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Talking tobacco: a conversation about the past and future of smoking cessation research at group health
Volume 17 Issue 1 Winter 2005 Talking Tobacco: A conversation about the past and future of smoking cessation research at Group Health By Katie Saunders Cigarette smoking continues to be a blight on
between behavior and health, (2) make healthier
the nation’s health. Despite substantial reduc-
lifestyle choices, and (3) sustain these choices
tions in U.S. smoking rates since the mid-1960s,
over time. In the smoking arena, behavioral
approximately one-quarter of adults still smoke.
interventions are often designed to increase
Comparable rates at Group Health Cooperative
a person’s motivation to quit, facilitate the
are substantially lower—more like 15 percent.
development of an action plan for quitting,
increase self-confidence, and help people
since 1983, deserves partial credit for this
cope with situations that “trigger” their urge
to smoke. These interventions can take many
forms, including written self-help materials,
The Center’s first smoking cessation research
group classes, and proactive telephone coun-
study—Free & Clear—demonstrated the effec-
seling in which the counselor contacts the
tiveness of self-help written materials coupled
smoker, instead of vice-versa. Because one
with outreach via proactive telephone coun-
size doesn’t fit all, behavioral interventions
seling. This successful cessation strategy was
are ideally tailored to smokers’ individual cir-
modified and expanded to form the basis for
cumstances, such as their readiness to quit,
the Free & Clear program—implemented in
barriers to quitting, and smoking-related con-
1989 and still offered as a covered benefit to
Group Health enrollees through Free & Clear,
Inc. A review of CHS tobacco research (see A
Brief History of Tobacco-Related Interventions
Terry Bush, PhD, research associate, is a
at the end of this article) over the 20 years since
psychologist who divides her time between
the Free & Clear concept was first piloted illus-
Free & Clear, Inc., (formerly the Group Health’s
trates the Center’s continued commitment to
Center for Health Promotion) and CHS. At
Free & Clear, Terry conducts research related
to Tobacco Cessation Helplines in Oregon
Where are we now? That’s one of the ques-
and Utah, two states that have contracted with
tions posed to a group of experts (see below)
Free & Clear to provide these cessation ser-
during a conversation centered on a broad
vices. At CHS, Terry has worked on health
range of smoking-related topics, including
behavior change interventions in the areas of
current cessation strategies, pharmacological
interventions, and comparisons of the war on
tobacco with the battle against obesity.
Evette Ludman, PhD, senior research associate,
is a clinical psychologist who has developed
The panel brings to the table extensive exper-
behavior change interventions in the areas
tise in health behavior change—the science of
of smoking, mental health, breast cancer
helping individuals: (1) understand the relation
screening, and problem drinking. Evette has
extensive experience with motivational inter-
Terry Bush: I think you’re right that smoking
viewing, a form of counseling designed to
rates vary in different populations. The tobacco
trigger a decision and commitment to change
companies have been putting so much money
within a non-confrontational and empathic
into targeted advertising toward gays and
Latinos, college-aged people, and immigrants
because there are not as many smoking restric-
Jennifer McClure, PhD, assistant scientific
tions or social constraints in these populations.
investigator, is a clinical psychologist whose
The tobacco industry is really hitting heavy in
research has focused on changing smoking
Europe, but people are standing up to it. Emi-
and dietary behaviors. Jennifer has conducted
grants from some of the Asian countries are
several studies that have incorporated state-
boosting the prevalence rates in this country.
of-the-art technologies, such as using palm-
And then there’s women—at one point they
were taking up smoking as it was declining in
Rob Reid, MD, PhD, is an assistant scientific
Jennifer: I don’t know if women’s rates are
investigator at the Center for Health Studies.
inordinately high compared to men, but they’ve
Rob is also an associate director of preventive
moved up to have a prevalence on par with men.
care for Group Health’s medical group and
In terms of why have the rates have plateaued,
the other debatable theory that’s out there is
The Conversation
that we’ve picked all the low-hanging fruit. In
Katie Saunders: I've read that smoking rates
other words, the folks who could easily quit
in the U.S. plummeted between 1965 and the
have quit and a lot of the folks left out there—
early ‘90s and since then the rates have leveled
particularly the older smokers—are the more
recalcitrant smokers. They need more inten-
sive assistance than is readily available.
Jennifer McClure: Smoking rates did decline
until about the early ‘90s when they were
Katie: What's being done to provide this
about 25 percent. And they're about 22 per-
cent nationally now, so they’ve been creeping
down, but not at the same trajectory. They’re
Evette: I think there are several approaches.
