Durante mucho tiempo no había principios uniformes para la Atribución de nombres a los antibióticos https://antibioticos-wiki.es . Más a menudo se les llama por el nombre genérico o especie del producto, con menos frecuencia-de acuerdo con la estructura química. Algunos antibióticos se nombran de acuerdo con el lugar donde se asignó el producto.
Microsoft word - newsletter 20130607 eng.doc
Parents’ Newsletter Have Faith in Yourself and in the Direction you have Chosen (1) Interschool Badminton Competition Congratulations to our girls’ badminton team. They joined the inter-school competition and won the 2nd runner-up in the group event and Jocelyn Yuen (P.5S) got the Champion in single event. They attended the prize-giving ceremony on last Friday to receive their medals and trophies.
(2) Mathematics and Science Exploring Competition – Guo Hua Bei (2012-13) Congratulations go to Wing-sing Leung (P.5S) and Jack Wong (P.6S). They joined the captioned competition for North-Western primary schools at QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School on last Saturday. With wide-range knowledge of science and mathematics, they were awarded the trophies of merit. Ms Wendy should also deserve pats on her back for supervising the students. (3) 2013 Child’s Utopia Drawing Competition Congratulations to Cherry Xue (P.1B) who joined the captioned drawing competition which was organised by ICE – International Colere Exchange (Hong Kong). Among ten thousands of participants, Cherry’s drawing was ranked as the top 10% outstanding works. She was awarded the certificate of Second Prize. Beware of Heat Stroke With the summer vacation approaching, you may be making plans to organize outdoor activities for your children. The Department of Health would like to share with you a few tips to help guard against the hot and humid weather. You are advised to pay attention to the weather warning issued by the Hong Kong Observatory and take the following measures:
Wear light-coloured, loose and air permeable clothing to reduce heat absorption and promote heat
Bring and drink plenty of fluid to prevent dehydration. Avoid drinks containing caffeine or alcohol because they will speed up water loss from the body
Do not engage in prolonged activities such as hiking or trekking under extremely hot weather. Perform outdoor activities in the morning or evening, if possible. Choose an indoor venue with good ventilation by opening all windows and using fan or
Re-schedule your work to cooler times of the day. If you must work in a hot environment, introduce
shading in the work area where practicable, then start slowly and pick up the pace gradually. Take breaks every now and then in a cool area to recharge yourself.
Do not stay inside a parked vehicle. Stop in the course of activity immediately and seek medical advice if feeling unwell.
Community News The Hong Kong Public Libraries are going to organize paired reading workshops on “the World of Newton”. They would be held at Tuen Mun Public Library and Ping Shan Public Library on 21 July and 10 August respectively. Each workshop would last for 90 minutes (2:30 – 4:00 p.m.). If P.1-P.3 parents would like to attend the workshop with their children, please call the library for details and registration (Tuen Mun: 24500671, Ping Shan: 21267520). Tuen Ng Festival Next Wednesday (12th June) is Tuen Ng Festival. We wish everyone has a joyful holiday with family. Superstars The following students have excellent performance in May. They were awarded Superstar certificates as recognitions of their achievements:
LAU Tsz Wan, Tammy (1S) CHEUNG Lok Yin, Benjamin
CHEUNG Lok Yan, Hayley CHEUNG Lok Yan, Hayley
Mathematics Circulars and Notice that have been Distributed to Students during 3-7 June 2013 Target Group Deadline of Reply
Prof. Dr. R. Kubale, Dr. B. Junk, Dr. M. Rech, L.O. Schmidt, Dr. C. Pazolt Gemeinschaftspraxis für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin CT-Untersuchung Anamnesebogen vor jodhaltiger Kontrastmittel-Gabe Name:_________________________________ Datum:_____________ Vorname:______________________________ Geb.-Datum:_____________ Liegt bei ihnen eine Nierenerkrankun
c. sept from third ventricle by pars art c. left bronchus is wide & obtuse than right 6. physiological calcification is seen in Physiology 11. Ca+2 metabolism organs do not take part Biochemistry 16. all are used for separating protein acc to size d. SDS poly ceramide gel electrophoresis 20. phopholipid in cell have following functions except 24. True about genes coding fo