Microsoft powerpoint - somadeltadebugging.ppt

ƒ Have a large input that causes a failure (e.g., a core dump) but this input is to ƒ Example: gcc takes input and crashes!
ƒ Question: What is the smallest input
ƒ Developed by Andreas Zeller et al.
Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
double mult(double z[], int n) {
double mult(double z[], int n) {
void copy(double to[], from[], int count) {
void copy(double to[], from[], int count) {
int main (.) { . return copy(y,x,SIZE);}
int main (.) { . return copy(y,x,SIZE);}
Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
t(double z[],int n){int
ƒ The resulting substring is substantially Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
ƒ Testing function that takes a program and tests whether it produces a failure. There are three different outcomes of such a testing function: test(x)
ƒ The test produces the failure (FAIL, 8) ƒ The test produces indeterminate results Delta Debugging
Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
ƒ Given:
ƒ An input c‘ c is said to be the global ƒ A testing function test(x) mapping an input minimum iff test(c‘) = 8 and there exists no c‘‘ with |c‘‘||c‘| where ƒ An input c with test(c) = 8.
ƒ Goal: Search for a smaller c‘ c so that
ƒ An input c‘ c is said to be the local minimum iff test(c‘) = 8 and there exists no c‘‘c‘ where test(c‘‘) = 8.
Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
Minimizing delta debugging algorithm
ƒ Input: Let test and c be given such that
test(c)=8 and test()=9 hold.
ƒ Output: A c‘ c such that test(c‘)=8
ƒ An input c‘c is n-minimal iff test(c‘) = 8 and there exists no c‘‘c‘ with |c‘| - |c‘‘| ≤ n where test(c‘‘) = 8.
Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
ƒ ddmin2(c,n) =
ddmin2(,2) if ∃i∈{1,.,n}: test(∆ )=8
ddmin2(c,min(|c|,2n)) else if n<|c|
4. DONE otherwise
test(c)=8 and n|c| Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
ƒ ddmin returns a 1-minimal result.
ƒ The complexity of ddmin is O(|c|2).
ƒ In the best case the complexity of ddmin ƒ test(x) = 8 iff “2“ ⊆ x c Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology
ƒ test(x) = 8 iff “18“ ⊆ x c ƒ Not only for inputs of type STRING ƒ Extensions of ddmin can be used to Institute for Software Technology
Institute for Software Technology


Sentenza n. 1263 del 4.10.2012 giudice zuliani

REPUBBLICA ITALIANA In nome del popolo italiano Tribunale di Udine sezione civile Il Tribunale in composizione monocratica, in persona del dott. Andrea ZULIANI , ha pronunciato la seguente SENTENZA nella causa civile iscritta al n° 6846/10 R.A.C.C. promossa , con atto dicitazione notificato il 15.12.2010 cron. n° 23601 U .N.E.P. di Udine, da - (A) e (B), con i difensori

Antifungal agents

ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS Objectives : To learn the general classes of fungal infections To learn the subclassification of antifungal drugs To know the mechanism of action and basic uses for antifungal drugs Fungal infections (mycoses), though not as frequent as bacterial or viral infections, have nonetheless been increasing in incidence in the human population over the last 15 years or so, l

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