HEMATOLOGY BOARD REVIEW MANUAL PUBLISHING STAFF Immune Hemolytic Anemia PRESIDENT, GROUP PUBLISHER Series Editor and Contributing Author: EXECUTIVE EDITOR Richard S. Stein, MD, FACP SENIOR EDITOR Vanderbilt University Medical CenterCONTRIBUTING EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITOR Contributing Author: Anne T. Neff, MD EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Assistant Professor of Pathology and MedicineEXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Vanderbilt University Medical CenterPRODUCTION DIRECTOR PRODUCTION ASSOCIATES Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ADVERTISING/PROJECT MANAGER Clinical Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: Management of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia . . . 7
This publication has been developed withoutinvolvement of or review by the American
Drug-Related Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia . . . . . 9 Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Endorsed by the Association for Hospital Follow-Up of Case Patient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Medical Education Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Association for Hospital Medical Educationendorses HOSPITAL PHYSICIAN for the pur-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
pose of presenting the latest developments inmedical education as they affect residency pro-grams and clinical hospital practice. Cover Illustration by Christine Schaar
Copyright 2001, Turner White Communications, Inc., 125 Strafford Avenue, Suite 220, Wayne, PA 19087-3391, www.turner-white.com. Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Turner White Communications, Inc. The editors are solely responsible for selecting content. Although the editors take great care to ensure accuracy, Turner WhiteCommunications, Inc., will not be liable for any errors of omission or inaccuracies in this publication. Opinions expressed are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect those of Turner White Communications, Inc. Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 HEMATOLOGY BOARD REVIEW MANUAL Immune Hemolytic Anemia Series Editor and Contributing Author: Contributing Author: Richard S. Stein, MD, FACP Anne T. Neff, MD Assistant Professor of Pathology and MedicineVanderbilt University Medical CenterVanderbilt University Medical Center
In discussing hemolytic anemias, this review will
focus specifically on autoimmune hemolytic anemia(AIHA), reviewing its definition, classifications, etiology,
Hemolytic anemias are a diverse group of clinical dis-
pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and man-
orders characterized by decreased survival of erythro-
agement. The case of a 34-year-old man with a hemo-
cytes in the circulation. Because of their multiple causes,
lytic anemia and spherocytosis will be presented to illus-
hemolytic anemias are often difficult for hematologists,
as well as internists and primary care physicians, to diag-nose. This clinical confusion can be lessened somewhatby following a logical, structured approach to diagnosis
in patients suspected of having a hemolytic anemia.
First, it must be determined that hemolysis is actual-
ly present and that the anemia is not caused instead by
bleeding or bone marrow failure. The laboratory and
A 34-year-old man is seen in the emergency depart-
other tests most useful in determining whether or not
ment reporting shortness of breath with exertion. He
hemolysis exists are listed in Table 1. Next, the most
says that he has been unable to climb the stairs to his
common causes of hemolysis (ie, acquired autoim-
third-floor apartment during the past 2 weeks without
mune hemolytic anemia, hypersplenism, congenital
stopping several times; previously, he could climb to the
hemoglobinopathies) should be ruled in or out, with
third floor very easily. Medical history is unremarkable
the specific cause identified, if possible. If a common
except for arthroscopic knee surgery performed 2 years
cause is not easily ascertained, a “checklist” approach to
ago following a skiing injury. He takes no medicine other
the diagnosis of hemolytic anemia can be pursued. The
than an occasional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
numerous specific causes of hemolysis for the most part
to treat headaches and knee pain. Family history reveals
fall into 1 of 4 general categories: (1) processes outside
that his mother was treated for breast cancer 6 years ago;
the erythrocyte, (2) alterations of the erythrocytic mem-
his father and 2 siblings are in good health. The patient
brane, (3) abnormalities in the hemoglobin molecule,
does not smoke or use illicit drugs but does drink 2 to
or (4) decreased levels of an enzyme in erythrocytes
(Table 2).1 When evidence of one of the disorders that
Physical examination reveals a pale man in no dis-
commonly cause hemolytic anemia cannot be found,
tress at rest. Blood pressure is 140/76 mm Hg, pulse is
this checklist is useful as a guide to other problems to
124 bpm, and respiratory rate is 22 breaths/min. He is
afebrile. Nail beds and conjunctivae are pale; the sclerae
Hospital Physician Board Review Manual I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
are icteric. Auscultation of the heart reveals a grade II/VI
Table 1. Tests for Determining the Presence of a
systolic ejection murmur at the apex; lungs are clear to
auscultation. The liver and spleen are not palpable. Petechiae, bruises, adenopathy, and edema are not pres-
Laboratory measurements
ent, and there is no tenderness over the liver.
