Lasting lines pre-care instructions new

515 Ashman Rd. - Midland, MI 48640 989.837.1044 email: | website: PRE - PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS
1. Wash face and remove ALL make up except the design that we are making permanent, so we can discuss it.
2. Delicate skin or sensitive areas may redden or swell slightly: therefore, it is advised NOT to make social plans for a couple days. In some cases bruising may occur. Eyelash extensions may not be worn for any Eye procedures. Also clients using lash vitamins for lash growth, need to refrain for at least 2 months prior to eyeliner procedure because of enhanced discomfort. NO EXCEPTIONS. 3. Please bring your make up colors with you the day of procedure to match up to. 4. Any tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours before treatment as well as any brow or lash tinting and should 5. Stop any harsh skin care treatments on the area to be worked on 48 hours before. 6. No contacts for 24 hrs. after eye procedure. Bring glasses with you. 7. As a safety precaution if you are taking any medications that affect your alertness, I recommend that you have someone drive you here and be on call to drive you home or stay with you. 8. If you are having a lip-liner or full lip color procedure and have EVER had a cold sore or fever blister on your lip, the procedure will almost always activate the virus responsible for the eruption. You may ask your physician or dentist for Acyclovir or Zovirax capsules (200 mgs.) to be taken four times a day for four days prior to your procedure and continued four times a day for four more days. (or as prescribed by your physician or dentist) This is an antiviral drop that helps to eliminate the possibility of the virus erupting (you will need 32 tablets for each visit: 64 tablets total). Or you may use the fairly new prescription, Valtrex) which are you can get in the 500 mgs. and only take them twice a day starting them the day before your procedure and continue for four more days. (you will need 10 tablets for each visit: (20 tablets total) 9. If you are having lip color applied, it is recommended that you apply a lip softener (like A&D ointment) to your lips four times a day for a week to condition the lip epidermis. A&D can be found in the baby section. 10. IF YOU HAVE A DRIVER you may want to take two-25 mg. of Benadryl (in the pink box for allergy) an hour before your
appointment. This is an over the counter product. Benadryl is for swelling, comfort and relaxation. It will cause drowsiness. So unless you know how it affects you, you may want to have a driver for your safety. 11. PLEASE: NO ALCOHOL, ASPIRIN OR ASPIRIN PRODUCTS (blood thinners) such as Ibuprofen and Aleve. 24 hours prior to
your appointment time. The only product for aches and pain that will not make you bleed is Tylenol. Also refrain from Vitamin E and fish oil capsules for a week before. ALL of these make you bleed excessively and could stop the procedure. 12. Please wear comfortable old clothes. If I accidentally drip color, it will not come out. 13. Please bring a clean washcloth the day of your eye or lip procedure for an ice pack. A 48 hr. cancellation notice is required.
My signature constitutes I have received aftercare instructions. I understand my responsibility to follow them.
These instructions MUST be followed 100% to achieve maximum results.
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(I do not use your email for anything other than a point of contact and not for advertising.)



w w w . i n g o o d h a n d s w e l l n e s s . c o m w w w . i n g r e a t h a n d s . c o m with ovulation, pregnancy, and the development of the fetus, increase the risk of heart disease and stroke(↓ folic acid:↑ (NSAIDS) Natural Versus the Not So Homocysteine levels), reduces your immune system and Naturalmany other functions your body performs. By Dr. Alfin Mitha, Hons. B.Sc., D.C

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