is the first engineered ‘green’ water treatment system in Israel, which harvests stormwater and treats polluted groundwater: It collects and treats urban runoff during the wet period (from November to March), while during dry periods (April to October) the system is used for treatment and recovery of nitrate-contaminated groundwater. In both cases, treated water is injected into the groundwater aquifer, where it is stored. The water can then be recovered at any point along the aquifer for a variety of uses Yarkon River and Surroundings Rehabilitation Project was launched in 2001 by the Government of Israel which approved the Municipality of Tel Aviv – Yafo’s Plan to rehabilitate the Yarkon River and purify its waters through the Yarkon River Authority and with the help of JNF-KKL. Tel Aviv is world famous for its clubs, bars and cafes and we will enjoy one night out in this unique Mediterranean party metropolis. 1 The program might still be subject to change With a daily production capacity of 320,000 cubic meters of drinking water, Ashkelon is the world's largest desalination plant using reverse osmosis technology. The building of the Besor reservoirs is part of Action Plan Negev, whose goal is to place the Negev on the upper rung of the national order of priorities. Development of the Negev, where the largest reserves of ground in the country are situated, is Israel’s great challenge today. The Besor Reservoir Complex, which was built with the help of JNF USA, JNF Australia, and JNF South Africa, is the way KKL-JNF meets this challenge. The Besor reservoirs, located in the Western Negev, are an important link in the response to the lack of water, planned to provide an extra 10 million cubic meters of water to the Negev. The Besor R&D station in the Negev leads research projects relating to the development of new species and growing methods that suit the region's special conditions in terms of the soil, water and climate. The Besor R&D deals with finding solutions for current problems as well as long term development of advanced technologies for production and introduction of new products, while utilizing of the region's relative advantages. The desert is abloom. In what’s being hailed as an act of “21st century Zionism” by JNF, three new farming communities are sprouting up in Israel’s Negev thanks to an influx of pioneering families, many of whom include people previously relocated from the Gush Katif settlements in Gaza in 2006. The Nitzana Educational Community in the Negev emphasizes values such as pluralism, self empowerment, a love for Israel and specifically the Negev Desert, while stressing the importance of sustainability, ecology and conservation. Sdeh Boker – The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research (BIDR): In BIDR a balanced professional blend of 90 scientists, 60 technical and administrative staff members, and over 150 Israeli and foreign research students, have the capacity to perform basic and applied research related to “Desert Sciences". The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES)
The premier environmental education and research program in the Middle
East, preparing future Arab and Jewish leaders to cooperatively solve the
region's environmental challenges. Affiliated with Ben-Gurion University, AIES
houses academic programs, research, and international cooperation
initiatives on a range of environmental concerns and challenges.
Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Initiative
Started with a vision of a way to bring industrial development to Israel’s sun
drenched desert and Red Sea resort, Eilat-Eilot Alternative Energy Project
works toward a model for solving the world’s energy crisis. This
model engages and advances all of the relevant social sectors and
necessary technologies, focusing them on an integrated multifaceted goal of
creating an energy independent region.
Dinner at Kibbutz Lotan
O/N Kibbutz Lotan
Thursday, 22 September
Kibbutz Lotan
Kibbutz Lotan serves as a location for eco-tourism and bird watching for
tourists. The kibbutz is also a member of the Global EcoVillage network, and
offers seminars and workshops on earth building, watsu, and creative
ecology. Its members strive to balance an ecological approach to living in
Israel through recycling, permaculture and other projects.
Tamar Neighboring Path
The desert landscapes of the Dead Sea have undergone tremendous
changes over the last few decades, threatening the areas unique
characteristics. Communities on both sides of the Sea are directly affected by
the mismanagement of the Jordan Rover & Dead Sea ecosystems, resulting in
the rapidly receding Dead Sea waters. These changes have severely
damaged the environment. The walking trail, exhibits the unique natural
features and heritage of the region. Our Jordanian neighbors are opening a
parallel neighbor’s path and we will be able to view their communities as we
proceed with this tour.
Yatir Forest
In the Yatir Forest in the Negev the Weizmann Institute investigates the
tradeoffs among water use, carbon sequestration and radiation budgets in
semi-arid region during climate change. In the heart of Yatir Forest, KKL-JNF
built the Yatir Water Reservoir, with the help of a generous contribution by JNF
Germany. The reservoir was erected in order to help the villages of this desert
region, which suffers from a chronic water shortage.
O/N near Arad

Friday, 23 September Industry & Environment: Dead Sea Tour & Lecture The Dead Sea suffers from its dramatically decreasing water level and possible solutions are being discussed on how to protect the Sea and surrounding region. We will tour around the breathtaking desert landscapes towards the Dead Sea where we will discuss the Dead Sea factories and the delicate ecological balance in the area. Shabbat Dinner at hotel O/N Jerusalem Saturday, 24 September Developing projects The participants will start working on their own follow up seminar in Germany. greenXchange will lead to professional bilateral engagement in the environmental sector and will build long term bridges of cooperation and exchange between Israel and Germany. Lunch Evaluation of the seminar Participants will be requested to share their thoughts about the excursion. Participants will be asked to fill in evaluation forms. Dinner Night out O/N Jerusalem Sunday, 25 September JNF-KKL offices in Jerusalem Presentation of the greenXchange vis-à-vis officials. The Jewish National Fund (JNF-KKL) will welcome our group in the organization’s headquarters in Jerusalem and will give an introduction about its main activities. The participants will be invited to discuss the goals they are going to pursue in the German-Israeli environmental exchange with summing up their ideas for their follow up seminar in Germany. Visit at Ministry of Environment We are very pleased about the invitation to meet with officials at the Ministry of Environment. Lunch Tree Planting in Aminadav Forest At the end of the tour, the participants will finally have the opportunity to do practical hands-on work and participate in KKL’s mission of tree planting in the great Aminadav Forest in the outskirts of Jerusalem.

Source: http://www.conact-org.de/downloads/andere_termine/greenXchange-Seminar_Program-Israel.pdf

Microsoft word - cv gustavo kinrys.doc

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow the sample format on preceding page for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Medical Director, Portuguese Mental Health Clinic; Director, Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program, Cambridge Heal

Microsoft word - 1a

Control y prevención de zoonosis en áreas de riesgo epidemiológico en Capital Federal* J.Castro1, ,4. Molina2, P. Anderson3, J. Beaudoin3, B. González3, P.Landi3, E. Marcos3. Palabras clave: Zoonosis. Prevención. Áreas de riesgo, i Resumen En las áreas marginales, la convivencia con animales se realiza en condiciones particulares de tenencia, generando una alta susceptibilidad al riesgo d

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