Results of laboratory testing show a hematocrit of
16%, a leukocyte count of 7.8 × 103/mm3 (with a normal
differential), and a platelet count of 417 × 103/mm3.
Reticulocyte count is 9.3% of erythrocytes. Total serum
bilirubin level is 7.2 mg/dL. Fractionation of the biliru-bin reveals a direct bilirubin level of 0.6 mg/dL, giving a
calculated indirect bilirubin level of 6.6 mg/dL. Blood
urea nitrogen level is within normal limits, as are serum
Examination of the peripheral blood smear
levels of electrolytes, creatinine, aspartate aminotrans-ferase (AST, SGOT), and alkaline phosphatase. Serumlactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level is 2900 U/L (nor-mal, 200 to 600 U/L). Serum haptoglobin level is with-
often is more informative. The normal reticulocyte num-
in normal limits. A peripheral blood smear reveals poly-
ber is 60–90 × 103/mm3. In a patient with a hematocrit of
20% and an erythrocyte count of 2 × 106/mm3, an elevat-ed reticulocyte count of 3% represents a reticulocyte
number of only 60 × 103/mm3. In cases of clinically sig-nificant hemolytic anemia, a reticulocyte number greater
• What role do reticulocyte count, bilirubin level, and
than 150 × 103/mm3 is expected. The reticulocyte index
other laboratory measurements play in determining
(which adjusts for the fact that reticulocytes spend more
whether an anemia is hemolytic?
time in the circulation when there is marked hemolysis
• How does a peripheral blood smear help in the
and a very high reticulocyte count) adds little to the deter-
diagnosis of hemolytic anemia?
mination of whether anemia is or is not hemolytic.
The serum bilirubin level and bilirubin fractionation
Diagnosis of any anemia involves examining a periph-
value are helpful in establishing that hemolytic anemia
eral blood smear and obtaining a reticulocyte count. In
is present. Bilirubin is a breakdown product of erythro-
general, when the reticulocyte count is elevated (ie,
cytes, and its level will be elevated when these cells break
greater than 1.5%), hemolytic anemia should be suspect-
down in the bone marrow (as in the ineffective erythro-
ed. However, an elevated reticulocyte count is not specific
poiesis of myelodysplasia), in extravascular sites (as in
for diagnosing hemolytic anemia but can occur, for exam-
reabsorbed hematomas), or in the circulation (as in
ple, after an episode of acute bleeding or after initial treat-
hemolytic anemia). In all of these circumstances, the
indirect or unconjugated bilirubin level is elevated. In
deficiency. Even the rebound erythrocyte production fol-
contrast, an elevated direct or conjugated bilirubin level
lowing a normal menstrual period can be associated with
occurs in liver disease as a result of the regurgitation of
an elevated reticulocyte count in the range of 2% to 4%.
bilirubin into the circulation from injured hepatocytes
Nevertheless, a reticulocyte count greater than 5% strong-
(in cases of hepatitis) or from the bile ducts (in cases of
ly suggests the presence of a hemolytic process.
An elevated reticulocyte count also is not totally sen-
Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia also can occur in
sitive for diagnosing hemolytic anemia. Approximately
Gilbert’s syndrome, a congenitally acquired nondisease
10% of patients with hereditary spherocytosis and up to
state in which the activity of an enzyme responsible for
50% of patients with thalassemia minor might have
conjugating bilirubin (ie, hepatic uridine diphosphate–
reticulocyte counts within the normal range. The more
glucuronosyltransferase) is decreased. Gilbert’s syn-
severe the hemolytic anemia, however, the more likely
drome is present in 5% of the population2 but is rarely
it is that the reticulocyte count will be elevated; patients
associated with bilirubin levels greater than 3.0 mg/dL.
with hemolytic anemia and reticulocyte counts within
Because patients with Gilbert’s syndrome generally are
normal limits generally have minimal anemia.
not anemic, differentiating hemolytic anemia from
Although the reticulocyte count is reported as a per-
Gilbert’s syndrome should not create a diagnostic
centage of total erythrocytes, the reticulocyte number
problem. However, patients with Gilbert’s syndrome
Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i aTable 2. Specific Causes of Hemolytic Anemia* Processes outside the erythrocyte
Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency†
Abnormalities in the hemoglobin molecule
Hemoglobin E and other disorders associated with
uneven production of α- and β-hemoglobin chains
Decreased levels of an erythrocytic enzyme
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (90% or
more of all cases of enzyme-deficient hemolysis)
Pyruvate kinase deficiency (most other cases of enzyme-
Glutamylcysteine synthetase deficiency†
Alterations of the erythrocytic membrane
*Categorized according to the site of the pathophysiologic process.
