Generic Prescription Medications & OTC Drugs $7 or Less Antibiotics Mental Health Cholesterol Diabetes Health Card Arthritis & Pain Skin Conditions Gastrointestinal Health Service Listing Heart Health & Blood Pressure Diabetes Vitamins & Nutritional Health
Routine health & wellness for you and your family
Fungal Infections Women’s Health
• Routine health & wellness Other Medical Conditions Gastrointestinal Health
• Routine diagnostic Mental Health
• Annual screenings Glaucoma & Eye Care $15 or Less
• Routine vision Allergies, Cold & Flu Skin Conditions
• Routine dental Antibiotic
• Women’s services Heart Health & Blood Pressure Thyroid Conditions
• Prescription & OTC Women’s Health
Arthritis & Pain Routine Health & Wellness Routine Vision Services Physicals and Primary Care Clinic Visits
Basic eye exam for eye glasses ……………….….……….……….……… $25
Annual comprehensive physical ………….……….………………. $150
Single vision glasses (with standard non-brand frame)…….…………….….……. $69
(includes CBC, CMP, Lipid profile, chest x-ray, EKG)
Bifocal glasses (with standard non-brand frame)…………….………….….………… $99
Annual women’s health physical …………………….………………… $90
(includes pelvic, PAP smear, clinic breast exam)
Annual DOT physical ……………….….…………….…….…………. $75 Routine physical exam (illness/sickness visits)……….….….………. $45
Surgical consult …………………………………………………….…….…. $75
Routine Dental Services Routine Diagnostic Screenings—Imaging
Mammogram ………………………………………….…………………. $76
Dental Exam …………………………………………….………….…….….… $20
Dexa scan (whole body bone density)……………………………………. $100
Adult Prophy (cleaning) ………………………………….…. $40
Chest x-ray ……………….…………………………………………….…… $40
Child Prophy (cleaning) …………………………………….………….….……. $25
X-ray of extremities (hands, wrists, ankle, or feet)……………………….….…. $40
Fluoride treatment …….…………….………….….……… $8
Abdomen Series (complete) ………………………………….……….…… $65
Panoramic X-ray …….………….………….….……. $30
Sealants (children only, fee per tooth)……….….…. $20
Routine Diagnostic Screenings—Laboratory
Simple extraction ……………………….….….… $50
Basic metabolic panel (BMP)………….………………………….……… $8
Silver filling (Amalgam) one surface…….….….……. $40
(includes Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Na, K, C1, CO2, Calcium)
Clotting Time (PT with INR) …………….………………………….………. $5
Silver filling (Amalgam) each additional surface……. $20
Complete blood count (CBC) ……….………………………….………. $5
White filling (Composite) one surface………….….… $45
Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)……………………….……. $10
White filling (Composite) each additional surface….… $20
(includes all tests in BMP plus Albumin, Total Bili, Alk Phos, AST & ALT)
Lipid Panel …………………………………….……………………….………. $6
PSA (screening)….…………………………………….…………………. $25
Urinalysis …………………………………….……………………….……… $5
A physician’s order is required for most ser-
v ices, except vaccines and blood pressure
Urine drug screen (chain of custody) ………………………………………. $30
screenings. Appointments are required for
Other Diagnostic & Preventive Services
Blood Pressure screenings (1st Thurs of month from 1 pm—3 pm) ……….….…. Free
All services require presentation of TLC
Electrocardiogram (EKG) .……….……………………………………. $50
Flu vaccine ……………….………………………………………….……… Free
Pneumococcal vaccine …………….…………………………….……. Free
This is a sample listing only; a full list is avail-
(including interpretation) …………………………….……….…. $10
Tetanus vaccine ….………………………………………………………. $15
Kenneth R. Pugha,b,*, W. Einar Mencla,b, Annette R. Jennera,b,Leonard Katzb,c, Stephen J. Frostb,c, Jun Ren Leea,b,Sally E. Shaywitza, Bennett A. Shaywitza,daDepartment of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 3333, New Haven,bHaskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT 06511, USAcDepartment of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USAdDepartment of Neurology, Yale
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