The intellectual capital of the European Union The intellectual capital of the European Union Measuring the Lisbon agenda Version 2004 Centre for Research in Intellectual Capital
INHOLLAND University of professional education
Contact: Contents Contents Executive summary Introduction
Indicators for intellectual capital in the EU
Value of intellectual capital in the EU
Value of intellectual capital investments
Growth in Intellectual Capital (1999-2001) References Appendix Executive summary Executive summary Limitations Value of intellectual capital
Before drawing any conclusion about the intellectual capital
In general we can conclude that the Nordic countries
(IC) of the EU, we would like to indicate the limitations of our
(Sweden, Denmark and Finland) perform considerably better
research. First, the limitation of the methodology of multi-
than the others. Figure 1 shows that the value of their
dimensional value measurement as described in Appendix 2.
intellectual capital assets is substantially higher than the value
Second limitation was the limited availability of data. Our aim
of a large group of followers (Belgium, The Netherlands,
was to monitor the progress of the Lisbon Agenda of March
Luxemburg, Germany, France, Austria, United Kingdom and
2000. The data available, however, on average does not go
Ireland). Finally a group of laggards (Italy, Spain, Greece and
further than 2001. This means that it is impossible to identify
Portugal) follows at considerable distance. This outcome is
effects of Lisbon policy measures. Therefore this report must
consistent with comparable research. For example, the top 3
be seen as a base measurement for monitoring the Lisbon
of most competitive European countries in the ranking of the
Agenda. We will repeat our research in two years time to
World Economic Forum in 2004 is Finland, Sweden and
Noticeable is that these three groups are geographically
Lisbon Agenda
divided. The leading group consists of northern European
On 23-24 March 2000, the European Council formulated a
countries (>54˚ latitude), the group of followers consists of
new strategic goal for the EU in order to strengthen its
middle European countries (45˚-54˚ latitude). The laggards
knowledge-based economy. The main goal was “to become
are all southern European countries (<45˚ latitude).
the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy
A possible cultural explanation for this could be that the
in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with
Nordic countries throughout history have developed an
more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.”
attitude of looking at the future. In order to survive the long
and severe winters they always had to plan their resources
In order to reach this goal, the European Council defined a
set of supportive goals and measures. This so called ‘Lisbon
Agenda’ is an indication of the kind of intellectual capital the
Our main findings with regard to the value of the intellectual
EU wishes to create in order to reach its strategic goal.
capital of the EU-15 can be summarized as follows:
At the Lisbon meeting in March 2000, the European Council
invited the Commission “to draw up an annual synthesis
As expected there is a strong and significant correlation
report on progress on the basis of structural indicators”
between human capital investments and human capital
(European Parliament, 2000). These 14 structural
assets (0.470) and also between structural capital
indicators1 are presented and published every spring
investments and structural capital assets (0.686).
meeting of the European Council and are the basis of
So, countries that have a high value of intellectual
measuring progress of the Lisbon Agenda. Another example
capital investments also have a high value of intellectual
of measuring progress based on these structural indicators
is of course the recent publication “Facing the Challenge” by
2. Human capital and structural capital “go together”
the High Level Group chaired by Wim Kok (High Level
Leading countries (SE, DK, FI) have considerably higher
value of both human capital and structural capital.
This report goes further and translates the Lisbon Agenda
Laggards (ES, PT, EL, IT) have considerably lower value
into 38 indicators from an intellectual capital perspective.
of human capital and structural capital. This supports
This enables us to measure the value the intellectual capital
the idea that human capital and structural capital are
of the EU ánd the progress of the Lisbon Agenda.
interdependent and mutual enhancing factors. See:
They “go together” in the creation of intellectual capital. Growth over time (1999-2001)
This is what Edvinsson (2002) calls the multiplier effect.
Comparison of the value of intellectual capital over time
This is further supported by a strong and significant
(1999 and 2001) shows growth for almost all countries from
correlation (0.806) between human capital assets (HCA)
all perspectives (investments, assets, effects). Our main
and structural capital assets (SCA). However, we did not
find a significant correlation between relational capital
assets (RCA) and other types of intellectual capital. 1. Relative position of Germany will improve
If it is true that there is a time lag between the investments
in IC and the value of IC assets, the relative position of
Value of Intellectual capital of EU countries
countries like Ireland, the UK and Finland will worsen. At the
same time the relative position of Germany will improve.
Noticeable is that the value of IC assets increased in all
EU countries. This supports the idea that the knowledge
economy is growing. At the other hand we see that the value
of IC assets in the USA decreases, which means that the
EU is catching up with the USA, although it is still far behind.
