Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - october 2009 newsletter.doc
GEMC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC. NEWSLETTER LET’S KEEP IT GREEN OCTOBER 2009 EDITION Labelmaster’s Dangerous Goods Air Instructors’ Symposium- was held in Chicago last week and we were there! There were considerable discussions regarding the best training techniques to be used by air instructors internationally. Most areas of the world were represented and best practices were shared. Of course the main issue on everyone’s mind was Firefighters battle a blaze Lithium Batteries.
onboard a UPS cargo plane, Feb. 8, 2006, at
Last year billions of shipments of lithium batteries were sent on
Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia.
aircraft around the world, not to mention the batteries carried by
The National Transportation Safety Board is
passengers. Unfortunately there were numerous incidents of
investigating if the lithium batteries that were among
lithium batteries catching fire onboard aircraft such as:
the cargo were responsible for the fire. Read the full
A flashlight onboard a flight from Tokyo to Hong Kong
USA today story. Batteries can pose fire risk to planes. Canadian Centennial of Flight-One hundred years
ago the first heavier-than-air, powered aircraft took
Dominican Republic recycled batteries that had been
flight over Bras d’Or Lakes in Baddeck, Nova Scotia.
shipped with no documentation or markings caught fire
The Silver Dart flew for only 800 metres that day, but
it changed the face of Canada forever. An industry
Ground has not been exempt from fires. In July UPS picked up
was born and a new way of life was formed. For
recycled batteries from a retail outlet and the truck caught fire on
the highway. Fortunately no one was injured in any of these accidents.
Transport Canada has published Amendment Z on
Retailers that are providing customer service by allowing
their website for review. This amendment deals with
customers to drop off their old batteries are now reluctant to do
safety marks. The comment period ends October 5,
so as shipping them has become a major issue.
2009. For more information visit Amendment [Z]
It appears that most of the major manufactures are complying
with the regulations but we still face major challenges. As we
Let’s hear it for the Canadian
become an increasingly global market place a number of knock
Trucking Alliance
off batteries are surfacing and the manufactures are not all
following the rules and regulations. The other major issue is
public awareness, it is of extreme importance that as members of
industry we must attempt to educate our colleagues, friends and
families of the dangers posed by lithium batteries so that we can
be safe in the air and on the ground. Transport Canada has
posted information that you can view on their website. Lithium
program will ensure that the trucking industry is as
clean and green as possible by tackling both air
The U.S. Department of Transport (DOT) Pipeline and
quality and climate change challenges through the
Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) has created
cooperative effort of motor carriers, industry
a new guide for shipping lithium batteries Shipping Batteries
Safely by Air; What you need to know. It describes the regulations for the classification criteria, packaging requirements, and hazard communication of batteries shipped by air. There are two types of lithium batteries in the market place today.
Lithium metal batteries are generally primary (non- rechargeable) batteries with different chemistries, comprising Now available 2010 A.I.R. Shipper -
many types of electrolytes and cathodes. Lithium metal batteries
order your copy today.
are normally used for calculators, cameras, power watches, etc. Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion batteries) are a type of secondary (rechargable) battery commonly used in consumer electronics. Lithium-ion batteries are normally found in mobile telephones, laptop computers, etc. IATA has also published a document .The purpose of this
INC. info@gemc.ca 1.866.271.4362 www.gemc.ca
document is to provide guidance for complying with provisions applicable to the transport by air of lithium batteries that took
effect from 1 January 2009 as set out in the DGR. For
Managing Directors: Patrick Wallwork & Noreen
information visit IATA Guidance Document: Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries, Revised 8/10/09
Heterocyclic Nomenclature (from Gilchrist, T. L. Heterocyclic Chemistry ; Longman; London, 1992) The Hantzsch-Widman nomenclature system is the standard method for naming heterocyclic rings. A heterocycle is defined as a ring that contains one or more atoms that is different from (‘hetero’) carbon. We will most commonly see nitrogen heterocycles. Just as with all cyclic compounds, heteroc
Patient Health History Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/___/_____Age: _____ Sex: F M Height:_______ Weight :_______ Primary Language: ________________Do you need an interpreter? _____ Referred here by (check one) Self Family Friend Doctor Other Health Professional Name of person makin