Case 10 Controlling Trachoma in Morocco Geographic area: morocco Health condition: in 992, a national survey found that just over 5 percent of morocco’s population had the blinding disease trachoma. nearly all the cases were concentrated in five poor, rural provinces in the southeast of the country where 25,000 people showed a serious decline in vision due to trachoma, 625,000 needed treatment for inflammatory trachoma, and 40,000 urgently needed surgery. Global importance of the health condition today: trachoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, and the number one cause of preventable blindness. more than 84 million people in 55 coun- tries have trachoma. Economic development and improved hygiene have eliminated the disease from north america and Europe. But it plagues millions in hot, dry regions where access to clean water, sanitation, and health care is limited. Intervention or program: in 99, morocco formed the national Blindness Control Program to eliminate trachoma by 2005. Between 997 and 999, the program implemented a new strategy called SaFE (surgery, antibiotics, face washing, and environmental change), giving morocco the distinction as the first national-level test of the 4-part strategy. mobile teams have performed simple, inexpensive surgeries in small towns across the provinces, 4.3 million treatments of the antibiotic azithromycin have been distribut- ed, health education efforts promoting face washing and hygiene have been conducted, latrines have been constructed, and safe drinking water supplied. Cost and cost-effectiveness: the moroccan government has provided the bulk of the financing for the program, with external support from the United nations Children’s Fund and a public-private partnership called the international trachoma initiative. through this partnership, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer has donated over $72 million worth of its antibiotic Zithromax®. Impact: overall, the prevalence of active disease in children under 0 has been reduced by 99 percent since 997. Trachoma is the second leading cause of blind- including the United States (see Box 10–1). With eco-
ness (after cataracts) and the number one cause
nomic development and improved hygiene, however, the
of preventable blindness in the world. More
disease has been eliminated from North America and
than 84 million people in 55 countries have
trachoma, and some 6 million have been blinded by
it.1 Although the disease is now confined to developing
But those same changes have not benefited the world’s
countries where it threatens an estimated 1 in 10 people,
poorest. Today trachoma plagues millions of marginal-
just a century ago it was common throughout the world,
ized people living in hot, dry regions of Africa, Latin
America, the Middle East, and Asia, where access to
The first draft of this case was prepared by Gail Vines; significant
contributions to the current version were made by Mol y Kinder.
clean water, sanitation, and health care is limited. The
Active trachoma alone is not immediately threatening
to sight. Repeated trachoma infections over many years,
however, cause problems that can eventual y lead to
Trachoma in the United
blindness. The upper lid frequently becomes chronical y
inflamed, resulting in scarring and a condition called
“trichiasis,” or in-turning of the eyelash. If this condition
at the end of the 900s, the threat of trachoma
is not treated, the eyelash painful y rubs the eye, result-
was very real in the United States. the disease
ing in corneal scarring, opacity, and blindness. Blind-
was rampant in crowded slums in both the United
ness from trachoma, whose seeds are first sown in early
States and Europe during the industrial revolu-
childhood, usual y strikes when a person is between 40
tion, and new York newspapers commonly ran
public health notices warning about the disease’s communicable nature. trachoma became a
Trachoma is linked closely with poverty—both as a
criterion for excluding immigrants from the United
symptom of underdevelopment and as a cause. The
States, causing more than 36,000 immigrants
disease disproportionately affects women, who are in-
to be denied entry between 897 and 924. the
fected through their close contact with children; women
US Public health Service launched an ambitious
contract trachoma at a rate two to three times more
campaign to control the disease in the “trachoma
belt” in the southeastern states. a public edu-cation campaign was initiated, and hospitals to
The economic impact of trachoma on endemic areas is
treat trachoma were established. in the 960s,
profound, as blindness develops during the most eco-
after several decades, trachoma was finally elimi-
nomical y productive years. An estimated $2.9 billion
worth of potential productivity is lost annual y due to
heaviest burden of blindness from trachoma affects the
populations of sub-Saharan Africa. Modern antibiotics,
combined with prevention and other treatment meth-
In the mid-1980s, the Edna McConnell Clark Founda-
ods that can be deployed in low-income countries, hold
tion brought renewed attention to trachoma by funding
much promise in the fight against trachoma. Morocco,
extensive research on the disease’s epidemiology and
the first country to start a large-scale campaign against
the viable options for its control. The scientific findings
trachoma with a newly developed strategy, is at the
contributed to the development of a new, comprehensive
threshold of eliminating blinding trachoma.
strategy to treat and prevent trachoma. This strategy
was called “SAFE,” which stands for surgery, antibiot-
ics, facial cleanliness, and environmental change—the
four main interventions. The community-based SAFE
Trachoma is highly contagious, marked by chronic con-
strategy seeks to confront the underlying causes of the
junctivitis, or “pink eye.” Children are its first victims.
disease as well as the imminent threats of blindness,
Active infection is caused when the bacterium Chlamyd-
and differs from earlier approaches by emphasizing the
ia trachomatis is spread (mainly among young children)
need to effect not just medical but also behavioral and
through direct contact with eye and nose secretions
from affected individuals, contact with contaminated
towels and clothing, and through fluid-seeking flies.