There’s been a big push in the area of primary
prevention (keeping people from starting to
Evette Ludman: And my understanding is
that what accounts for some of the difference
future-oriented perspective. And I think the
other thing that’s going on right now is target-
ing high-risk subgroups. Large foundations are
Rob Reid: Yes, that’s absolutely right. It isn’t
targeting funds toward low-income, pregnant
consistent across all populations that rates are
plateauing. If you look at children and college-
aged people, there is a fair amount of move-
Jennifer: Another big thing that’s happening,
ment. There is good news for school-aged
and hopefully will continue to happen on the
children where rates in Washington state
national level, is a lot of the states have put
have decreased substantially since the late
their tobacco settlement money into things
1990s. However, college-age rates are actu-
like state quit lines, as well as education.
ally increasing and that’s worrisome. Rates
may have plateaued overall, but actually
providing cessation resources. That’s at risk
there’s a lot of movement beneath the surface.
of disappearing so we don’t know what the
long-term impact is really going to be. But
might be more motivated and receptive to
if it’s sustained it has great potential.
thinking about quitting or receiving services.
Pregnancy is the classic teachable moment.
Rob: I don’t want to lose this thing about
We’ve also looked at visits for cervical abnor-
primary prevention. More effort is being
malities and visits to pediatricians and other
focused on preventing children and adoles-
receptive to giving weight to the health effects
of their smoking. Some of our research has
Terry: That also applies to college students.
shown that among these people who are not
volunteers—who do not just walk into a treat-
Katie: What’s being done to ensure that
ment program ready to quit—we’ve been ef-
cessation interventions reach more smokers?
fective in helping them be more ready to quit.
Jennifer: Most cessation treatments are tar-
I do think that we at Group Health are uniquely
geted toward people who are ready to quit.
positioned to identify smokers and to be able
We know that that’s a fairly small percentage
of the overall population of smokers—at
most, about 20 percent at any given time. The
Jennifer: And we’re trying to take that idea to
majority of smokers out there will say they
the next level. You can couple an intervention
want to quit some day, but not in the next
month or six months. One of the areas I’m
when you don’t have a readily available
interested in is this: How do we go out to
those people and reach them and deliver an
that’s about to field where we’re going out
intervention that will increase their motivation
into the community and contacting smokers.
and readiness for quitting. And at the same
And we’re creating a teachable moment by
time, how do we put them into contact with
doing a health screening with them and using
the appropriate resources so that when they
that as the time to give them advice about
are ready to quit they have access to the
quitting. We’ll hook them up with access to
Free & Clear if they choose to use that. In
Rob: And that’s something that Group Health
beyond the confines of Group Health and our
can potentially do very well. Because Group
Health physicians often have long-term pro-
fessional relationships with their patients,
Terry: Group Health also has a huge poten-
they can help motivate smokers to consider
tial with the electronic medical record (EMR).
quitting over extended periods of time. So, if a
Rob Reid, Bev Green (associate director of
patient isn’t really interested in quitting right
preventive care), and I have been struggling
now, doctors can continue to bring the topic
with whether EpicCare (Group Health’s new
up and tell the patient that we are willing to
EMR) has enough bells and whistles to make
assist them. And, eventually, doctors can
sure providers ask about things like patients'
move many smokers into a place where they
smoking status and whether patients smoke
might be ready to change and put them in
around their children. Are there those kind of
touch with resources that can help them.
built-in teachable moments? There’s a big
potential to build those interventions and
Evette: Group Health’s smoking research
agenda has really followed the sentiment of
proactive, outreach interventions. I guess one
Rob: You’re right. The electronic medical
way I would describe it is “looking for optimal
record has really changed the way in which
teachable moments”—times when a person
Katie: Aren't providers always supposed to Evette: And it’s well integrated into our
ask patients about their smoking status?
Evette: They probably do it better here than Jennifer: I think it’s a combination of things.
One is the environment we’re in, where
Washington state rates are slightly lower than
Rob: But the electronic medical record has
the national average, King County rates are
slightly lower than the Washington state rates;
and then on top of that, at Group Health you
Jennifer: In addition to the clinical benefits
have people who are middle-class, educated,
of the electronic medical record—being able
and have access to a very well integrated,
to prompt the collection of smoking status
systematized, comprehensive resource for
information and to prompt a discussion with
smoking cessation which makes a difference.
patients about smoking—it’s also an impor-
tant research tool. It’s one of the things that
Katie: Is it the norm among health plans to
sets us apart from most other places in that we
provide coverage for smoking cessation ser-
can identify who smokers are in our popula-
tion, which allows us to proactively deliver
Jennifer: No. I think most health plans now
offer some type of intervention but they’re
Rob: And it may not be that we prompt and
very varied in what that is, and I’d say few, if
remind doctors; it might be that we reach out
any, offer as comprehensive and established a
program as the Free & Clear program.
