
Test Questions
1. Which of the following factors has contributed to the proliferation fo MDROs in the United States over the past 30 years? _____b. Failure of healthcare workers to comply with basic measures to prevent _____c. The increased use of vaccines to prevent childhood illnesses, including those targeting the varicella zoster (chickenpox) virus. 2 Although each of the following practices or strategies can be employed to help control MDROs, which is NOT primarily designed to prevent transmission between patients? _____c. Environmental cleaning and disinfection _____d. Compliance with contact isolation precautions 3. The pharmacologic agents used to treat MDROs are often more costly than those used to treat antibiotic susceptible bacteria 4. If a healthcare worker wears gloves during patient contact, it is not necessary to perform hand hygiene afterwards. 5. If a patient is colonized or infected with an MDRO, he/she should be placed on contact precaution and healthcare workers should wear gowns and gloves only when in physical contact with the patient. 6. All patients colonized with MRSA should receive mupirocin ointment intranasally. 7. Pathogenic organisms may access the central line through _____ a. Invasion of the percutaneous tract _____ b. Contamination of the catheter hub during manipulation _____ c. Seeding from a remote source of infection 8. Which of the following is not a component of the central line bundle? _____ b. Wearing a sterile gown and gloves _____ c. Selecting the femoral site as the first choice for catheter placement _____ d. Disinfection the patient’s skin with CHG 9. Which of the following is not a component of the SCIPS bundle? _____ a. Antibiotic selection and administration within one hour prior to incision _____ b. Antibiotic administration for 48 hours postop _____ d. Removal of the urinary catheter by postop day 2 10. Alcohol hand sanitizer is the best choice for hand hygiene following the examination of a patient with C difficile. Evaluation must be completed and turned in for certificate.
Program Title: Multi Drug Resistant Organisms MDRO Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, the participant should be able to:
1. List 3 multidrug resistant organisms. 2. Describe hand washing and hand hygiene procedures. 3. Explain the purpose of gowns and gloves for contact with the MDRO colonized or infected 4. Identify the important aspects of the antimicrobial stewardship program. 5. Discuss components of the central line bundle. Explain measures to prevent surgical site infection Please rate the following…
Excellent Good
Statement of changes this program has made on your practice.
Some questions allow for more than one answer.
1. This activity will assist in improvement of: 2. I plan to make the following changes in my practice by: □ Changing my screening/prevention practice. □ Incorporating different diagnostic strategies into patient evaluation. □ Using alternate communication methodologies with patient and families. □ None. This activity validated current practices. 3. What is your level of commitment to making the changes stated above?
Both pages of the evaluation must be filled out
Created 11/09, 7/10
4. What are the barriers you face in your current practice setting that may impact patient outcomes? □ Lack of applicability of guidelines to current practice or patients 5. This activity supported achievement of the learning objectives. 6. The material was organized clearly for learning to occur. 7. The content learned from this activity will impact my practice. 8. The activity was presented objectively and free of commercial bias. If you answered Disagree or Strongly Disagree to any of the statements above, please explain your disagreement with the statement(s) in space below. Any other comments about today’s program can be made here also.
Both pages of the evaluation must be filled out
Created 11/09, 7/10

Source: http://www.jamesonhealth.org/sites/default/files/content/userfiles/multidrugresttesteval.pdf

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