Disease transmission is rapid and intense in conditions
Surgery is needed to halt corneal damage in the later
of overcrowding, poor hygiene, and poverty. In endemic
stages of trichiasis and prevent the onset of blindness.
areas, prevalence rates in children aged 2 to 5 years can
Researchers in Oman designed a simple, quick, and
inexpensive surgical procedure, which can be applied to
treat large numbers of patients at the community level.
of the drug in the early 1990s in Africa. Their results
Health professionals are trained to make a slit in the
established that the drug is a powerful 1-dose cure and a
outer part of the eyelid and restitch it in a way that pul s
substantial improvement over the tetracycline ointment
the edge and lashes away from the eye’s surface. The
treatment because it assures a higher adherence rate.
simple procedure has a success rate of approximately 80
percent, and in low-income countries like Ghana can
With the discovery of azithromycin and the develop-
ment of a comprehensive strategy to prevent and treat
the disease, the global health community now had
powerful weapons in the fight against trachoma. The
Antibiotics are used to treat active trachoma infections
mounting evidence demonstrating the feasibility of
and can reduce the community pool of infections and
eliminating trachoma was first outlined in a 1996 WHO
prevent scarring.4 Until the discovery of the one-dose
azithromycin, the available antibiotic was a 1 percent
topical tetracycline eye ointment applied daily in a 6- to
Momentum was boosted further in 1998 when Pfizer
4-week regimen. Because of the time-intensive treat-
and the Clark Foundation announced the formation
ment and its side effects of stinging sensations and
of a public-private partnership called the International
blurred vision, however, compliance with the earlier
Trachoma Initiative (ITI) aimed at eliminating blinding
trachoma worldwide. The initiative was first financed
with $3.2 million grants from each of the two main
Facial Cleanliness
partners and set out to help governments of endemic
Studies have shown that clean faces, especial y among
countries start national trachoma programs based on
children, can break the cycle of reinfection and prevent
the spread of trachoma-causing bacteria. Washing helps
remove the discharge from infected eyes, which attracts
Pfizer’s pledge to contribute $60 million worth of Zith-
disease-spreading flies seeking fluid and salt. Children’s
romax® was key to ITI’s strategy and represented a shift
faces can be kept clean even with small amounts of wa-
in the company’s philanthropy. Zithromax® has a broad
ter—one liter can clean as many as 30 faces.
consumer market and is the most prescribed branded
oral antibiotic in the United States, accounting for more
Environmental Change
than $1 billion annual y of the company’s revenues.5 The
Improving living conditions and community hygiene
company donated large quantities of the drug, despite
has reduced the spread of trachoma. Construction of
the risk that the donated drugs could be sold on the
latrines is an important way to reduce the prevalence of
the flies associated with trachoma.4 Health education
and the provision of adequate water have also proven
With funding, leadership, momentum, and a strategy in
effective in reducing the spread of infection.
place, the international movement embarked in 1999 on
the first national-level test of the SAFE strategy, choos-
A major advance for the SAFE strategy occurred in the
mid-1990s with the discovery of a much more potent
antibiotic, which strengthened the strategy’s “A” compo-
Morocco, a North African country of just under 32 mil-
nent. Studies showed that a single dose of the antibiotic
lion people, has a long history of trachoma control ef-
azithromycin was as effective as (or even more effective
forts. The country’s fight against the disease began nearly
than) the 6-week regimen of the widely used tetracycline
a century ago, when the disease ravaged all parts of the
antibiotic. Pfizer, the global pharmaceutical giant that
country. Dr. Youssef Chami Khazrazi, head of Morocco’s
manufactures the prescription version of the drug (Zith-
National Blindness Control Program (NBCP), wrote,
romax®), and the Clark Foundation began pilot tests
“There is not a single Moroccan among two to three
generations who does not remember the years where
international organizations (ITI, UNICEF, WHO, and
the fight of [trachoma] represented one of the major and
Helen Keller International), bilateral and multilateral
permanent activities of the Ministry of Health.”6
agencies, and local nongovernmental organizations.