Europe as a whole became better in making its intangibles
productive. Moreover, if we calculate the ratio between
assets and effects, we see that the EU is better in
leveraging intellectual capital than the USA. In the USA, one
value unit of intellectual capital assets leads to 0.93 units of
IC effects, while in Europe one unit of IC assets leads to
1.10 units of IC effects. This supports the idea that high
values of IC assets are no guarantee for high intellectual
However, if we compare the EU as a whole with the USA
and Japan we see that the value of its intellectual capital
3. High value of IC is no guarantee for high productivity
assets is considerably lower than the USA and slightly
Measurement of the extent to which intangibles are
higher than Japan. This means that Europe, in 2001,
made productive reveal that high values of intellectual
still had a long way to go. In order to investigate the impact
capital assets are no guarantee for high intellectual
of the Lisbon Agenda this research will be repeated in the
productivity. However, low values of intellectual capital
assets do seem to be a guarantee for low intellectual
productivity. It seems that intellectual capital
investments and assets are necessary, but not sufficient
The authors would like to thank Jera Keizer and Renze
to make intellectual capital productive.
Kolster for their valuable help in collecting the necessary
Introduction Introduction
More and more we hear people say that we have entered a
This shift in significance from tangible to intangible factors
new economy, information economy, a network society,
of production however, did not lead to changes in the
post-industrial society, knowledge-based society, etc.
traditional accounting and measurement systems.
Whatever their names and differences, there is one major
The result is that traditional financial accounting systems
similarity between all these new kind of economies:
and macro-economic statistics have lost relevance.
The competitive advantage within these new economies
The decreasing relevance of traditional measurements can
has shifted from material and financial assets to intangible
easily be illustrated by the unit price per lbs of some
and non-financial assets; to intellectual capital (IC).
traditional industrial products compared with the unit price
The European Union is aware of this shift and is
of some knowledge-based products (table 1).
implementing an ambitious program to make the European
economy the most dynamic and competitive knowledge-
More and more ‘products’ do not have any weight at all.
“An ever increasing share of GDP resides in economic
commodities that have little or no physical manifestations”
In this report we give an introduction to the concept of the
(Youngman, 2003: p.7). The value of a Pentium Processor,
intellectual capital of nations and apply it to the European
or Viagra is not in the physical weight of the product itself
Union. How do the countries of the European Union perform
(see table 1). It is not the material substance customers are
from an intellectual capital perspective? To answer this
paying for. The real value lies in the knowledge and skills of
question we have developed an IC Monitor for 15 European
the people who made the products, and the marketing
countries that uses indicators to measure the value of
power of the companies to sell the products. These are all
intellectual capital. Thus we provide insight into the value of
the intellectual capital of these countries in relationship to
the goals set by the European Council on 23-24 March 2000
With the introduction of the Fortune 500 largest companies in
2001, Thomas Stewart wrote “In the pages of Fortune thatfollow are thousands upon thousands of statistics that revealThe growing importance of intangibles very little that’s meaningful about corporations they
The past decades our production process has changed. purportedly describe” (Stewart, 2001: p.184). The General
Traditional factors of production, like natural resources,
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) generally do an
labor and capital have lost significance. At the same time
unacceptable job of accounting for the principal activities of
the importance of intangible inputs, like information and
Information Age companies. In today’s economy indicators like
revenues, profits and assets only tell a minor part of the story. Price (US$) Weight (lbs*) Unit $ price per lbs
The real wealth of organizations has to be sought in the
knowledge-based economy (OECD, 2001). Moreover, the
people, their knowledge and skills, internal processes and the
OECD-conference on Intangibles in June 1999 in The Hague
company’s reputation. That is why Fortune asked Baruch Lev,
(EZ, 1999) and the Lisbon Agenda of March 2000 (European
Professor of accounting at the Stern Business School at
Parliament, 2000), initiated several projects, aiming at
New York University, to make an alternative ranking of the
developing indicators for the knowledge-based economy
smartest US companies by calculating their knowledge capital,
(e.g. Brusoni, et al., 2002, Eustace, 2003). How to get a
in addition to the traditional ranking of the 500 largest
better understanding of the new wealth of nations?
Measuring Intellectual Capital
While the top 10 of the traditional ranking is dominated by
Our main sources of competitive advantage have become
industrial companies, like General Motors, Ford, Daimler
intangible. What we need is a more reliable guide that
Chrysler, Toyota, Mitsubishi, BP and Shell, the alternative
provides better insight into the value of these intangible
ranking by Lev provides a more balanced view of traditional
assets and their contribution to economic development and
and information age companies (see table 2).
growth. However, contrary to the 500-year old double-entry
bookkeeping system, communicating and reporting about
These developments have not been limited to firm level
intangibles, or intellectual capital, does not have a list of
only. We can see a growing discrepancy on an aggregate
clear defined terms or models. Moreover, even the term
national level too. Like the Fortune 500 ranking, national
intellectual capital counts for numerous definitions and
accounts reveal only very little that is meaningful to get
interpretations. However, evaluating the state of the field,
insight into the drivers of national wealth. More and more,
we recognize an emerging standard (Sveiby, 1998, Stam,
statistical offices are faced with the problem of mapping
1999, Bontis, 2002, Andriessen, 2004), based on the
and measuring the growth of today’s economy. Indicative for
groundbreaking work of people like Karl-Erik Sveiby
this trend is the OECD Science, Technology and Industry
(Sveiby, 1997), Leif Edvinsson (Edvinsson en Malone, 1997,
Scoreboard, which brings together internationally
Edvinsson, 2002), Thomas Stewart (Stewart, 1997, Stewart,
comparable data in order to analyze trends in the
2002), and Göran Roos (Roos et. al., 1997).