Katie: Smoking rates at Group Health are Terry: When other health plans do offer
about 15 percent compared to a national aver-
coverage, they often charge very high copays,
like $60. And, that might not even cover nico-
Rob: There are likely many reasons. One is
tine replacement therapy (e.g., nicotine gum,
probably because of our demographics. Our
enrollees are mainly insured through employer
Katie: Speaking of nicotine replacement
contracts or government programs. We don’t
therapies, my understanding is that they’re
have a large Medicaid population. The state of
supposed to help smokers with physical with-
Washington (with its higher smoking rates), on
drawal symptoms. How important are these
the other hand, has a significant uninsured
pharmacological interventions to smoking
cessation, and do they work in the absence of
Katie: Are those the demographics with the Rob: Yes, low income, uninsured, and disad- Jennifer: The first question’s easy—they are
definitely important. The second question,
Evette: I think regarding the Group Health
speaking as a behavioral scientist, is easy, too.
smoking rates, we should also take some credit.
We know that, out in the real world divorced
from any behavior therapy, pharmacological
Rob: Absolutely. We can also take some
treatments do not work as well. Partly be-
credit for having a state-of-the-art smoking
cause people don’t use them as directed,
partly because people experience side effects
and they decide it’s not worth it. And partly
now are trying to partner with the food indus-
because it’s only one portion of the equation
try rather than fight them—to think about how
in really preparing someone for the quitting
we can work creatively with them in this area.
process. It’s a very important part of the equa-
It’s going to take a whole new way of thinking.
tion, but you’ve got to have that other half of
preparing them behaviorally and emotionally.
Terry: I think Group Health’s role in this is
going to be key because the things that have
Rob: I agree with you. I think the vast major-
helped in tobacco prevention and cessation
ity of people do much better when behavioral
are the same sorts of things that will help with
programs are in place in addition—sort of a
this problem. Primary care providers can talk
two-pronged approach. But I was wondering
about the health implications of not exercising
how you would handle people who don’t want
counseling—they just want the pharmacol-
Evette: I think the assistance hasn’t been
there for patients and providers. Providers
Jennifer: When using just the pharmacological
may be initiating these conversations but it’s
therapy, many people find it’s not effective and
hard for them to actually help people–to give
they give up trying to quit because they think
them self-management strategies and support.
the drug is the magic bullet and the drug
These are difficult changes because unlike
didn’t work, so they can’t quit. I understand
smoking, it’s more than one discrete behav-
why [just using pharmacotherapy] is very
ior—there are a bazillion behaviors involved.
appealing to smokers and for some smokers it
may be adequate. But it’s important to give a
Terry: Plus, there are so many different diets
very clear message that this might not be
and there’s so much confusion about how to
enough, and if it’s not enough, it doesn’t
lose weight, how to increase your exercise
mean you can’t quit. It’s important to lay
and maintain that. It’s a little bit narrower
things out and really inform people of their
with the cessation strategies for smoking.
Jennifer: People understand that when you Katie: Do you think we have the potential to
quit smoking, you don’t smoke anymore. But
have the same success on the obesity/exercise
to lose weight, it’s managing your physical
front that we've seen on the smoking front?
activity, it’s managing your diet. It’s an ongoing
thing. Getting people into that mindset of “This
Evette: In terms of smoking, we’ve been
is a new lifestyle I have to adopt.” And “This
talking mainly about the contributions at
has got to be a multi-faceted lifestyle change.”
Group Health. But, we have to acknowledge
That’s going to be hard. But I agree with eve-
that this success has happened within the context
rything Evette said about there needing to be
of tobacco settlements and within the context
a culture shift. The progress we’ve made with
of big money in counter-advertising. There’s
tobacco is only because it’s been a multi-
been a cultural shift; for example, taxation of
pronged effort that’s had the backing of the
cigarettes has made a big difference. Economic
government and the public. We’re seeing
and cultural things have to shift for individual
signs of that around weight management now.
interventions about weight and physical activ-
The test will be whether it is the fad of the
ity to work as well. I believe the potential is
day or whether people are really committed to
there but it’s going to be harder (than smok-
ing). If we think the tobacco industry has a lot
of money and power behind it, think about the
food industry! I know a lot of researchers right
A Brief History of Tobacco-Related Interventions at CHS and Group Health 1983—Ed Wagner, MD, MPH, assumed the
among a random sample of smokers instead
directorship of the Center for Health Studies
of volunteers. The largest effect on quit rates
(CHS), bringing the Free & Clear grant with
ported at the trial’s outset that they weren’t
ready to even think about quitting smoking.