With scientific evidence, political resolve, and financial
Initial y, the disease was regarded as primarily a medical
support in place, the NBCP was launched.
problem, and in the 1970s and 1980s it was tackled by
treating schoolchildren in the most-affected provinces
with tetracycline eye ointment twice a year. Medical
treatment was not yet integrated with improvements in
Each of the four elements of the SAFE strategy was
sanitation and standard of living among the rural poor.
Therefore, while economic development led to the vir-
tual disappearance of trachoma from most urban areas
in the previous few decades, the disease pervaded many
Government officials in the Ministry of Health moved
quickly to decentralize surgery so that eyelid correc-
tion was readily available in small towns and vil ages.
A national survey in 1992 found that approximately 5.4
Before surgical teams arrived in the countryside, vil age
percent of the population showed signs of trachoma,
leaders and outreach workers were briefed so that they
with virtual y all of these cases concentrated in five rural
could publicize the procedure and explain its benefits. In
provinces in the southeast of the country: Errachidia,
partnership with the Hassan II Foundation of Ophthal-
Figuig, Ouarzazate, Tata, and Zagora. These five arid
mology, the ministry deployed mobile surgical units
provinces constitute a quarter of the total area of the
staffed by doctors and specialist nurses trained to carry
country and have a widely dispersed population of ap-
out the vision-saving procedures. Forty-three physicians
proximately 1.5 million people. Poverty, scarce water,
and 119 nurses have worked in 34 centers throughout
agricultural subsistence, and weak infrastructure and
the five provinces. Between 1992 and 2005, more than
sanitation characterize the region. There, the problems
40,000 people underwent eyelid surgery. At the same
of trachoma were great: 25,000 people showed a serious
time, education campaigns were launched to motivate
decline in vision due to trachoma; some 625,000 needed
infected individuals to come forward for treatment.
treatment for inflammatory trachoma; and surgery was
urgently needed for 40,000 people with trichiasis.
Antibiotics Azithromycin was first field tested in Morocco during
Morocco’s political leaders were committed to eliminat-
the mid-1990s, when 10,000 patients were successful y
ing trachoma by 2005, and in 1991 formed the National
treated. Widespread treatment with the donated drug
Blindness Control Program (NBCP). Between 1997
began in the five southeastern provinces in 1999, and
and 1999, the SAFE strategy was integrated into the
approximately 4.3 million doses have been distributed to
program. “We now recognized,” says Dr. Khazrazi, “that
date (ITI statistics through December 2005). A success-
trachoma at the level of these regions is not strictly a
ful strategy was soon developed, built on the recognition
medical problem; it is essential y the reflection of a so-
that trachoma is a community disease and reinfection
cioeconomic problem.” The “real enemies,” he explains,
is very likely to occur if only isolated cases are treated.
“are the disfavored rural communities, illiteracy, family
Different approaches were developed depending on the
overcrowding, lack of water, the accumulation of animal
prevalence. When more than one fifth of the children
wastes, and the proliferation of domestic flies. In sum,
under 10 showed signs of active trachoma, everyone in
the enemy to combat is not Chlamydia but poverty.”6
the community was treated. Where infection rates were
lower—between 10 and 20 percent—treatment focused
To address the disease’s wide-ranging causes, the NBCP
on affected children and their families; at less than 10
formed a comprehensive partnership including five
percent, infections were treated individual y. Treatment
government divisions (Ministry of Health, Ministry of
campaigns were launched annual y, between the months
National Education, Ministry of Employment, Ministry
of Equipment, and National Office for Potable Water),
Facial Cleanliness
efforts are 350 local vil age associations that have drilled
Health education has proven effective in increasing
wel s, built latrines, and found safe ways of storing
awareness and changing attitudes, thus increasing clean
animal dung, so that this valuable natural fertilizer does
faces and preventing disease transmission. Campaigns
not spread flies through the vil age. The national office is
promoting individual and community hygiene have cen-
also leading the provision of drinking water: 74 vil ages
tered on information, education, and communication
in Errachidia and Zagora have been supplied with water,
to explain the causes of the disease and the means of
and access to potable water is reported to have increased
prevention. Outreach workers, health professionals, and
from 13 percent of all rural communities in 1992 to 60
teachers have used slide shows, videos, films, commu-
percent in 2000 to at least 80 percent in each trachoma
nity theater, meetings, photos, notices, pamphlets, and
even megaphones to communicate the messages. News-
paper articles and radio and television broadcasts have
Interventions to reduce poverty and improve literacy
also been effective. To educate children, the primary car-
among women are now acknowledged to be central
riers of the disease, the Ministry of Education designed
to the fight against trachoma. In Zagora, for example,
a model lesson on trachoma that was incorporated into
the work of the Ministry of Employment and Helen
the curriculum of primary schools in the five provinces.