Knowledge Capital (mio US$)
The roots of today’s intellectual capital movement lies in the
Human Resources: This first class represents
mid 1980s in the work of Karl-Erik Sveiby (Sullivan, 2000,
anything related to the people within the organization,
Edvinsson, 2002). As stated above intellectual capital
the employees, their tacit knowledge, skills, experience
counts for numerous interpretations and definitions.
However, after more than a decade of intangibles, we see
Organizational Resources: This second class represents
that definitions are converging. Core-elements within these
the ‘tangible’ intangibles. Everything of value that stays
behind, after the employees have left the organization,
Intellectual capital is an intangible organizational
like codified knowledge, procedures, processes,
Competitive advantage is based on intellectual capital
Relational Resources: This third class represents the
Organizational value and value creation is the result of
relationship with customers, suppliers and other external
stakeholders. The value of customer capital is mainly
determined by the extent to which an organization is
Based on the above we would define intellectual capital as
able to maintain confidence in its reputation.
all intangible resources that are available to an organization,
Although the terminology that is used by different academics
that give a relative advantage, and which in combination are
and practitioners differs, this taxonomy of three could be
able to produce future benefits.
the main element of an emerging standard. More and more,
this classification is used as a starting point for reporting and
In order to measure and manage intellectual capital, it is
communicating about intellectual capital.
important to be more precise about the different components.
One of the main merits of the intellectual capital movement is
Intellectual Capital Monitor
the development of a so-called taxonomy, a branch of various
Although the intellectual capital is unique and can never be
classes of intellectual capital and their relationships.
compared objectively, we can improve comparability by
Comparison of several intellectual capital models (table 3)
using the same conceptual models. Moreover, we think that
shows us that many of them are based on a more or less
the above taxonomy of three has proven to be a sound
same classification (Stam, 1999, Stam, 2001).
basis for measuring and comparing intellectual capital on
All three models are based on a taxonomy of three2.
The logic of these models is that intellectual capital is the
Therefore the starting point of our model is Bontis’ proposed
product of interaction of these three different classes of
conceptualization (Bontis, 2002) of intellectual capital,
intangibles: human resources, organizational resources and
in which he distinguishes between human capital, structural
capital and relational capital. Based on this taxonomy of
Comparison of intellectual capital models
Sveiby was probably the first to use this family of three in The New Annual Report, 1988.
three we developed the Intellectual Capital Monitor for the
An intellectual capital of nations report uses a system of
variables (indicators) that helps to uncover and manage the
invisible wealth and gives insight into the hidden value of a
Within this monitor we have added a second layer of
classification. Each of the three classes of intellectual capital
is being monitored from three different perspectives in order
The concept of intellectual capital can be translated to
to stress the importance and differences between past,
macro-economic level very easily, because “the stories of
our societies and of our nations are mirrors of ourselves and
1. Assets (present) This perspective gives an indication of
our organizations" (Edvinsson, 2002). The main difference
the present power of an organization. It provides an
of course is its level of application. Debra Amidon was
overview of the current main assets.
among the first to recognize the possibilities of applying
2. Investments (future) This perspective gives insight into
intellectual capital on a macro-economic level (Amidon,
the future power of an organization/nation. To maintain
2001). The most rigorous work in this field until now is done
or strengthen its present power, organizations should
by Nick Bontis. In his work he defines IC of Nations as
“the hidden values of individuals, enterprises, institutions,
3. Effects (past) This perspective shows the extent to
communities and regions that are the current and potential
which the organization has made its intangibles
sources for wealth creation” (Bontis, 2004: p.4).
The windows and perspectives are combined in a 3 by
The main motivation for measuring the intellectual wealth of
3 matrix (see table 4). Implementation of this monitor means
a nation is to get insight into the relative advantage of
filling the fields with appropriate performance indicators.
countries. This insight could help to develop policy in order
The power of this format appeared to be its simplicity, which
to give direction to future economic developments.
makes it easy to implement, communicate and understand.
Examples of earlier IC of Nations reports are the IC report
of the State of Israel (Pasher, 1999), National IC Index
A well-defined Intellectual Capital Monitor consists of a
(Bontis, 2004), IC report of Croatia (2002), and several IC
combination of indicators from all three classes and all three
reports in The Netherlands (EZ, 2000; EZ, 2002)
Intellectual Capital of Nations
Based on the international developments in this field and our
Intellectual Capital of Nations is a concept that applies the
own interpretation of intellectual capital, we define the IC of
principles of intellectual capital measurement and
Nations as all intangible resources available to a country or
management on a macro-economic level, in such a way that
region, that give relative advantage, and which in
it helps to give direction to future economic developments.
combination are able to produce future benefits. Human capital Structural capital Relational capital Investments Effects can be further divided into output, outcome and impact. See for example the Intellectual Capital Report 2003 of the Swedish Center forMolecular MedicineFor a more detailed comparison of the reports of Australia, Israel, New Zealand and The Netherlands see: Cees Schouten, De KenniseconomieGekend, Amsterdam, 2004
For the measurement and communication of the IC of
Preparing the transition to a competitive, dynamic and
Nations, we can use the same model as on a firm level.