1985—Free & Clear (Ed Wagner, CHS Prin-
cipal Investigator [PI]) tested minimal self-
1992—Group Health leadership made decreas-
help smoking cessation interventions among
ing the prevalence of tobacco use its number-
2,000 Group Health volunteer smokers. After
one prevention priority for the 1990s. To
one year, 23 percent of the group that re-
achieve this goal, leadership endorsed a series
ceived outreach telephone counseling calls, in
addition to written self-help materials, had
Group Health Committee on Prevention that
quit smoking. This quit rate was significantly
included identification of tobacco status at all
higher than that of the other intervention
clinical encounters, physician brief advice,
coverage for counseling and medications, and
support for community and legislative initia-
1987—Breaking Away I (Susan Curry, PhD,
PI) enrolled 1,200 Group Health volunteer
smokers in a second trial of self-help interven-
1993—Project HOPP (Susan Curry and
tions. One year post-randomization, smokers
who received computerized feedback that was
first example of a CHS cessation study targeting
personalized or tailored to their individual
a demographic subgroup, in this case pregnant
situations were twice as likely to have quit
women, who might be particularly receptive
smoking than were smokers who received a
to cessation and relapse prevention messages.
Hoping to capitalize on the “teachable moment”
offered by pregnancy, the researchers’ main
Late 1980s—Group Health added nicotine
goal was to reduce the high rates (80 percent
gum to its formulary, but not as a covered
to 90 percent) of postpartum relapse to smok-
ing. Twelve months post-delivery there were
no differences in smoking rates among women
1989—Group Health, through its Center for
who received the relapse-prevention interven-
enrollees the phone-based Free & Clear pro-
gram for a fee that covered program cost. This
1995—SALONS (CHS PIs Susan Curry and
program utilizes the successful proactive tele-
Colleen McBride) attempted to capitalize on
phone counseling component of the Free &
another potential “teachable moment”—a Pap
Clear research trial. During the mid-1990s,
test. The thinking was that an intervention
other cessation aids such as nicotine replacement
pointing out the link between smoking and an
therapy (e.g., gum, patches) and bupropion were
increased risk of cervical cancer and severe
cervical abnormalities might be particularly
salient in the context of a recent Pap test.
1990—Breaking Away II (Susan Curry, PI)
However, smoking rates did not differ between
deviated from CHS’ previous cessation trials
the control and intervention groups at six and
by testing minimal self-help interventions
1998—Group Health decided to offer full
tively new technology of palm-sized computers
coverage for smoking cessation services after
into CHS’ smoking cessation arsenal. Project
a CHS evaluation (PI Susan Curry) examined
WIN evaluated a relapse prevention interven-
four different coverage approaches. Results
tion specifically tailored for women; Project
showed that use of services quadrupled when
STOP tested a self-help smoking cessation
enrollees were offered full coverage for both
intervention in the general population of
counseling and medication (vs. a $42.50 fee
smokers. Both trials featured tailored interven-
for each). Program participation increased 20-
tions based on real-time, real-world responses
collected via the computers in a pre-assessment
1998-2003—Group Health won first-place
feasibility of using portable electronics to
awards six years in a row from the American
Association of Health Plans for its pioneering
work in tobacco, including efforts with adults,
1998—Project EZ (CHS PI Sue Curry)
youth, benefit design, and public-private part-
compared the effect on smoking cessation
nerships. Group Health received high marks
rates of different dosages (150 mg vs. 300 mg)
from NCQA and national recognition for its
of sustained-release bupropion (bupropion
improvements in provider charting of tobacco
status, program enrollment, and collaborations
ferent levels of telephone counseling. The
with state health departments to address
lower dosage of ZYBAN in combination with
minimal or moderate phone counseling resulted
in one-year quit rates of 24 percent and 33
1998—Project Fresh Start (CHS PI Susan
percent, respectively. The take home message
Curry) targeted low-income women of repro-
was that ZYBAN works better in conjunction
with a behavioral program and that 150 mg
smoking rates are twice the national average.