Keller International has helped 8,500 women learn to
read. Helen Keller International has also implemented
The education campaigns depend in large part on the
economic programs aimed at increasing the incomes of
active engagement of the local community. Mosques,
lodgings for young women, local associations, and
schools have proved to be ideal venues for communicat-
The implementation of the SAFE program has had a
Environmental Change
dramatic impact in Morocco and represents the most
The National Office for Potable Water has overseen the
rapid elimination of blindness due to trachoma in
construction of latrines in 32 vil ages. Supporting these
a single country in history. Prevalence has fallen 99
percent since 1997, from 28 percent to just less than 2.5
percent in 2005.7 Acute infections have been signifi-
cantly reduced in children and in some places, such as
Figuig and Ouarzazate, eliminated. In Zagora province,
which remains the hardest hit, annual epidemiological
Prevalence of active disease
surveys beginning in 1997 revealed a drop in prevalence
in five provinces in Morocco,
from 69 percent to 3.3 percent in 2004. In Tata, Ouarza-
zate, and Figuig provinces, no cases of active infection
have been reported since 2003. Overal , the intervention
has achieved a 99 percent reduction in the prevalence
of active disease in children under 10 since 1997 (see
Morocco has reached its “ultimate intervention goals”
and has reduced the burden of disease to the trachoma
elimination target levels set by the WHO: less than 5
percent prevalence of active disease in children 1 to 9
years of age and less than 0.1 percent trichiasis in adults
Note: In Morocco, the prevalence of active disease in children
over the age of 15. The next phase is surveil ance of the
under 10 has been reduced by 99 percent.
disease to ensure that levels remain below these targets.
Source: Ministry of Health, Morocco (2006).
Once this is sustained, Morocco will apply for WHO
certification of elimination of blinding trachoma.
to the household where all members are examined for
infections and, if needed, treated with antibiotics.
The elements of the SAFE strategy that are most expen-
sive are improving environmental infrastructure and
It can often take years of repeated infections to cause
providing the drugs. Although quantitative information
scarring of the upper lid and trichiasis, or inversion of
about total spending on the initiative is unavailable, to
the upper lid that precedes blindness, so surgery cases
date the Moroccan government has provided the bulk of
will continue to emerge even after active trachoma is in-
the funds to improve vil age sanitation—supplemented
terrupted in Morocco. Community leaders and organi-
with grants worth over $2 million from ITI between
zations such as the Red Crescent Society will continue to
play an important role in locating and reporting trichia-
sis cases to district surgical teams.
The dramatic reduction in trachoma achieved in Mo-
rocco over the past few years would probably have been
Because of the expected emergence of a limited number
impossible without Pfizer’s donation of the antibiotic,
of new cases of active trachoma and trichiasis, the need
valued at around US$72 million. The company has also
for an effective epidemiological surveil ance system
provided grants for public education to support other
for trachoma is great. All new cases are reported to the
district health departments by vil age sentinel sites and
health facilities. Periodic reviews are conducted, with
The US Fund for UNICEF has supported the imple-
the results shared with provincial and central authori-
mentation of the face cleanliness and environmental
ties. Unless unforeseen epidemics occur, this surveil-
change components of the SAFE strategy with a grant
lance phase is expected to continue until 2009.
of $225,000. Total costs for surgical treatment have
been estimated at $15 to $25 per person, with funding
from the Moroccan government as well as ITI, worth
between US$440,000 and US$730,000. A further grant
Dr. Jacob Kumaresan, the president of ITI, has identi-
from ITI—$180,000 from 2000 to 2004—supported the
fied three factors as the keys to Morocco’s success in the
Moroccan Ministry of Health’s evaluation of the impacts
elimination of blindness due to trachoma, which can be
an inspiration for other trachoma endemic countries.9
First, government buy-in exists at all levels of the na-
tional blindness control program. Second, the program
developed strong public-private partnerships, including
a network of NGOs and local associations; and third, the
Morocco’s SAFE program has succeeded in slashing the
government has taken an aggressive approach to provi-
prevalence rate of active trachoma among children and
sion of safe drinking water and improved sanitation for
clearing the backlog of surgeries. The effort to eliminate
blinding trachoma from Morocco has thus entered its
final, and crucial, stage: maintenance and surveil ance
Dr. Khazrazi also reported that the solid support of the
before being certified by WHO as having eliminated
government of Morocco was invaluable. “One of the
blinding trachoma. This entails the early identifica-
major assets is commitment and political wil . Political
tion of active trachoma cases and prompt treatment of
will is, first of al , the commitment of the Ministry of
those infected in order to prevent spread of the disease.