However, to make it applicable on a national level,
Modernizing the European social model by investing in
the meaning of the classes of intangibles are translated
people and building an active welfare state;
Sustaining the healthy economic outlook and favourable
Human Capital. This first class represents anything
growth prospects by applying an appropriate macro-
related to people: knowledge, education and
competencies of individuals in realizing national tasks
and goals. Education is ‘the basic building block of
The Lisbon Agenda gives an indication of the kind of
intellectual capital the EU wishes to create in order to
Structural Capital. The second class of intangibles on a
become competitive and dynamic. In order to be able to
macro-economic level represents the ‘non-human
translate this strategy into indicators, we should take a
storehouses of knowledge, which are embedded in its
closer look at the underlying goals and measures.
technological, information and communications systems
as represented by its hardware, software, databases,
The first goal is to ensure that businesses and citizens
laboratories and organizational structures’ (Bontis, 2004:
have access to a world-class communications
infrastructure (structural capital) and that they possess
Relational Capital. This third class of intangibles
assesses the intraorganizational relationships and
2. Establishing a European Area of Research and
linkages and the extent to which organizations are able
to capitalize on cooperative and coordinating
Second goal is to boost the amount of research taking
place within the EU thereby creating explicit knowledge
As we all know, measures in itself do not say much. It is
(structural capital) and implicit knowledge (human
the comparison of measures of one country against another,
capital). At the European Council meeting in Barcelona
or of one period against another that give meaning to the
in 2002 it was agreed that, in order to close the gap
figures. Although the intellectual capital is unique and can
between the EU and its competitors, overall spending on
never be compared objectively, we can improve
R&D and innovation should be increased with the aim of
comparability by using the same conceptual models.
approaching 3% of GDP by 2010. Two-thirds of this new
We think the IC Monitor, based on the taxonomy of three
investment should come from the private sector. In
has proven to be a sound basis for measuring intellectual
addition the EU wants to integrate the research activities
capital on both firm and national level.
between countries thereby creating EU relational capital. 3. Creating a friendly environment for starting up andIndicators for intellectual capital in the EU developing innovative businesses, especially Small and
On 23-24 March 2000, the European Council held a special
meeting to agree a new strategic goal for the EU in order to
This includes removing red tape, lowering the costs of
strengthen its knowledge-based economy. The goal was set
doing business and improving the access to venture
“to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-
capital. This indicates the creation of structural capital.
based economy in the world, capable of sustainable4. Economic reforms for a complete and fully operationaleconomic growth with more and better jobs and greatersocial cohesion” (European Parliament, 2000). To achieve
The EU is working on the removal of barriers to trade,
this goal an overall strategy was formulated, aiming at:
the liberalization in the areas of gas, electricity, postal
services and transport and the harmonization of
promotes social inclusion and gender equality, and
regulations. Most of these measures concern increasing
provides quality health services. So according to the EU,
the structural capital of the EU as a whole. Therefore we
its social system can be an important part of the
did not select any country indicators, except for a score
of each country on implementing EU directives.
The more harmonized the laws within the EU, the easier
Striking is that the Lisbon Agenda, from an intellectual
capital perspective, focuses on structural capital in the first
5. Efficient and integrated financial markets
place, followed by human capital. Only goal number 2 aims
The EU also aims for the integration of the financial
at creating relational capital (intra-organizational
markets. In addition the EU wants to increase the
relationships and linkages). This dominant focus on
efficiency of the risk capital markets. This is a form of
structural capital and human capital is probably inherent to
the main goal and the overall strategy. 6. Coordinating macro-economic policies: fiscalconsolidation, quality and sustainability of public
The next step of our research was that we translated the
Lisbon Agenda into indicators. This resulted in 38 indicators
The EU aims to coordinate macro-economic policies of
for measuring the intellectual capital of EU countries.
its member states and to improve the quality and
Table 5 gives an overview of the indicators. The figures
sustainability of public finances. The quality of public
between brackets refer to the goals from which they are
finances can be seen as a form of structural capital. 7. Education and training for living and working in the
Although many more indicators could be thought of,
The EU considers people to be its main asset. Therefore
the choice of indicators is of course largely dependent on
it aims at a substantial annual increase in per capita
availability of data for all countries.
investment in human resources thereby lowering the
Another striking point is that most indicators refer to the past
number of 18 to 24 year olds with only lower-secondary
(effects) or present (assets). Only few of the goals can be
level education. Also the EU wants to increase human
translated into indicators that say something about the future
(investments). In terms of relational capital, no indicators
8. More and better jobs for Europe: developing an active
could be found at all. This dominant focus on past and
present reflects the traditional focus of statistical institutions.
