Signs of neuromuscular disorders that must not be missed

NeuroFlash 1
NeuroFlash 2
Neurologic disease in women
• WHIMS (estrogen or estrogen/progest) NeuroFlash 3
Women and epilepsy
NeuroFlash 4
NeuroFlash 5
Advances in Neurosurgery
• Microdialysis – cerebral metabolism NeuroFlash 6
Neurology and the Military
NeuroFlash 7
Lifestyle factors in Alzheimers Disease
NeuroFlash 8
• Failure of adequate trials of 2 tolerated and • Epilepsy Surgery seizure free (1 year) NeuroFlash 9
Drug Induced Reversible Encephalopathy
• Tacrolimus, cyclosporine, sirolimus, MTX, interferom, rituximab, bevacizumab, sorafenib, sunitinib, fingolimod, IVIG • Cyclophosphamide, cytarabine, doxorubicin, etoposide, • Cocaine, ampetamines, TCA, SSRI, midodine, fludrocostisone NeuroFlash 10
Neurologic Heavy Metal Disorders
NeuroFlash 11
Neurologic Autoimmune Encephalitis
• HA, fever, behavior change, psychosis, movement disorder, NeuroFlash 12
Sleep disorders in children
• Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, Prader-Willi


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Long-term safety assessment of a cohort of post-menopausal women treated with Anastrozole as adjuvant treatment for hormone-dependent breast cancer. Baseline data T. Delozier, EC. Antoine, A. Fontana, JP. Guastalla, C. Roux, L. Mauriac, Eric Vicaut, CLCC F. Baclesse, Caen ; Clinique Hartmann, Neuilly ; Hôpital E. Herriot, Lyon ; CLCC L. Bérard, Lyon ; Hôpital Cochin, Paris ; Institut

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