was as effective as the 300 mg. As a result of
The trial recruited women when they brought
this research, Group Health has changed its
their children to a pediatric clinic—a “teach-
able setting” that provided an opportunity for
health care providers to link both the child’s
1999—The Center for Health Promotion
and woman’s health to smoking. After one
launched the Oregon Quit Line, soon to be fol-
year, women who received the cessation inter-
lowed by quit lines in Washington, Minnesota,
vention, which also included outreach counsel-
ing calls, were twice as likely to have quit
2003, more than 100,000 people were receiving
1998—Steering Clear (CHS PI Susan Curry) 1999—Project Tobacco Status (PI Tim
represented CHS’ first effort at preventing
McAfee) encouraged Group Health practitioners
people from starting to smoke (primary pre-
to record tobacco status using the automated
vention). The trial, conducted among children
aged 10 to 12, delivered interventions through
parents and health care providers. After one
year, children receiving the intervention
appeared no less likely to take up smoking
2000—Project WISE (PI Jennifer McClure)
(according to a measure of smoking suscepti-
was similar to SALONS in that it took advan-
tage of the “teachable moment” offered by a
Pap test, but unlike SALONS, WISE focused
1998—Projects STOP and WIN (CHS PI
specifically on women who had had an abnor-
Jennifer McClure, PhD) introduced the rela-
mal pap result or colposcopy. Since the majority
of smokers are not ready to quit at any given
tions. The study will evaluate the use of 150
point in time, the intervention featured four
mg bupropion SR with each of the following
telephone counseling calls whose timing and
behavioral treatments: (1) proactive tele-
phone-based Free & Clear; (2) a Web-based
readiness to quit. Even though the vast ma-
cessation program derived from Free & Clear;
jority of women (83 percent) at the trial’s
and (3) an integrated phone-Web program.
outset were not interested in quitting smok-
The researchers hypothesize that the com-
ing in the next six months, they were very
bined telephone-web program will be most
receptive to the counseling calls, with 90 per-
effective because it offers both the personal
cent completing at least three of the four calls.
Compared to controls, counseling participants
were also more likely to enroll in Free & Clear
2004—Project QUIT (Jennifer McClure, PI)
and had a higher abstinence rate at 6 month fol-
is one of three studies funded through the
University of Michigan Center for Health
2000—National Cancer Institute Oregon
The goal of this program project is to develop
Quitline (Group Health site PI Tim McAfee)
an efficient, theory-driven model for generat-
recruited 4,500 smokers through the Oregon
ing tailored health behavior interventions that
Quitline to participate in a randomized trial
is generalizable across health behaviors and
examining three levels of phone counseling,
sociodemographic populations. The goal of
with or without an offer of nicotine patches.
Project Quit is to identify and specify the active
The trial found a dose-response relationship
psychosocial and communication components
between intensity of counseling and abstinence,
of internet-based smoking cessation interven-
with cost-effectiveness analysis indicating
tions. Smokers are currently being recruited
for this study, which is being conducted in
collaboration with the University of Michigan
2003—Due to rapid expansion of its services
to a national market, The Center for Health
2004—Get PHIT! (Jennifer McClure, PI)
Promotion (CHP) separated from Group Health
ventures into the community to proactively
to become a separate company. Renamed Free
& Clear in late 2004, the organization continues
hope to create a “teachable moment” by having
to deliver smoking cessation services for
Group Health. It also continues to contract
shopping malls, work places, etc. All partici-
with states to operate their telephone tobacco
pants will have access to Free & Clear. Half
help lines and with employers (e.g., Boeing,
will receive generic information about smok-
Microsoft) and other health care systems
ing’s risks while the other half will receive
(e.g., Minnesota Blue Cross, HIP New York)
individualized feedback about their carbon
to offer the Free & Clear smoking cessation
monoxide exposure, lung functioning, and
program. Free & Clear also offers weight
other smoking-related symptoms and condi-
management services to Group Health enrol-
tions. The goal is to determine whether the
lees. The company continues to be engaged in
personalized health feedback increases smokers’
research on telephone-based cessation services.
motivation to quit, use of cessation treatment,
or likelihood of quitting. Recruitment for this
2004—Son of EZ (Jennifer McClure, CHS
PI) follows up on Project EZ’s aim to find the optimal combination of a behavioral treatment program and bupropion SR (aka, Zyban), this time concentrating on technological innova-
MARIANNE B. MÜLLER, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Kraepelinstraße 10 80804 Munich Germany Phone: +49-89-30622-288 Fax: Current Position: Head, Molecular Stress Physiology Group, MPI of Psychiatry EDUCATION 1987-1989 Student at the Rheinische Hochschule für Musik Köln (Cologne University of Music), instrumental music performance, piano 198
unofficial translation Agua y Desastres Comité de expertos de alto nivel sobre Agua y Medidas preventivas y acciones para minimizar las pérdidas humanas y la destrucción Reforzamiento de la resistencia en pro de un desarrollo sostenible Introducción El Comité de expertos de alto nivel sobre agua y desastres de la UNSGAB (HLEP) se estableció a petición de la