One of the EU’s core aims is to reduce unemployment
thereby increasing the level of productive human capital
within the EU. The employment rate is an indicator of
human capital assets. To increase this human capital
EU governments invest in labor market policy measures. 9. Modernizing social protection and promoting social
According to the EU, the European social model, with its
developed systems of social protection, must underpin
the transformation to the knowledge economy.
According to the Council this is possible if the system is
sustainable in the long-term, ensures that work pays,
Human capital Structural capital Relational capital
• Number of patents granted by the United
• Number of EU directives not notified (4)
• General government consolidated gross
Investments • Total public expenditure on
• Expenditure for IT hardware, equipment,
• Gross domestic expenditure on R&D
• The share of persons with an equivalised
Indicators for measuring the IC of the EU
Value of intellectual capital Value of intellectual capital in the EU
This paragraph first analyses the intellectual capital of the
The Nordic countries Denmark, Sweden and Finland invest
EU-15 in 2001 from the perspectives of investments, assets
the most in intellectual capital, whereby the focus of
and effects. Next we investigate the growth of intellectual
Denmark is on human capital and that of Sweden and
capital between 1999 and 2001. Finally we investigate
Finland on structural capital. Denmark scores high on both
whether there is a correlation between the value of
investments in education and investments in labour market
policy. Sweden and Finland score high on investments in
R&D, being the only countries in the EU that exceed the
Value of intellectual capital investments
norm of 3% of GNP. There is a group of followers that
This perspective gives insight into the future power of an
includes Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and
organization/nation. To maintain or strengthen its present
Austria. Belgium is second in terms of investments in human
power, organizations/nations should invest in its intellectual
capital but its investments in structural capital are much
capital continuously. Figure 2 shows the value of the
lower, resulting in a fourth place. Finally there is a group of
investments in intellectual capital of the 15 EU countries on
laggards consisting of the UK, Ireland, Portugal,
a scale from zero to one. We made a distinction between
investments in human capital and investments in structural
capital. We did not find any indicators for investments in
For comparison we have included Japan and the USA.
However, it should be noted that in those values the
indicator “Total public expenditure on labour market policy
Value of Intellectual capital of EU countries
measures as a percentage of GDP” is not included. Japan
scores high on investments in structural capital but low on
investments in human capital. The USA have the highest
values on both. The average value of investments of the
EU-15 is slightly higher then Japan but substantially lower
Value of intellectual capital assets
This perspective provides an overview of the current main
assets from an intellectual capital perspective. It gives an
indication of the present power of an organization/nation.
Figure 3 visualizes the value of the intellectual capital of the
EU. Again Sweden, Denmark and Finland have the highest
values. Then there is a big group headed by the United
Kingdom that includes Ireland, Austria, The Netherlands,
Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and France. At the bottom
we find the South European countries Spain, Portugal,
Investments in Intellectual Capital in 2001
(HCI=Human Capital Investments, SCI=Structural Capital Investments)
We have included Japan and the USA for comparison.
However, for those countries a number of indicators were
Value of Intellectual capital of EU countries (Assets)
missing (see appendix 1). For Japan three indicators were
missing for human capital, six for structural capital and two
for relational capital. For the USA three indicators were
missing for human capital, three for structural capital and
two for relational capital. Both countries score high on
human capital assets, slightly below Sweden, Finland and
Denmark. The USA score high on structural capital, behind
Sweden and Finland. Japan scores low on structural capital,
slightly below France. The average value of intellectual
capital assets of the EU-15 is slightly higher then Japan and
substantially lower than the USA. This is the same pattern
as we saw with intellectual capital investments.
Both Japan and the USA score low on relational capital.
From this one might be tempted to conclude that small
countries have higher values for their relational capital
because they need other countries more then big countries
do. We did however not find a significant correlation
between population and the value of relational capital
(HCA= Humans Capital Assets, SCA= Structural Capital Assets,
Investments in intellectual capital pay off:
Noticeable is that the leading group (SE, DK, FI) has
there is a strong and significant correlation
considerably higher value of human capital and structural
between investments and assets.
capital and laggards (ES, PT, EL, IT) have considerably
lower value of human capital and structural capital.