Adapted from Lee RL. Hemolytic disorders: general considerations. In: Lee GR, Foerster J, Lukens J, et al, editors. Wintrobe’s clinical hematol-ogy. 10th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1999:1112.
sometimes develop anemia from other causes, and their
duction by the marrow cannot exceed 6 times the nor-
mal level. When a steady state has been achieved,
Although fractionation of the bilirubin is the stan-
destruction of erythrocytes also is no greater than
dard means of documenting whether an elevated level
6 times the normal rate, so the indirect bilirubin is
involves either direct or indirect bilirubin, a helpful
unlikely to be more than 6 times the normal rate. In the
clue can come from examining the urine. Only direct
presence of chronic stable hemolysis combined with
hepatic disease, the total serum bilirubin level can be
In chronic hemolytic anemia in which a steady state
markedly elevated, but the indirect serum bilirubin
has been achieved, the total serum bilirubin level is
level is rarely greater than 6 mg/dL. If massive acute
rarely greater than 6 mg/dL, because erythrocyte pro-
hemolysis occurs beyond the ability of the bone marrow
4 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
to compensate, significant elevations of indirect serum
their names suggest, elliptocytes can be seen in the
bilirubin levels (up to 15 mg/dL) can be seen. Patients
peripheral blood smears of patients with hereditary
with such massive hemolysis most likely would have an
elliptocytosis, and sickled cells can be seen in the
unstable and rapidly falling hematocrit.
peripheral blood smears of patients with sickle cell ane-
Measurement of the serum LDH level is a sensitive
mia. Whereas hemoglobin C usually is associated with
but highly nonspecific screening test for hemolytic
crystals of abnormal hemoglobin, such crystals are gen-
anemia. Erythrocytes contain the electrophoretically
erally not seen unless the patient has already had a
fast-moving fraction LDH-1, which is also present in
splenectomy; however, target cells are usually present in
myocardial muscle fibers and renal cortex cells. Con-
hemoglobin C disease. Finally, marked microcytosis,
sequently, the total serum LDH level and especially
anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis generally are seen in the
the LDH-1 fraction are not specific for hemolysis.
peripheral blood smears of patients with thalassemia
However, a total serum LDH level can be helpful in
major (beyond what is seen in cases of iron deficiency);
ruling out hemolytic anemia. Given that the total
only minimal microcytosis usually is observed in cases of
serum LDH level might be elevated because of other
thalassemia minor, although anisocytosis and poikilo-
LDH fractions (eg, hepatic LDH), LDH fractionation
might be more helpful in confirming hemolysis; how-
When tests suggest that hemolysis, if present, is min-
ever, this procedure is rarely performed.
imal, the patient should be carefully evaluated for
Serum haptoglobin is an α -globulin that acts as a
occult bleeding. Occult gastrointestinal bleeding often
scavenger protein and binds any hemoglobin released
is an intermittent problem and cannot be ruled out by
into the blood from intravascular hemolysis. This bind-
a single pair of stool specimens that are negative for
ing is an important protective mechanism, because free
occult blood. Occult bleeding can indicate the pres-
hemoglobin can precipitate in the kidneys and cause
ence of a life-threatening disorder; it would be disas-
renal failure, as can occur in mismatched transfusion
trous, for example, to miss diagnosing a curable neo-
reactions. Serum haptoglobin is less affected when
plasm by embarking on a search for a phantom
hemolysis occurs at extravascular sites, specifically in the
Unfortunately, the serum haptoglobin test is of lim-
ited value for 2 reasons. First, serum haptoglobin is an
acute phase reactant and thus will be elevated inpatients with myocardial infarction, cancer, infection,and similar conditions. As such, the serum haptoglobin
level in these patients, although potentially decreased
AIHA occurs when patients produce autoantibodies
by hemolysis, might still be within the normal range.
that bind to erythrocytes, leading to their destruction
Secondly, up to 30% of a transfused unit of blood can
and a resultant anemia. As such, AIHA represents a fail-
hemolyze intravascularly within 24 hours of transfusion
ure of self-tolerance. However, the specific mechanism
and thus lower the serum haptoglobin level. Therefore,
by which self-tolerance fails in AIHA is not known.
if the serum haptoglobin test is performed after a
Although many cases of AIHA are idiopathic, some of
patient has received a transfusion, its results are of lim-
the conditions associated with AIHA are autoimmune
disorders (Table 3); the latter classification includes sys-
Examination of a patient’s peripheral blood smear
temic lupus erythematosis and other disorders of the
can be helpful in diagnosing hemolysis because several
immune system (eg, chronic lymphocytic leukemia,
hemolytic disorders are associated with abnormal ery-
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, and other lym-
throcytic morphology. Although reticulocytes them-
selves can be detected only by special supravital stains,
The syndromes of AIHA are generally classified on the
the presence of an elevated reticulocyte count is associ-
basis of the relationship between antibody activity and
ated with polychromatophilia (ie, large dark cells) on
temperature. Warm active antibodies are generally IgG
routine peripheral blood smears. Spherocytes can be an
molecules, which may or may not fix complement and
indication of either hereditary spherocytosis or AIHA.