Health.” This support is evidenced by frequent periodic
Identification of infected patients can occur during
visits of ministry officials to endemic areas to affirm the
health visits, such as at maternal and child health clinics;
government’s commitment to the disease’s elimination.
through sentinel site activities; and through the report-
ing of suspected cases to local partners in trachoma
control, such as local NGOs, teachers, health personnel,
and the Red Crescent Society. Immediately following
The success of the trachoma program in Morocco has
the diagnosis of an active trachoma case, a visit is made
provided a catalyst for efforts to eliminate the disease
worldwide. Robert L. Mallett, senior vice president of
3. Frick K, Hanson C, Jacobson G. Global burden of
corporate affairs of Pfizer’s international philanthropy
trachoma and economics of the disease. Am J Trop
department, explained that Morocco’s program “made
Med Hygiene. 2003;69(suppl 5):1–10.
history by completing their mass antibiotic and surgi-
cal campaigns, signaling the beginning of the end for a
4. West S. Blinding trachoma: prevention with
disease that has plagued the country for centuries.”
the SAFE strategy. Am J Trop Med Hygiene.
In 2000, after data demonstrated that prevalence rates
in Morocco had been reduced by more than half in just
5. Barrett D, Austin J, McCarthy S. Cross-Sector Col-
one year, the ITI accelerated its international efforts.
laboration: Lessons from the International Trachoma
Pfizer committed to donating 10 million additional
Initiative. Paper presented at: Workshop on Public-
doses of Zithromax® and $6 million in operational
Private Partnerships in Public Health; Endicott
funding, the Clark Foundation contributed another $6
million, the UK Department for International Develop-
ment provided approximately $1.8 million, and the Bill
6. Khazraji YC. Revival in the fight of trachoma: ten
& Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $20 million over
years of fight in the Kingdom of Morocco, 1991–
five years—the foundation’s largest donation to date to
2001. 2002 report of the French League Against
international blindness. With the additional funding in
Trachoma and International Organization Against
place, the SAFE strategy was initiated in Tanzania, Mali,
Trachoma. Available at:
Sudan, Ghana, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Nepal, Niger, Mau-
millions/Trachoma_in_Morocco.pdf. Accessed
ritania, Senegal, and Kenya. In these countries, repre-
senting one quarter of the global burden of trachoma,
221,000 surgeries have been performed and around 36.7
7. Ministry of Health, Morocco. Presentation at the
million doses of Zithromax® were distributed (ITI statis-
Global Elimination of Blinding Trachoma 2020
meeting, Geneva, Switzerland; April 10, 2006.
In November 2003, recognizing the effectiveness of
8. Donnel y J. Pfizer to donate US$500 million in
the SAFE strategy and the need to scale up programs,
drugs. Boston Globe. November 12, 2003.
Pfizer announced that it would donate up to 135 million
doses of Zithromax® over the next five years.8 Pfizer’s
9. Kumaresan J, Mecaskey J. The global elimination
contribution represents one of the largest donations of a
of blinding trachoma: progress and promise. Am J
patented drug in history. According to Pfizer’s Chairman
Trop Med Hygiene. 2003;69(suppl 5):S24–S28.
and CEO Hank McKinnel , “By 2020 we hope to have
all of (the endemic countries).” Thus, ITI and its many
partners have helped ensure that Morocco’s success with
SAFE, like the disease that it has nearly eliminated, is
1. Mariotti S. New steps toward eliminating blinding
trachoma. N Engl J Med. 2004;351;19:2004–2007.
2. Mecaskey J, Knirsch C, Kumaresan J, Cook J. The
possibility of eliminating blinding trachoma. Lancet Infect Dis. 2003;3(11):728–734.
Dr. med. Roman M. Skoblo Dr. med. Ingrid Lätzsch FÄ für Mikrobiologie/Infektionsepidemiologie Prof. Dr. med. Lothar Moltz 09/2007 Laborinformation Adiponektin - Bindeglied zwischen Adipositas und Insulinresistenz Prognostischer Marker für Diabetes mell. Typ II und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen Adiponektin ist ein Sekretionsprodukt der visceralen Fett-die Adiponek