Important question is of course whether investments in
This supports the idea that human capital and structural
intellectual capital contribute to increase in the value of
capital are interdependent and mutual enhancing factors.
intellectual capital assets. As expected there is a strong and
They “go together” in the creation of intellectual capital.
significant correlation between in human capital investments
This is what Edvinsson (2002) calls the multiplier effect.
and human capital assets (0.470). In addition there is a
This is further supported by a strong and significant
strong correlation between structural capital investments
correlation between human capital and structural capital
and structural capital assets (0.686). So, countries that have
assets (0.806). However, we did not find a significant
a high value of intellectual capital investments also have a
correlation between relational capital assets and other types
high value of intellectual capital assets. Value of intellectual capital effects Human capital and structural capital “go together”:
This perspective shows the extent to which the organization/
Leading countries have considerably higher value of
nation has made its intangibles productive during the past
both human capital and structural capital.
period. Figure 4 shows the value of the effects of human,
structural and relational capital. Related to the Lisbon
Value of Intellectual capital of EU countries
agenda we find that Germany has the highest score,
followed by Luxembourg. Germany has a high score on
labour productivity as well as on value added of knowledge
intensive services, relative to GDP. Luxembourg has the
highest score on labour productivity. Germany also scores
very high on the use of Internet and absence of poverty.
The high scores of Germany and Luxembourg reflect the
strong emphasis of the Lisbon Agenda on improving social
cohesion. The social items on the Lisbon Agenda are often
overlooked but are an integral part of it. This is reflected in
the choice of our indicators, including indicators like
absence of poverty and life expectancy.
Germany and Luxembourg are followed by the UK,
The Netherlands and Denmark. Denmark scores very high
on structural capital effects, especially the use of Internet,
the birth rate of enterprises, and absence of poverty, but low
on relational capital effects. A third group consists of
Sweden, France, Ireland, Finland, Belgium and Austria.
(HCE=Human Capital Effects, SCE=Structural Capital Effects,
At the bottom we find the same group of countries as we
found above: Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal.
Striking is that the ranking of the countries significantly
Comparison with Japan and the USA is difficult as the value
differs from the previous two rankings (investments and
of their structural capital effects is only based on one
assets). In this ranking Sweden, Denmark and Finland fall to
indicator (life expectancy). However, the USA have the third
a respective 5th, 6th and 9th place. High values of intellectual
highest score on human capital effects and the highest
capital investments and assets are no guarantee for high
score on relational capital effects. Japan scores low on
intellectual productivity. However, low values of intellectual
human and relational capital effects, performing slightly
capital assets do seem to be a guarantee for low intellectual
better then Spain (human capital effects) and
productivity. It seems that intellectual capital investments
The Netherlands (relational capital effects) respectively.
and assets are necessary, but not sufficient to make
Because Japan has the highest score on life expectancy
intellectual capital productive. One possible explanation is
and because this is the only Japanese structural capital
that there is a time lag between investments, the creation of
effect indicator Japan ends in third place.
assets and the productivity of those assets.
High value of IC is no guarantee for high productivity:
However, low values of intellectual capital assets do seem
to be a guarantee for low intellectual productivity. Growth in Intellectual Capital (1999-2001) Growth in Intellectual Capital (1999-2001)
The average year of the 38 indicators was 2001. To see what
on expenditure on education, while Ireland has also lowered
the development was in intellectual capital we searched for
expenditure on labour market policy measures. In the UK,
data from earlier years. We aimed for data from 1995,
Greece and the USA there has been a lowering of
however because of unavailability of data we did not succeed
investments in ICT between 2000 and 2003. For Germany
for all indicators. As a result the average year for the earlier
(0.16), Italy (0.13), Spain and France (0.12) the growth in
indicators turned out to be 1999 (see appendix 1).
the value of investments has been the highest. Europe as a
To calculate the value of the intellectual capital for 1999
whole has increased the value of its intellectual capital
we used the same value scale as constructed for 2001.
investments with 0.09 between 1999 and 2001.
This means that the minimum and maximum values from
2001 were used for 1999. This allowed us to measure the
Based on the current investments in IC, we expect that
development in value between 1999 and 2001. the relative position of Germany will improve. Growth in Investments
If it is true (as suggested above) that there is a time lag
Figure 5 shows the development in the value of intellectual
between the investments in IC and the value of IC assets,
capital investments between 1999 and 2001. Most countries
these figures could indicate that the relative position of
have increased the value of their intellectual capital
countries like Ireland, the UK and Finland will worsen.
investments, except for Ireland, Finland, the UK, Greece
At the same time the relative position of Germany will
and the USA. Ireland and Finland have cut back significantly
Growth in the value of intellectual capital investments between 1999 and 2001 (ICI=Intellectual Capital Investments)
Growth in Assets
Its employment rate has increased by 6.1% between 1995
Figure 6 shows the development in value of intellectual
and 2003 and the number of foreign students has increased
capital assets. All countries have increased the value of their
by 38% between 1998 and 2002. In Ireland employment has
intellectual capital assets except for the USA. In the USA the
risen with 10% and the international outgoing telecom traffic
employment indicators, the number of scientific publications
has risen with 240% between 1995 and 1999, probably as a
and the number of patents has decreased, which explains a
result of the growth in number of international call centres.
decrease in value of –0.005. Sweden has managed to
Europe as a whole has increased the value of its intellectual
achieve the highest growth in value (0.11). This is largely
capital assets with 0.05 between 1999 and 2001.
due to an increase in human and relational capital assets.