have the greatest affinity for erythrocytes at body temper-
Microangiopathic changes can occur in hemolytic ane-
ature (ie, 37°C [98.6°F]). Cold active antibodies are gen-
mias associated with thrombotic thrombocytopenic
erally IgM molecules, which fix complement and have the
purpura, dysfunctioning artificial heart valves, or renal
greatest affinity for erythrocytes between 0°C (32°F) and
diseases (eg, transplant rejection, scleroderma). As
4°C (39.2°F). Because such low body temperatures are
Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i aTable 3. Conditions Associated with Autoimmune
curs most readily in the sinuses of the spleen, where ery-
throcytes are separated (relatively speaking) from plas-ma, leaving the antibody-coated erythrocyte more like-
Warm antibody–mediated hemolysis
For patients with cold antibody–mediated hemoly-
sis, complement on the cells leads to destruction any-where in the circulation that complement is cleared.
Quantitatively, this means that hepatic clearance is the
Neoantigen formation (quinidine/stibophen) type
dominant mode of clearance of erythrocytes in cold
antibody–mediated hemolysis. Because warm antibod-
ies also can fix complement, warm antibodies can be
associated with hepatic destruction of erythrocytes as
DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY TESTING • What tests best establish the diagnosis of autoim- mune hemolytic anemia? Cold antibody–mediated hemolysis
AIHA should be suspected in any patient with
acquired hemolytic anemia, especially when the
peripheral blood smear shows spherocytosis (suggest-
ing warm antibody–mediated hemolysis) or rouleaux
formation (suggesting cold antibody–mediated hemol-
ysis). However, even in the absence of those findings
on peripheral blood smears, specific testing for possi-ble AIHA is part of the evaluation of any patient with
hemolytic anemia. The direct antiglobulin test (DAT),
also known as the direct Coombs’ test, is designed to
detect immunoglobulin and/or complement on the
surface of erythrocytes.3 In this test, a patient’s ery-
throcytes are first collected in EDTA to limit in vitro
adherence of complement to the erythrocytes. Cellsare washed to eliminate any nonspecifically bound pro-
teins and then mixed with antiglobulin serum ob-tained from rabbits. Either polyspecific antiglobulinserum or monospecific anti-IgG or -C3 antiserum is
incompatible with life, the biologic effect of cold antibod-
used. The cell-antiserum mixture is then centrifuged
ies depends on how much activity is present at colder tem-
peratures (eg, at temperatures of 22°C [71.6°F] to 30°C
Although positive results on this test can give further
[86°F], which actually can occur in the periphery on
weight to the diagnosis of AIHA, the standard DAT is
not extremely sensitive and requires 150 to 200 IgG mol-
One reason to distinguish warm antibody–mediated
ecules per cell to give positive results. Because autoim-
from cold antibody–mediated hemolysis is that the
mune hemolysis can occur with fewer molecules per
mechanism of destruction of erythrocytes differs in
cell, more sensitive techniques might be necessary when
these 2 types of hemolysis, thus necessitating different
AIHA is suspected and the standard DAT produces neg-
treatments. For patients with warm antibody–mediated
ative results.4 Unfortunately, these more sensitive tests
hemolysis, the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) of the
also can produce negative results, in which case the
antibody attaches to antigens on the membrane of ery-
diagnosis is established by exclusion of other causes and
throcytes; cells are destroyed when the crystallizable
by a response to immunotherapy. The mechanism of
fragment (Fc) of the IgG molecule attaches to cells in
DAT-negative immune hemolysis is not known, but such
the monocyte-macrophage system. This scenario oc-
cases might be mediated by low-titer antibodies that are
6 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
lost in the wash phase of the DAT. When the DAT pro-
experience postinfectious cold antibody–mediated
duces positive results, the antibody can be eluted off ery-
AIHA after mycoplasmal infections or infectious mono-
throcytes with acid or xylene, and the specificity of the
antibody can be evaluated by means of the indirectantiglobulin test.
