Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.

Philmont backpack list

Philmont Backpack List
Pack cover
6 straps
Zip lock bags - 2@2 gal, 3@1 gal, 3@qt, 4@cup
Sleeping bag
Sleeping padChairGround cloth10 tent stakesCamelbak - 3LCollapsible canteen - 3LFlat bottom zip lock bag (sink) and 1 gal zip lock bag (for laundry) Trekking poles2 gal and 1 gal zip lock bags (for dirty clothes) 3 socks4 liners2 coolmax shirts2 convertibles2 handkerchiefs2 underwear BootsPostcards, stamps, and addressesMesh daypack (GPS, TP, shovel, foot powder, film, balaclava, rain coat and pants, camera, camera bag, Dominos)GPSBowl, spoon, and cupDominos/cards/hacky sack/FrisbeeBrimmed hatSafety pins Fanny Pack
Camp Suds
Waterless soap
Survival kit, whistle
Space blanket
First aid/blister kit
Toilet paper
Bottle and baggie
Money (small bills)
Notepad, pen
Stride counter
Smellables bag
Medicine (Lactaid, Dimetapp, Benadryl, Advil, Vaseline, Turns, foot powder, Lamisil, vitamins, lip balm)
Bathroom bag (toothbrush, paste)
Water bottle - 1 L
Camera (12 rolls film)
Panorama camera
Permanent marker
Duct tape
LED Head lamp
Rain coat, pants
Lunch, snack, drink
Cell phone
Neck brace
Certificate - CPR, first aid, youth protection
Base camp map
Video tapes
Guidebook to Adventure
Medical forms
Crew roster forms
Crew waiver release form
Bathroom bag (washcloth, camp towel, deodorant, soap, shampoo, razor, hand lotion, floss, Lactaid, handkerchief,
Camera and waterproof bag
Money, credit cards, driver's license
Crew Gear
2 stoves with instructions
3 fuel bottles (-80 oz), funnel filter
Rope (3 at 50')
2 water filters, extra canister with instructions
Coffee filters
2 locks
Leather for slides
Tri and full maps
Chaplain book
First aid kit (Tegaderm bandages, Spenco second skin, molefoam, Nu-gauze pads, gauze rolls, band-aids, waterproof
tape, hypoallergenic tape, hydrocortisone cream, antibiotic ointment, hibiclens, dibucaine, Actifed, Advil, Tylenol,
Lamisil, Imodium AD, Dramamine, Turns, Ace wrap, alcohol wipes, latex gloves, CPR barrier, safety pins,
thermometer, cough drops, Sucrets, tri-bandage, tweezers, scissors, tick nippers, suction kit, instructions for
medicines and supplies)
Repair kit (wire, duct tape, goop glue, safety pins, thread and needle, sinew and needle, sandpaper, super glue)
Itinerary spread sheet, altitude profile
Gift for ranger (LED Flashlight)
2 @ 2.5 gal collapsible water bag
Measuring cup
Matches, lighter
Post Trek Box
Post package (underwear, socks, snack)
Philmont provided gear
Dining fly and poles (or use trekking poles)
2 @ 8 qt pots
1 lid
7 Bear bags
2 @ 150' 1/4" ropes
Sump Frisbee, camp suds, scrub pad, spatula, 2 baggies
Polar Pure
Toilet Paper
Salt, pepper, sugar
Waterless soap (small)

Source: http://www.e-scoutcraft.com/activities/philmont_packlist.pdf

Thursday, november 3, 2005

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