Human capital assets have increased as a result of progress
The European Union is catching up with the USA:
in lifelong learning, number of researchers and employment.
Relational capital assets have increased as a result of a rise
in the number of foreign students and international outgoing
Noticeable in this figure is that the value of IC assets
telecom traffic. Second highest growth in value has been
increased in all EU countries. This supports the idea that the
achieved by Finland and Ireland. Finland has almost
knowledge economy is growing. At the other hand we see
doubled its number of researchers between 1995 and 2001.
that the value of IC assets in the USA decreases, which
Growth in the value of intellectual capital assets between 1999 and 2001
means that the EU is catching up with the USA, although it
relational capital indicator ‘royalty and license fees’ has
grown with 113%. Europe as a whole has increased the
value of its intellectual capital effects with 0.06 between
Growth in Effects
Figure 7 shows the development in the value of intellectual
capital effects. The biggest progress in value has been
The European Union is better in leveraging IC:
achieved by Denmark (0.10) mainly because of a substantial
This supports the idea that high values of IC assets are
growth in relational capital effects: the export of services in
Denmark rose from 16% of all exports in 1995 to 27% in
2002, and there was a substantial growth in the number of
As a whole, the EU became better in making its intangibles
countries it collaborated with writing scientific publications.
productive. Moreover, if we calculate the ratio between
Denmark is followed by France (0.08) and Belgium (0.07).
assets and effects, we see that the EU is better in
Portugal is the only country where the value of intellectual
leveraging intellectual capital. In the USA, one value unit of
capital effects has decreased, due to a relative decrease in
intellectual capital assets leads to 0.93 units of IC effects,
labour productivity, compared with the USA. The growth of
while in Europe one unit of IC assets leads to 1.10 units of
Japan is biased because the structural capital effect
IC effects. This supports the idea that high values of IC
indicator for Japan only includes life expectancy, whose
assets are no guarantee for high intellectual productivity.
value has risen by 67%. In addition the value of the
Growth in the value of intellectual capital effects between 1999 and 2001
Intellectual capital and GDP
We also did not find a statistical correlation between GDP
One could think there is a relationship between intellectual
and intellectual capital assets (see figure 9). We did find
capital investments and wealth. However, we only found a
significant correlations between human capital & relational
significant statistical correlation between GDP per capita
capital effects and GDP per capita. This indicates that the
and investments in structural capital (0.531), not with
effects we are measuring are not only the result of
investments in human intellectual capital. This means that
intellectual capital, but also the effect of financial wealth.
richer countries do not invest relatively (per capita) more in
This may explain why Germany and Luxembourg score high
human capital then poorer countries, although they will
on effects but much lower on assets.
invest more in absolute terms (see figure 8).
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Appendices Appendix 1: Overview of indicators Indicator Missing countries
HCA_1: Proportion of total population having
completed at least upper secondary education
HCA_2: Proportion of active population using a
computer for professional purposes that had
HCA_3: Proportion of the adult population aged
25 to 64 participating in education and training
HCA_4: Researchers per thousand total employment
HCA_6: Employment in Knowledge intensive services
and High tech & medium - high tech manufacturing
HCI_1: Total expenditure on education as % of GDP
HCI_2: Total public expenditure on labor market
HCE_2: Value added of knowledge intensive
SCA_1: Percentage of households who have
SCA_2: Percentage of enterprises who have
SCA_3: Number of patent applications to the
European Patent Office (EPO) per million inhabitants
SCA_4: Number of patent applications to the
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
SCA_5: Number of scientific publications per million
SCA_6: Enterprise environment indicator from
SCA_10: Venture Capital Investment as % of GDP
SCA_11: Number of EU directives not notified
SCA_12: General government consolidated gross
SCI_1: Gross domestic expenditure on R&D as %
Indicator Missing countries
SCI_2: Expenditure for IT hardware, equipment,
software and other services as a percentage of GDP
SCE_1: Percentage of businesses using the
SCE_3: The share of persons with an equivalised
disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold
SCE_4: Value added of high tech industry,
RCA_1: Percentage of international meetings hosted
RCA_2: SMEs involved in innovation co-operation
RCA_3: Foreign students as percentage of
RCA_4: international outgoing telecom traffic
RCE_1: Breadth of international scientific collaboration
RCE_2: Percentage of patents with foreign
RCE_3: Export of royalty and license fees
Appendix 2: Methodology
It was our aim to value the intellectual capital of the
Independence: changes in the satisfaction of an
European Union using the Intellectual Capital Monitor.
attribute must not influence any other attributes
Value can be defined as “the degree of usefulness or
Minimality: the attributes should be minimal sets
desirability of something. Especially in comparison with
Furthermore, each attribute should be observable and
other things”(Andriessen, 2004, p. 11). What is useful or
desirable is subjective. It depends on the person that is
doing the valuation. Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the
The next set of requirements deals with the process of
beholder. Valuation requires the availability of values
combining different measurements into one measure.