Whereas the DAT uses antiserum and patient cells,
the indirect antiglobulin test uses the patient’s serum
and a panel of erythrocytes to detect agglutination. Thistest is positive in approximately three fourths of patientswho have AIHA, and its use has shown that autoanti-
bodies can react against a number of erythrocytic anti-
Therapy of warm antibody–mediated hemolysis
gens. Failure of autoantibodies to react against very rare
depends on the severity of the disease. Positive results
Rh-null cells initially suggested that all autoantibodies
on a DAT, if associated with a hematocrit that is within
react against a basic component of the Rh system. How-
normal limits and a slightly elevated reticulocyte count,
ever, although the Rh antigen is the most common tar-
do not warrant corticosteroid therapy. Treatment may
get antigen for warm antibody–mediated AIHA, other
be limited to folate replacement and close observation
antigens (such as LW antigens, glycophorins A, B, C,
to detect progressive anemia. Additionally, an evalua-
and D, and rarely Kidd or Kell group antigens) also can
tion seeking the underlying causes of the hemolysis is
CLINICAL FEATURES Corticosteroid Therapy
The clinical picture in warm antibody–mediated
When the degree of hemolysis is such that anemia is
AIHA, which represents the majority of cases of AIHA,6
present, corticosteroids are the initial therapy of
can range from a minimal increase in hemolysis of no
choice. The usual starting dose for prednisone is
clinical significance to fatal fulminant hemolysis. Slow
1 mg/kg body weight per day, but higher doses can be
onset of weakness, fatigue, and exertional dyspnea is
used in the face of massive hemolysis. A response to
common. In elderly patients unable to tolerate ane-
corticosteroid therapy usually occurs within 4 to 7 days,
mia, angina or even bowel infarction can occur. Even if
and a slow increase in hemoglobin level of 2 to 3 g/dL
an underlying lymphoproliferative disorder is not pres-
per week is expected. Once the hemoglobin level
ent, splenomegaly commonly is observed, and lym-
reaches 10 g/dL, a slow tapering of the prednisone
phadenopathy occasionally can be seen. The presence
dose can begin. The generally recommended ap-
of adenopathy and splenomegaly in association with
proach is to taper to a dose of 0.5 mg/kg over a period
AIHA must lead to a consideration of chronic lympho-
of 4 to 6 weeks. In a 70-kg (154-lb) patient, this taper-
cytic leukemia or lymphoma. Also, because many cases
ing would represent a decrease from 70 mg/day to
of AIHA are drug related, a careful history of recent
35 mg/day. Once the latter level of daily prednisone is
drug use (including prescription, over-the-counter,
achieved, very slow tapering of the daily dose is recom-
mended. The usual aim is to decrease the daily dose to
In cases of cold antibody–mediated AIHA, the
5 to 10 mg over a period of 3 to 4 months. Whether
clinical picture is generally that of chronic hemolytic
long-term maintenance at that level is necessary to pre-
anemia but with exacerbations occurring during the
vent relapse has not been established by clinical trials.
winter. Fulminant hemolysis is rare, and the hemoglo-
Many physicians simply stop administering prednisone
bin level is generally greater than 7 g/dL. Acrocyanosis
after a slow taper to a daily dose of 5 mg and then fol-
can occur from agglutination of cells in the hands,
nose, feet, or ears. A mottled appearance of the limbs,
The response rate to prednisone is excellent, with
known as livedo reticularis, also may be present. As
more than 80% of patients responding within a week
occurs in warm antibody–mediated AIHA, splen-
and almost 90% of patients showing some improve-
omegaly also can be present. However, whenever more
ment within 2 weeks of receiving the drug.7 Prednisone
than minimal splenomegaly is present, lymphoma
decreases hemolysis by 2 mechanisms. Its most immedi-
and infectious mononucleosis–related cold antibody–
ate effect is to decrease clearance of erythrocytes by the
mediated hemolysis must be considered as possible
monocyte-macrophage system. Animal studies have
causes. Whereas cold antibody–mediated AIHA is most
shown that prednisone is most effective in this regard
commonly a disease of the elderly, young patients often
when erythrocytes are covered with IgG alone. When
Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
both IgG and complement are present, prednisone is
among patients with warm antibody–mediated AIHA
less effective, and prednisone is least effective when only
who are refractory to corticosteroids and splenectomy.7
complement is present on the erythrocytes.8 This latter
No standard dose has been established, but it seems rea-
fact is consistent with the limited efficacy of prednisone
sonable to initiate cyclophosphamide at a dose of 1.5 to
in cold antibody–mediated hemolysis. A second docu-
2.0 mg/kg per day or azathioprine at a dose of 2 mg/kg
mented mechanism of action of prednisone involves
per day, with or without prednisone (1 mg/kg per day).
