Summer 2003 EPI NEWS VOL. 3 NO. 3 A Publication of the Genesee County Health Department West Nile Virus Update
WNV cases have been reported from Genesee
County. The majority of human WNV cases this
W the Middle East. It is a close relative
year continue to arise from the Central U.S.
of the St. Louis encephalitis virus and can infect
Experts now believe that WNV will appear as a
humans, birds, mosquitoes, horses and some
seasonal epidemic in the U.S during the summer
other mammals. The first domestically acquired
cases of WNV encephalitis were documented in
the U. S. in the summer of 1999. WNV spread
throughout much of the U.S during 2000 and
2002. By the end of 2002, WNV activity had
were documented, including, blood transfusion,
been reported from 44 states and the District of
organ transplantation, breast-feeding and trans-
Columbia. In 2002, 4,156 human cases of WN
placental transfer. WNV is not transmitted
disease (including 2,942 meningo-encephalitis
through casual contact. The incubation period
cases and 284 deaths) were reported to the CDC.
for WNV ranges from 3-14 days. Case-fatality
Michigan was one of the worst hit States in the
rate in the U. S. has been 7% overall, and 10%
U.S during the 2002 WNV season, reporting the
among patients with more significant WNV
second highest number of WNV cases and deaths
disease. Eighty percent of people who are bitten
in the country. West Nile season started
relatively late in the summer last year in
infection, showing no symptoms of the illness
Michigan. By the end of the season, over 2900
specimens were submitted for WNV testing to
infection. Twenty percent of people will develop
the Michigan Department of Community Health
a mild form of the illness, called West Nile fever,
(MDCH) laboratory. In 2002, there were a total
with symptoms ranging from fever, headache,
of 644 laboratory positive cases in Michigan,
body and joint aches, fatigue, swollen lymph
with 51 deaths that are attributable to WNV
nodes, and rash. Less than 1% of those bitten by
an infected mosquito will develop a more serious
form of the disease, including those who develop
threat for the third year in the U.S. As
meningitis or encephalitis. Arboviruses have
human cases of WNV infection and 134 deaths
arthropods and birds or small mammals for their
were reported from 43 states in the U.S. The
survival. Birds are usually the preferred hosts for
majority of WNV cases in the U.S. have been
arboviruses; humans are generally a dead-end for
reported from the State of Colorado, with 2090
(33% of all cases in the U.S) WNV cases and 38
deaths. So far this year in Michigan, only one
The purpose of this quarterly newsletter is to inform the community and health care providers in Genesee County
case of WNV has been reported this year. This
about disease trends in the county. We welcome any Priya Nair, MPH, MSc, Epidemiologist, at
should be drawn at least 22 days post onset.
Treatment for WNV is supportive. Ribavirin in
W clinical symptoms and patient history. high doses and interferon- 2b were shown to be
Patients over 50 years of age with symptoms
effective against the West Nile virus in vitro;
such as fever, muscle weakness and severe
however, controlled clinical trials have not been
headaches and a travel history to areas (or
residence) where West Nile virus activity has
been identified have the highest risk of severe
disease. These patients should be evaluated for
WNV infection. IgM antibody testing of serum
repellents containing DEET is very effective in
specimens and cerebrospinal fluid (preferred test)
protecting against mosquito bites. The American
is the most efficient method of diagnosis. These
Academy of Pediatrics and other experts suggest
tests can be arranged through the Genesee
that it is acceptable to apply repellent with low
concentrations of DEET to infants over 2 months
antibodies are produced very early in the infected
old. Mosquito proofing homes by installing
person. Consequently, the blood test may not be
window and door screens and draining standing
positive when symptoms first occur; however,
water around homes is another way of reducing
the test is positive in most infected people (90%)
the risk of WNV. Dead birds are usually a sign
that WNV is circulating between birds and
antibody in cerebrospinal fluid strongly suggests
mosquitoes in an area. The Genesee County
central nervous system infection. Individuals
Health Department (GCHD) is not collecting any
who were recently vaccinated with yellow fever
dead birds for WNV testing this year because
or Japanese encephalitis vaccines or persons
WNV is endemic in our area. County residents
recently infected with a related flavivirus may
are requested to submit dead bird reports to the
have positive results on IgM antibody tests for
antibodies in a single serum sample is not
sreport.asp. The timely identification of human
indicative of a recent infection with WNV. If
cases of acute West Nile virus infections has
serum specimens are used to make the diagnosis,
important public health implications. Prompt
paired acute and convalescent phase serum
reporting of all cases of WNV to the GCHD will
samples should be collected. The acute-phase
enable a timely public health response to reduce
specimen should be collected at least 8 days post
the risk for additional human infections.
onset and the convalescent-phase specimen
Selected Reportable Communicable Diseases in Genesee County Same week Reported cases Total reported Week ending reported cases to FY* 2002-03 FY 2001-02 FY 2001-02 Chicken Pox Pertussis Flu-like illness TB-New cases Chlamydia Gonorrhea Hepatitis B (Acute) Hepatitis C (Acute) Campylobacter Giardiasis Hepatitis A Salmonellosis Shigellosis Meningitis-Viral Meningitis-Bacterial
*FY – Fiscal Year, October 1-September 30
Genesee County Health Department Robert M. Pestronk, MPH, Health Officer • Gary K. Johnson, MD, MPH, Medical Director 630 S. Saginaw Street, Flint, MI 48502
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010), 1–3& 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/10 $32.00Reduction in postprandial glucose excursion andprolongation of satiety: possible explanation ofthe long-term effects of whole grain Salba(Salvia Hispanica L.)V Vuksan1,2,3,4,5, AL Jenkins1, AG Dias1,3, AS Lee1,3, E Jovanovski1, AL Rogovik1 and A Hanna4,51Clinical Nu