(Rescher, 1969). A yardstick is needed to determine what is
This includes the problem of different units and scales.
useful or desirable. Often this yardstick has many
To solve this problem the authors normalize all
dimensions. If we judge the desirability of an apple we will
measurements by subtracting the minimal value and dividing
be looking at things like taste, colour, scent and tenability.
it by the total length of the scale. The result is a number
To come to an overall estimation of the value of that apple
between zero and one. Zero denotes the threshold of
we need to combine the separate assessments into one
uselessness; one signifies that the maximum value is
valuation. This process is called multidimensional value
completely achieved. In practice, this requirement means
that for every indicator, a target value or maximum value
needs to be defined. This target value acts as a yardstick
M’Pherson and Pike (2001a), as well as Pike and Roos
(2000), have defined the functional requirements for proper
multidimensional value measurement. Their method is
The authors also define rules for combining various value
based on axiology or value theory, which states that value is
streams. Here the authors state that when it comes to
measurable if the preferences of the beholder are well
combining value, the additive rule (1 + 1 = 2) is an
defined. This is what Pike et al. (2002) call a hierarchy of
exception. Much more common is the so-called G-rule,
value. Their method requires that this value hierarchy be
the goal-oriented rule that indicates that achieving a certain
made explicit for every stakeholder for whom we want to
goal requires a trade-off between different values. When we
measure value. This includes a description of the
combine indicators into one indicator we need to use the
stakeholder’s objectives. The method assumes that all
correct combinatory rule. The correct combinatory rule
stakeholders will have the same set of objectives, but that
they will differ in the relative importance of each objective
(Pike and Roos, 2000). For each stakeholder a set of
We have tried to apply this approach of multidimensional
value measurement to the intellectual capital of
15 European states. The beholder from whose view the
The next requirement is that these objectives be translated
valuation takes place is the European Council.
into attributes that can be measured. These attributes must
The objectives with respect to the EU that we used as
be necessary and sufficient with respect to the objective.
the basis for our valuation are the objectives of the Lisbon
Agenda. We have translated these objectives into attributes
Completeness: they cover the full meaning of the
and grouped them into human capital, structural capital and
objective as understood by the stakeholder
relational capital attributes and into assets, investments and
Distinctness: each attribute must carry one meaning
effects. In total we have used 38 indicators.
Then we have tried to create a value hierarchy of the
Agenda. The only quantitative target that has been decided
beholder based on the Lisbon Agenda and to identify
upon is the requirement to spend 3% of GNP on R&D.
minimum and target values. We have used these minimum
However, the overall goal is to become the most competitive
and maximum values to normalize all indicators by
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.
subtracting the minimal value and dividing it by the total
This led us to the assumption that the target or maximum
length of the scale. We have used the value hierarchy to find
value of each indicator (except R&D) should be the value of
the appropriate combinatory rules. These were used to
the country in the world that performs best with respect to
develop 9 separate indicators for human capital, structural
that particular indicator. In practice we narrowed this down
capital and relational capital and assets, investments and
to the highest value of USA, Japan or one of the 15 EU
effect, using the 3x3 matrix of the IC Monitor. As a next step
countries. Finding the threshold of uselessness was more
the three asset indicators were combined into one
difficult. We decided that the minimum value for an indicator
intellectual capital assets indicator and the same was done
was equal to the value of the lowest value of the 15 EU
with respect to investment and effects. The result was a set
of 12 combined indicators as shown in table 6.
The combinatory rules are based on the value hierarchy of
Multidimensional value measurement requires the use
the stakeholder. This hierarchy expresses the preferences
of a maximum and minimum for each indicator.
of the stakeholder with respect to the relative importance of
The minimum value denotes the threshold of uselessness;
the various objectives and underlying indicators. However,
the maximum signifies that the maximum value is
the European Council did not state what its preferences
completely achieved. Maximum and minimum values can be
were. This forced us to create our own hierarchy.
used to normalize each indicator using a value scale
For matters of transparency we choose to make every
between zero and one. Unfortunately the European Council
objective and indicator equally important and to apply
has not been very specific about the targets of the Lisbon
Human capital Structural capital Relational capital Intellectual Capital Investments
Table 6: Combined intellectual capital indicators
Appendix 3: Abbreviations
ADVANCED BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL ASPECTS OF URANIUM CONTAMINATION1 Chris Busby1 and Ewald Schnug2 1 Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Liverpool, Green Audit, Castle Cottage, Sea View Place, Aberystwyth SY231DZ, Wales, U.K.; 2 Institute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL), Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig, German
VRIJDAG 2 APRIL 2010 DE MORGEN Reageren? MANU CLAEYS en WIM VAN HEES doorprikken ‘die ene grote kromme redenering’ in de Oosterweelbeslissing MANU CLAEYS EN WIM VAN HEES zijn respectievelijk lid van de actiegroep stRaten-generaal en Ademloos. Guido Verbeke en Peter Verhaeghe tekenen mee. Sinds oktober 2008 zijn niet minder dan zeven onafhankeli