decreased production of autoantibody. As the response
When prednisone is included, its dose is usually tapered
to prednisone occurs, results of the DAT generally
over 3 months; the immunosuppressive drug is contin-
remain positive, although the strength of the reaction
ued for 6 months prior to dose reduction.10,11
decreases (eg, from a result reported as “+++” to one
Immunoglobulin has been administered intra-
venously to patients with AIHA, but the results of this
Although prednisone produces responses in the
treatment have been far less encouraging in cases of
majority of patients with AIHA, clinical improvement is
AIHA than they are in cases of immune thrombocy-
not equivalent to a complete recovery. Slightly more
topenia.7 Plasmapheresis has been attempted on occa-
than half of the patients who respond to prednisone
sion, but this approach has met with limited success,
therapy will relapse, even if the corticosteroid is tapered
given the fact that most IgG is extravascular. Anecdotal
gradually. It is estimated that prednisone alone will pro-
success has also been reported with use of danazol and
duce permanent responses in only a third of cases.9 For
patients who are primarily refractory to prednisone orwho require frequent retreatment with the drug, thera-
py with splenectomy or cytotoxic drugs is indicated.
Transfusion therapy in patients with AIHA charac-
terized by warm antibody–mediated hemolysis presents
a major clinical problem because of difficulties in cross-
Splenectomy is indicated when patients require more
matching and so should be avoided in most cases. How-
than 20 mg/day of prednisone, when patients suffer
ever, in patients with critically low levels of hemoglobin,
from severe adverse effects at the dose required to main-
transfusions can be used as a life-saving treatment to
tain a response, or when frequent relapses require re-
temporize the patient until a response to cortico-
treatment at a high dose (ie, near 1 mg/kg per day).6,10
steroids or splenectomy occurs. In patients with warm
Splenectomy theoretically would be effective because the
autoantibodies, ABO and Rh typing generally presents
spleen is both a major site of destruction of erythrocytes
little difficulty. If there is a question about the accuracy
in warm antibody–mediated hemolysis and a major site
of typing, the antibody can be eluted from the cells and
of autoantibody production. As is the case with pred-
nisone, splenectomy is of very limited value in patients
The problem in arranging transfusions for patients
who have cold antibody–mediated hemolysis.
with warm autoantibodies is that antibody screening is
Although the response rate to splenectomy varies
difficult to perform; crossmatching presents similar diffi-
considerably in published studies, a rate of approxi-
culties. Free autoantibody may react with all cells, ren-
mately 75% seems consistent with the overall data.7
dering all crossmatches incompatible. When this circum-
Despite the frequent relapses seen after splenectomy, it
stance occurs, the detection of alloantibodies induced by
is estimated that a third to a half of patients have their
prior transfusions or pregnancies can be difficult. The
disease permanently controlled by splenectomy. Ad-
best that a blood bank often can to do in this situation is
ditionally, many patients who require high doses of
to define the “least incompatible” units. If transfused,
prednisone before splenectomy can be maintained on
such units must be given slowly with close observation for
lower, safer doses after splenectomy.
signs of intravascular hemolysis (eg, development of backpain and/or hemoglobinuria). However, in most cases,
Immunosuppressive Therapy
transfused cells will be destroyed at a rate neither faster
For patients not receiving or responding to cortico-
nor slower than that at which native erythrocytes are
steroids who are not surgical candidates or for whom
splenectomy fails as a treatment, immunosuppressivepharmacologic therapy is indicated. Azathioprine and
cyclophosphamide are the most commonly used drugs.
For many patients with cold antibody–mediated
No data from controlled clinical trials are available, but
hemolysis, also known as cold agglutinin disease, the
reviews suggest a response rate of approximately 50%
disease process is a chronic illness rather than a severe
8 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
acute episode. As such, adequate therapy may require
of α-methyldopa–related AIHA, therapy identical to that
no more than having the patient avoid temperatures at
employed in drug-independent AIHA might be re-
which the antibody shows activity. In patients with more
severe disease, more aggressive therapy is indicated.
As mentioned previously, prednisone therapy and
splenectomy play no role in the usual management of
In the drug adsorption–type of hemolysis, a drug
cold antibody–mediated hemolysis. Instead, standard
binds to erythrocytic membranes, so the antibody is
therapy is aimed at decreasing antibody production by
directed against the drug, not the erythrocytes. The
means of immunosuppression.6 Cyclophosphamide and
prototype for this phenomenon is penicillin-induced
chlorambucil are the drugs most commonly used for this
hemolysis, which can occur when penicillin is given at
purpose. Chlorambucil is often administered at a dose of
doses greater than 10 million units per day. Because
2 to 4 mg/day and cyclophosphamide at a dose of 100 to
such doses are rarely used in clinical practice, the phe-
150 mg/day. Pulse therapy with higher levels of drugs
nomenon is largely of academic interest. However,
given for 4 days every 2 to 3 weeks can also be employed.
when such high doses are administered, approximately
Because the antibody in cold antibody–mediated
3% of patients will develop antipenicillin antibodies.7 In
hemolysis is IgM, which has an intravascular distribution,
contrast to true autoimmune disease, eluates from
plasmapheresis is of greater theoretical value than in
these patients do not react against normal cells because
warm antibody–mediated hemolysis. Unfortunately, that
the antigen against which the antibody is directed is
theoretical value does not translate into significant clinical
penicillin. It is worth noting that this phenomenon was
value, perhaps because plasmapheresis does nothing to
first described in a transfusion recipient whose serum
decrease antibody production. Accordingly, plasma-
reacted with all erythrocytes that had been stored in
pheresis should not be used alone but instead should be
penicillin.12 Because the antibody involved is an IgG
combined with immunosuppressive therapy. Obviously, if
antibody, other types of penicillin sensitivity (eg,
plasmapheresis is employed, great care must be taken not
urticaria, anaphylaxis) are usually not observed. The
to lower the temperature of the blood to the point where
drug adsorption–type of hemolysis can also occur with
cephalosporins, tetracycline, tolbutamide, and semisyn-
Transfusion therapy also is not generally needed for
patients with cold antibody–mediated hemolysis. How-ever, when transfusions are needed, all testing must be
performed at 37°C (98.6°F) to minimize the effects of
A second mechanism of drug-induced hemolysis is
the cold antibodies (or agglutinins) and allow for the
neoantigen formation, previously known by the less
detection of alloantibodies. Whereas most cold anti-
accurate terms of “immune complex phenomenon”
bodies are directed against the I antigen, locating i
and “innocent-bystander mechanism.” Former theories
cells is not practical because these cells are extremely
held that, in this type of hemolysis, drugs formed a com-
rare. Instead the “least incompatible” units should be
plex with an antidrug antibody, which then attached to
given through a blood warmer designed to keep the
an erythrocyte that was not a target of the antibody but
was instead an innocent bystander. However, recentstudies have shown that the antibodies react against acombined drug-erythrocyte complex.13 As in the peni-
cillin mechanism of hemolysis, the drug or its metabo-
lites are required for antibody binding to occur. Unlikepenicillin, the drugs involved in this type of reaction
Although AIHA most often is an idiopathic process,
bind only very loosely to erythrocytes. However, only a
drugs also can cause this type of anemia. Three main
small amount of the drug is necessary for hemolysis to
mechanisms of drug-induced immune hemolysis have
occur. This type of hemolysis is mediated by comple-
been described: (1) drug adsorption, (2) neoantigen
ment and can be quite massive, leading to hemoglobin-
formation, and (3) true autoimmune disease. Moreover,
there are other drugs that cause nonspecific binding ofproteins (eg, immunoglobulins) to erythrocytes but do
not cause hemolysis. Treatment of drug-related AIHA
A third type of drug-related autoimmune hemolysis
consists of recognizing the possible responsible drug
is the α-methyldopa type of hemolysis. In this type
(Table 4)7 and discontinuing its administration. In cases
of hemolysis, antibodies bind to erythrocytes in a
Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i aTable 4. Commonly Used Drugs That Can Cause Autoimmune Hemolysis
Adapted with permission from Thomas AT. Autoimmune hemolytic anemias. In: Lee GR, Foerster J, Lukens J, et al, editors. Wintrobe’s clinical hem-atology. 10th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1999:1251.
drug-independent manner. In essence, the process
cephalosporins.7 Cephalosporins, of course, also can
results from drug administration but is identical in
produce hemolysis by means of either the drug absorp-
every other respect to idiopathic autoimmune hemolyt-
ic anemia. Antibodies that are eluted off the erythrocytein these cases will bind in vitro to erythrocytes of pa-tients who have never received α-methyldopa and
are indistinguishable from antibodies seen in idiopath-ic AIHA. As many as a third of patients receiving
A few words about paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
α-methyldopa will eventually have positive results on a
(PCH) also are appropriate. PCH can be distinguished
DAT, but fewer than 1% of patients receiving the drug
from cold antibody–mediated hemolysis by both clinical
actually develop hemolysis.14 The specific mechanism
and immunologic characteristics. Originally described by
by which α-methyldopa alters the immune system and
Donath and Landsteiner in 1904,15 the condition is char-
acterized by sudden onset of fever, back or leg pain, andhemoglobinuria after exposure to the cold. Cold expo-
sure may be brief, and symptoms begin within minutes to
Although not producing hemolysis, a final drug-
hours. Urine is characteristically dark red to black but
related immune mechanism worth noting involves
clears in color over the course of a few hours. The syn-
nonspecific attachment of proteins to erythrocytic
drome is more common in children but also can occur
membranes. These proteins lead to agglutination of
erythrocytes and to positive results on a DAT but do not
In contrast to the IgM antibody in cold antibody–
produce destruction of erythrocytes. Such a situation
mediated hemolysis, the antibody in PCH is an IgG that
occurs in approximately 3% of all patients receiving
binds to erythrocytes in the cold and fixes complement. 10 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
When the erythrocytes are warmed, hemolysis occurs.
consistent with the diagnosis. Although the serum hap-
The Donath-Landsteiner test for this biphasic hemolysin
toglobin level generally is low in cases of intravascular
involves incubating erythrocytes in the patient’s serum at
hemolysis, the destruction of erythrocytes in AIHA (as
0°C (32°F) to 4°C (39.2°F) and then warming the cells to
well as in other hemolytic anemias) may be primarily
37°C (98.6°F) to produce lysis. The antibody is specific
splenic; as previously mentioned, the serum haptoglo-
for the P antigen. The generally accepted theory is that
bin level is less affected when hemolysis occurs at such
an antigen associated with a microorganism leads to pro-
extravascular sites. Because the patient’s elevated serum
duction of the IgG antibody, which cross-reacts with the
bilirubin level is indirect, his urine would be straw col-
P blood-group system. Because IgG does not remain on
ored (normal) rather than brown (indicating the pres-
the cell once complement is fixed, the DAT will have pos-
itive results if nonspecific antiglobulin antiserum or anti-
To confirm the diagnosis of AIHA, a DAT is per-
complement antiserum is used, but not if specific anti-
formed, with results reported as positive (“++++”).
Specific tests reveal that IgG is present on the erythro-
In the past, PCH was associated with advanced or con-
cytes (results also are reported as “++++”) but that com-
genital syphilis. Patients with PCH still should be investi-
plement is absent. The patient is treated with pred-
gated for occult syphilis, but this association rarely is
nisone (80 mg/day) and initially responds, with the
hematocrit increasing to 42% as the reticulocyte count
The anemia associated with PCH can be severe
decreases to 3.4%. After the prednisone dose is slowly
because of massive intravascular hemolysis. A hemoglo-
tapered to 20 mg/day, the hematocrit falls to 27%. The
bin level of 5 g/dL is not uncommon. Although the
dose of prednisone is increased, leading to an increase
reticulocyte count is elevated as recovery occurs, it may
in the hematocrit to 41%. However, despite slow taper-
be misleadingly low if patients are seen at the onset of a
ing of the prednisone dose, the hematocrit again falls
(to 26%) when the dose reaches 20 mg/day. At this
Treatment of PCH consists of keeping patients warm
point, the corticosteroid dose is again increased to raise
and giving them transfusions, as necessary. Although
the hematocrit above 30%, and a splenectomy is per-
the antibody is directed against the P antigen, there is
formed. This time, the patient is successfully tapered off
no need to search for rare pp units of blood; antibody
prednisone without experiencing a relapse of the
will not fix to P antigen–positive cells unless the patient
The survival of erythrocytes in the circulation is
decreased in patients with hemolytic anemia. Because
• What type of anemia is most likely in the case pa-
hemolytic anemia is uncommon and because its causes
are diverse, its presentation can cause confusion for
• Does the presence of spherocytes in the case pa-
clinicians. The first step in evaluating a patient suspect-
tient’s peripheral blood smear necessarily indicate a
ed of having hemolytic anemia is to document that
diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis?
hemolysis is present by determining the reticulocyte
• Is the case patient’s normal serum haptoglobin level
count and the serum indirect bilirubin, LDH, and hap-
inconsistent with a diagnosis of autoimmune hemo-
toglobin levels. Secondly, the specific cause of the
lytic anemia?
hemolysis should be determined. If the hemolytic ane-
• Would the case patient’s urine be expected to con-
mia is clearly acquired, one can start by evaluating the
tain increased levels of bilirubin?
patient for the most common causes of hemolysis,namely acquired AIHA and hypersplenism.
Based on the clinical presentation and laboratory
AIHA comes in 2 varieties. In warm antibody–
findings, a diagnosis of hemolytic anemia with sphero-
mediated AIHA, the antibody is usually an IgG, which
cytosis is made in the case patient. AIHA is suspected.
may or may not fix complement. Destruction of ery-
Spherocytes are not specific for hereditary spherocyto-
throcytes occurs primarily in the spleen, and standard
sis but can indicate the presence of AIHA, especially in
therapy is prednisone administration. Splenectomy is
the absence of a positive family history. The serum hap-
reserved for corticosteroid-refractory cases. In cold
toglobin level, although in the normal range, also is
antibody–mediated AIHA, the antibody is an IgM that
Hematology Volume 1, Part 4 I m m u n e H e m o l y t i c A n e m i a
fixes complement, leading to destruction of erythrocytes
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Copyright 2001 by Turner White Communications Inc., Wayne, PA. All rights reserved. 12 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual
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